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Posts posted by xpress

  1. now i'm just wondering that if you decide yo go ahead and buy a domain name then does it come with full dns control or would you have to change the nameservers to some otherservice like easydns , because whilst i know that you xan change nameservers i'm unsure about the dns control.

    If you buy a domain here, you can change your name servers to whatever hosting service you wish, because you are the owner of the domain. But Full DNS is an addon package that you have to buy at an additional cost.

  2. Ok, thankyou. So you mean there is no standard "each character is worth (x amount), and each thread is worth (y amount)"?

    Yes...... There is no count like "A New Topic" worth this much cents and "a reply" worth this much cents etc.. But we all know one thing, Big posts earn more myCents than small posts. So post some quality posts. There are many topics here that may interest you. Just browse the forum and post your opinion. You'll earn more myCents soon...All the best.

  3. Can anyone tell me what the value of each post is? On the other forum I go on, each post is worth .5 $ and evry character is worth .01 $. Is it similar here?

    Number of posts is no matter here. The quality of post is important. If your post is big you'll earn more myCents and if your post is small you'll earn less. So post quality posts and start earning myCents. I think you already registered at Xisto - Support/billing. You'll see your myCents after 5 posts( you have to wait for 4 to 5 hours to see changes). So start posting. :P

  4. What is the sites address? I would like to find out about MyCent, when I google search it, I get some posts about mycent~1.dll being a virus...

    It is the virtual money you get at Xisto and Xisto forums for posting your opinions and thoughts. It is no way related to the real world currency(except here, where you can purchase hosting or domains with your mycents just like with real money). So, you may not get desired results if you search it on google. :P
    You can find more about myCents here... Details about MyCents

  5. Hi shaykins....Welcome to Xisto, the best free hosting service....If you feel anything confusing feel free to ask us. We are a very friendly and active community here. So post any problem you have.

    First register here Xisto - Support.com/biling with the same email address you used to register here. You need to do that to earn myCents for your posts. You can use this amount to buy hosting or domain names. Start posting to earn myCents and be part of our community. Please ask if you have any further questions...and Advance New Year Wishes to you... :P

  6. For those who say that they have lost, what method are you using to conclude that? Is it via the forums, whether by your profile or the user information on the side of each post? Or by logging into the Xisto - Support Billing Client Area?
    I ask this for a couple reasons: [1] the total earnings shown in the forums, at least for me, have never reflected the amount found in the Billing Area, and [2] even though i have seen my and others' total earnings as shown in the forums decrease (though slightly), it has eventually (similar to what mahesh2k said) reverted back to the expected amount. Though there are slightly more reasons for me, these are the main reasons why i haven't been worrying about any "losses."

    Well. Both. I am checking right at the forums and at the Xisto - Support Billing area. The amount was deducted from my account at Xisto - Support, and here at the avatars also. So I confirmed that I lost $9 xistodollars from my account.

    And yes, Usually amount we spent at Xisto - Support for buying domains and hoting plans is not reflecting here at Xisto. But the amount I lost due to bugs in system is reflecting. This is the second time I lost some amount and I can see the changes in the amount below my avatar(the changes at trap are reflecting only when I lose amount). Hope I'll get them back soon.. :P

  7. I don't know how you guys can trust Blacklist & Fishing filters. I know i've seen spywares bypassed by many spywares and taken over FF & Opera.
    Now coming back to topic on browser, Opera even though maintains black list, Spy ware ".armadrax" able to bypass it. Test the same spy ware with Firefox and you can see that even it is bypassed from those site advisor list. Google chrome also maintains such site advisory list, but recently site called origional-search.com attached to that browser. So you can't trust site-filters for long time. There are some spywares attach themselves to Toolbars so try and avoid those toolbars.

    There is no way I rely on these Fraud Protection and Fishing warnings of browsers. Even, I am very interested in accessing these sites to check which type of spyware or scripting virus it has. My Antivirus catch these and show me the warning with the names and small description of these viruses :P And yes, I had received a virus found dialog for almost all these sites my Opera marked as Fraud.

    And also these will be useful for some very basic users who don't know anything about these type of malware. May be these warnings will guide them to stay away from these malicious sites. So, Fraud Protection is atleast useful for the inexperienced.

    And I agree there are many spywares that can bypass this protection. So, a fully functional Antivirus is a must for all to protect somehow(keeping the fact in mind that no antivirus is perfect :P ). And a good suggestion from you. Stay away from browser toolbars. They act as backdoor for most of these attacks. And don't install any un-necessary plugins and addons for browsers. :P

  8. Another thing to note (because I've already commented here :)) is that Chrome has a blacklist of websites which it checks all websites you visit against. Viewing websites that may be harmful to your computer pops up (or rather shows) a message of the potential for malware, and so if you're the type of person to unknowingly go to these types of websites and receive viruses, then Chrome can help you lessen the chance of becoming infected.

    I too already posted in this topic, but I'm posting here to remind you that Opera and Firefox have the same features. :D
    Of course, Firefox's warnings are supported by Google(blacklist maintained by Google). But Opera is maintaining its own blacklist (with the colloboration of some security company) and named it as Fraud protection. Please check my post above :)

  9. Yes. You can directly login to your cpanel and upload your site. And forget about https://support.xisto.com/. Just upload your site through the file manager in CPanel or through the FTP to the www as I suggested above. :)



    Login to your cpanel through Login to your cpanel and enter your CPanel username and password there...

    Check your firewall settings if you have any. Your firewall should allow your browser to access port 2082. If still facing problem post the error you are getting.

  10. Yes...I agree with Bluebear. Many members are not interested in seeing Kontera ads at Xisto as Kontera ads wil appear as little popups that annoys many people. And another thing is if the ads were shown to members there may be chance that the user member himself can click on his own ads which is against the rules. So it is always safe to turn off them for members. And don't worry about it. You can't earn much through members. If you look at the bottom of our fourm's home page you'll see how many member are active at present. I had never seen more than 10 members active at a time. But you can see hundreds of guests online watching our forum. So you'll earn much more impressions and amount through guests rather than members... :)

  11. yes, i received the login details, server information, email setting, and other stuff. i been told my account is ready.

    what i have to do next ?

    So you are ready to start your website. I didn't understand your question what I have to do next? Does it means you don't know how to upload your website to your remote hosting account? If so login to your CPanel and go to File Manager.

    Put your website into www or public_html folder. If this is not what you want or need any further help......please post your questions clearly... :)

  12. hi newbie question?


    MYSQL Settings


    <p>I messed up curupted my sql settings files sumhow an reinstalled an dosnt dix eror any ideas I cant login 2 phpmyadmin at all :)?</p>

    Well I didn't understand your question. Please post it clear when you come to this site next time. We'll definitely answer it. Post your error and problems clearly. :)
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