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Everything posted by ARNEL

  1. I'm about to buy new lancard but I am confusing of LANCARD with BOOTROM and WITHOU BOOTROM socket, How important is that and what it's function?
  2. It's ok now, that the avatar not the f---ng photo.. galikk..... tnx anyway.... sorry no time to read all the instructions here....... that is the disadvantage of lazy one like me... he he he...
  3. Yap they say " Sorry, the board administrator has not enabled your permissions for this part of the control panel." I clicked on the edit personal photo not the avatar.
  4. ARNEL

    Good Computer?

    Hello Cal-E if you know how to assemble computer I will suggest to build your own PC, Many nice computer today are in the marketplace, but buyin a branded one would sometimes put you in a big trouble. If you try to setup a nice computer you should write down all the specs of each parts and assemble it yourself. It will also decrease the price if you build your own PC's compare to the branded one, but if you have more peny then I suggest to do your search for computers because most computers like IBM, DELL, etc. are both good but still depends on the setup. not all IBM and DELL are work fine, it will still depend on the buyer on how he/she will choose the right one that fits your qualifications. If you are familiar with the latest and the fastest computer parts I am sure you can have the best PC's you dreamin' off.
  5. I Just hoping that I can put my picture too in my account...but they don't allow it to upload. How can I do that??? I tried it several times, I have enough credits already but still they don't allowed to upload eh.. helppppP!!!!!!
  6. Me, I don't used casing in my computer, I want to personalize everything, I'm just using 24"x48" solid wood, off course with very good looking design on it with the help of my brother, all parts can be seen outside, but there is a fiber glass that protect the parts including the power supply so no one can get harm and no parts, I put also 2 cooling fans at the top of the fiber protector to make sure that my pc run normally. Don't think that is very chip , I used 3.4Mhz processor 1024mb memory 128mb video card and 2 pcs of 80gb hardisk. At first I found it so hard to build cause all parts need the right place. but if you can see my computer you maybe laugh on me but this is a very high powered computers I've ever built. I am not saying that this is the best but I love to personalize my computers.
  7. iPod and Creative zen is not enough for me, I have a huge collections of MP3 musics, lately I just purchased another hardisk 80gb for my MP3 collections only. I like mp3 player but putting all my music doesn't fit. What I need is 80gb mp3 player, is there any player now as big as 80gb? Well if there is maybe I could save some of my allowance to buy... I know there is 40gb mp3 player in the market, and that's what I want to buy maybe for now, but if somebody knows 80gb mp3 player maybe I should prioritize that one. anyway is there any brand of MP3 player aside from creative and iPOD????
  8. I have the same problem too. I install messenger 7.0 but the other one was installed automatically by windows xp professional, I found it hard to remove because windows won't allow it. I try to remove the old one in the registry but still there.
  9. Tnx.. I will visit that link maybe I learn more about wireless. Anyway I really appreciate if you could add more info with regards to this post of mine, anytime, vujsa. tnx...
  10. There are programs that really recovered deleted files, or files in a damaged hard disk, but not really all files can be recovered. I read an article also from internet regarding data recovery, they recovered data from damaged hard disk, formatted hard disk, but that are really expensive, I don't know how they do that but I believe they used special device not only a program but also a device which can communicate to a damaged hard disk that the ordinary device like computer we commonly used can't do. If you just want to recovered ordinary files like documents, pictures, backup files in zip format or music you can used the program that can be downloaded from the internet. But if you want to recover hug files, thats the time you need to hire from those company who offered that kind of service. But that really interesting for me to see how they will recover files from dead hardisk, If the hard disk are broken is there any posibilities to recover the files? and that is the big question for me.
  11. Is IEEE802.3 and IEEEE802.3u is related to NIC CARD what is the difference between the two... and what IEEE802.3, IEEEE802.3u stands for, what it's function? I'm not familiar with all of these eh...sorry I really need help... tnx
  12. Hmmmm... OK, tnx. .now I know, maybe I'll go for Fast ethernet card for better performance... I think this is very good in LAN games right? , tnx vujsa I owe you for this....
  13. Hello, I'm about to buy ethernet card for my home pc but I was confused of FAST ETHERNET AND ETHERNET CARD. what is the difference between the two??? Helppp..!!!
