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Posts posted by contactskn

  1. Dear friends yesterday I tried and prepared Noodles and the taste was superb. I am not a professional cook or something. But I love to cook new dishes. My brother is a 5 star hotel Chef and I try to learn new dishes from him. I would like to share my experience of preparing Noodles here with my friends. I bought some noodles, salt, chilies, cabbage, Onion, Soya sauce, Chilly sauce etc.


    First of all boil some water in a pan . Then put the noodles in the boiling water with some oil (so that the noodles should not stick) in it. After about a 5 minutes take out the noodles and rinse in cold water. It is very necessary to reduce its temperature before cooking. Then in a fry pan take some oil and heat it. Then add some chilies, onion, cabbage etc. with some masala etc. Then when it is ready add the boiled noodles in it. Mix it evenly. Afterwards add some soya sauce and chili sauce according to your taste. Mix it evenly. And that?s it. Its my style of preparing noodles.

  2. Dear friends recently I met a boy of just 14 years old. And he knows many techniques of Hacking and site moreover he has also written a full length book on Hacking and prevention methods. His name is Shailendra Devdhar. The most amazing thing is that he is from a very small interior city, where there is no exposure to new technology etc. is not there. I also discovered that he was having a very sharp memory. I was really amazed to see a boy in such an age with such a sharp memory and intelligence.

  3. Recently dear friends I encountered this term that is SQL vulnerability. But unfortunately I don?t know the meaning of this term. Any one there to help me with the detailed meaning of this term. Moreover I would like to know that is it dangerous for any site to be SQL vulnerable. If so how could we rectify this negative factor of any website? One more thing which I want to know is how I could find whether my site is comes under this category or not.

  4. Dear friends I have a doubt about the copy right of any site. We normally with every website we can see the copyright at the bottom of the site. I want to know that whether it is the matter of the site which is copy righted or the design or both. If anybody there who has copy righted his/her site. Please will you be able to provide the details.

  5. Dear friends I own two PC's. One laptop (Brand is Accer) and the other is a Dual core Desktop. I am also having the first PC which I bought in my life. That is a celleron 500 with 256 RAM and a 10 GB hard disk and still I have not sold it off. As it is my first computer I can't get rid of the attachment I have with it.?

  6. Please give me advice on how to replace my cartridge with my own self.I do not have any idea on that.So,if any one know the easiest way to do this,then please help me.

    Dear friend of mine please be detailed with your problem dear as it is not clear from your post that which is your printer is it dot matrix or laser or ink jet. what ever it is you please describe the details along with the model number of the printer. ?

  7. I started learning HTML when I started teaching in a college and the lecturar who was taking the HTML lectures was suffering from fever and was not able to take the class and he requested me to take the basic class atleast and as he was my best friend so I took his book and started reading it and gathered the necessary knowledge to take the class and like this I started learning HTML.?

  8. Dear friend of mine I really love PHP. And right now I am making all my dynamic projects in PHP only. And love to use this language. The important part of it is I have learnt this language from Xisto only. That is after joining Xisto I started using this language and became crazy about it and started developing all my dynamic pages in this language.?

  9. Sms seng program / web:


    zyb.com free 5 sms / 1 account


    email2sms.ru only vodafone (good site free or paid service)


    Thesmszone.com good site free 1 sms Posted Image and win 45 credit / singup


    Bigsms.de good site.


    Try it now.

    I don't know about the others but I am using the way2sms.com which is free and sends the sms with my phone no. itself because of that people don't delete the message with out reading. I love the service provided by them and I am using it daily. 

  10. Have you ever built a forum software? My friend built one but it wasn't advanced so he closed it down. I have been searching like crazy to find some one who wants to make a forum software with me.

    Dear friend I am developing my own right now for my website. And soon I will finish working on the project and I would like to know here that which type of help do you want. By the way feel free to ask any help.?

  11. Dear friend here I would like to say that the time which you are killing right now will not be returned any more and you will realize this at a later age when you will get some time to think about your past and the mistakes made by you in the past. But if you are concentrating on the studies right now then you in future might be setlled in a good career and will be able to be happy then. Thats it dear friend.?

  12. Dear friends even I doubted that it is based on 21 dec 2012. If I am not mistaken then it some years prior also that the world is going to be finished very soon or some thing like that is it really possible is there any scientific basis for the same or just on the basis of predictions by some astrologers it is so. I should say I am really confused. Is there any website showing the actual and scientific details for the same. If so please help me the details.?

  13. Dear friends By the grace of GOD I was blessed with a baby girl on 15.10.09 and I would love to share this happy moment with my friends in Xisto. Sorry for being so late to share it here. Moreover I am tensed due to one reason that till now I am not able to see her face due to non availability of leave to go to my wife, she is about 3000 kilo meters away from me. As soon as I will get the leave I will fly to her, I am very eager to see her. I have thought that I should call her "SHREYA" actually if I am not mistaken then the word means beautiful and good. ?

  14. Define "Password locked" and "memory card" does it actually ask for a password? Or does it just say access denied, or you dont have privileges etc?
    And what kind of card is it? usb stick/drive? OR a camera card like SD, Micro SD etc...?

    Actually dear friend it is a Micro SD and it is asking for a password I don't know why. It is not saying that access is denied but only asking for a password. 

  15. Dear friends do you people know the concept of digitization of maps of any locality. Actually this work is being done in our department by some US collaborated company and I am very eager to know how actually they are doing this. Actually they are only scanning the maps at our spot and then, sending the scanned image files to their place through FTP and the main digitization process is being done over there. If any body is related with such company here and knows the procedure then will you be able to inform me also about the process of digitization. Thank you is advance. ?

  16. Dear friends I know the basic command for finding the referer to any site. I am using that command successfully and you can see the result in the following url:


    In this page you can clearly see the details of IP address and the referrer URL but with some visitors I am not able to get the referrer like visitor from Japan etc. I don't know why please if you people know the reason then is there any solution for the same if so what is it.
    Thanks in advance.

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