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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. Wouldn't it be a better idea to start a campaign to improve Internet Explorer further?

    Developers have been clamouring for years about changes that IE developers need to make to their product and as I pointed out earlier, there's probably a reason why their requests have fallen on deaf ears.

    Conret, Mozilla is open source - it's not a business. And you've just contradicted yourself. You say cos IE is the original, most people will stick with it, but then you say:

    Cmon how many of the people are into browsers so much to change to firefox and then chenge back to IE 7?

    which means that all those who now have FF won't bother going back to IE7 when it comes out.
    Mayank, MS has stopped support for IE Mac and now advises people to use Safari instead.

  2. ..Honestly, if people want to bring misery and difficulty upon themselves by using IE, then thats their choice. Who am I, or you, for that matter, to tell them what is better? They'll figure it out on their own, eventually. And if they don't, what does it matter to you?

    I'm all for people having their own choice and not having others' preferences forced upon them and while I'm a fan of Firefox I'm also not the sort of person to actively support anti-IE campaigns.
    But to answer your question, one of the reasons why it should matter is because IE's failure to fall into line with every other browser maker and adhere to W3C standards is actually hampering the advancement of the Internet. And some people believe that they're actually doing it on purpose.
    Companies like Google are working on technologies that would see applications delivered over the Internet, with the eventual outcome being that you probably wouldn't need an operating system anymore which will obviously have a serious impact on Microsoft's core business.

  3. Well i dont know why but i have noticed this too the site will not work with firefox. I think its the browser not the site because the site in internet explorer looks fine in my window.

    It's hardly ever the browser and in this case it's certainly not, it's the designer's fault - no doctype, nested tables, made with MS Frontpage..... :huh: Internet Explorer doesn't follow the specs correctly so those people who design specifically for it can expect their pages to look messed up in more modern browsers.

  4. that can be done in html only..i dont see how that is php except that ure changing the index.php file thing..

    You can't do PHP includes with HTML.
    By the way Albus, your file doesn't have to have an .html extension, it can be whatever you want - .php, .asp, .txt, .inc. The page that calls the include, rather than the include separately is what gets parsed, so it doesn't matter what format the include is in.

  5. IE7 will ignore the Holly Hack (* html ) but will recognise the child selector (like FF etc.) so it appears there will be no way of targetting IE7 specifically without the use of conditional comments and it also means that hacks intended for <= IE6 could break your layouts in IE7.The author says he 'hopes' that this usage will future-proof designs for IE7, but unfortunately (as of the current beta version), it doesn't.

  6. Tyssen, I would like to point out this particular part, if you can give him an idea why nested tables means and how to overcome them?


    From here:


    Cascading Style Sheets: Use style sheets to reduce bloated code and decrease download time. Style sheets eliminate extraneous HTML code, so the spider can get straight to your content.


    Tables: Keep your table structure as simple as possible. Some spiders tend to get lost in a web of nested tables where the content is buried deep inside a complex table structure.

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