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Posts posted by contactskn

  1. Dear friends I have just got this image from my friend he has mailed me and see whether you can read what is writen over there. Please give it a try. 

    Link for the Amazing Image.

    If you have guessed it then ok. I know it is difficult. If you really want the correct answer then just close your eyes almost 90% closed then try to read it again, now you can read it very clear isn't it an amazing image. 

  2. Dear friend welcome to Xisto. You are right that this is very interesting site. Be carefull about the quality of your posts. If your posts are good quality one then you will get my cents for the same and you can use it to own your own website even. So stick to the rules of Xisto and don't ever spam. So best of luck.  

    Hello, I am new to this forums and I'm found this site interesting and useful. I'm looking forward to join on the forums, helping people out with my thoughts and learning from others.

  3. Dear friends I want to present an incident which occurred in an interior village over here. Actually the family was having very high belief in astrology. And they normally followed the predictions and sayings of an astrologer. This family was having blind faith in the sayings by this astrologer. One day in this family a baby girl was born and all the members were very happy at this occasion. After some days the astrologer visited the family and tried to make the new born babies astrological details. And at last came to his conclusion that the baby was not fortunate enough for the family and the baby was born in a wrong time which is adversely affecting the families fortune. And he added that very soon the family members will start dieing due to this. After predicting this he went from there. With in one of month of time a member of the family was dead who was about 96 years old. This incident certified the saying of the astrologer in one way for the family. And the whole family started worrying about their future. At last the foolish and superstitious members of the family took a horrible decision to save their family and that was to kill the baby. And they did it. This act of the family members was not informed by them to the parents of the baby. They were in the belief that due to some poisonous bite it died. After some days two of the members of the family was discussing about this incident and the mother of the baby heard it. She was not able to bear it and became abnormal. After that the police interfered into the whole matter and the members of the family who were responsible for the death of the baby were poisoned and the mother of the baby is still under psychological treatment. Can you believe dear friends still in some area people are so superstitious regarding their belief that they can extend their deed to any limit to fulfill their superstitious belief. ?

  4. It sounds like you guys have a really great deal in India (almost unbelievable even). In Australia our rates for calls are much more expensive, which is mostly due to our networks having to cover so much distance per the population (or so they say). For instance for you, 60 paisa's gets you at least a minute talk time for outgoing.
    On my current plan with my current provider (Australian Telstra which sucks for price) i pay 79 cents for one minute of normal talk time outgoing, which is equivalent to about 33 rupees and 47 paise's. That really doesnt seem right to me, but according to exchange rates its true. Any way you pay a very cheap rate by the sounds of things.

    Yes dear friend its correct according to the exchange rates, right now I have activated a new plan in one of my SIM which will cost only 49 paisa / minute for me. At last we customers are benefited isn't it. 

  5. Dear friends as we all know Amarnath is one of the famous pilgrimage in India and a very beautiful place too. One of my friends who is a press photographer went their and took some really beautiful pictures and gave some of them to me to share here with my friends of Xisto. So please give your comments about the pictures here. Thanking you all friends over here in advance.?post-73445-1260177205_thumb.jpgpost-73445-1260177213_thumb.jpgpost-73445-1260177222_thumb.jpgpost-73445-1260177231_thumb.jpgpost-73445-1260177243_thumb.jpgpost-73445-1260177275_thumb.jpg

  6. Yes dear friends its true as I was watching the news in a channel and this point came into light that very recently in Indian Animal protection related law an amendment took place according to which all the elephants which are there in circuses, zoos, or temples should be left back to the forests. In South India we can see elephants easily in temples but according to this amendment after some time we will not be able to see them not only in temples but also in zoos and circuses. Only if we want to see them then we have to go to the woods. In one way its very good for the elephants as they can get their natural habitat where they can live freely with other elephants. My view is that not only elephants but all the wild animals should be sent back to the forests. They should get their natural habitat to live. Just for our amusement and monetary benefits we are keeping them in circuses or zoos which should not be allowed. It may be possible that some out of you will disagree with me but its just my opinion what I have expressed here. By the way friends what’s your opinion about this. Please share here.?post-73445-1260176959_thumb.jpegpost-73445-1260176967_thumb.jpegpost-73445-1260176978_thumb.jpeg

