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Posts posted by contactskn

  1. Dear friends I am basically a music lover and a classical dancer so when it comes to speaker system I have to very cousious and carefull and I have spent the most of my precious time to decide which sound system is to bought as it should be the best. As many a times I have to merge and mix music patches for my programs where multi mics are used for recording etc. So the clarity of the system should also be very much perfect. So what I think here the quality of music or sound system to be used typically depends upon the use and interest of the system user.?

  2. hi all,
    i'm a rutgers mba student and i work for a large media broadcasting company in nyc as a programmer. my past has been filled with entrepreneurial endeavors. among the failures (learning experiences) have been one or two successes. i'm looking to increase that number by becoming more active in forums that include topics such as innovation and creativity.

    porkins :P

    Dear friend welcome to Xisto and I am sure that your wish will be surely fulfilled here while discussing on your favorite topics here with other experts in this forum. Be very careful about the quality about your posts as it will earn you virtual money as is called My Cents here. Please go through the rules and regulations of the forum. Best of luck for your future. 

  3. Dear friends as every one else even I am also very eager to see forward the google Operating System. Obviously it might give good competition to the one present there in the market now like Windows and linux. When dealing with the concept of doubt on the offline success of any companies software who is one of the giants in online business is according to me a waste thought being online or offline is just a mode of using a software that’s all by the way I have full faith on Google as they will be surely coming out with flying colors in this venture also as they have done in their previous one’s.?

  4. Dear friends it really looks good and cool. But I doubt the practicality. I mean to say the safety measures etc. It doesn’t look safer according to me due to the material used for making it and that is wood. In case of accidents what will be the condition of this car is it actually thought by the manufacturers or not. It is obvious that they have worked really hard on it. Moreover its cost is also very high that is about 20,00,000 Rs. So it should be treated as really a luxurious car only due to the cost, its not for middle class people if I am not wrong here. Any how it really looks good a homely d?cor feeling.?

  5. Dear friends welcome to Xisto and I am sure that both of you are going to have a good time. Obviously the plus of this forum is that you are going to be paid virtual money for the quality posts made by you so be very careful about the quality of your posts. Never spam and always try to keep this forum as it is that is the most clean forum I have ever seen. Best of luck.?

  6. Dear just try attached two solution I think till will be helpful for you.

    Dear friends at last I have got the solution for the problem which we were trying to solve for so many days. So I would like to describe it for you all in detail. For example entry in the cell A1=Maths, A2=89, B1=English, B2=98, C1=Science, C2=78.

    To get the required result here that is English in this case we have to use three functions and they are as follows-
    1 Max
    2 Match
    3 Index

    With the Max function we will get the maximum value out of the series which is 98.

    Match function is used to get the item number in the series to be matched for any value that is here we have to match 98 in the series A2:C2. And the result will be 2 in this example that is to say in the series the second item. After this we have to use the third function.

    The last function to be used here is index for which we have to provide with the series in which the value to be displayed is that is in this example it is A1:C1 and we have to provide the item number also in the series which we have got from the match function. And in this way at last we will get the required result that is English in this example. 

    I have also attached the image of the excel sheet view. 

    Thanks to all my friends who tried to solve this problem. 

  7. I can't understand why when i go to the website http://www.loser.com/ i am redirected to Google.I think this is jealous person which doesn't want Google because he knows Google is very very popular :P Maybe i installed some toolbar or really this is redirection...?I am not sure but as https://www.who.is/ says this is website with active nameservers and refferal url.There is screen shot showing Google!!! Expiration date is 2014,people!Registar:TUCOWS INC. It is header redirect because there is no html code which redirects...I think this domain should be removed,sorry if you don't accept my solution.

    Its really purposeful I think dear friends. I am not able to understand the exact purpose of this deed. I don't think that just doing such deeds will effect adversely to google or something else but instead some more people will reach it thats all.

  8. There are quite a lot of reference on vlookup and hlookup but I am yet to be able to get the answer right.I am using excel 2007 and have not been able to do it so far.
    The max value is comming correct but the column name does not seem to come right. It gave me null error. Why?

    Dear you are very correct with vlookup or hlookup the purpose is not being fulfilled. By the way we are getting some success in the case of hlookup but the problem there is the headings that is the subject names should be written below the figures and not above it. Now I think I should try some thing else than vlookup or hlookup and if I am going to get some solution for my problem from anywhere then I surely will post it and share with all my friends here.

