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Posts posted by contactskn

  1. Hi! EeyoreXD here! You might remember me from Disney's Winnie The Pooh. Just kidding.. There's a long story on how I got my name and chose to live by it.
    I'm new here at Xisto. Since my previous host was slow, limited and I'm getting good feedback on Xisto, I decided to move here.

    I'm still a bit confused about how to get free web hosting here so please bear with me. From what I understand, what I have to do is make meaningful posts here in the forums and apply for free hosting, right? I'm also confused about that MyCents thing. I really hope someone sheds some light for me. Thank you!

    Edit: So I just registered at https://support.xisto.com/ and I'm still not seeing any MyCents under my name. Why is that?

    Dear friend welcome to Xisto. As your main problem is solved now as you have posted 5 posts and your mycents is visible. Moreover be very cautious about the quality of the posts. Never try to spam as spamming is never tolerated here. Help others with your knowledge and be helped here at Xisto. Best of luck dear. 

  2. Dear friend welcome to Xisto. By the way have you created these signatures on your own or got from some where I don't know. By the way if its your own creations then I am glad to say that they are really very cool and creative. Be very careful about your post's quality over here. Always be away from spamming as its not tolerated here. Best of luck dear.?

  3. Dear friends here I would like to ask a doubt regarding the who.is information tab again. Actually with some websites more information are provided with and in case of other websites less information is provided with why this difference and how to give more information, is it something to be set by our hosting concern or is there some other reason due to which it is being differentiated.?post-73445-1261473523_thumb.gifpost-73445-1261473535_thumb.gifIn the first image you can clearly see that in content data only title and links in count is given and in the second image you could see clearly that the contact information is given above the content data which is not there in the first case. If I would like to add these contact information to the first website details also then what will be the procedure for the same. Thanking you all in advance.?

  4. Dear friends I have made a software and installed on many computers in different localities and now this software is being developed in VB.net. Actually this software runs only if a specified file is being saved to a specified folder. For example abc.txt, and this file is not given with the installer of the software. Now my problem is I want to copy this file to my wwwroot directory of my website where the index.html file resides, and like to place a button on a page which when clicked will start copying this specified file to the clients computer in for example c:\abc\ but here the concept should be that at the client side the user should not know where actually the file is being copied. Please help me friends with proper code.?

  5. I do mostly game design, simple animation, some 3d modeling (I'm not very good), and simple images (not really good at this either). I saw this site had good and free hosting, so I'm hoping to get a website and maybe host a pHp server. I don't really do programming either, but I do know some basics.

    Welcome dear friend to Xisto. Share your knowledge with all of us and earn MyCents in turn you can buy hosting plans which are just like and I should say better than paid one. Without any ads etc. But just be causious about the quality of your posts. Don't ever spam. As spamming is never tollerated here. Best of luck dear.

  6. Hi,
    New to this service, looking to find out the compatibility of Joomla with this webhosting. Is it really free hosting without ads?

    Dear friend of mine welcome to Xisto you are really at the right place and the hosting here is free but you have to post on differenct topics here. In other words I should say help others and get helped by others and earn in turn. Earning which you get for your posts is in form of MyCents with which you can buy hosting packages according to your needs and the hosting is really ad free. So don't worry about the ads on your sites. You just take care of one thing and that is post quality posts. The quality posts will earn you mycents and you can buy your hosting package soon. Just concentrate on the quality of the posts. That is don't ever spam. Because spamming is never tollerated here. Stick to the rules of the forum. Best of luck.

  7. OK, technology can bring people together, that's for sure. But can it also alienate people? What you think?

    Dear friend I think it depends entirely upon the person to person and as well the circumstances in which one is brought up to be alienated or be together with other people. So just because of technology I don't think people will become alienated just because of technology. But its just my personal view.

  8. Dear friend I am a classical dancer for many years now and in school days only I have started performing on the stage. No that I am very confident on the stage but it was not the same in the beginning. When for the first time I came on the stage my legs and hands were like shivering, I still remember the first day when I was on the stage for my morning assembly thought of the day. On the stage itself I was scolded by a teacher and I was very nervous. When I went back to my home I narrated everything to my parents and they guided me a lot regarding increasing the confidence on the stage and ultimately boosted my confidence. Like this slowly with the help of practice today I am fully confident person on stage. I should say I am more confident on stage than when I am not on stage.?So what I have learnt from my experience is that you have to follow the under mentioned points to be confident on the stage, and that is -1. Practice?2. Practice3. Practice4. Practice5. PracticeBest of luck dear friend.?