  7. I remember it very well some years ago when some one brought the first mobile in our city he was a rich person and many people went to him to see his mobile, the size of the instrument was very big compared to the instrument available their in the market now a days. More over if I am not wrong outgoing calls at that time was about 12Rs. and incoming calls were charged at Rs. 8 / minute. But now all of us know in India there are many service providers like BSNL, AIRTEL, TATA and so on, incoming became free and the outgoing also reached up to 1paisa / second which was actually unbelievable some years ago but due to this competition between mobile service providers ultimately we customers are benefited. Now we can get the SIM for just 49Rs. and so. Many a times I think what will be the next after 1paisa/second. What’s your opinion about this dear friends have you ever thought.?post-73445-1260167979_thumb.jpeg

  8. Suppose any body wants to give some news in his site like any national or international news which he or she hears from some where or reads some where and if he or she wants to add it in his website in his own words then is it legal to do so. Or if he or she wants to organize some discussion on that point and shoot it and wants to add it in the website then is it legal or some special registration for the same is necessary. I know that if we want to add a news as it is in our website then from some websites it is allowed the only thing is to add the source to it and give a link to that specific site. But I want to know about any news which we want to change entirely in our words and then putting into our website what is it exact law point behind it. Please help me with some good suggestions on this point. Thanking you all in advance.?

  9. Yesterday all of a sudden I heard my neighbor screaming. It was around 8 pm in the night. Basically they are very rich owning a good big house etc. The lady living there was screaming that somebody is there inside her room at the second floor. I ran to their house and enquired about. What I came to know was that, the man living there was gone to some party and his wife and two children were alone there at the second floor. After taking their dinner they came out for a walk and all of a sudden after walking for about 50 meters or so she thought to lock the door properly and go to market and buy some sweets for the children, so she turned back and opened the channel gate and climbed the stairs to the main door, actually up to her room there are about 10 stairs. As soon as she reached the door someone closed the door from inside. She was frightened and ran back and started screaming that somebody is there inside her room who closed the door as she reached the door. Hearing this all the round about all the colony members reached their with something or the other in their hands like hockey sticks etc. One boy came with a lock and locked the channel gate. Round about 50 people surrounded the whole house. And then she ringed her husband and called her. As soon as he heard it he left the party where he was and reached there with about 6 or 7 people along with him. In the mean while she again screamed that she can see somebody standing in her house third floor balcony. And a person residing in a neighboring house said with her yes she is right I also saw the window moving. All these made the whole atmosphere very tensed and disturbing. At last a man came forward opened the channel gate lock and with some people along with him went to the door and pushed it to opened but the door was pressurized to close by someone from inside. As soon as this happened those people started shouting and tried to push the door in force but in vein some one was pushing from inside. All of a sudden an elderly person came in between and moved everyone aside and said to get back and sat near the door and tried to see inside the room from the gap under the door. But no shoes or feet were visible, if some body was there then the feet of the person standing inside should be visible know. But amazingly this elderly man when again pushed the door in it was pushed back and some rubber padding was visible from the gap. He tried to remove that with a stick and at last what we have found was a floor wiper. Actually when that lady was going upstairs to lock the door all of a sudden this wiper fell down which was kept near the door by the servant and due to which the door moved and closed and she thought that there is someone inside her room and due to her screaming this situation was created and that 45 minutes struggle with someone unknown inside her room upstairs ended into an amazing thing instead of a thief and that was a wiper. An ironically the in between special effects like the moving window laps etc. added to the whole incident. At last all of us laughed a lot on the whole incident and moved back slowly to our respective houses.post-73445-1260167607_thumb.jpegpost-73445-1260167614_thumb.jpeg

  10. Welcome dear friend. Welcome to Xisto. Even all of us would like to see you here for years. For that just stay here and post good quality posts. Be very careful about the quality of the posts. Best of luck dear friends.

    Hi all,

    I'm Nathaniel from Singapore. These past few days I have been hearing a lot of the Xisto forums. So here I am. I have joined loads (9 to date) of hosting companies, and even paid hosting, but I never have been satisfied. I hope I will stay with Xisto for years to come!


  11. Dear friends I fully agree with XPRESS as said that necessity of usage is to be taken care that is to say if necessary use it otherwise no need its absolutely correct. It might be adverse in effect when used unnecessarily for hours just to talk rubbish. So thats it friends.

