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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. It's a good tip also to use only trusted software, usually there are quite enough alternative freeware and open source software for most popular things..Usually those viruses come from keygens, cracks, patches and other not legal software, even though it seems that most of torrent sites which are private are filtering this kind of stuff and a big community can spot "bad" software, it's not like DC++ there you can download a virus thinking it's a simple tool?You just need to try not to open anything, especially exe files, most of other spyware comes from USB keys, the only way to protect from it is having some kind of antivirus, I personally use Microsoft Security Essentials which is free for home users.Furthermore, it seems that people need to browse with a browser which is not Internet Explorer..As suggested, a good firewall is a good tool to protect againsts spyware which comes from Lan, you can get a trojan or something like that by just being connected to the Internet.. :)It's a good topic, a suggestion how to protect, but sometimes updating to the latest version isn't good, sometimes the updated software has more bugs than the previous version, but only sometimes.
  2. With hardware which we have Today, it seems that it got very popular to use C# .NET environment, there it's quite easy to create a GUI application.I used to try and learn C++ with QT tools, but just didn't have the time to do it, now whenever I need to create a program which would do something at work or at home, I usually use C# as it's fast and I don't really need to do it professionally in most cases.. Also a lot of people seems to use Visual C++ which is also an easy way to create a GUI application.For creating serious applications.. It depends on the speed, there are quite a lot of .NET applications which a lot of people are using and it seems to work well.
  3. Well, here are my results: It's the speed in my country region: It's the speed to different country, to London server: And it's the speed to outside the ocean, to USA, to Washington DC server:
  4. For music files like mp3 I am using Winamp and I think it's one of the best players around for free and for video I only use VLC media player, which is good, even though I had some issues with Audio CDs playing, it didn't want to play them, for that reason I used the default Windows Media player to play it which seemed to play it quite good. :PI used to use Quintessential Media Player, which is also very good, maybe even better than Winamp, but somehow I sticked to Winamp as it's more stable.More about QCD: http://www.quinnware.com/
  5. I agree that sometimes it's really hard to read some CAPTCHAs, so different methods should be found and used as most CAPTCHAs can be read by a computer too if somebody will really want to do it..Whenever I did some PHP sites with CAPTCHA, I usually removed the letters which might look similar, like i I l L and etc. and only generated symbols from letters which are readable normally, sometimes upside down, but usually people know the difference of upside down D or S letters..Some CAPTCHAs as I think it shouldn't be, they use uppercase and lowercase letters as different symbols, it's really also annoying..
  6. Well, in my country mobile phones got very popular and now it seems everyone have them, starting from boys and girls going to second grade and finishing with old people living from pension who are ~80 years old..A lot of people from 15 to 50 have at least two cell phones.. As there is good competition and phones are quite cheap and the service is also cheap, most of people refused to have normal home phones as they are more expensive to use :DI personally have 2 cell phones and 2 numbers, one personal and one for work/spam and other stuff and I am 22-24 years old ;] One phone is Nokia, the other is Sony Ericsson
  7. Seems that Windows 7 got a quite "good" OS which is stable and usable, also it seems that IE9 might be a good browser and it can be enough for simple people using a computer, somehow it seems that Microsoft is moving the right path with some software? It seems that even their antivirus software Microsoft Security Essentials is quite good? Sometimes when I think about it, they made something not as bad as they used to?To go a little bit of topic, I started to like how Microsoft started to work, as they seemed to start loosing the market, as most Linux distros were better than XP and maybe Vista, but what I am seeing now, that most of people started using Windows 7 and seems they are happy :DI just hate that in the past several years there were IE7, IE8, IE9, a lot of new versions They seem to release IE8 and after a few days they announce that IE9 is in development? Even though in these several years Firefox 1 has gone up to version 4, but didn't feel a lot of difference to change it's version except some additions and maybe an updated Gecko engine?Even though I am used to Opera, I will continue to use Opera and Chrome, but it's good for new people, it's good that new people will start using IE9 which will show the web for them like it needs to be showed and not like it was with IE6. :'D
  8. I hope they won't start creating game consoles such as XBoc or PlayStation 3 as it's quite enough, there are Nintendo also, but anyway Apple could just continue developing iPads which would great for small, simple and not simple games, which would be enjoyable, it's quite a big market, as people might move there to play simple games, just look how people are mad about simple, but nice looking games online :)But I wish apple wouldn't create a gaming console
  9. I think, that it's really important to learn History and know it, how and there what happened and what consequence it gave..When you know the basics of history, you feel quite differently when watching Todays events.. People don't seem to learn from their mistakes, even though it happened a year ago or 7 years ago :DI think that children in school should be taught History the way it was and not History which is full of lies People without History is nothing, a man should be proud about his country, his country's history, language and mores.