  9. Dear friends today I would like to know some thing from all of you here. Whether any body has faced a situation where you love somebody and not able to express it in front of him or her. I mean to say you have to say a lot to her/him but as soon as you come in front of her/him you forget every thing. And this continued for years. ?Yes here actually I want to know this because one of my friend is facing the same. There’s a girl who is his class mate and he loves her very much, now for about 3 years he practices in front of me what to say to her and how to express his feeling in front of her. And when the girl comes in front of him he kinda forget every thing and starts talking about the subjects and daily news etc.??I actually want to know whether is it a usual situation in real love.?

  10. Hi from Quebec,
    I'm a serious action figures collector and a maniac FPS PC gamer of 37 yo !!!

    See you later...

    Welcome to trap 17 dear friend of mine. Here I would like to say some words to you my friend, be very careful about the quality of your posts here. As quality posts over here will earn you MyCents which is a special system designed for Xisto. Moreover you are in the cleanest forum I have ever seen and so don't forget to maintain it. Never spam as spams are never tollerated here. Moreover don't forget to go through the forum rules. And stick to it. Best of luck dear friend for your future. 

  11. Tips for increased productivity, popularity, traffic and quality of your website

    I have some tips for webmasters building their site:


    1. Use affiliate site surfing programs (e.g. galactic gold, traffic battle, chain reaction traffic, etc.) with caution (approach with yellow light). I've tried surfing through those, it was BORING! Most sites through those are money making sites, other affiliate programs and well, you get the idea. It may be worth a try, but I don't think it will bring much more traffic, other than clicking the "number" after 30 seconds while glancing at the front page loading :D


    2. Define your site's purpose clearly and effectively on your front page. Also, use appropriate pictures, colors and content on your home page to attract visitors. If your site is supposed to be providing content, make sure people know that. If your site is for your pictures, be sure that you show that. Ask friends to check out your site. :P


    3. Popular features should be added to your site. Make sure most of the features link to your content. Add forums, blogs, communications stuff and more to your website. You can add Free SMS Service to your website, it is done in PHP, I don't know PHP, can't help you with that. Anyhow, Xisto and Xisto provides an abundance of space to popularize your website. They are the best free webhosts I have ever seen.


    4. Put your URI (URL) on business cards, brochures, presentations, posters, etc. Anything you can create with Microsoft Office and OpenOffice that relates to your website and/or is appropriate to put your URL in, DO put it there.


    5. Add your URI (URL) to forum signatures and email signatures. If possible, use an image to convey the message. Many people do signatures for forums for free, just ask! Email signatures should be text, they shouldn't be more than 30 bytes of the message.


    6. Google AdSense can help you make profits (with ads on your site). Use the ads sparingly on your site, don't go overboard with them. I hate sites that have Google Text Ads in the middle.


    7. If you are willing to spend money on Google AdWords, go for it! Again, consider limitations. Google AdWords are blockable by Firefox Extension - AdBlock. And not very many people look at them. Just giving you two sides to the opinion. :P


    8. RSS feeds can be helpful if you have frequently changing content. See the W3Schools website for instructions.


    9. Absolutely NO pop-ups, large blinking flashing colourful ads, automatic installation of "things", or anything else to drive away visitors. "Things" can range from spyware to add-ons to extensions. If you have a domain name, get a good rating from TrustWorth/GeoTrust and McAfee SiteSdvisor.


    10. Develop appropriate add-ons, extensions (for Firefox) and programs to help you grow your website.


    11. Word of mouth advertising. Tell people about it.


    12. Browser compatibility. When Internet Explorer 7 comes out, it will provide better XHTML 1 compatibility. Make your pages XHTML valid. If you use a WYSIWYG editor, now is the time to learn XHTML and CSS. Your site should be viewable in different browsers, not just Internet Explorer, Firefox and/or Opera or your favourite browser.


    13. Optimization. Speed up the loading of your pages if they are slow loading on dial-up. Reduce picture size and avoid big ads and tables for designing. Use CSS and specify image dimensions (height and width). If you use tables to store information, specify width in pixels or percent. Don't use tables for the layout of the page.


    14. Entertainment. Provide sources of entertainment and/or appropriate entertainment on your website so people don't get bored.


    That is all the tips I can think of right now. If I find any more, I'll either do an edit or start a part 2. I hope this helps. Feel free to reply with your tips.

    Dear friend it really shows you have experienced a lot to come to these conclusions by the way really thank you very much for such intellectual tips for every body, I am sure that many of us will be benefited of this.?

