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Posts posted by xpress

  1. Parked domain option will abailable in your hosting CPanel. You can add your xxx.com.cn as a parked domain there. If you add it as a parked domain, then when some one entered your .com.cn name in their browser (like IE as you said) it will be automatically redirect to your website at anheizhiye.tray17.com.


    And yes, the address will be changed to anheizhiye.tray17.com. But you can redirect this to your .com.cn and hide the subdomain so that the xxx.com.cn will appear in IE address bar instead of your anheizhiye.tray17.com.

  2. Well, the options B and C are also clear.


    For B, it assumes that you already bought a domain somewhere else, but you want to transfer it to Xisto - Web Hosting (Xisto). Then you can choose this option.


    For C, it assumes you have a domain, but want to use it with your current registrar without transferring to Xisto - Web Hosting. So, you can change the name servers of your current domain to Xisto - Web Hosting, to use hosting service here with your current domain.


    My suggestion is, first order your hosting by registerring a new Xisto subdomain. something like anheizhiye.trap17.com etc...then add your .com.cn to your hosting as a parked domain. And change your nameservers on your .com.cn domain to Xisto's nameservers they'll give you.


    I do not know what the nameserver is, so if anyone knows, please reply

    To say it simple, nameservers are computers, that points your domain to your website. For example, When you type a domain in your browser, the DNS server at your ISP will redirect it to these nameservers. And the nameservers at the hosting service will map your webiste and send it to you. Name servers for Xisto are ns.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com. You can change these name servers in your domain control panel.

  3. thanks a lot !


    I have konw what is good quality topics.


    Another question:how many myCent i will earn per one good quality topics ?


    If i post one bad topics,such as cut and paste,copying.Spamming,will my myCent been reduced?

    Actually the count of myCents depends on your post. Like how big it is, how much it related to topic etc..but no one knows the exact count of myCents per post. As a general guide line you can follow this, Bigger posts will earn more myCents than smaller posts. And remember , NO SPAM.....spam includes cutting and pasting, posting unrelated matter to the topic, Advertising and referrals etc...


    And YES for you second question. If a moderator detects your posts have spam, he will edit the content of your post or deletes your posts, which means your myCents will be reduced in the next myCent update.


    Always remember to add QUOTE tags if you want to copy material from somewhere else. And if you post some programming code, put it in between CODE tags...And try to give your own thought and opinion about some topic and avoid copying and pasting as much as possible......All the best...... :P


    Feel free to ask, if you have any other questions........ :P

  4. A friend of mine told me about this site a friend of his used a while ago, he told me they do joomla programming, but i have never used the services they offer so i don't know what to expetc or what to ask from them.

    Well, need some clear information about your idea. What do you want? I don't understand what you want, and the link you provided is not providing any information about your idea. Do you want to update articles to your website without manual coding? Then definitley joomla will help you. Just download and install joomla on your site. You can manage and add your articles without doing any coding. Is this what you want? If not, be specific with your idea. Take a little bit of time to explain it to us... :P

  5. Hello kagerioshu....welcome to Xisto. You got it right, this is one of the best communities. And the members here are very friendly and active. So you'll enjoy a lot here. Start posting to join our community. :P

    Before that Please make sure read the Xisto ReadMe to understand the board rules and hosting basics. You'll earn some virtual money(myCents) for all your posts. You can use that amount to buy domain and hosting space. As you post more , you'll earn more myCents. Big posts will earn more myCents than small posts.
    Register at https://support.xisto.com/ with the same email address you used to register here. After 5 posts you'll see your myCents below your avatar.

    Start posting.....All the best for all your future hosting plans :P

  6. I am also an Adobe fan. I like its products very much. I am satisfied with them except their Adobe Reader. Of course, I tried only four of their products. Photoshop, GoLive, Dreamweaver and Adobe Reader. Photoshop is the best and powerful one in its kind. I have been using it for 5 years. The next one I like most is their GoLive which is for designing Websites. I liked it very much. But they stopped developing that product after they bought Dreamweaver from Macromedia and start promoting Dreamweaver. Even though dreamweaver is good and easy to use, I like GoLive than Dreamweaver.The most horrible product from them is the Adobe Reader. It is getting worse with every new version. I don't know why they are putting lot of crap into thier product with every version. We won't use most of that crap at the least. And its startup time and RAM occupancy are too much. Foxit Reader is 100 times better than Adobe Reader.

  7. Designing our own site gives us more flexibility to design our site as per our needs and interestes. If we go with templates, we'll face many limitations...and we have to compromise at some places. But templates will give us a great look to our site, which is very hard to code ourselves (especially if we want a WEB 2.0 look to our site). And templates will save lot of our time. So....we have to compromise at some point....flexibility? or time? The answer depends on our needs. Personally I prefer to code my site.... :P

  8. Hi abhigyan, welcome to Xisto, the best free hosting. Enjoy your stay here. This is a very active and friendly community. Feel free to post your doubts and problems, we'll help you. And about myCents, bigger posts will earn more myCents than smaller posts so post big and earn more. Stay active, and be a part of our community....By the way, I'm also from India... :P

  9. There is a list of around 50 tasks that are "on the list" of things to do. About 50% of them'shold' be completed by Feb 15th and the balance some time near the end of March. Some of them are fairly involved and will take 20 or 30 hours, others are about 2 or 3 hours only.
    Point is: as much time as you want this project to take, items could be delegated to you as your time permits.