  9. Hello members of Xisto.com. I was drawn to this website so that I may collaborate with others regarding various aspects of programming. Seeing as I must connect to the internet with a USB transceiver, I was forced to find a reliable web-host to run things that I have written. On a personal level, I enjoy science and mathematics. I have high expectations for Xisto.com, and I hope this new community will only aid in my developing capabilities.
    Thank you for reading,

    Dear friend welcome to Xisto. You are at the right place dear post as much good quality posts you can and ofcourse be careful about the quality of the posts made by you. I mean to say never spam. Best of luck dear friend.

  10. Hello everyone, I'm Dajeerah Bloom, and you can call me Dajeerah instead. I actually found Trap 17 in Google, and offers great web hosting services. So, I decided to sign up here. I code pages in HTML and CSS in Dreamweaver 8. I'm from Malaysia anyway. Right now, I'm actually trying to find someone who can make template for Coppermine Photo Gallery. Does anyone here can help me? :P
    Dajeerah Bloom.

    Dear friend Dajeerah welcome to Xisto you are at the right place as Xisto offers really a great web hosting service. Moreover you please help others and get helped from other members over here with quality posts. Be very causious about the quality of posts. Could you be more clear and detailed about your need of the template please. Best of luck dear friend.

  11. That information is usually provided by a website like Alexa and reports the traffic for that website. That information is not stored in the WHOIS database and is completely separate from domain registration information. A run down of what each term means:

    Rank: how popular your website is combining both number of hits and reach. 1 is the most popular, 2 the second most popular. So, in your example, that site is the 8,514,288th most popular site on the Internet (according to that data).

    Reach rank: expresses your rank in terms of the percentage of Internet users that visit your site, rather than the number of hits. The site that reaches the highest percentage of all Internet users is ranked 1.

    Page views rank: your rank in terms of page views alone. Rank 1 is the site that had the most hits, 2 is the second most hits, etc.

    Reach per million: out of a million people, how many people visit your site.

    Page views per user: fairly self explanatory - the number of pages on the site each user looks at.

    Alexa provide a bit more information on their ranking system at this page: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Dear friend the information provided for my doubt is really usefull not only for me but many of us. Thank you very much for such an informative details about the details in who.is (information tab).

  12. Sorry you will need to use HLOOKUP instead of VLOOKUP (if it exists, if HLOOKUP doesnt exist then you will need to re-arrange the data so it is vertical)
    Your formula is slightly wrong though.

    You have

    Where your numbers are in the cells A2:D2 and your subjects are in A1:D1 (in the second example_

    The formula basically says this:

    I dont know what the 1 at the end is for :P

    So basically you need to make the formula look in the number cells fo rhte highest value and then pick the corresponding subject from the cells ABOVE:

    Vertical lookup(Biggest number in(NUMBER:CELLS), Show me the corresponding value from, SUBJECT:CELLS, 1)


    Try that In your second exmaple where the numbers are on the second row and the subjects on the first. If you copy and paste it then be aware i have put a * between the colon and the D's as otherwise it gets lumped together as the :D emoticon. So if you copy and paste remember to take out the * :P

    Dear friend I have tried your suggestion right now but unfortunately its giving #N/A error as shown in the attachment and still I am not able to solve this problem.


  13. Dear friends yesterday I was browsing the who.is website and when I browsed the information tab for a website I saw the following details but was not able to understand the exact concept how they calculate these figures and what is the actual meaning of these figures. If any one out there knows the details of these figures then please give me the details. Actually some of the figures are easy to understand but the others are a bit difficult for me. So please help me and thanks for the help in advance. untitled.bmp

  14. Have you seen or tried the new Google Translate,, go https://translate.google.com/


    They have this "Listen" feature, and its translate improved,,


    Wonder who is behind this coding,


    Anyone knows? or Probably want to comment!



    Really cool facility I was not knowing about it really when we are translating to english its giving this listen facility too. Which is really a good one. One more thing I have seen some where in some website they were using the google traslate tool in there web site. Any body here who knows how to add this tool to our web site. Thanks in advance.

