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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Yes, different Firewalls can do a lot of bad things, even corrupt downloaded files, like when you're using DC++ does not matter which version, Strong or PeerWeb it usually say that Zone Alarm detected on your system, please disable it, because it usually ruin or corrupt the downloaded files. That is why I don't like Firewalls which does more than I need.
  2. In all my life I haven't seen anything like that, no aliens, no ghosts and no UFOs.. Even under the influence of alcohol I don't see this kind of things.. But in my dreams, I remember I saw stuff like that and a lot on Television. ;)I have a photo taken by my brother some time ago, it is black and white and in the sky it seems that where is something flying, like an UFO, but as a matter of fact I think it is something with the picture, but still it looks nice, my brother fooled me when I was a kid that it was an Alien ship.
  3. Well, a lot of who put different things on their computer, especially if they are the only people who are using it, I don't agree that you shouldn't put anything on it, so why do I need the computer ? for playing games ? or for watching porno films ? People write diary's, books and more stuff using their computers, their thoughts and stuff.I am against things like that, I don't want to allow anyone to store my information out of my computer without my permission, it is my information and if I would want someone to have it I would share it. People have text files with their passwords and logins and stuff, so you're telling me that it is dangerous to have it ? so where should I put all my private things ? write it on paper like they did it in the world world 2 ? or I need to encrypt everything like an idiot on my personal computer, or I need to be offline ? *BLEEP*.Good that this is only Nonsense.
  4. I never really liked flash, or flash only sites, it takes time to load them, but that is not the main problem, maybe only for people who are using dialup or has a slow connection. Gifs are a little bit annoying if not done well, some gifs are pretty good, but I think that gif should be left alone and be forgotten, except for little animations or smiles.I like flash only for movies/animation to watch, but as I said not the sites, but flash really comes in handy by adding it to the site as a menu or banner and stuff, where it looks just like a site, but the content is normal.. What I hate is the sound flash makes, I wish it could firstly ask or something, because I usually am listening to music and it gets on my nerves. To answer your question I think that flash is much better than gif, but I think it needs to be used properly.
  5. I just browsed that site, at start I did not get what is all about it, it was hard to navigate, but after some time I got the idea and played with the site then I just zoomed a lot of % in and watch it more carefully, but as a matter of fact, nothing really special about it, I looked at the source, simple site with no useful content, but of course it is fun.
  6. I agree that the photos really looks great! I don't know why but the second one and the last one are the best for me, those stones in the second one is really amazing, I don't have these kind of stones in my country, maybe that is why I liked it and besides, I like stones and different shapes and sizes and colours of them. :)The last photo opens an amazing view, I also like seeing different forms of sky/clouds a evening, mornings, sunsets, they usually look amazing. I really want to go to the sea now because I don't live near the sea and I usually visit there only once a year..
  7. They do not want to get any profit out of of sending free Cd's, people just gets the Cd's a lot of which in my opinion are used not for installation purposes, but even though 1 out of 50 Cd's become a new Linux user is great, I got my free Cd's too, I gave some of them to my friends, and say because of me and their free Cd's we have another 4 persons who are using Linux.As I understand, Ubuntu is sponsored by private persons, who have their own stuff, they gave the money because they have a lot of them and wanted to do something "good" programmers are paid, Cd's are shipped and stuff.. maybe I told it that it is so easy, but..
  8. I don't have any tattoos and never thought to have one, it is not my cup of tea to have tattoos, but in some way it is cool, so that is why I could choose to get something similar to tattoo, but which would disappear after a week or more :PI saw a lot of people, whose body was full of tattoos, I don't know what they think, but still, that is a bit crazy, I wonder how will they look after 25 years but it is possible to remove the tattoos with laser, but still, it does not look as it used to. My friend has a scorpion on his shoulder, which looks quite cool, but I don't really care, I even don't like piercing and stuff maybe I am old fashioned
  9. be careful using .htaccess files, because using them, googlebot might get an 406 error page, you would not want that right ? do like vujsa told you, but keep in mind to set:Options -MultiviewsRewriteEngine On.....Because it seems that, I can't remember on what apache version, using multiviews, googlebot gets an 406 error and you might not get indexed in google, that is one of the worst things to happen for a website.
