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Posts posted by contactskn

  1. hi,as i know php is a server side scripting .if i wish to see a php page on my computer offline ,,how can i see????once i had seen someone made a local host server but i am a novice for php..plz help me.

    Dear one of the easiest way is to set a server in your computer for that just download Xampp from the net and then install it on your computer it has everything like php and mysql etc used for server side programming. And then you can test your php pages in your computer first before uploading it on your hosting server. It is the way which I use for my php file testing.?

  2. Well that sounds like a very worthwhile effort, but I'm not really sure how you would pull it off. The big problem would be that the internet is so HUGE and spread over the entire planet, but the need for a specific type of blood would have to be found in the same local as the person needing that type. You would end up needing millions of people entered into the database in order to have enough potential donners for each area. Unless you wanted to do one for just your neck of the woods.
    As far as data fields, you would need the persons blood type of course, and their area and of course, some contact information. Not sure if people would want to sign up if real names were used, that might be another problem.

    But good luck to you if you decide to try this.

    Dear friend its really very correct when you say that its a very difficult concept which I have thought of. But I have started working on it and soon I will host it and obviously I would like to have the full cooperation from all of you Xisto friends. As soon as I host it I will post the details over here and obviously for your response from you friends. 

  3. Dear friends I want to change the background color of a cell on mouse over it. So I would like to know what is the code for the same I mean to say as soon as I take the mouse pointer on the cell its background color should be changed and as soon as the mouse pointer is again moved back then it should be the same as previous.

  4. Dear friends as we all know the importance of blood and the critical need sometimes for the same and many a times we are not able to get the right donor and due to which face a lot of problem in such conditions. So I thought of starting an online blood bank donor directory in my web site and for the same I would like to have some really really professional suggestions from you dear friends. Suggestions about the fields to be included in the database and so on. So dear friends thanks for your suggestions in advance.

  5. Dear friend when I have nothing to do at office or so then my first preference is to surf net for some news sites and watch the latest news and get aquainted with the latest going on in the world. If that is not possible then I pick my flash or dreamweaver books and continue reading it from where I have left the last time to get some new points to be learnt and that my way to spend my time. And the third is when these two don't work then plan of cooking something new for me and my family or friends and arrange a party that day if its an off at my work place. Thats it dear friend.

  6. Megavideo hosted movies are illegal unless they explicitly mention that it is free to stream movie. No matter how many people put this code on their site. Point is that once megavideo gets notified for abuse report for the movie link. They'll take it down in anyway. So there is no way you should put on your site as xisto and you both are in trouble for sharing such streaming links. Posting humor or trailer or lolvieos on wordpress blog is one thing and sharing movie links is another thing.This is not allowed at xisto even if it's not hosted in xisto. As you are streaming from megavideo, it is same as seeding torrent so better avoid such things. Or else you'll get your xisto account terminated. I'm sure opaque will not allow such piracy streaming on xisto.

    Thanking you very much dear friends for such a good discussion and helping me deciding whats legal and right thats why I always say that Xisto is the best. Because we are really getting the correct and proper guidence over here so thanks again.

  7. Dear friend I am also an intel consumer. So I can't say much about AMD but my friend is a hardware engineer and he is also sometimes saying that we should prefer AMD for speed and performance. I have used one of his assembled system with AMD and it was really fast and good in performance.

  8. Dear friend you are very correct that Patience is the key to success. And in todays fast moving life its very true that people are becoming very impatient. And meditation plays really good role in such conditions. Meditation should be a part of your daily routine of life according to me. I mean to say you should give some time for meditation and that will improve many good mental qualities in you.

  9. You are very right in saying that many of them are not doing a job which actually they like and thats true. Even in my case I am doing a job which I don't like but unfortunately now a days getting a government job is very difficult and due to which I am not interested in leaving the job also. What to do, actually here you are also very correct when you say that its difficult for them to make a change or they are afraid of. Very true. But playing with future is also not easy at a stage when you have your family after you looking after you for their daily needs. You have to think about them and their future before yours. So thats it my dear friend its very difficult get everything as per your wish only thats what I have understood from this life.

  10. It is illegal and if you're doing this using xisto sites then you'll get suspension for this. You can add trailer or free content on site but movie streaming is not allowed.

    Dear friend I would like to know about the code below with which we can see the movie on a web page which is basically hosted and run on megavideo.com so how about it. Is embedding this code legal on xisto sites or not. Please let me know. In the below code we can clearly understand that the video or the movie video is basically streaming on the megavideo site only but just viewed in our webpage so is it allowed with xisto sites or not.
    Please reply dear friends.
    Thanks in advance.

