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Everything posted by asdftheking

  1. Thanks for your help! I was checking into Expressions Web 2 and I think I'll give it a try. Like I said, I used the CS4 trial, howbeit for some strange reason the trial only lasted two days (?) but I'll download the Expressions trial and if it's good I might be able to cough up the $100 to buy it on ebay.
  2. Just to make sure that it's clear following the preceding posts:Use HTML for basically all of your text. If in any case you have words in a logo or image be sure to include the text somewhere in your HTML (possibly the <img alt=""> text). This is important for two reasons:1) search engine spiders will see your page as empty if all of your text is contained in your images and you will not be able to get very good search engine results2) a small percentage of internet users browse with images disabled. Your site my not be as pretty without images and that's fine but it should still be readable and navegable.With that said, happing designing! I'm not as handy in using photoshop for my sites as I would like to be, but I hope it goes well for you.
  3. You may consider: 1)giving the designer credit in a very small font OR 2)make the font the same color as it's backdrop so no one sees it (or no one sees it w/o a mouseover), but it is still plainly visible in the code Unless your customer has specifically asked for a custom made design I would encourage you to have no shame about acknowledging the template designer. All they did was throw together one .css file that you are using (and probably tweaking) for the entire website which your building. Hope this helps but if not I hope you find a helpful solution to your problem soon! p.s. In my opinion it's better to use a professional CSS template and give credit than to use a bland one who doesn't require it.
  4. Hi all. I've tried Dreamweaver CS3 and CS4 and really liked CS4, but I'm doing my very first website job for pay and it will be a long time before something like Dreamweaver is in my budget, unless I happen to get a job that pays a few thousand sometime soon.Having said this, I would like to have a good WYSIWYG. I do most of my coding by hand and I like it that way, using Notepad++ some but CoffeeCup Free HTML editor more than anything. However there are times when I know I could save a lot of time using a WYSIWYG for certain (often repetitive) tasks which take a long time to do by hand. Does anyone know of a good free or inexpensive WYSIWYG (I could probably stomach up to $50)? I don't necessarily need a Macromedia Dreamweaver, just something that can save me some time and effort for tasks that are inconvenient to hardcode. Thanks in advance!!
  5. I've used AVG and hated it. Ad-aware has never been very for effective for me. I've also used a free version of Panda Antivirus but it didn't seem to find any of the trojans I've had anyhow. Those are suggestions that for me have been mostly a waste of time (take into account that I'm on XP SP3 as your OS can definitely make a difference I'm sure.) Recently I had a despicable Trojan which I got from my girlfriend's flash drive. It would open up about 30+ internet explorer windows per hour for some lowlife's "Travian" city. Predictibly Travian will be on my black list from now until the next eternity. Finally I downloaded Avira and was able to get rid of the virus . However it downloads updates and pops up an ad for the pro version from time to time (I belief it's once a day). If you can handle a pop up a day Avira might be worth a try. Even more recenty I got the "Antivirus 2009" virus, another nightmarish trojan which can crash your browser, hi-jack your google homepage, mess up your registry, and crash your computer among other things. After googling how to get rid of it I decided to try two free antiviruses: SUPERantiSpyware and Malwarebytes' Anti-malware. Fortunately they were able to element the trojan (and it's 19+ cronies) in one scan and reboot. So far I haven't had any problems with them so my number one recommendation would be Malwarebytes', followed by SuperAntiSpyware, then possibly Avira. Hope you are trojan free before long! I feel your pain.
  6. That's a very good paragraph. I like how it concisely describes not just how we worship but also what is our purpose. Thanks!
  7. I'm using XAMPP. The first part of the tutorial worked for me but the second part didn't. I changed the path in two places in my httpd.conf file but my new localhost still directs me to the xampp home and I have to tediously sift through subdirectories to get to the directory which I want to be my default. Sorry for the long sentence, I hope it makes sense. Can anyone help me with this?
  8. Oops! I guess I won't be starting a kontera account tonight because their server is currently down. I guess I'll have to try back later.
  9. I for some people part of there genetical make-up is to try to get things that belong to other people free for themselves. Some people will go to unbelievable lengths to do so. I see a lot of it here in Peru! I think if the people of this nation used their creativity for something other than piracy, robbery, or begging it could easily be one of the most advanced nations in the world. Well, now that I've vented that, I guess its a one step at a time process.
  10. What in the world is this post supposed to refer to?
  11. Ok, thanks. I'll look at the article.
  12. -What makes muhammed a true prophet? -Allah and Jehovah are NOT the same God because Jehovah is part of the Trinity and Allah is not. Key difference. I'm also interested in your statement which claims that your prophet was not human. What was he? It most certainly was not hearsay. One of the apostles (John) and several of the women who followed Jesus were there. In John 19:26 he quotes Jesus words spoken to him from the cross. In John 19:38 we learn that Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body, was granted his request, and took it away. The Roman soldiers confirmed his death. Simon carried his cross. You will have to decide to accept the Bible as truth or to deny it. No arguments taken from the Bible against Christ's deity, bodily death and resurrection, and any other fundamental Christian doctrine have ever or will ever succeed. Nevertheless thank you for your interesting discussion of the topic!