  10. My list would be: Browsers: Opera, Google Chrome Security: Microsoft Security Essentials Audio and Video: VLC media player and Winamp with Last.fm plugin File sharing: uTorrent and ApexDC++ CD and DVD tools: ImgBurn, DVD Flick and DEAMON Tools Chatting: XChat, Pidgin and Skype System: CCleaner, Deflagler File transfer: Filezilla FTP client Compression: 7-Zip Graphics: GIMP, Irfanview and Paint.NET Editors and Viewers: Notepad2, Notepad++, Eclipse, Netbeans and I think I can add here Open Office and Adobe Reader or SumatraPDF or Foxit Reader ;] and of course VirtualBox, Apache, PHP, MySQL and so on I quite like a site called File hippo: http://filehippo.com/ It has a lot of software which is usually freeware and has the latest versions of it, has a quite good update system, very comfortable to use, also the software is categorized ;]
  11. I agree, it seems that people who use apple computers want to be fashionable and modern and show of their products, oh look I have apple, even though something new will come soon and he will need to replace his apple product with a newer apple product I can't say, that apple products are bad, they seem to work, in the past I heard that macs ar much better for designers and people who works with lots of graphics, don't know the situation Today? Maybe Windows OS is also now good for designs,. modeling and etc? or maybe not, as usually watching some science TV show about creating a movie or animation or some effects, I see that they are using Apple computers For graphics, I remember for a lot of years, Silicon graphics were leaders to designing, it had lots of tools and super hardware to do miracles, don't know about their situation Today though, here is some info on them? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_Graphics So to conclude, it seems that Apple got very commercial and seems the idea, that people buy what looks more stylish and will pay more for it than for a similar product, but which is not so stylish. I also don't have any apple product
  12. It depends what your age is and how much free time you have and what you want to do, personally I worked for me being a moderator and a little more on some hosting companies years ago, before I found Xisto (Xisto), it all was done for free, but later you were allowed to do more, like creating new accounts, controlling WHM and etc. controlling the users, it was all for free, except that you had hosting for yourself free and it was quite fun and also you gained experience working with the server and it's server, so it has it's revenue..But I personally couldn't work for free lets say looking after an old lady, it's just not something I would like to do. Sometimes, some jobs may give you some kind of benefit of working for free, for example, one of my friends worked in a bank for free, as a student, for over 6 months and later he got a normal job there in the IT department.
  13. For an antivirus program, I can recommend a free and good antivirus for home suers, I am using it myself for over a year and it works well, it isn't using a lot of resources and is light, it's microsoft security essentials!You can get it here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/products/windows is some more info about it on Wikipedia: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I know, it's good and free.For spyware stuff, you can get Mallwarebytes: https://www.malwarebytes.com/ it seems to catch a lot of spyware and etc. it's free for simple usage, but for more features you need to buy it, I used to use it on some computers, but sometimes it has some conflicts with other anti spyware software..The one which seems to work independently, even though I heard it doesn't find a lot of spyware, but usually find more than Adaware or Spybot Search & Destroy, it's SUPER Anti Spyware, which you can download form here: http://www.superantispyware.com/ You can read more on Wikipedia:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Superantispyware http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ seems that wikipedia is a good source of information in most way, even though it can't always be trusted
  14. I mainly Today use Windows 7, but also have VirtualBox to run Linux (openSUSE) and Windows XPIt's good to test out things on XP and not mess up your main OS, you can do different things there and whenever you want to can reformat it as there is nothing special there.. Some programs, especially which you use in the university, requires XP.I have 4 GB of RAM, so it enough for me to run everything, even though I have a lot of things turned on, when using running XP on Win7 through Win7 it sometimes seems to get slower after some time, but it usable.I used to dual boot on my old computer, as I had only 1 GB or 1,5 GB of RAM, can't remember and it was a headache, as usually you're lazy to boot into other system to do something, due to you don't want to close the windows and other programs, such programs like VirtualBox does their job Great!
  15. Quatrux

    Good Photo Editor

    For simple things you can use Irfanview, it is very small and can do quite a lot, especially with extra plugins, it doesn't take much resources at all, but for simple editing and simple effects it's one of the best image viewer/editor around:you can download it from here: http://www.irfanview.com/ Also, here is some info on it on Wikipedia: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I am using it for years now for simple and fast tasks, but for more powerful tasks with graphics I usually use GIMP, which is using more memory, more space and more time to start and of course has much more features and capabilities.