  15. i must have a weird version of excel because i can't seem to do some things i should be able to do. anyway, when using vlookup, you are referencing a table. in this case subject and grade(or grade percentage) so the formula should look something like =vlookup(max(xx:xx),xx:xx,1)lookup, table, column#

    so going through the formula, you essentially looking up a # which in this case is the max value of a particular cell. then you input the cells where the table is which is the subject and the grades. then you enter the comumn to reference. what i did however, was put the table(subject and grades) in columns a&b instead of using rows 1&2. now it seems as though the forumula only work if the #'s in the table are referenced first, before the subjects. now this is using vlookup. i am assuming hlookup would be how you had the original table setup because vlookup wont work with that since the last # in the formula is a row, not a column.

    the problem i am having when testing it out is that the formula is not recognizing the max value within the hlookup and is always referencing the last subject in the table. i can add and take away subjects and scores and it will still be the last subject. this has got me so boggled why it works only when the table is reversed.

    Dear friend of mine by applying your suggestion I am getting the first cell value in the range and not the actual answer which I am in need. Because I think vlookup as it is used for vertical lookup so its checking the range vertically and due to which this value is shown that is the first value in the series.


  16. I notice the formula shows A3:D4 which i think should be A3:D3 not 4. Might be worth trying correcting that.
    What happens if you simply delete the subjects under the numbers?

    Dear friend if I am changing it to d3 then it will give the following result that is it will show an error and if we change the last figure from 2 to 1 then it will only show the greatest value that is 99.

  17. Vlookup seems to be what you are after:

    Dear friend as per your suggestion I have tried Vlookup but unfortunately not working then here I have tried hlookup and it is working for my example but not completely, What I mean to say is by using hlookup I can show the subject name but the subject names should be given below the values. Is there any ways to show the subject names which is written above the values that is in the second row. So please find the attachment in which the formula used is displayed clearly, now I would like to know what should be the change made in the formula so that the needful could be accomplished. That is the subject names written in the second row be displayed and not that in the fourth row. 


  18. Dear friends today one of my students asked a doubt to me regarding excel and I am not knowing the answer for it so please help me with some really working answers for the same. The problem is related with Excel and is as follows-There is a table made in Excel and the fields are as follows-Maths ? ? ? ? ? ? ? S.St. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Science ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Englishthe values for example are as follows89 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?84 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?98 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?68Now first of all I want to find the maximum out of these values, actually I know that it can be accomplished by =max(a2:d2). and the output here will be 98 but actually I want the output as the subject name of the value which is the highest that is in this example Science. Please help me to get this output. Thanking you all in advance.?xl.bmp

  19. Dear friend Preetam I should say that you are at the right place if you really want to discuss about good and quality topics. So welcome to Xisto and stick to the rules of the forum do not ever spam, and post quality posts which can earn you my cents in turn. So best of luck dear friend.

    hi frnds i m pritam frm india new to dis forum .....

  20. Dear friends with the increasing use of dynamic server side languages like PHP and databases etc. use the frames are decreasing a lot. More over we also have CSS for playing with the looks of the website etc. So the need which was fulfilled by frames previously is now replaces easily and more professionally with these new languages and tools to develop web sites. More over if it is right that it is not search engine friendly then why should developers use it anymore as everyone wants their respected sites to get a good position in search engines. ?

  21. Dear friends I think that capital punishment is cruel and it should be banned. As in this the criminal concerned is not getting a second chance, according to me there is nothing as a born criminal and if one is a criminal then its due to the conditions and circumstances in which one is born and brought up and so if that is changed any one can be a good person, so what I think one should try to change the circumstances in which the person became a criminal and give a chance for him to try a good life. So according to me capital punishment is not a solution for anything. The criminal behavior of a person should be eliminated according to me and not the criminal himself. ?

  22. Dear friends here I would like to narrate an incident in which whole life of a couple was spoilt due online dating and chatting etc. Actually it was some years ago one man and a woman of the same city met on internet in an online dating type of a site and they started a very long continuous chat with each other. But the fact was they didn’t disclosed their actual name and address to each other. At last after some months of continuous online chat and all they decided to meet in personal and decided a day to meet near a famous monument in that city both of them decided the time and disclosed about the dress color which they decided to wear that day. In the evening 6.00 PM as the decided time when they reached near the old monument there were no body nearby at that time and only two of them and will you believe ironically in real life both of them were husband and wife. After knowing this fact that for that many months they were actually chatting all those rubbish with their own spouse, they were not able to face each other and decided to divorce each other and now both of them are separated and living alone. So dear friends some times such incidents also happens as its very difficult to get a person online who may be disclosing all the personal details about them honestly. That’s why I believe that its very difficult to get a real relations through online dating sites etc. ?

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