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Posts posted by xpress

  1. The link provided by jlhaslip will answer all your questions. I'm writing there common mistakes made by some newbies here.1. Don't copy and paste material from other websites. If you need to do so, put that between QUOTE tags.(anything between these quote tags won't count for myCents).2. If you want to post some programming code put that between CODE tags. 3. Don't post any links to warez sites and also don't post any referral links to earn money.

  2. I thought an Admin had to review your posts, but now this is more interesting. I have a question though, could you lower the maximum time in between crediting, because if it is a day, its rather hard to set up your forums. I hope that I could possibly earn it faster, but since it is .05 mycents or is it, 5 cents per word, cause I think that is rather hard to earn, since thats around 2000 words per a dollar. I've earned about 14 dollars for 72 posts, the others haven't been accounted at the moment. I hope that it starts to move faster, maybe added some more selectiveness in the script, like analyzing only the users who have posted in the past 48 hours, and no more in the past.

    Analyzing the posts posted within the past 48 hours is not good because of spamming issue. If a post that was posted 2 days before was edited or deleted due to spam or some other issue it won't reflect in their myCents if we calculate the posts posted within 48 hours. That will become another bug in spam detection and myCents calculation. So that type of selectiveness is not useful.

    And the 24 hours time between credit updates and 5hrs difference between myCents update is to reduce possible load on the server. The script have to analyze thousands of posts to award myCents. Imagine how much load it will put on server...

  3. I agree with all above. I too think its not a good idea to force someone to start a new topic everymonth to survive here...that will defeat the purpose of Credit System here. With our credit system if we post more for some time we can take a long leave. If we impose a new rule like this there will be no difference between other post to host sites who requires monthly posting etc or forum activity etc...Trap17 is different. Everything will be at our comfort here. So rules like that will create problems for many members. I like your second idea. More myCents for a topic starter is a good idea. That will encourage members to post more new topics etc...

  4. Linux is better suited for Servers because that is a very secure operating system. And you know most of the webservers we use runs on linux. The second one is linux and its tools are free where as you have to pay for Windows Server operating system. Win XP is actually a desktop operating system, but you still can use XP by using Web Server softwares. But with linux you'll get stand alone server editons (most of them are text based to save RAM and system resources). But setting up with them needs some knowledge in Linux.By the way what is the platform of your website? I mean is it just html or have any server side language like PHP or JSP(java platform) or .Net platform etc ?

  5. What is your internet connection? The type of your connection is more important than these hardware requirements to host your site. That much of RAM and harddisk space is not necessary to host your own site. But you need a faster internet connection and bandwidth to serve the users. If you have good amount of bandwidth and speed then you can host your site on your own computer. But your computer should run on 24x7 basis. Can your computer handle that? And you should have a good firewall to prevent attacks on your computer. Answer these questions and I will guide you further....

  6. When a security product takes very low resources, it is because they are not scanning what they should, that is what it think and many more people i know, it is not because they have such a fantastic technology or everyone would use avira, but that is not trues, avg is the most used free antivirus, and a lot of people and companies use avg pro and internet security suite, which is cheap and has a 2 years license last time i checked here in portugal.
    Besides, most popular websites, have avg as the most downloaded freeware product, which is included along with many freeare stuff for different purposes.

    I cannot fully agree with that logic. If one product using low resources it doesn't mean that it is skipping its scanning. If google is giving search results much faster than other search engines it doesn't mean that google is not fully searching its database for best results and comes up quickly with some random ones. :D Google is using some better algorithm for faster and better searching. Just like that may be Avira is using some better scanning engine to use low resources...(well I'm talking about the usage of resources and not about its database of viruses). I agree AVG is also one of the best Antiviruses out there.

    But tell me, is it such a big difference between avg and avira, i would like to know please.

    I first faced the difference with the launch of AVG 8 on my 256MB system. My system became very sluggish and booting was very slow. I formatted my system entirely and tried it again and again.....same result. Then I searched for better one and found Avira.... Avira uses very low resources compared to AVG. And you can see the difference clearly on slow computers... :P

  7. This is really bad. Definitely this attack affects its sales. Because Kaspersky is not just an antivirus product. They are providing many other tools like Firewall etc... (for example their complete internet suite which have antivirus, firewall etc.) They are meant to save us from hacking attacks like these. So a normal user thinks like "if kaspersky cannot protect themselves on internet how can they protect us?". And other competetive companies will take advantage of this too, to promote their products. I do not believe fully in Kaspersky, to be frank I don't believe all these paid antivirus companies...they are providing the same protection level as the free ones providing(combining different Free tools Antivirus+Firewall).And coming to the resources issue, Avira is better than AVG...I tested these two in my 256MB computer and 2GB laptop. Avira is using very low amount of resources...

