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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. like how much more effect and better is XHTML to HTML?


    I hate when people don't read threads properly. :P

    This was just two posts above yours and, in a nutshell, describes exactly why XHTML is better than HTML:


    XHTML is the W3C standard for developing cross browser compatible websites. It fuses all of the display elements of HTML with some of the functionality of XML. By forcing a web designer to program more carefully and adhere to strict code standards, XHTML successfully allows a vastly larger percentage of browsers or code parsers to properly parse your documents. In less geeky terms, it means more people can see your site the way you meant for them to see it, and less people see your site with elements strewn all over their page.


    For your site to reach the widest potential audience, it is important that it is developed in the most cross browser compatible method possible. XHTML is that method.

  2. If it wasn't on a University domain, I'd think it was a piss-take. :P I can't see why anyone would need to add any more functionality at the sketch stage. A sketch is just going to be the very roughest representation of what your layout's going to look like.You're going to do most of the work in a real graphics program before moving to your text editor to create the code.

  3. Then again you probably just should have a notice that if you don't want to be offended you might not want to read that forum.

    The thing is, it's mainly people who have an interest in one particular religion who are likely to be offended by coming up against contrasting views from someone who follows another faith. In other words, the target audience of a religious forum are also the ones most likely to be offended.
    I personally think you'd need a pretty strong admin/mod to keep tabs on it cos I've seen seem religious topics on other forums spiral out of control.

  4. And which country doesn't have a 1 cent? Don't they all?

    Didn't read the thread properly, did ya?

    In Australia we did away with our one & two cent coins - lowest is five cents now so everything gets rounded up or down when you pay with cash - but the saying still has the same meaning here.

  5. Well these ad blocking extentions do not in any way block banner ads, which are the main type of advertisement. They only block pop up ads.

    Sounds like you haven't actually used Adblock. Not only can you block any type of ad, but you can also turn off individual's signature images on Xisto if you want to (and I have).

  6. Funnily enough, I was just thinking of this notion today and was wondering what consequences it might have for business on the Net. I'm not sure it'll kill it though cos Internet marketing now is substantially different to what it was five years ago, so I'm sure it'll just evolve into something different.

  7. .politics     {width:500px;     background-image:url(imagespol_back.jpg);     padding-left: 5px;     padding-top: 0px;     padding-left: 5px;     padding-left: 0px;     text-align:left;}
    I think you meant padding-right and bottom rather than three paddding-lefts, didn't you? :P (Incidentally, it can be written as: padding 0 5px which covers all four sides as bottom mirrors top and left mirrors right unless you specify values for them.)

  8. the problem would be this line

    <p align="center"><img border="0" src="pic_01.gif" width="500" height="540">
    changed it with that then refresh to see if something will happen
    <p align="center"><img border="0" src="pic_01.gif" width="500" height="540"></p>
    A missing </p> tag's not going to stop an image from displaying.

  9. If it's pretty much the same as html, but  "less forgiving", than why would you use over html? What are it's extra capabilitis?

    Taken from here:

    XHTML is the W3C standard for developing cross browser compatible websites. It fuses all of the display elements of HTML with some of the functionality of XML. By forcing a web designer to program more carefully and adhere to strict code standards, XHTML successfully allows a vastly larger percentage of browsers or code parsers to properly parse your documents. In less geeky terms, it means more people can see your site the way you meant for them to see it, and less people see your site with elements strewn all over their page.
    For your site to reach the widest potential audience, it is important that it is developed in the most cross browser compatible method possible. XHTML is that method.

  10. Sorry for not getting back sooner, but try this:

    #main_menu ul {   padding: 0px;   height: 25px;   margin: 0;   background-color: #2C4554;   color: #FFF;   font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;   clear: left;   list-style: none;}#main_menu li, li li { float: left; }#main_menu ul li a {   display: block;   height: 18px;   width: 8.5em;   padding: 0.2em 1em;   background-color: #2C4554;   color: #FFF;   text-decoration: none;   border-right: 1px solid #fff;}#main_menu ul li a:hover {   background-color: #547CA8;   color: #fff;}#main_menu li ul {   position: absolute;   width: 8.5em;   left: -999em;}#main_menu li li {   position: relative;   width: 8.5em;   left: 0;   border-top: 1px solid #FFF;}#main_menu li li a {   width: 8.5em;   height: auto;   font-size: 85%;   color: #FFF;}#main_menu li li a:hover {   color: #FFF;   background: #547CA8;}/* lists nested under hovered list items */ #main_menu li:hover ul, #main_menu li.sfhover ul { left: auto; }
    (I've changed some of the colours cos I cut & pasted from somewhere else.)
    Also, to get it to work in IE, you need this in the <head> section:

    <script type="text/javascript">sfHover = function() {  var sfEls = document.getElementById("main_menu").getElementsByTagName("LI");	for (var i=0; i<sfEls.length; i++) {  sfEls[i].onmouseover=function() {  	this.className+=" sfhover";  }  sfEls[i].onmouseout=function() {  	this.className=this.className.replace(new RegExp(" sfhover\\b"), "");  }	}}if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", sfHover);</script>

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