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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. My advice is not to use frames but instead use tables since they pretty much do the same thing except tables are easier to work with and are supported better by browsers

    You can't replicate framelike behaviour using tables. The closest you can get (without using frames) is using includes which still won't prevent the page being refreshed when a new link is clicked.

  2. I was kinda the same as you when I took a database class a few years ago. I wanted to know how it related to building a website but all we learned were SQL statements. At the time I was glad to know some SQL but still could not see what the real world application would be. It wasn't until some time later that I had to redevelop a database-driven site that I got the chance to work out to how to use queries linked to web pages.
    In your case, and using the example I gave above, you'd use the querystring to construct your SQL statement, e.g.:

    Select * from languages where table = ' & $_GET['lang'] & ' and type = ' & $_GET['type'];
    (I've probably mixed up ASP & PHP code there cos I haven't actually gotten around to creating any PHP scripts that query a database, whereas I have with ASP.)

  3. I've read Glamorama and American Psycho. Like you said, Glamorama is a hard one to describe. It's been a while since I read it but I remember it being fairly graphic and when I got to the end of thinking: "WTF was that all about?"American Psycho's also fairly graphic and I thought it was quite serious about it's subject matter. I saw the film several years after I read the book and didn't really like it cos it didn't fit with my image of the book because the film seemed to be more of a pisstake, a comedy even. It wasn't until a while later that I started to think that maybe I'd missed the whole point of the book and that it was actually s'posed to be acutely satiric and that I'd just missed the joke.

  4. It's going to depend on how much content, how many different categories you have, and how complex are their relationships.
    You can achieve a similar sort of functionality using includes instead of database entries if the nature of the included stuff isn't too complex. If you find you're having to create numerous arrays to get the different types of content into the page, then you should probably think about using a database instead.
    Learning how to use databases is a valuable tool but it all depends on what you hope to get out of web design/development. If you're just doing it for a hobby and feel like learning how to use databases will be a chore, then don't do it.
    But if you hope to make something more out of it (ie a career), then using your personal site is a great way to learn new stuff and test it out.
    From the look of your site, I would probably use a database to display the info cos you have a bunch of higher level categories that have common subcategories.
    Rather than having numerous different HTML files, you could have just one page that would display the relevant info based on the querystring.
    For example, instead of http://chromlea.com/mandarin/random.php, you could have http://chromlea.com/?lang=mandarin&type=random. Your page would then pull in from the database all the info relating to 'mandarin' the language and 'random' the word type.

  5. There are special css for IE and for Mozilla, try google for changing the color of the scroll bar (only for IE).

    That's CSS properties. The attributes are the things that relate to the properties. I meant that if you have a property common to all browsers, it has the same attributes - it doesn't have different attributes depending on what browser you're using.
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