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Everything posted by ARNEL

  1. ARNEL

    Vb Samples

    Please include http://www.planet-source-code.com/ you can download samples also not only vb, but lots of langueages are available... just always give compliments to the author when you modified there codes...
  2. There a lots of source code for key logger available on the net. http://www.planet-source-code.com/ offers variety of code wherein you can still modified the whole programs, but when you do so, just don't forget to give compliments to the author. If the keylogger you have. Since you said no one can see it means you tried other program but case is visible in end task menu. If you have the source code for this program just add the code to disabled the program seing from the CTRL+ALT+DEL menu. the code for this function shown below. Private Sub Form_Load() App.TaskVisible=False End Sub That's it... a very short code the will hide your program from the end task menu... Just call the function upon loading of program... Hope this little text help you out...
  3. If this your case maybe your files was saved somewhere outside your computer, maybe from network or some server. The files you have in your computer maybe just a link or shortcut from the main files, that is why when you tried to open the files it gaves you some messages or error message. Try to save or copy the files into your local computer and open the moduel there, im sure it will works now, make sure to save and backup all files or the whole project when you and creating a program... Backup the files before doing some modifications, and after that backup it again just to make sure that you have all the files in case of data damaged or corruption of data. Remember it would be hard for you to create the program over and over again... backing up is whats the programs also in mind...
  4. Lava.alt posted a nice script for your que, fore more info, try to look for windows help files from microsoft excel, there you will find a lot of tips with regards to your topics....
  5. How does blackbox works? Is it a programs that records everything including the hardware activities and status? How to run this program? sorry this is the first time I heard about such programs as blackbox... can you please tell me more???
  6. Have you ever read or encouter such virus that disguised as NEWS.. well here is some info on how virus created found and works... Notice from BuffaloHELP: Do not copy and paste articles from another websites and post it without using
  7. LINUX??? Honestly I don't used linux before since I became Computer addict... I heard so many things about linux, but just heard, never experience it myselft... My friend used linux in their office, He set it up as internet server, he told me to used linux for my internet server in my office. I like his suggestion because he experience it already, but I don't know how to use it, that is why I stick in windows 2003 server till now... I know the time will come that i will use linux, maybe on my own pc's or in my works.... I hope if that time comes, I know linux already or else... he he he.,. no option but to.... learn LINUX.. right????
  8. Custom computers is not really for gaming. Like my own, I like games, Music and doing programs. I used to setup my own PC's to fits what I am expected. If you have enough peny to customize your computer then go for it... it will bring you satisfaction and less headache,, he he he... Imagine if today you are using 386 or 486 computer? how can you feel about this??? See,,, building computers is not depend on how you will gonna used the PC's but the things is what is your expecting for your PC...
  9. Hellowww, whats the problem hah.. you mean your website? aahhh.. OK it seems that you don't update your hosting accounts. If you requested for a free domain from Xisto.com provides you a space in their server, by default you will see such what saw when you type you website... here is the instructions on how to update your web. 1. If you just created your website I mean you design. login first in your cpanel then click on file manager, you will menu click on the public_htm and you will see index.html, click that item and delete it,, this page appeare when you type your domain... because Xisto created index.html by default.. 2. If you done deleting the file, at the upper left corner, click upload and upload all files needed by your website. after this try to access your domain and you will see changes on it...
  10. Yesh.. Limewire used java as their programming language, it is also run slow but only at first load, once you installed java ang run limewire the next time you load limewire will be faster than the first time. try it for you self, what i like in limewire is that, you can view if others is connected or uploading files from your computer and you can certainly block or terminate the activity... unlike other programs or filesharing programs mostly contains backdoors that sometimes crash you computer down.. Aside from those fileshare program is there any other programs available that shares file? If there is just give me a hint maybe I can try it for my self also...
  11. In your case maybe its the cd itself not the cd rom, what is the speed of you cd rom in computer A and in computer B.?? If your cd is 40x maximum and your cdrom driver is below 40x it won't read the cd, that is why when you inserted the cd in CDROM A it's ok but when you insert it in CDROM B it wont read, so maybe your cdrom driver has different speed. Just check it out men... when you do burning be aware of the blank disc you are about to used because there are higher version or speed blank disc. if your cdrom don't support higher speed disc don't used higher speed blank disc, just used disc depending on your cdrom drive... I have that problem too before, when I checked out I found out that is not the CDROM driver having the problem, its the disc itself
  12. Hellow there, If you where ask me about what is the best file sharing program, well I suggest not to use kazaa programs. This programs contains many hidden codes called 'BACK DOOR" it is a spyware programs. using kazaa will expose your computer and problem may occured more often. If you want limewire is know as a filesharing programs, although it still know as spyware but the things is, if somebody accessing your computer outside you will be able to monitor them. So it's up to you to grant her/his access or not. Remember using any filesharing programs it means that your personal files is also share to others.... no filesharing programs was created just to give people accessed other computer without accessing her/his computer. just be aware of that, if you work on a firm or company and your computer contains sensitive files or important files I suggest not to use anyone of these filesharing program.... Just a remiders.... well, it's up to you coz me.. I still using limewire until now but not so ofter just when i need to search for something i really needed....
  13. I just encountered the same problems as yours, this was sometimes occured unexpectedly. This may happen if one of you devices are mulfunctioning, like hardisk failure, memory, video, board of sometimes overheating the cpu that force the computer to reboot. try to diagnose your computer for immenent computer breakdown, since you are using amd maybe is the heat that force your pc to reboot. I have the same problem before, when i try to checked everything attached to my computer I found out that my hardisk is having bad sector and sometimes failed to read the files... if you are in the middle of the game and having this problem, the computer restart in order to prevent big damaged to your pc, especially if you are using windows xp. Part of security and protection provided by the microsoft it is common, this will happen just to remind you of possible hardware trouble...
  14. ARNEL