    Lot of science... and lots of studies.. they always disagree with themselves.. As one study tells us that cell phone is causing cancer, and another study tells that cell phone usage is safe... So.. lets stay away from these studies, until someone scientifically proves that so and so person has this disease because he used cell phone, and this is the reason. Until then just read the reviews.. and forget them.
    But one thing we should remember is moderation is always safe, in everything. Let it be drinking, smoking or using cellphones. So lets use cell phone moderately, and use it only when it is necessary.. Why Take Chance anyway ? :)

  12. Dear friends for last many years doctors were saying about the negativities of using mobiles and now in a recent research its clear that there is no relation between brain tumour and mobile using. If I am not wrong I think this research was undertaken in copenhegan, epidemiology cancer centre. This was the result of about thirty years of research by the team concerned. Any way its a good news for all isn't it. post-73445-1260024319_thumb.jpgpost-73445-1260024327_thumb.jpg

  13. Dear friend you are very correct when you say that honesty is the best policy but being honest is really very very difficult. Now a days the world is full of lies, curruption, dishonesty etc. So in such situations being honest is very difficult. Here I would like to let you know about an incident and thats as follows - I was sellected for a government job as an Village Officer and my father said as its very difficult to get a government job and you have got it so join it and don't forget to be honest with your job and working. I joined the job and wanted to work in an honest manner without taking any bribe etc from the villagers for the service provided to them but my officials were not allowed me to do so. As they forced me to take bribe and said that you have to do this in the way we order and share it with us also. But it was not possible for me to do so, and I finally decided to quit the job and joined the IT field.

  14. Dear friends I am a pure vegetarian and thats why I don't know any thing about the taste of chicken and all. But I know if you are trying this recepie it will be great. Can you friends over there share more ways to make noodles here then please do this so that all of us can learn more ways of preparing noodles.

    Another great trick if you are boiling noodles for an italian dish is to boil some boneless skinless chicken breasts in a large pot of water. Then remove the chicken and add the noodles and a generous amount of salt to the water. Once the noodles are done, strain out the water as normal and you will have the nest tasting noodles you have ever had. :-)

  15. Dear friends I want to know whether PHP or Javascript which is the better one for making login and logout programs that is validation programs. Actually I know how to make login programs in PHP and its not having any problem but I don't know about Javascript programing for validation so I am not able to compare it with PHP so please let me know the difference and one more thing which I would like to know is that if javascript is better for validation program then please help me with some codes also. Thanks in advance dear friends for the help.

  16. Hello trappers! I have launched my first ever site DigYourPC.com few hours ago. :) It all about PC....thats the tagline of my site....can't think of better than this. It currently lacks a search engine and little bit of graphics which I will be adding once my entrance exams for colleges gets over.....only few months are left....its time to study.Meanwhile, I just request you to take a look at my site and post your comments here in this thread. So, that I can make it a lot more more better.
    Thanks in advance and don't forget to rate my site!!

    Dear friend as a beginer its a good one and I think the color combination is also not bad. But what I think it is not made for Internet Explorer as it is not properly opening in Internet Explorer, so dear please be careful about this as we can't avoid any browser, our site should be able to open properly in all types of browsers in same proper manner. One more thing which I think is the color combination on which you have work more even though as a beginer the site is not bad you have done a good job. If you want more suggestions then please feel free to ask it then only you will learn.

  17. Dear friends what is your experience and view on this topic. I think being a house wife is more complex and tedious work than just attending a job in any company or so and letting some other to look after your family child and house. The term which is used now a days, that is “House Making” is very correct when used for house wives. The complexity in any work indulges where ever the concept of morality and emotionality comes in along the work done by you. And being a house maker indulges the concept of morality and emotionality as the house wife is more attached with the work done at house as the work done by her is attached with the well being and future of her husband, children and other members of the family. Here I am not saying that the working women are doing less important work or so, not at all, but here I would like to state the importance of the work of house wives which is often neglected. Now a days many women who are very educated are opting house making and not going for any job or so. And this decision by them is not a forceful one but their own decision for the betterment and good care of their family.