  12. Dear friends I think my will power is very good. Here I would like to narrate some thing I exactly don’t know whether it might be treated as your will power or not. Some years ago I was a non vegetarian. I loved chicken based dishes very much and I was not able to even think of my diet without chicken. At that time I was very fat and my weight was around 90 KG’s. I was very happy with my eating habits and loved it a lot. One day for the first time I went with my father to the chicken market, I was doing my graduation at that time. It was the first time when I went to the chicken market and my father when ordered a chicken to the shop keeper and he said my father “sir please wait for 15 minutes, I will make it ready for you.” and we sat on the chairs which was placed over there. I was continuously looking at him as to know what he is doing. He took a chicken and showed to us and then using his hands only he killed the poor bird and within minutes it was cleaned and changed into peaces. After that he packed the whole thing into a poly bag and gave it to me. With my father and this packed chicken peaces I came back to my home, gave it mummy, she prepared it as she did it for years. But that day when I sat for the lunch, I don’t know a special type of a feeling was there in my mind. I was not able to enjoy the chicken the manner in which I did before. In the same night I saw that chicken in my dreams also. ?Dear friends from that day onwards again I had chicken many times but every now and then I remembered the chicken which I saw that day. And continuously thought of leaving non vegetarian at all. But the problem was the taste of chicken was my biggest weakness. This situation continued for about five more months. It was a very critical situation which I was facing. I was feeling like two of me are fighting with each other inside me. One was the person who liked the tasty chicken very much and the other was the one who don’t ever liked violence. At last one morning I decided to bring this situation to an end. And decided to be a pure vegetarian, and I conveyed this message to my parents and my brother also. It was a bit difficult for me at the initial stage whenever I remembered the taste. But slowly with my will I managed to succeed and now I know that I am a pure vegetarian. ? :P

  13. is there a free antivirus that never expires lifetime validity and 100% freeware no hidden fees, and with update service.

    There are many which gives the facility you want obviously the facilities which there professional versions are having might be lacking in their free version. Some which are having good raputation in this field as a free version is AVG, Quickheal etc. 

    I think you should give a try to the free version of AVG, just google it and find the download link. 

  14. who wants a new juracssic movie ? not that i am gona produce one ...........

    What I think dear friend is that there isn’t much left to be said in a sequel of Jurassic part. So there isn’t a scope for it also. Its my personal opinion. And moreover there are many more new concepts, facts, fictions etc. to be delt with in the coming movies apart from dinosaurs.?

  15. Hi. I've been here for quite a while, and I've only just now decided to ask for people to review my website... at least, I think I haven't asked for it yet.
    If you would like to visit, which I guess you'll need to do in order to tell me how I'm doing, the link is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.

    Now for a little history and info on my site. I started it back in January of 2006 and recently celebrated (if you can call it that) its third anniversary. It started out under the selfish premise of simply hosting my comics, with little substance other than that, but as time went on, I knew that I had to offer more in order to truly say that I had a website, and not just a silly little place on the internet where I keep my comics. I took it upon myself to learn HTML, which I did in about three days, and switched over my freewebs account from web builder mode to HTML mode, soon after doing this however, I left freewebs for better hosting.

    Time did its thing, and kept marching on, seeing my interests grow from just making cheesy comics to making sprites, and most recently, even wallpapers and cursors. As I became more and more attuned to making sprites, I joined in many a spriting community, mostly within the much larger MegaMan Community. During my time with these other spriters and other MegaMan fans, I noticed that of everything, the community lacked true community, the focus remained on the series itself, not the fans and their works. Spriting sites have always been much more about official sprites than the fanmade ones, and overall, the community seemed to turn a cold shoulder to the creative voices within it. This is, of course, not to say that every time you tried to be creative you were shot down, but there just wasn't a site built around fan involvement. It was then that I decided what my site should be - that place that instead of caring at all about the official works, we look at what the fans are able to do.

    Of course, it's kind of hard to be that one small voice amongst the towering giants that have already established themselves as the figureheads of the community, and as such, all of the things that rely on user interaction have seen little use. Most of the things that I had dreamed of, having large galleries full of custom made sprites, comics, backgrounds and wallpapers, are instead bare, as I can only do so much. While the site ranks fairly high amongst others, it has the potential to be better, from my point of view.

    Now, it's your turn. Tell me what you think of what I have here. Where could I do better? Should I change things up in one section? All of the sections? Please, any comments and constructive criticism are welcome.

    Dear friend of mine I have gone through your site and am very eager to say that it is a cool looking site, with catchy looks and colors too. But dear friend here I would like to comment upon some facts which is to be taken a good care of so its according to me as under-

    1. Please give a bit care on the technology used as its really slow what I think.  
    2. The next concept on which you have to concentrate is your menu. Actually if it is going to be a bit highlighting then it would be more catchier. 
    3. One more thing if you could be able to change then please try on the change of the color combination. As I think the main body of the site should be having some lighter color to give more professional appeal. 

    That’s it dear. Best of luck for your future. 

