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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I think it would be something like this: SELECT song,artist,count(song) as hits FROM table1 GROUP BY song, artist; Furthermore, I presume you would need to order by by hits descending or ascending, the way you want. But what if the song is with the same name, but the artist is different? When I would suggest to do concat song and artist into one value to make it unique.
  2. I would also recommend Recuva, everything works fine, if the files weren't over written, usually you can recover most of the files..once I needed to recover files after a format, Recuva worked and recovered most of the pictures, but the problem was that all the video files were lost, only small thumbs of those video were found in a picture format which were useless..
  3. This seems to be quite an old PHP script, why don't you find any other Database script? As the methods used there are really old for the year 2010. :PAlso, I don't understand what you want by showing the code, what problems you have using it and etc. What PHP version are you running? What errors are you getting?
  4. As I know very hot water is bad for your head, also if the water is to cold, it can be bad for your head.. I personally can't wash my hair/head under a cold bath, I like it warm, but not hot and it seems to be alright.To continue, it's best to use water which is not so hard, smooth water is always better for your hair, but not for drinking, whenever I wash in a river on some camping or something like that, the river water is cold and smooth, not as hard as at home and the hair is so smooth and seems it doesn't get so fat far longer
  5. Quatrux

    I Hate Macs

    I can't say I hate Macs, but sometimes I think they are over priced, sometimes I think having something from apple is like to be fashionable, even though you don't need most of the features, every time people who have money seems to buy a new apple product which is "better" or more "fashionable"It makes waste resources, as you need to through out your old hardware.. Even though it's the same with other non mac laptops, it's hard to upgrade them, unless you want to add RAM or change your hard drive.. When upgrading your PC case, it's easy, it's cheap, it's effective. :)I don't use macs as I don't see the reason to do it.
  6. To add more, I remember usually it was enough on MySQL to use one SELECT or with at least one subquery and usually with several joins, but when I started working with Oracle.. it's another story..When you're database is large and has a lot of different information, lots of tables, and especially when working with Oracle reports, I need to write a lot of subqueries to format my data, a lot of union all/minus and and etc.At first it was strange for me, but I got used to it, usually when using it in web, I create a view and use it as a table, of course it depends how fast it is, sometimes the only way is to create a materialized view or to put all data in a seperate table and create a job for it to update several times in a day.. Of course, there are plenty of Oracle reports which runs ~9 seconds or even much more, depends on the parameters. :)I usually need to use subqueries when using group functions to count something, to sum up something and later use those numbers in another place.. in the same query
  7. The way it can be done:Use PrimoPDF and just print and use PrimoPDF as your printer and it will create a PDF file for you.Open your excel (xls) file with Open Office which has the ability to export as PDF..Use Office 2007 Excel which has the ability to save/publish as a PDF fileIt's all free except of upgrading your Office package to 2007. ;]
  8. I personally suggest to use a javascript framework which includes ajax usage very easily, you can do it with jQuery, which is much better and is cross browser.. you can get it here: http://jquery.com/
  9. Wow, this is really a great idea to add to the security, it's almost impossible for someone to know what kind of user agent you're using, even more better way would be to use it encrypted with md5, sh1 or your own variation of it, that someone in the php script code couldn't know the string value of the user agent for the browser.. Really i nice idea :)I think I will try to use it practically, just that it would be strange to always change the user agent ;]Another way to make your site a little bit more secure.. is to hide your files..I usually use an index.php file in the public_html folder and all the images, javascript, css files in it, but all the other files I put in private_html which are included from the script.
  10. Visual software enhancement were very popular when Vista appeared, a lot of whom could make their XP look like Vista, even though usually it took much mroe RAM and were much slower, XP it self by default looks quite good and those visual enchantments usually aren't the same looking as the original. Also the better ones weren't free.. So it's the same with Windows 7 now..I wonder why would anyone want to make their XP look like Windows 7 ar Vista :)Anyway, to continue on topic.. When I bought my laptop, it came with Vista, it seemed to work ok for me, was quite stable, just usually used over 1 GB of RAM when doing nothing, but after a year I got hold of Windows 7 Pro copy from university for free as I am a student and am using it since then.. Everything is fine..I've read here that somebody said that if it works on Vista it will work on Win7 too, for example with Age of Empires 2, on Vista it works well, but on Win7 it doesn't, due to the transparency which seems to be different, you need to change the theme and only then start the game, or else the colours will be very bad.Personally I have VirtualBox running with XP for things like that, as dual booting for me would be a pain, as I have 4 GB of RAM it's enough for me to run everything on Win7.. I also don't use Linux on dual boot as I used to, now I use it with Virtual Box too, there use to be resolution problems with OpenSUSE, but I managed to fix them to use a much higher one on full screen.I personally think that Windows 7 is the awaited fix for windows since XP.. The story for Vista would be something like Windows ME which really sucked
  11. Quatrux