    welcome to Xisto bafo! enjoy and learn many things here in Xisto.com. so whats your purpose of joining here? me... I just found it very helpful, actually at first I don't have plan to make may own website, but the time has come when Xisto granted my request for free webhosting... since it is free, as in 100% free I started to design my web. its http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, althought not fully developed yet but I will come to that... you can find many helpful stuff there.
  15. ha ha ha... we're both the same when I about to upload my own website... here is the instructions on how to upload your website maybe somebody gives you instructions already but to remind you of those, just read this... 1. First, im sure you designed your website already right? it not well, start building your website now and read this instruction again.. 2. Login to your cpanel provided by Xisto when you request free web hosting. by default they will put a file called index.html, that is the one you see when you time your website like. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. 3. under file manager click on the folder named public_html click the index.html and click delete at the right corner of the window, then upload you files there, be sure to upload it correctly including images. 4. if you done uploading your files try to type your website. you will now see the index.html you just uploaded. ok.. tell me what website you have.. me... it's http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ try to visit that if you have time although my website was not totally developed, some links are still disabled but I will soon update everything...
  16. YEahhh.. I started playing warcarft when I was in college, but now... he he he.. I still play starcraft for your information,,, I like to play it, although many games now is in the market and online gaming over internet, but playing starcraft still fun. Now, when I tired playing those latest games like khan, ragnarok I put my starcraft cd and start playing... there was a time also that I used to play yuri's revenge... I like that kind of games that require the player to play wisely,,, how about you.. do you play yuris revenge still? if not, well, it s time for you to think,, play it sometimes, when you are tired playing those new games again ang again,.. try those old ones... ha ha ha... you remind me of warcraft... I'm gonna play that game later... he he he....
  17. WOW, that's a very nice poem, maybe you could offer that artist so that they will sing that one for you, anyway, is it your own poem or what,,, maybe you trying to show something inside your heart or may be from others.... you know I like it...
  18. NINJA SCROLL??? Sound good, I don't know that anime eh,,, me I like BTX, Naruto but I've seen few of them, that is why I am looking for any available episode of both wherein I can download it. How about, dragon ball Z? I like dragon ball Z but don't have a complete collection of all the episode of dragon ball Z, I've only seen those issues with magin Boo.... I like Marrionette also samurai X.... he he he.. feeling like 18 yrs of age he he he...
  19. How about picture gallery, put all your favorite collections into your website, like pictures or animated pictures, favorites links, helpful website or website that provides assistance with regards to computer. you favorite songs, mp3 and video clips, its up to you if you put the whole file but I suggest if you know the links just put only the links not the whole files, you need enough space if you try to put are of these. You can also include the links of your friends website if you want.
  20. ok guys, I've got some info about the LANCARD bootrom, its is kind of softwares embedded to the card, it is usually used like wake on lan, mostly a remote wakeup program that stand as a trigger point the lan card to to specific action, I don't know if this is the correct definition of bootrom in lancard, because some devices has bootrom also but used in diff. function.. If you guts have any idea about lancard bootrom function kindly post it here, I'm still searching for the exact and correct definition and function of this....
  21. Hellow andrescasta! In your case maybe you have infected with virus and now maybe it reside to some other files in your computer that always coming back eventhough you total formatted and re-installed the whole OS. Many virus now, use buffer flooding that sometimes use all memory. You, you said that you re-formatted your hard drive, but some files, or I mean you backup files was infected already, so everytime you accessed that files the virus maybe awaken and become active, you cannot overcome this case if the virus is always there inside, you reformat your disk and restore the backup files right? So, if the virus is in the backup files it will also restored and become active for a certain number of hours or days depending on how the virus works. I suggets that you remove your hard disk from you computer and attached it to another PC's and run virus scanner, it is recommended that you use latest anti-virus program.
  22. ARNEL


    For me I think I voted for cnn news if we are talking of international news, but for local news I'll bet for TVPatrol, Magandang Umaga Bayan, and The world Tonigh. Maybe you're not familiar with some news forum, just check out and watch TFC (The Filipino Channel) that is always updated.. but when it comes to internet news, no idea yet, I used to watch TV when need to update myself. Oh, I forgat, there is a radio station here in the philippines that always in live telecast.. that is DZMM... but i maybe you will not familiar too if you're not live in the philippines.... In your own land of birth which programs is always updated when it comes to news and current affairs?
  23. Yeah,, y'll right, I started to like naruto when one of my friends played that 7 episodes but then after that I keep on looking for naruto's movie but I fount nothing....maybe you could give me a hint where I can dowload that clip....!!! do you have naruto's collection???
  24. Actually I like naruto but no idea about naruto's parents, I watched episode 20 to 26 of naruto but no information yet, maybe they captured by naruto's opponent or somewhere in the village wherein naruto was left behind. Do you know where i can find or download naruto from episode 1 up to the last? maybe if i can see all the episode I could tell you about his parents. How about BTX, do you know where BTX now? I used to keep searching bor BTX but no one can tell me where can I find it... maybe you can show me where... after all where both searching....
  25. That's sound interesting, but intel zeon dual processors was release a year ago for better server performance and works as athlon 64x2 too. which one is chiper and which one is faster and good for server... I use to setup intel zeon dual processor but very expensive compare to athlon 64 x2... maybe must visit and read that article to gather more ideas...
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