    Still interested?

    Why not? I'm still interested to be a part of the developing team. I agree with truefusion about this issue. We can easily decide where to offer our help, if there is a public to do list and available project tasks. I still can't decide where do I need to start. As you are a universal moderator there, can you provide us more details about this? :P

  10. First uninstall your antivirus. There is no use with that if that antivirus is using all your resources...there are many free alternatives for antiviruses which use very little amount of RAM. One of them is AVIRA Antivirus Persoanl. Download and install Avira Antivirus. Its free and very light weight antivirus. I can say for sure, it is better than many paid antiviruses. It uses a very little RAM. I am using it on my 256MB RAM computer without any problems. So no need to worry about its usage of resources. And its detection rate is very good. Give it a try.. :P

  11. Yeah, that is exactly what I meant but I am using EasyPHP and I can't find the file you specify. I am using Vista and I need to give it Admin control to be able to put a file in the testing servers folder. What would the variation be for EasyPHP or should it be the same?

    Sorry yaar, I don't have Vista to test EasyPHP on it. But I will download EasyPHP and try it on my XP system and post the result here. In the mean time try to find httpd.conf file and change it as per the second part. Anc check whether it is working or not...

  12. Hi mas_fey....welcome to Xisto. Your decision is correct. You can learn a lot here buddy. Come join us, start posting. Feel free to post your doubts and participate in our discussions. You'll enjoy a lot. And you will get Free hosting and domain as bounus... :P

  13. Hey, I like this Arcade Idea. We could spend some more time at Xisto if we have an Arcade. And also, there would be some interesting competetion between us. I don't think it is possible for mycent rewards, because that would be very difficult to implement, and also people will tend to play games more to earn myCents rather than posting etc... But we can enjoy and relax if we have an arcade..and I don't think this arcade put lot of load on server. I had seen many biggest forums which are running arcades without having any problem. I think, our servers can handle this little amount of load. :P

  14. Thankyou for the awesome tutorial, I only did the first part as the second part wasn't useful for me, but great job...

    Well, the second part is the real interesting one :P With the help of second part, you can use different folders for different websites (local) and you can access each of them with seperate domain name.

    On this topic, is there a way you can move the testing server folder so you can put files in without having to give it "Admin" control?

    I didn't understand your question. Could you post it clearly? Do you mean you want to put your website folder somewhere else other than the default one( for example the default website folder for WAMP is "www") ? If so, its possible. And you can find it in the second part of the tutorial.. If not, please post your problem clearly... :P

  15. add to this the fact that some members simply don't use kontera on Xisto alone. as we are in the hosting industry, and our members come in here to post and acquire hosting, members use them in sites they create also.

    I had the same idea. But recently observing the kontera montly reports, the daily average impressions for me are 25 and barely 9 click till now..And the total amount I earned for 45 days period is $0.36. And most members are also nearly same.
    If our earnings with Xisto which have good traffic is like above(I know, its sharing process), then how much we earn with our own site, which have very little traffic? :P

    Thats why I came to a conclusion that we're bypasing and wasting some of the Xisto's income, which Xisto alone could reach the payout easily and use it in a good way. :P

    And I don't like kontera ads on my own site. Most people feel them irritating because they popup suddenly when some one move their mouse over it.

    But if you think you're earning good income from kontera, I don't have any problem with that. :P

  16. The idea of Ad revenue sharing is really a great one. I really appreciate it. No other community ever tried to share its ads profit to its members. :P But I think it is not working as expected. It is very very difficult to reach the minimum payout $100 and we have to wait for very long time. And also many clicks and impressions are wasted as some members are not satisfied with this and quitting from this service. So, I think it is better to disable this revenue sharing for all other members and only OpaQue should use it. Because at this rate we'll never reach the minimum payout(what I mean is it will take very long time to reach minimum payout, and most people quit). But a single account can reach the limit easily. So, if only OpaQue use this service, Xisto(OpaQue) will earn some money through these kontera ads. This will support some expenses of Xisto and in return we'll get some other features..... :P The free hosting and free domains are the biggest services we're getting here. So, lets request OpaQue to display his own ads(by dsabling ours) to earn money to spend more on these services. In this way we'll get much more interesting and promising services.... :P So, What do you think of this idea friends?

  17. Hi peneye...welcome to Xisto. Yes, this is a large and active community. And the hosting at Xisto is a great service. You'll enjoy it alot. Regarding your confusion about myCent system, I think you got it now, since you opened another topic about this. If you still have doubts please read this topic...MyCents topic. Another topic you need to read is the Board Rules. Please read them and try to follow the rules.

    And about Joomla...yes, Xisto supports joomla 1.5.8. Not only that, it supports all available CMSs. You can install any CMS or Forum without any problem. If you face any problems post them here and we'll help you. All the best...enjoy your hosting... :P

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