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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. To mention one of the most popular believes that your site does not comply with, that google gives higher ranking to pages that <title> element text marches with the first line of web page that has to be <H1> element and its colour has to be black.


    Colour has to be black? Where'd you pull that one from? :)

  2. Are you the same person who posted another thread a while ago about some argument you got into cos somebody overhead you being nasty to someone on a bus? If so, do you see a pattern forming? Maybe you need to be a little bit more discrete about where and how you air your opinions.Granted the disabled girl is using her condition for an unfair advantage, but you wouldn't have the problem if you'd kept your opinions to yourself. Like my Mum used to say: "If you can't say something nice about someone...."

  3. Wow, I have never heard of Pi Day! That is interesting. Happy Pi Day to all! What is the use of this holiday anyway?

    I don't think it's a holiday and the reason why you haven't heard of it (like I hadn't either until today) is because you probably come from a country that uses the 14/3/2006 dating system.

  4. But no excuses to the Yugoslavian leaders to protect the integrity of their country

    Don't ya just love euphemisms. So 'protecting the integrity' includes eliminating whole villages of your nation's citizens? Now I don't dispute the fact that other nations have done this throughout history, but don't try and sugar coat it with a description like 'protecting the integrity'. That's like me saying I'm protecting the integrity of my bank balance by robbing an old lady.
    Whether Milosevic is any worse than any other world leader in terms of 'war crimes' is open to dispute. What's irrefutable though is that he clearly was an idiot. He had the whole world watching what was going on in his country and yet he did it anyway. Stupid people quite often end up in jail. So he got what he deserved I reckon.

  5. What I hate on Firefox browser is that if I leave the window (browser) open with some sites and I come back to use it will give error, this problem happens all the time whereas IE windows can be used. And thereafter it will ask me to send report. Unless I restart my system the firefox won't work... this I hope will be improved soon.

    Has it occurred to you that it might be a fault with your PC? I don't ever have that problem.
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