  11. Dear friends I want to embed latest movies which are shown on different sites in my web site. I have got some sites which gives embeding codes also. But I have some doubts for which I am here today.

    I want to know whether this is legal or not to embed latest movies from other sites.

    If so how actually they earn, I mean to say if we people are going to watch full movie online then how will earn.

    If its legal then which are the sites from where we can link movies please suggest with working links I would like to the links for English, Hindi, and any other language movies also.

    Thats it dear friend Please help me and answer the above points so that I could decide and select the legal way to embed movies in my site. Thanks in advance.

  12. Dear friend you have given real good tips and obviously highlighting practice its really true to say that practicing anything continuously in the proper way will make you perfect in that particular activity as such. Sometimes these practices if directed towards the wrong direction will result in very bad final results, we usually see such incidents in our day to day life is'nt it.?

  13. Winning doesn't always mean being first,
    Winning means you're
    doing better than you've done before-

    Bonnie Blair.

    Dear friends what do you all think about this thought by Bonnie Blair. Really true is'nt it because many a times we people misunderstand the actual meaning of success in life and thats what is the actual problem faced by many of us. We are winners if even we are improving our performance in any field. I think its just how we accept our performances in life. I mean to say just matter of outlook. A person who came second is feeling bad that he has lost the race by seconds other wise he would be first, on the other hand the person who came third in the same race is very happy that he came in the top three if his performance sliped even by a second then he could be fourth or so. So thats it dear friends its just how we accept our success and improvement in our performance which actually matters.

    If you friends out here really liked this post then please let me know as very soon my book on success is going to be published and would like to know actually how good writer I am that is to say how good I can express my feelings and thoughts regarding this topic.

  14. Its surprising that they manage to fit their whole bodies in an egg i reckon. Must be very cramped living! They are kind of cute when they are newly born.
    In Australia we had a recent incident in the last year where a kid was taken by a Croc in the NT i believe. The details are a bit grim but the last i heard they were hunting for it to put it down (and i guess recover what was remaining).

    Yes you are correct dear friend they are really cute. But obviously when they will grow up they are going to be really really dangerous I think.

  15. Dear friend I think after paying this amount for once the ownership will be ours and then every year we have to pay the regular amount only. I absolutely don't think that this amount is to be payed every year. I have also seen a trend over there that due to this huge amount some people register a name some what similar to that they would like to register.?

  16. It certainly is a unique instrument. I can't even understand how it is played. It looks like he isn't doing anything, yet music comes out. Are you sure he's not humming into it or something? Operating by pressure in veins doesn't make sense to me. I don't understand how it's possible? It's amazing that he can make sound come out of it at all. I don't think it's an instrument that I would want to play however. It looks stressful and uncomfortable.
    I can't find a single thing on Google about the Nas Tarang to satisfy my curiosity about it. It must be extremely rare or there's a different spelling for it.

    Dear friend you are very correct in saying its a stressful and rare instrument, yes it is and that is why in this whole locality only he is the player left for this instrument, if I am not wrong, continuously playing this instrument also causes some health related problems also. Even I have met this person but he is saying that he only is remaining who is there to play this instrument and there is no one after him to follow his tradition. By the way if you want more information about this instrument then please post here I will try to collect it for my Xisto friends. Thanks.  

  17. Dear friends today I would like to explain something about "Nas Tarang". Its a musical instrument which is a rare one. If I am not wrong only some musicians are there who are using this instrument. Moreover its very tough and stressfull to use it. Its operated by the difference in the pressure and stress in the Veins on the Neck of the player. I think you people are really amazed to here that but its really true. See it your self and please give your comments about it.

    Nas Tarang

    The name of the instrumentalist playing Nas Tarang in this video is Mr. Mani Ram Pathrod.

  18. Dear friends here I am with one more video shot by my friend who is a news reporter. Its a place called Harkhiyakhal in M.P. India where there is a dam in which the officials found the eggs of crocodile and it was about to hatch and as soon as my friend got the information he reached there and took these visuals and it was shot in june of this year. But I have seen this video many times. And today I would like to share this cute little video with you all.

    Baby Crocodiles.

    If you like it then please post your views about these visuals.

  19. To avoid that problem only I am testing my webpages in all the browsers installed in my computer specially Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera. And being satisfied with the looks and visibility in all these browsers only I am used to upload these files to the server. Because I faced this critical problem when I made my first professional site for my customer and the whole site was tested in Internet Explorer only after that one of my friend who was residing in Kuwait rang me to tell about the bad looks about the site then only I understood about this problem. From that day itself I am used to test my web pages in all the browsers so that such conditions should be got rid off.?

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