  16. Oh, a facebook page, I remember I registered on orkut xisto group too, but I don't really think a lot of people are using orkut? at least of people I know, most moved to facebook..I have a facebook account and will try to join, but I don't really do there anything, just have an account Same with orkut
  17. Seems a good tool, but I can't figure it out, does Browser box lets you use those browsers and test it or it just shows you a screenshot? of what it will look like? As usually you need to test javascript these days and not only the look.
  18. To add, I can say that it's best to get MyCents through both the forums, posting here at Xisto and you can also register and post at Xisto, which is also a Xisto forum whcih gives MyCents, all you need is to use the same email you are using here and your account and the mycents will merge. Xisto were known as Xisto forums http://forums.xisto.com/ Posting on both forums is better, due to it's a bigger chance to find a topic in which you can post and tell something, help somebody and etc. Because of that, you'll earn MyCents much faster. It's better to post posts which are longer, for that you get more MyCents.
  19. I used to use a domain at some other registrant and as I remember I needed to to renew in Spring, I transfered it here to Xisto as I remember at in Winter and paid 10$ and now I need to renew it in winter, so to answer the question, I lost about 3 months, as when you transfer the domain, you transfer it for a year.So it's best to transfer it here to Xisto, lets say a week or two before it will expire at GoDaddy, just if something might go wrong, you'll have a week or two to fix everything, as I remember some posts, GoDaddy doesn't always want to allow to transfer the domain somewhere else or used to not have the option, but usually it's best to write a support ticket here at Xisto panel and they will take care about it quite fast.
  20. As I know IE9 fully supports HTML5 tests? and Chrome is second? I tried Chrome with HTML5 tests, so I would like to know what are the results with IE9 an other browsers running this test?http://html5test.com/ As I read, it seems that IE9 beats Chrome, so you could also do a list with the test results here like you did with Acid3, also it is strange that IE9 doesn't pass Acid3 as they said it will pass it and etc.It seems that Microsoft wants the browser market back and are working on it, due to for a lot of years IE6 sucked due to that fact, I still don't use IE8 even though it got better, I still use Opera and Chrome and tend to use it due to the features and capabilities it offers.
  21. Windows 7 is using NTFS which can be defraggmented, and for almost a year I am using Windows 7 and deflagler and regularly am defraggmenting and never had any issues? Maybe I don't use the Shadow service? but I doubt it..The Shadow technology is available for quite a long time for: Windows Server 2003 and above, maybe it now works a bit differently and data is stored in blocks and not in a file or something like that, but as I said before, I am defraggmenting and never had any issues..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_CopyJust leave those files like that and don't worry about them, I mean the files in use and the pagefile.sys and system Volume Information as you don't care about them.
  22. Are you talking about creating a guy for some browser engine? It depends on the engine I guess.. I can create a browser with IE engine with C# and .NET in like 5 minutes, but it won't have a lot of functions in those 5 minutes, but it will work.. I never used other engines to do something similar, so I can't say, but it's not very hard, you can look at the project Swift browser, which was the first Webkit engine browser on Windows, a quite young programmer was creating it, and I don't think he did it for very long, as I know he was using .NET but later Safari was ported with Windows interface and a bit more later Google Chrome come with Webkit engine and there doesn't seem to be any purpose for Swift browser? It almost every time was in alpha stage, but was very fast. There are lots of browsers using the same engines, just Opera is using it's own engine and no other browser as I know it's closed source? Here is a list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_web_browser_engines
  23. I usually write my emails in my country language, or to say it more correctly in my mother tongue, so the feature which can tell me that I didn't attach a file isn't usually working, as sometimes I really forget to attach it :)Maybe they could make it multi language feature
  24. I looked at the code, but it seems that you could add some method to control the paging, for example, in your code, if you will have 120 pages, they will all show, did I understand correctly?So doing something like last page, first page and printing some intervals is also a good idea.
  25. I would like to add my two cents, like in the movie Space 1999, which is quite old, something from the year 77, can't remember, the moon had an alpha base which was used to put nuclear waste from nuclear plants and store it in the moon rather than putting it in earth. :DSame, as in some movie, trash which can't be recycled was sent to the sun o burn or I would sent it to a black hole :DPersonally, I don't see a lot of purpose for a moon base, unless you use this base like some kind of point, you go to the moon quite cheap with some small spacecrafts,cargo-crafts and use a quite bigger spacecraft to go somewhere from the moon? as it would be cheaper, than every-time traveling from earth..Maybe even a space station is better rather than a moon base for this purpose..Nevertheless, being for a long time in space is very bad for your health, firstly good artificial gravity technology needs to be achieved.
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