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Posts posted by contactskn

  1. I wondered what people feel about this? I personally believe that it's wrong and wouldn't mind chatting to others who believe otherwise to see what they think.

    Sexual feelings and sexuality is just a necessity of human body similar to any other necessity, So what I think is if you are hungry you will have some thing to fullfill your needs and that is the need of food. But it entirely depends upon person to person that what he or she have in his or her diet. Similarly fulfilling sexual needs is again a personal preference which differs person to person. So under this topic if something is wrong for you may be right for others. So what I think it is a truth and it's existence in the society can't be refused by saying it wrong or something like that. It may be possible that you people might or might not go with my opion.....?

  2. Dear friends here I would like to share with you all an amazing news recently covered by my friend. The fact here is there is a well over here in a house but it was not having even a drop of water naturally. I mean to say that these people were filling the well by water tankers. The water so filled was used untill it is empty and again it is filled by a water tanker and again the same procedure and so on, its now repeated for many years now. But one day suddenly the house owner amazed to find natural water in this well and that also boiling hot water. The people were amazed and rushing from the nearby places to see the miracle some were relating it with superstition and some with science. By the what ever it is, it's a fact covered by my friend and would like to share it with my Xisto friends over here. By the way this place is near the Rajasthan and M.P. border in India. And the link given below is for the vedio which my friend have uploaded.

    Well with boiling water.

    What is your opinion about it dear friends. Thanks in advance for your opinions.

  3. Really really hard to believe. But it is the worst and ugly face of any society which we are seeing sometimes which no body wants to even think about. According to me such criminals should be cut into pieces in public until dead. Then only they will be taught a lesson. All others such psycho will be learning a lesson. It is just my thinking for such criminals I am not sure about the views of others.

  4. Dear friend always be consious about your passwords. You should include Upper case , lower case , numbers and special charecters in your passwords and try not to use dictionary words. So that these Hackers should not be able to guess your passwords. If you are using my sql as your database then be causious about the vulnerability also. If you want any help from me then feel free to message me.

  5. Dear friends I think C++ is the best and now days if I am not mistaken Flash is also used a lot for programming games, and are widely used. Even you can find many sites providing free games also developed in flash. Some years ago when I was using VB I tried it for programming games and I was unbelieably successfull in it.

  6. Dear friends I basically use Dreamweaver. Its really professional and ultimate and easy to learn and use also. Moreover we can see the code also along with the preview of the site in splitted windows in the same screen. Notepad++ is not Wysiwyg but for coding purpose the colouring differently used by this package for different languages is the ultimate concept which makes it different from others.

  7. Dear friend here I would want to state I am also interested a lot in astrology and regularly people contact me for predictions etc. But I believe the personality section more because the future concept of astrology depends upon many other factors also so just on the basis of astrology we can't state or predict one's perfect future. If we mix up psychological reading with astrology then we can predict in a good manner.

  8. Dear friend just google it and you will get hundreds of templates for free. And according your color choice you can select one. There are many sites providing free CSS templates, Flash templates, Dreamweaver sites etc. So my personal suggestion is just use google.com and you will get many of them. Best of luck for your search.

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