  13. I find it to be a bit of a stretch to think that scholars from the orient came looking for a Messiah who happened to fill all Judaic prophecies against impossible odds and here comes the kicker: a king (namely "Herod") is so frightened by the young couples cover-up that he runs the risk of murdering all of the babies under two years of age in his realm? I think one would be better off either believing in Jesus and serving him with the heart, mind, and soul (Matt. 22:27) or not believing in anything, save maybe a spaghetti creature. There is no suitable middle ground. If you acknowledge that some of the facts of the Bible are true, how do you decide which facts you don't like? "Surely the ones that offend us or our beliefs about science must not be true."As a result of this immature atittude we have scientists running around with billions of taxpayer dollars doctoring data to prove their theories because they are afraid of someone in Whose existence they don't believe. If that doesn't sound like a contributing factor to the next "dark age" I don't know what is!
  14. Simple research will show that accounts of Jesus Miracles are more numerous than many of the things we all believe about the Roman empire, the ceasars, and any such "fact" of that time period in history. As a matter of fact friend, there are really more evidences of Jesus' life, death and resurrection than there are of your or my existence! On the other hand, marriage with Mary Magdalene is awfully speculative if you're asking me. How many reliable evidences are there of it? I would contend that there are none. (And if there were, that's fine. God created marriage and participating in it is certainly not anything that would cause just to be any less God than He was.)
  15. Kobra, when you say that the beginning of the universe should probably be something simple it forces me to plant this question: what mechanism or intelligence caused it to arrive to its current (seemingly unfathomable) complexity? It's a very simple question (there's that word "simple" again) but I urge you to investigate. Simple doesn't become complex and intelligent without a mechanism. So where did the mechanism come from? For me there's no way around it - something or Someone intelligent make this universe.
  16. In Minnesota if you are in agreement you can get a divorce with one short form. It takes about thirty days. If your partner wants a divorce, see if that's a possibility in your state. (Maybe you already have, if so I guess I won't be any help!)
  17. I think a person would have to be pretty superstitious (and many are) to take much interest in this theory. Its the first time I've heard of it and I'm quite confident I'll forget about and and on whatever day in December of 2012 I will be doing whatever I'm doing and won't even remember having written this post. So why am I writing this post?
  18. Yay! Now the government can put all the information collected about my life on one disc if they want to!
  19. After reading these posts I still don't understand what is the idea of the quantum theory. Is there any way to put it in a nutshell, or at least just explain key points. Gloves, boxes, and sub-atomic particles, huh?
  20. King Jim is right. To be very clear, if you believe in the Bible you don't believe in reincarnation. Hebrews 9:27 (see this link for a variety of translations of the verse and its greek: http://biblehub.com/hebrews/9-27.htm) Says men have one death waiting for them and then they face God and His judgement, which actually doesn't have to be frightening if you know that Jesus has bought and paid for you to have righteousness. Here's another relevant link with verses about death and not returning: http://www.topical-bible-studies.org/33-0018.htm I know that animism, hinduism, and maybe buddhism are the originators of belief in reincarnation, which is now also driven forward in many shapes and sizes through new age religions. But I would like to know more about its origins. I think tomorrow I will do a little more research and also mention some of its consequences in India and surrounding areas with strong hindu influences. For now it's 2am and I need sleep.
  21. I'm disappointed. I saw jumping and the title and that this was about jumping and doing tricks, that is, along the lines of skateboard and rollerblade, etc. tricks but with shoes. I love jumping! :)I guess I will have to try it was a plasma gun someday, as you say. I have no idea where I'm gonna pick up a plasma gun around here...
  22. Wow! It's like a snake of pictures of Machu Picchu crawling in circles on my screen! lol
  23. Megaspider. I think AskJeeves.ElectricMonk was absolutely the bomb because you could enter queries in the form of a question...I wonder if any of these are still around? BRB, I'm gonna go look.I'm back. Well, after googling electric monk (how histerical is that) the page as I knew it does not seem to exist.Do any of you remember the days before wiki? How about Encarta online. It makes me shiver.
  24. Don't knock playing with the hair! I love playing with a girls hair. My gf is Latina and she doesn't seem to mind at all.
  25. Proud to say that I'm enough of a nerd to have none about the googol and the googolplex well before Google was born (and I'm only 22). If only I were nerdy enough to have founded Google! Oh well, there's always new opportunities.
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