  18. Dear friends do you think there should be some professional qualification requirements for politicians also. Actually why this point came into mind was nowadays we are facing the municipality elections over here in our area. There are two giant political parties who are striving for the seat of the president. And in our district the seat is reserved for female. From one party there were two candidates striving for the ticket for elections and out of them one is a college principal and the other lady is just not even high school passed, You people will not believe that she is not even able to speak in front of the public. Will you believe the college principal was not given the ticket from that party and the high school lady was given the ticket. Means I am not able to understand actually what is the criteria on which these political parties are working. The actual eligible candidate who can work and think and take own decisions is not given the chance to serve and one who is not even able to deliver a speech in front of the public is given the chance. Actually in such political stunts, the actual brain who is going to work is somebody else and the one who is standing in the elections is going to act just as a seal and stamp that’s all. Due to this behavior from the political party the principal of the college mentioned by me before has also decided to stand in the elections on her own I mean to say without the back of any strong party. Now its up to the public who is the one to decide whom should be given the chance to serve them. Actually now I am able to understand why politics is being called as a dirty game. So friends please submit your suggestions on the topic so that I could understand whether this is the conditions in all other countries politics also or just we people are facing it over here. What I think where ever money and power comes in between the dirty games are being played like this and it will be continued for ever.?

  19. Dear friends I should say here that I have never skiped the classes as my parents always solved any problems encountered in any subjects and due to I was never scared by any subject so no need to skip classes and moreover I realized the importance of regular classes for my future from the begining itself. And here I would like to suggest all you friends also that never go for such deeds of skiping classes etc. If you don't like any subject then I think you should learn more about that and not skip even the classes isn't it. Instead of skipping classes I used to torture my teachers with a lot of questions when I was not able to understand something in some subjects and at last I conquered so that's it dear friends. Here I should mention one more incedent here that once in Management class in my college days I remember I was the only student who was attending the class of that management professor and after some days I asked the professor "Sir no body is there in the class so what to do...." He said that if those who don't want to sit and I forcefully let them sit then they will make all sort of nonsense over here. Thats why I never force them to sit in the class and if you also don't want to attend then you are free to go dear. But I never skiped his class and studied in the college like attending a personal tuition class. :)

  20. Dear friends I have a domain name registered and its about to expire in january but over there in the control panel the following view is displayeduntitled.bmpIt shows that?Auto renew?Current Status: EnabledDoes it mean that I don't have to renew it manually it will be automatically renewed when the expiration date will be encountered. Please help hosted members with your answers. ?Thanking you all in advance.?

  21. Dear friends I am in search of a free drop down CSS based menu. If you people out there can help me then please do it with some links from where I could be able to download some good working CSS based drop down menu for free. If according to you there's something better than CSS for drop down menus then please suggest that also. Because I am new for drop down menus etc. Right now I am only using plain hyperlinks to make menus. But now I want something professional and so in search of a drop down menu. So thanking you all friends in advance for the suggestions.?

  22. Recently we were having a project with a government department. You will not believe dear the way they work, simply amazing and unbelievable. Their office time is 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM, but most of them don’t even reach their seats before 11:00 AM. After that in their respective groups they go for a tea. About 11:30AM they all come to their seats and then slowly start their work. After working for an hour or so at 01:30 they all go for lunch break and even though the lunch break finishes at 2:00 but they reach their seats at 2:30 to 2:45 PM. Then again work for one hour or so and then they want a cup of tea or cigarettes etc. Again at 4:00 PM they start at their seats and 5:00PM they close their work. I have never seen such an awesome condition in any department. If properly done I think they are about 200 workers over there in this office and their work can be done by only 50 hard working employees. And the government is paying or in other words wasting huge amount of money as these 150 workers who frankly speaking are just passing their time in such offices. What to do, I think a huge revolution in the general public may only change such situations. These types of government servants should be beaten in public according to me. I really felt very bad when I encountered this situation so I wanted to share this with all you friends over here.?

  23. Dear friends yesterday I was posting in Xisto and that time one of my friends came there and asked what I was doing. I said that I was posting in a forum. But unfortunately he didn’t know anything about Xisto and he was seeing the site for the first time. He very seriously sat near me and observed the mono of Xisto and read it and can you people guess what he read…………..…….he read it TRAPIZ.COM. And very seriously said “Oh you are working in TRAPIZ.COM ok, do it.”? :):o:D Very unusual incident it was which I met yesterday and I liked to share it with you friends over here. Have you ever faced such situations in your life please share over here.?

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