  14. I try to upload my picture here in my Xisto account but there is a message saying that "administrator as disabled this features" how can I activate that..Helppp.....
  15. I agree with BureX being honest with others and off course to our self sometimes give unexpected rewards. In my opinion, being honest to everything you do gives a lot of credits. Peace of mind, hapiness and a clean conscience. You dont have to lie or do un-necessary things just because you have a bad experience of being honest to others, may be there's a reason, off course everything has its own reason, you never know what is it but be patient it will come. I used internet and surf the web sometime to spend my extra time. I also looking for something to earn, but not really like that, what I am looking for is some enjoyment, gather ideas and share my own too. combinations of these and earning is much more interested but not look after the money or some practical things. Hapiness and peace of mind cannot be found on the market, it should be here in our heart, our mind and our soul. Remember always treasure those which cannot be found on earth.
  16. May be you hard drive is NTFS formatted, you cannot use fdisk and format since it is in NFTS and not FAT32, fdisk and format works only on FAT32 formatted disk drive. Here the solution, drivepro program can delete cylinder from your harddrive doing this will make your hardisk FA32 and then you can use fdisk and format the hardisk, if you don't have this tool then boot from cdrom drive, since during installation process you can still partition and reformat your hardisk. this is a clean setup to replace all the missing file system in your computer... fixing the corrupted files is not highly recommended there is a tendency that the problem will keep on coming back....
  17. I like windows xp too, but when it comes to the used of computer services windows xp are limited to that.. like using you hard drive to another computer it really wont work, so in my part, I used windows 98 when I do computer service,repair and diagnostic, because hardisk with windows 98 installed on it can be transferred from one cpu to another so when you diagnose hard ware device I advice to use windows 98, and that is the reason why I'm using two operating system right know xp is for my personal stuff, and windows 98 is for other purposes. s
  18. I like windows xp too, but when it comes to the used of computer services windows xp are limited to that.. like using you hard drive to another computer it really wont work, so in my part, I used windows 98 when I do computer service,repair and diagnostic, because hardisk with windows 98 installed on it can be transferred from one cpu to another so when you diagnose hard ware device I advice to use windows 98, and that is the reason why I'm using two operating system right know xp is for my personal stuff, and windows 98 is for other purposes.
  19. No Idea yet about CABLE connection, right now I am using DSL but really it works well, even if I downloaded large size of files. But theoritically, cable still the best and work faster than DSL, although DSL, ADSL and VDSL are both getting faster now but I don't know if they can be the same as cable or works fine that cable, who knows...
  20. Well DjLuki, try the those keys Notice from Johnny: He said he has a serial key already, and what you posted counts as warez, which doesn't belong here. Watch it.
  21. If you know how to crack the program you can bypass the trial version such program debuger lick, softice, wdasm etc. but if not den there is no way unless you re-install the OS in your computer. what version is your photoshop there many PHOTOSHOP CS. version eh.. Anyway, I will send later all the serials availabe in my collections lists.. if this don't work then tell me exactly the version of your program... I 'am waiting...
  22. It won't work even you unstall the program and re-install it again. once you install the trial version program it will identify your computer and put some entry in the registry. it will hard to find all you have to do is to search the serial number of the programs. what version is that, and give me your e-mail address, I will send the key...
  23. Hmmmmm... as in like posting a new topic here like what i did right now? ok.. tnx to you sonorama....
  24. I want to apply for free web hosting here in Xisto I have enought credits to apply but after putting some necessary information the message appear saying" You are suppposed to get approved for Hosting by ADMINISTRATORs." How will I know if my application for hosting is approved or not?
  25. Well, at some points motherboard has a big role in computer but still it depends on the setup, no matter what board you're using if there is a mis-compatibility of some device still not works perfectly, ASUS is really nice actually I'm using asus right now. don't about QDI board eh, ECS is nice too as long as you have a good setup.
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