    To add my two cents: For default view source I don't use Notepad++, I prefer to use Notepad2 which is also powerful, but is much simpler and faster, you can get it here: http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html
  12. I think that Logitech web cameras are quite good, the one I have and my friend is working fine for years, even though when I got my laptop, I don't use it anymore, as it has an integrated one in it.
  13. For writing PHP scripts I usually use PHP Designer 7, which for me personally is favorite IDE for PHP. Sometimes just to edit something I ten to use Notepad2 as it loads very fast and has a lot of useful features.. I used to use Notepad++ too, but somehow don't use it and after some time I don't even install it.. On Linux I used to use Bluefish quite frequently, even though it's available on Windows now too, as there is a project, I don't really use it as in all those years I got used to PHP Designer and know where what is by setting up everything the way I like it. Here is a good list of PHP editors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PHP_editors
  14. Also, in different countries, there might be different laws, so it depends what kind of pictures you're using and for what purpose.For example in my country you can use almost any image or music for caricature/burlesque if it's not an image or music which might not pass other laws.Usually with those images it's so stupid, but there are plenty of free stock images websites which you can use. Sometimes you can win the court, sometimes you can loose, it depends on the laws and how your lawyer might intemperate when in individual cases.It's best if possible to avoid using other images, but I usually use images for some works just from Google images search if it suits me and if no one will email me, it stays there. It's his headache to make the image folder to be not indexed by Google and other web crawlers.There was a case for me, when my friend emailed a photo to me, I thought it was his, and I put it on the net, but after some time the hosting said that someone is complaining, it seems that that photo was copyright by some kind of an album/gallery member and that my friend saved it from there, so I just removed it.I wonder, if somebody would take a lot of photos from facebook and store them somewhere, what to do then? Is it against the law or something? Just look how many funny websites seem to use the same funny pictures.
  15. In my country language, the word can be feminine or masculine.. so to me, SUN is she, MOON is he, CLOUD is he, WIND is he, STAR is she, SKY is he, RAIN is he and EARTH is she. So the difference is only in CLOUD, in my country different books and etc., clouds are usually male faced Moonlight for me is is also she, but only because the word LIGHT is she, but the MOON is he, so it's his light and light is she About moonlight, in my mother tongue, it's separate words moon light, in English it seems to be not separate, even though I just thought, that we have one word which is a synonym for moonlight, it's also a she though
  16. I used to play Contra quite a lot, it really a good game, especially playing in two player mode :DI later played also Super Contra or something like that, with "better" graphics and better sound on the same NES, but it was harder to play.
  17. You can learn programming by yourself, practically I learned programming in school by myself, on my leisure time.. You can start reading books, tutorials and do practical works and with time you can become a programmer.But after attending university, I learned a lot of stuff, which I would touch by learning at home or at work by myself, due to I would need it personally..It depends what you want to do, sometimes there are such programmers which never attended any college or universities, but they are monsters in programming.In fact, programming is a small bit of work with computers, you need to learn a lot, you can't be a programmer all your live. I mean programming and programming without doing anything else.
  18. I agree with most people in this thread. I wouldn't want to know when I will die or how, from what and etc. It would be hard to live, even though it's also hard to live when you don't know? Maybe tomorrow, maybe after 60 years.So I would like to know when I would die, but also would like to forget it after a minute and that everyone would forget who heard it
  19. I sometimes like to play RTS games, even though from my youth I really liked to play turn based games, I mean strategy games..For my leisure time, I sometimes still play something from C&C, but quite rarely, or something like age of empires II or Cossacks :PBut it usually lasts for 5 hours, when after a month another 5 hours or sometimes, I don't play anything for half a year, not even flash games, due to there's no time at all. :)But when I was younger, I remember I played a lot :DSo I could really play with you multiplayer, don't have the games you have.
  20. I think you never heard of jQuery or other Javascript frameworks? I suggest you to learn using jQuery, it's popular, it's easy to use and it can do AJAX very easily, at the beginning it may be hard to understand, but once you start using it, you won't stop using it http://jquery.com/ It has an Api, it has a lot of things, lots of plugins.. Just search google for tutorials and what you want.. You won't need to do such scripts as above, jQuery works on all browsers and is very fast.
  21. It seems that people like to use touchpads, but I personally still prefer the keyboard on mobile phones, I thought to buy a mobile phone with a touchpad, but got myself with a normal keypad and feel fine..touchpads are good that you usually get bigger screen, but personally for me, I need my mobile phone to talk to people and write sms, sometimes mms and thats all, so bigger screen usually isn't needed for me..I just hope in the future all new phones won't be with touchpads? Normal/usual phones seems to work longer without charging them.
  22. Well, I think you should firstly design how everything should work in the game, something like an UML.You could write how everything should work from a programming perspective, the game idea and game play. What data will be used, how the game will be played. Then design the database. Having that, you can easily start programming step by step creating new features everyday. :DProgramming extempore.. You may end by programming all year and never finish it, it's better to plan first and do the programming later
  23. Everything works for me and it seems it wasn't down, due to I would have got an email from siteuptime.. Maybe it was down, but less than for an hour and didn't get into the interval the check is made..You still are having any issues? For seems everything to work, http, php, mysql, ftp and cpanel.
  24. sheepdog, to add one thing, I would like to say that in my country you can buy beer in a plastic bottle, and it was like that for a lot of years, over 20 years is a guarantee :DYou can buy a plastic 2 liters bottle with beer, 1 liters bottle, even 0.5 liters bottle.. so it's no exception ;PIn most countries in Europe I was, I always saw beer plastic bottles.. Sometimes I even saw commercials that shows good plastic bottles which makes beer taste good.I personally think, beer best tastes from a glass bottle
  25. I wonder if the html5 features will work normally in IE9, there seems to be to much versions of Internet Explorer :DI am a fan of Opera browser since Opera version 7 and am happy with it, I use IE only when I need to access a site which is IE only.. I mean the site works normally only on IE.As I know, XP won't be supported as an Operating system quite soon, so why bother to make IE9 work on it? ;] Even though a lot of people will continue to use Windows XP
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