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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. 1) Application form for free hosting account didn't work, it just sent me to post a new topic. So I posted I wanted an account, and had no form, so it was denied. Ended up trying the next morning, same thing happened, no form, so I did what somebody else did, and just copied the info from another post, and filled it in. Application approved.

    Yeah, I found the application process a bit user-unfriendly when I signed up too.

  2. Well as your site clearly promotes itself as being about Pakistan, you've restricted your audience immediately to people either living in (or who have lived in) Pakistan.Secondly, your site is in English which probably also reduces the size of the audience because I'm guessing that not everyone speaks English in Pakistan (although I realise there is probably quite a high percentage who do).Thirdly your site is made up of a web of nested tables which search engines find hard to spider. This is borne out by the fact that Google hasn't indexed any of your pages. Yahoo has only indexed 3. MSN on the other hand has indexed quite a lot.But still, this shows that you've got a clear problem with the way your site is indexed.

  3. Finally, around Jan 3rd or so, the policy of no 'sign-off' siggies came in to effect. Yes, they are annoying and cheat the credit system a little bit, but mostly, they ae not neccesary. It is simple to add a sig block in your profile.

    Care to explain why adding your name at the end of a post is so bad that it deserves handing out a warning? Just sounds a bit too totalitarian for my liking.

  4. Even so, I would still like my site to look pretty much the same no matter which browser is used. Because of this I will try to avoid using formatting that is only applicable to one browser.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't and I go to great lengths to get everything to look as similar as possible across browsers, but at the end of the day, if you're banging your head against a wall over just the tiniest details, then maybe you gotta step back and ask yourself how much it's worth to be exactly the same.

  5. Well it doesn't necessarily relate to the topic of adding email attachments, but whenever you're using a HTML form to transmit info to your mail program via PHP, you need to be aware of the danger of 'email header injection'. A Google search on that will provide you with more and better info than I could give here.

  6. It's because grouping in one place for multiple windows is annoying. So why force a program to tab multiple windows when no one uses grouping similar application in the first place?

    Because with Windows, you can't see what all the grouped windows are until you click on the tab to see the list (which is annoying). With a tabbed browser, once you're in the browser window, you can see all other tabs. You also can't have Windows open up with multiple saved tabs, but you can with a tab-enabled browser.
    As for the IE7 beta release, you need to be aware that the install will overwrite IE6, you can't have both running at the same time (particularly important if you're a web developer cos you're still going to need IE6 to test in).

  7. You might be able to get your layout to fit perfectly on your screen, but you'll never be able to get it that way on everyone's. There's just too many variables to factor in: OS, screen resolution, browser type, text size, how many toolbars they've got installed, whether they view maximised or not taking up the full window.

  8. Here's another one for ya: 'punk'. We all know now that it's associated with music but it used to be a derogatory term (Dirty Harry: "Do ya feel lucky? Well, do ya punk?")So where did it originate from? I heard in an interview with Iggy Pop (who was an early punk muso with his band The Stooges), that it actually was a jailhouse term for what is now described as '*BLEEP*' - guy who gets put upon to do all manner of stuff for people further up the hierarchy than he is, including sexual favours (not that they're offered - more like taken).

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