  10. For my webdesign now I am using PHP Designer 2006, for graphics the Gimp just works for me, on Linux and on Windows, but when using Linux I am using Bluefish, those are quite good for me. I used to use simple text editors and editplus too, but when my scripts got really big, I need a lot of features to see the code. what I don't like about PHP Designer, that it is slow when changing between Tabs, but I got used to it.
  11. For my webdesign now I am using PHP Designer 2006, for graphics the Gimp just works for me, on Linux and on Windows, but when using Linux I am using Bluefish, those are quite good for me. I used to use simple text editors and editplus too, but when my scripts got really big, I need a lot of features to see the code. what I don't like about PHP Designer, that it is slow when changing between Tabs, but I got used to it.
  12. That site pictures are nice, just makes me remember the times I used to play with Lego myself, I had a lot of it and did make a lot of things, like planes, vehicles, structures etc. but with time I was loosing the interest, same as the Lego "little things" and later I gave them away to my brother's kids :PBut if I could get some time, I wold spend some hours to create something with Lego for nostalgic memories, I think the things I could create now could be much better than I used to being a little kid.
  13. I have made a lot of partitions too, on Windows have 4 partitions, two are NTFS and other two are FAT32 that I could access them on Linux. I can access NTFS partition too, but it is slow and writing is even slower.. that is why I don't have anything for Linux in the NTFS partitions, it is Windows XP installation and Windows installed software on other. The others are for different Multimedia stuff.I agree, that having more partitions is better, you can easily reinstall windows or other OS without loosing all your pictures and music etc. the defragmentation is faster, you can move the files to other partitions, make it almost empty and defragment and move the files back. I got use to archive the files I don't use to a .tar archive, in that way there is only one file and if I need something from it, I just use 7 Zip file manager and copy it as one file, that is useful for a lot of installers in my opinion.
  14. I am using google as my main search engine too, I really can find a lot on it, but I do believe that the service changed, it used to be much better, now it does not find the results as it used to, the first sites on top are those which has really great page rank, do not know how they get it, with cheating or not, but still sometimes it does not have anything to do with my keywords.. Also I remember I used copy paste some stuff from a website into google search and it showed me the site I was pasting it from, but now that does not always work, or it throws that it was not found or it shows other websites having those words somewhere in the site, some words are even skipped, page rank got more needed than the keywords them-self, but of course I can use quotes "" for my search results.But still, I think a lot of people like google, because it is very popular, I tried other search results and they weren't so bad, they really got better.
  15. Welcome to the Xisto forums Andrew :PHope you will enjoy your time here, it is a great forum and really is well moderated by the staff, it is active too, I just can say that enjoy this great service as I do
  16. Well, if people used to believe that giving a sacrifice to their Gods helped, then they really done it, like they were living without knowing a lot about nature and science, if nature did something, like a storm or earthquake stroke, they could of think that the Gods made this, because they did not get enough sacrifice. All those cults are quite logical if you think like people used to think in the ancient times.One strange thing, that all civilizations around the world were building pyramids and making mummies in some way, history has a lot of strange things, I like history lessons and to know more about and get deeper, you can learn a lot by watching channels like Discovery, History and etc.People, who are in cults and needs to sacrifice - I think they are brainwashed and some of them really needs to get a "live" and maybe even go to psychologists.. to get good "normal" friends is another good alternative.
