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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. What you have to do is link back to the same page with either a post or a session variable now included. So your code for the website would stay the same except you would have an if statement checking to see if _SESSION[...]  or _POST[...] existed. If it did then would now just run the function you wanted to run. So all you have to do is make the href="yourpage.php?login=yes"

    Eh? Why would you have to do that? If the function is based on a session or post variable, you might have to, but if it's not you wouldn't. For instance,

    <?php  function display($x){echo ($x - 10);  }?>
    No need for any session variables in there.

  2. It can be HTML too but you have to be careful what attributes you use and stuff because Firefox sometimes doesn't recognize them or just doesn't use them.


    Unless you're talking about Microsoft proprietry code (in which case, all browsers, not just Firefox won't display those attributes correctly), Firefox recognises and uses exactly the 'attributes' as IE.

    If we're talking about HTML as laid down in the W3C specifications, then Firefox follows the rendering of those elements closer to the letter than IE does.

  3. I don't buy that stuff about the sandbox. I just got 4mx.biz indexed in less than a month.

    I did too for a site with a very uncompetitive search term. But if you want your site to show up in search results for competitive terms, expect to be affected by the sandbox and/or ageing delay.

  4. hey when did you view the site?, i was changing some code on it last night,so maybe thats when you got those errors,cuz i am i am not seeing it now.

    Look at the time of my post - that's when I looked at your site. I checked it in FF 1.5, IE6 and Opera 8.5. FF & Opera both had a blank scrollbar (meaning the scrollbar space was there but not the bit you'd use to drag left & right).

  5. ..it is not 100% complete

    When you say it's not 100% complete, does that include the huge white space at the top and your navigation links? I hope so. Your links are unreadable in their normal state and only barely readable on rollover. :(
    Also, you get a horizontal scrollbar in Firefox & Opera at 1024 x 780 even though the width of your content area must be less than 700px wide.

  6. I agree with michaelper22. I've tried this version of Netscape browser and find it rather bulky as well.

    I've always found NS to be bulky - the download files are always huge. I think it's better for you to have the option to include stuff like you can with Firefox than to have a bunch of stuff you may not want included as default.

  7. About this Tyssen, I am a big fan of it, I hate that IE doesnt know the hover pseudo element but in an anchor. This is the way those list and sublist menus work in the good browsers right?

    And is it normal that the installers are 80 MB? The installers for IE 501 and 55...


    Menu items are links. I said I'm not a fan of it on things that aren't links, e.g., you've got it on your heading. Most people know that links change colour when you roll over them, so they come to your header and it changes colour and think it must be a link too, but it doesn't.

    As for the installers, are you looking at Windows or Mac installers cos I'm sure the Windows ones weren't that big.

    As for the Mac-only hack, does your site work if you take them out?

  8. I'll take a look with those older browsers... do you know what could be happening? As far as im concerned I did everything just right, using that IE only css hack...

    IE5 browsers implement a different box model from IE6 in standards mode. You also need to apply text-align: center to the containing element to get the site to centre (you have to set it back to left on a descendant element).

  9. Your Inicio menu moves vertically when you hover over it. The word 'Inicio' moves too when you hover over it (looks like increased letter spacing). I'm generally not a fan of elements changing colour on rollover if they're not links (except for form elements).
    As for the browsers:
    and how to set them up right:

  10. The only javascript at the business end of the stick will be DHTML navigation.  But as for my site, everyone who'll be visiting that uses firefox with java enabled, so it's all good.

    How do you know everyone will be using Firefox with js enabled? There's no way you can possibly know that unless you hand out invitations to your site and password protect it to prevent people who aren't invited using it.
    As for using js for navigation, if you decide to go down that route, then you need fallback measures in place for those people who do have js turned off or they won't be able to access areas of your site.
    If this is just a personal site, then it probably doesn't matter so much, but if you're intending it to be a business site, you're effectively losing customers by not covering all the bases.
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