The name is "DOWNLOAD TROJAN" which usually found under C:\WINDOWS\system32\o folder. This virus make my internet connection very slow I am using DSL but it seem that I am using 56k modem every time the virus detected by Norton, although norton was able to delete the files but it keeps on coming back eh.
I have the same problems as yours, but only download trojan, I think you need to install Norton Anti-Virsu Corporate Edition v9. Norton detect this and remove the virus, but the problem download trojan are keep coming back eventhough norton trap it. What I did is I re-install the whole system just to keep it out. So if your temper is running out re-install the whole system to keep the virus out of your sight as I did in my computer :- )
Ok tnx, maybe I should install the XAMPP program and read the instructions there, I already have the documentations of windows 2003 but I havn't read the IIS setup yet, maybe it will help a lot. anyway if these don't work I will post the same topic again, I think I need to read first the documentations of windows 2003 server. Thanks for your help guys, I really appreciate it. : - )
You can share your internet connection to other computers as long as you are connection to LAN, and since you are using routers, it would be easy for you to setup the internet. ok tell me first are you using cable/dsl or modem? if you are using dsl you should specify the gateway to each computers, or you can use analog proxy software to make it easy for you to share the internet