  17. This is great news, each year I hear something like this that a cure was found, but never heard further about it. Aids is one of my worst diseases I know and I am quite afraid to get infected in no matter what kind of way. I just hope that they will really find the cure, but still the drugs might be very expensive, as they are now, it is very hard to get them in poor countries, for example like in Africa countries, where we have a lot of people infected with Aids.I don't have any friends who are infected with this virus, but I think it would be terrible for me to know such a person, I don't know what you could think when you know that you won't live your full life, some people even are afraid to speak with people infected by this virus, but you can talk with him/her, drink from the same cup and etc. I think most of use know how the disease spreads. One problem is Junkies, I think they need to get needles for free and not use the same, but when your degradation level is high, I don't think a lot of whom cares. The needles which are infected in the streets should be cleaned, because even little children can pick them up and get infected somehow..
  18. Have read about page rank on the first given link by ramesh_mc and I want to thank you for pointing it to me, I knew the most simple stuff, but with examples I understood everything much deeper and better, got some tips.. + I got a guess why I got banned from google a year ago :)The formula is quite easy, but getting a better rank - you need to work around and spend your time and after some time you will see the results and if the content is getting better, the page rank is getting bigger and stuff, you get much happier
  19. Quatrux

    Hi Everyone!

    Hello,Welcome to the forums, hope you will enjoy your stay here, just fallow the rules
  20. User bars looks nice, even though I don't look at them very seriously, but they are great. But when people, like above ads lots of them, it does not look normal in my opinion, to much is to much As I don't own photoshop, only the Gimp, I still want to make userbars, so I found this easy tutorial to do it, if somebody is interested how to do it using Gimp, here is the link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ( Link doesn't work anymore, at least for me, so try this one: http://www.gimptalk.com/index.php?showtopic=9444 ) It's really easy, there are so much of those user bars, but maybe making a bit different ones, of already existing, is good too the bad side is that anyone can steal your custom userbar on which you worked
  21. There are different ways you can do things like that, the browser sends a http post request and it does not make the array and stuff, it just sends a lot of data and php makes all the arrays and stuff.So basically, you can use in the name="" values like array[current], array[][current] and anything you want, the [] will generate the a numeric index, so just use the function print_r($_POST) but before better add an [pre] html tag and look at what you need, and what array you want. it is easy.Good Luck.
  22. Just looked at the screenshots of the beta, well as I said a lot of where I do not care very much about webmail, I use an email client which I can customize how I want, but yeah, a lot of ads there, but I posted here to ask if the new hotmail will work properly with all the modern/popular web browsers ? or the best will be to use IE ?
  23. I agree that hacker is not a such bad person as usually is being thought, I can use my knowledge of programming, which is an easy thing for something, which other might think is bad, like to "hack" a site which you know how is made and know the holes, which other person won't even think of, like if you know apache code very well, you can make something bad too.Hackers of course can harm, usually the sick ones which does not know what to do just to make others some bad days, but usually hacker does something for purpose and a need, a good hacker and all those kids who knows a little more want to be "cool" and damage something.A hacker with his knowledge can be a cracker too, and a lot of whom likes crackers, especially the good ones which makes the software available for them for free, in this way making the company a lot of damage and they loose a lot of income, that is why the software costs so much, that the pirates could use the software for free, but the ones who pay, pays a lot.. A cracker usually has a good knowledge of asm programming, but "evil" crackers makes the cracks to be bad by adding viruses and etc. to them and ruin your day. I heard that Windows Vista will be very safe from crackers, but oh well, we will see.Oh by the way, I browsed the site, but it is not my cup of tea, but what I have found and some articles I went through were quite interesting.
  24. This is a short and funny joke I like it and I think were are plenty of this kind of jokes, personally I think I am to lazy to search for those and read them or maybe it is just the time lack, but I will need to remember this one. :PWell, it is everyone personal taste what to use, just that I think when you get used to something it is hard to change or you think that it is good, until you did not try the over thing for some time.
  25. What about if I do not want to go to my browser set language ? and have you seen what kind of ACCEPT LANGUAGE most of the browsers send ? I usually set a lot, like, how would your script work with this ?"en,lt;q=0.9,ru;q=0.8,de;q=0.7" ?And using header is the last thing in this kind of type of script I would use.
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