  16. Dear friends its really getting exiting as the discussion continues here I would add some thing more - Once I met a person related to the field under discussion I mean to say that he was a highly educated person and always was called at places where there were persons who were effected by ghosts etc. (According to them.) Once I met this person at a place where he was called for such a deed. After his activities finished that is related to curing the person who was effected by a ghost. Then when he was free I met him and asked whether ghosts exists or not. He smiled and calmly said that come with me my friend. I blind foldedly went with him and he took me to a dark room and lit a small candle in the room and placed in the centre of the room, then he again in his calm manner said to me see my friend can you see anything, I said yes sir only those things which is near the candle, then he again asked whether you can see anything which is placed there in the corner of the room. I said no sir. He suddenly replied yes that's it dear actually the concept of ghosts is also something related to this only that is I know that it exists so I believe it and you don't know any thing about it so you don't. Actually this incident shaked me a lot I was very disturbed for the whole night but still I was not satisfied with his answer. And my search regarding this topic has not came to an end still.

  17. Dear friends I tried to add the google translate toolkit to my webpage and tried to translate the webpage within it. But continuously I am encountering the following error regarding the google server error. For easy reference I have here with attached the error image as well as the web page which I have created for the same. Its just an example web page. Please help to remove the error please.  
    The snippet which I have used is as bellow – 

    <div id="google_translate_element"></div><script></P>function googleTranslateElementInit() {  new google.translate.TranslateElement({    pageLanguage: 'en'  }, 'google_translate_element');}</script><script src="http://translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit"></script>

    The image for the error is as follows -


    The webpage is as follows - 


    Thanking you all in advance. 

  18. Dear friends I have seen many sites showing the news updates from other sites on theirs. Always I thought how it was accomplished actually. Here I would like to mention an example as shown in the below link. You can see a section in the left top itself headed as “News from across the web” and below this heading actually news link are shown which corresponds to different websites. 

    Here what I would like to know is that these news headings are daily updates –
    1. Is it updated daily automatically from the news site server as such or the operators over there at in.com are updating it manually. 
    2. Moreover If some one wants to show daily news updates from other sites in his site then is it necessary to get permission from them for the same. 
    3. If so what is the procedure for the same. 
    4. How we can show the daily news updates on our sites automatically. 
    5. Is it something related with RSS. 

    Please provide me answer in detail with the process to add updates automatically. Thanking you all in advance.  

  19. I have recently gone through this site called zzn.com which is giving unlimited email account facility for free as a sub domain of yours as abc@yourname.zzn.com. By the way I would like some thing like abc@yourdomain.com is there any website providing free unlimited email accounts in such notation. I don’t want more of mail box capacity but am interested in more mail accounts. Is there any of such facility provided by any of the websites then please let me know. Thanking you all in advance.?

  20. Does the concept of reincarnation a truth or its just funny stories. This is something I was wondering about for many years now. Now that we have many incidents and real life stories in front of us which in one way or the other tries to prove the existence of this miracle. I think I am not at all wrong if I am using the word miracle for such incidents. Right now there is a program which is being telecasted on NDTV which is based on solving your present life problems with the help of previous life memories. It is basically a reallity show. Recently some days ago it was shown that a girl was continuously seeing same dream with snakes and scared of it but not able to know why. So she attended this program, and came to know by the help of hypnotism that she was a boy of 14 years in her previous life and killed a snake, and in that life later on two snakes killed him. So according to the program producers etc. this was the base reason, why she saw all these dreams about snakes in her present life.

    What do you friends think about this topic, do you have any real life experience about reincarnation. Then please share it with us to through more light on this topic.

    I have also seen a video recently in youtube regarding this topic which I would like to share with you friends over here. What you friends think about this. Isn’t it really amazing.


  21. Dear friends I always was eager to know more and more about a topic and that is GHOSTS. Always I have gone through the stories of real life and incidents as such which in one way or the other narrates the existence of ghosts or spirits etc. But even after reading and viewing (documentaries etc. ) a lot I am not able to reach any conclusion still. I mean to say the existence of ghosts. Some times what we see a particular topic or subject is dealt with in one particular country or locality specific only. But in this case I should say I don’t think there is any country where there don’t exists any believers of ghosts etc. In every country there are writers who have written on this topic, there are movie makers who have made movies related to this topic etc. But still the debate on this topic goes on and on and on, between the believers and non believers of this topic. Dear friends here I would like all of you to contribute with solid bases about your belief. So that to some extent we could reach to some conclusions. Talking about me I have heard a lot about this topic but never seen a ghost or evil spirit etc. So what about you friends. ?

  22. Cheated ? Hmm, we get such invoices 30 days earlier sometimes. So do we call it cheating ? Nope. That's way too rude to talk with support people. And that too when you have no idea about how system works. It's not mistake as it's reminder to customers to have mycent or real cash in their account at the time of automatic withdrawal. In order to avoid suspension, they send these reminder messages.

    Dear Mahesh I fully agree with you its absolutely not a cheating and should not be called as such by any member over here. You could clear your doubts by posting it right here but just be very carefull about the words used by you.?
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