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Everything posted by joeblogg

  1. i always thought it was around 2 days for both a man and a women. three days max. it would definately not be 5 even 4 is impossible i think. just search it up on wiki answers or something.
  2. yeah i want to die in my sleep. who doesn't? its the most peaceful way to die. but i do not want to be staying in hospital months before i die relying on equipment keeping me alive as long as possible. and i do not want to be murdured or do something stupid like falling of a cliff or shooting my self or commiting suicide if i'm drunk (trust me i've heard of cases like these).
  3. well i'm not exactly looking forward to it! if i die peacefully which most people in civilized countries do then that will be alright. i want to do at a late age and peacefully then that is fine. but its still scary thinking that you are going to die.
  4. i just had a look at the poll. who supported whaling! yes bluebear i have taken point of view on the taste of whales into consideration and i agree that some people like it and some people don't. a matter of opinion. but i think it is cruel to whale - especially in the current numbers. so if there is a possible conclusion it is this: -whales do not taste bad (it is personal opinion) -it is cruel in most cases to whale -whales are becoming endangered if anyone wants to write there own conclusion then feel free.
  5. what do you mean internet marketing software? have you made your own email service and you want to put advertisements on it?
  6. no i don't think you can. maybe one day you might be able to make some money from those types of sites but not at the moment. PS: digg sucks i prefere reddit!
  7. no pippin. i mean if they tasted all right we can hunt them and eat them like we hunt chickens, cows, birds. in moderation. but because whales taste disgusting there is no point hunting them!
  8. how did they do that without photoshop or like programs?
  9. i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate those! they are so anoying. i do not have much patience and i hate wasting my time on crap like that. i got better things to do! and i'm really bad at them.
  10. great choice Kubi. i love mustangs! they are the best. they look great, there fast and there powerful.
  11. i did well in north america, south america, europe. but i started having problems with africa and asia! especially africa. its impossible =! there are so many countries that i have never even heard of and countries that i have heard of but i can't remember. can anyone post a complete list of the countries?
  12. well i guess come and go. why not just try and make new friends but make sure they are the kind of friends that will stay with you throughout the whole journey. thoughout hardships and difficult times as well.
  13. why don't you use msn? its free easy and why not? why pay for some "professional" business messenging "solution" when you can just use msn?
  14. i've never tried it! but i think it is addicting. aren't all illegal drugs addicting?
  15. as i said in other posts addiction to anything is bad. doing a variety of things is best. so being addicted to your work is not good. being addicted to coke (the other type ! also known as cocain) is also bad. just moderation is the key to not being addicted!
  16. pippin is right. there is absoulutely nothing wrong with masturbation. and it is true that there are people who think masturbation can cause some serious deseases but its not true. medical specialists in the area have said that it is perfectly health which it is. but this topic is not about whether masturbation is healthy or not its about being addicted to it. being addicted to anything whether its a good thing or bad thing is generally not good. like being addicted to chocolate is not good. being addicted to losing weight on the other hand can lead to anorexia. so even being addicted to a good thing is bad. whether masturbation is a good thing is up to the person. it is proven to be healthy but whether it is "right" that is up to the person. but being addicted to masturbation is a bad thing.
  17. yeah good point running with scissors. but i still think you can be addicted to anything even if it is a good thing. as i mentioned before "workaholics" are addicted to work. is that a bad thing? i guess you could say so. but anyway good point.
  18. i think the business forum is pretty good at the moment. i've learnt a lot from it and hopefully some people have learnt from me. all it needs is just more topics and a more open view. business is a huge topic just like science. there are shops, restaurants, online business (which include: hosting, search engines, email etc), labor business like builders, caretakers. it is just huge the possibilities of this forum. what we need is organisation. you might try classifying and splitting the business forum into sections if it gets really big. just like the internet forum and computer forum.
  19. what the hell is a free ajax shopping cart and how are you going to give it to someone?
  20. you should have stayed at your original job while starting the business and once it starts turning over some money and getting some customers then you can quit your job. you need to make sure your stable with the business before quitting your job. but you did so that means the success of the business is even more important. don't freak out it just means your going to have to put a lot of time and effort into the business organizing everything from advertising to staff to bills. just remember your not going to be a millionair just like that. it takes time and effort.good luck with your business. i hope it goes well.
  21. i've never heard of that in my life! it sounds really interesting though. thanks for telling us about it! i've learnt something knew about google today!
  22. i was never concerned about the name lol. read the Xisto story written by OpaQue. it explains everything: the hardships, the good parts, the NAME!, and many other things which you would want to know about Xisto. it is pinned in the general section of the forum.
  23. yeah i guess that they spend more time getting the tune right and then putting in any random lyrics that match. rather than getting the lyrics right and finding a tune that will match. but when you listen to rap and stuff they speak so fast that you can hardly understand what they are saying. but yeah good point.
  24. there are some simple free banner makers. bannerbreak.com, dynamic-sig.com, mybannermaker.com but obviously they aren't as good as using photoshop because you can make it look cooler and more personal on photoshop.
  25. thats a really good idea. i checked out the site and it looks excellent. i would have never been able to think of something like that! great idea. i might try and design something i'm not sure. i'm not that good.
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