  8. Any body know if I should keep posting every day for free hosting service? And where can I find the tutorial of setting Email sysem (SMTP)

    No need to post daily danny.......Don't worry about it. You'll earn virtual money called myCents for all your posts here. So post some good posts (big posts, no copying and pasitng) and you'll earn some myCents for those posts. You can use those to order hosting. So if you earn enough amount to pay the future invoices you can take some days(or even months) of rest. It is up to you. :D

  9. i started the service but i needed to use a thing called Crimson Editor to get the .php extension. I was also pointing it to a folder in www directory so I put it just straight into the www directory. now when i go to LOCALHOST/test.php it worked. (test was the name i gave the script)

    No need to use an 3rd party editor just to get the .php extension. Normal note pad can do this. When saving the php file in notepad just add the extension .php to the file name and also select Save As Type as All Files. Now your file will be saved as php file. But third party editors like Crimson Editor has some cool features like Syntax highlighting, coloring etc...which are attractive and very helpful.


    The www folder is the root folder for your website documents. If you create another folder like hello in that www folder and try to running php files in that folder you must point your browser to LOCALHOST/hello/filename.php Thats it..... very simple.....

  10. You have to install a web server like Apache, PHP and MySql(for database connecativity). So the best option is to install the WAMP server(assuming you are using Windows) as sonesay suggested. WAMP is very easy to install and configure. Download and imstall the wamp server from here. After installation start your webserver, and then open your browser and type LOCALHOST. This will show you the default home page of wampserver. This indicates that your installation is correct. To test your own php files, create your php files in WWW folder in the wamp directory. and point your browser to LOCALHOST/yourfilename.php


    First try this and ask us if you have any other doubts. :P

  11. Opera is my favourite browser. Firefox is my next choice. Opera has some nice inbuilt features (some of them are available as addons in Firefox) which I'm addicted to. It has features like mouse gestures, speed dialing, site preferences, content blocking etc...and also shortcuts for many common actions(for example Ctrl+click to save image). And the main one is its speed. This is the fastest browser in my opinion. I use firefox sometimes due to its Addons which are very helpful in solving programming quizzes and tests....

  12. The answer is YES. You can host a forum with your hosting account. But all the hosting rules apply here too. As far as I know it should not contain illegal content like warez etc...And hosting here is also fastest. And you should remember that you are getting paid hosing service for free here. This is not like other free hosting services. All the packages you ordered at Xisto - Support are paid ones, and you are paying your money with your myCents. So this is professional hosting. If your forum gets good traffic in future, you can shift to a VPS package or some other big package from logical plans. Don't worry about it. And you'll get good support too. All the best.... :P

  13. I too suggest ubuntu. This is very easy to use, and you'll get great support from ubuntu forums, if you need any. Ubuntu has all the basic needs you want. It is easy. It comes in a live CD which has an option to install on your system. You can install it or try it from your CD. Since you don't know anything about linux I suggest you to use it along with your current OS. Once you're comfortable with Linux you can switch to it completely.

  14. Ubuntu 8.10 comes with wubi installer. You can install ubuntu in your windows OS. And I think this is the easiest way to install Linux in your windows. When you insert the ubuntu CD in your system it will show you a window which has an option to install inside window. Just click on it and follow the installation. Very easy. I think the minimum requirements are 256MB RAM and 5 GB hard drive space. Download ubuntu and try it yourself.

  15. Welcome to Xisto GothX. This is the best free hosts available, you'll definitley like it. Actually you'll get paid hosting for free here, so it is very reliable. And the community is very friendly and active. Start posting and enjoy your hosting service. Read Trap17Readme for the procedure to get free hosting. :P

  16. but what the heck is pranayam????? I know what yoga and meditation is, but haven't got a clue as to the other.

    Pranayama is rhythemic breathing exercise. It is a sanskrit word which means controlling the prana or simply(not exactly) controlling the breath. Pranayama is a very important stem in meditation. It involves exercises like holding the breath for sometime and release it in a rythmic way. It has many benefits but it should be done carefully.

  17. Yeah, group HOSTED should be renamed as there is no more hosted and non hosted differences at Xisto with the change in the Credit System. Admins have to think about it. But I can't say +Customers a better name, it should be more specific, all hosted members are customers of Xisto - Web Hosting so not much difference between CUSTOMERS and HOSTED.

    In my opinion, adding more groups with different priviliges will add much fun. For example, members of group like TECH EXPERTS will have priviliges to post in the INTERNET forum and TUTORIALS section without waiting for the moderators approval. Members with a big number of quality posts can be chosen for this group. We need more groups like these. Just an idea...

  18. OK.absolutely clear!you are so good!
    last question:Is using Parked Domains free?

    after have an answer,then admin could close this post,it's resolved,i think!

    Yes, parked domains are free. But the number of parked domains are limited and changes as per your plan as dualstriker told. Another addition, you can run multiple websites on a single hosting account with the help of Addon domains....with the help of Addon domain, you can point two of your domains to two different websites within the same account. Addon domains are also free and limited like parked domains. You can find all these in your CPanel. Order the hosting with a new subdomain as I suggested, and once your order is accepted, ask us and we'll guide you to setup your new website... :P
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