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Everything posted by Nabb

  1. Have you tried playing flash games? There's heaps of good ones on the internet, for example on kongregate. Or maybe go around on wiki and read random articles, that's always fun.
  2. I vote for myself in everything. Except moderator of the year... on second thoughts, I'll vote for myself in that too... By the way, check the ambiguity in 'Most Reported Posts'
  3. You live in Melbourne? But I live in Melbourne! We can't BOTH live in Melbourne, that'd be insane :o

  4. The shoutbox only holds 7 messages at a time. Unless this is changed, it would be easier to use a chatroom that doesn't automatically erase old messages... y'know.. because sometimes people want to read what they missed while they ate dinner (but they should really have eaten in front of their computer), or they want to copy a line that someone said that was so idiotic it made them fall off their chair in laughter...
  5. I would firstly check the validity of the promotion, for example searching if there have been reports of scams coming from the company, such as on websites about 419 scams...But seriously, I don't know what I'd do with those millions of dollars. Heck, I don't think I can do anything with them until I'm 18 ^_^Maybe I'd donate some to Xisto?
  6. I scored 34. Apparently I'm really bad at geography. At least I got a few obscure places like Bhutan and Kazakhstan o_o
  7. Try this one: if(ctype_alnum($_REQUEST["user"])){ [..] } There's probably other similar functions except I just opened a random file and looked what was inside and that's all I found! Regular expressions are much slower than this type of check, so it's better to use something like this. Or so I've heard.
  8. Hosting Credits are no longer something to worry about. With the new Credit System v3.0, you earn myCENTs with posts with which you purchase hosting (these you worry about if you don't have enough to renew!) - Refer to that thread linked to for details.
  9. I swear that there was a button somewhere that created a browser in VB for you instantly. So making a browser in VB isn't really all that spectacular. And it probably isn't going to be very functional, so there isn't much point using one... and if you're thinking of putting it on a USB, we have Portable Firefox for that
  10. If you're somewhat smart, it isn't hard to prevent someone from 'stealing' a file of yours. It's only a few extra lines of code (except it fails if they directly embed from your website )Although there's nothing really wrong with this type of 'stealing'. Just put your name all over the file, and put some ads (e.g. mochiads, gamejacket), and now everyone who 'steals' your game is boosting your publicity and earnings you money
  11. Well it boils down to your definition. Is it an egg or a chicken egg? Surely there were dinosaur eggs way before chickens!
  12. Sorry if this doesn't exactly work - I'm not a C++'er... but I'll try my best Everyone else - feel free to point out what I'm saying wrong! A few things here: If you use void instead of int, you won't have to return 0; You defined num as a double - there's gonna be some problems if you try and put a string in there... Maybe you could instead use -1 as your end value? I don't think you're incrementing i in the input loop, you should probably increment it and make sure it doesn't exceed 99 for ( i = 0;; i++) { might cause errors, or an infinite loop, or it might just skip past - you need something that it tests (i <= 99 maybe?) for ( i = 0; num; i++) { will terminate if a 0 turns up, and it might act weirdly when i exceeds 99. If your range is -5 to -3, max will record as 0. You should probably define max as the most negative a double can get. If your range is 3 to 5, min will record as 0. You should probably define min as the most positive a double can get. It might help to define a one byte integer (which is a char I assume) as the number of items you have - I'll call it c for simplicity. You could have it as your first input (not part of the loop), then in your input loop (as well as incrementing i) you test that i < c. And you can do the same test in your for loops!
  13. I read the series when I was like 9... I don't remember anything about it thought, sorry It had fairies I think...I suppose shadowx's suggestion would be good (you could also borrow it from a library ), and if you find it a good book, then you can read the rest of the series!
  14. I don't recall any major virus infections I've had. I've had some minor virus outbreaks but nothing that a good scan didn't fix :lol:TeaTimer is made of pure awesome.
  15. Wouldn't that... make them the wrong extensions!?
  16. Your choices are Firefox, Opera, and Google Chrome if you want to switch from IE6 (which you should!) However it isn't just your browser - like HyBriD says, it's important to be smart online. No web-browser is going to stop you from downloading a virus, so it's important to be careful about what files you download. It's also important that you have anti-virus programs and a firewall in place. I suggest you download Spybot S&D and Ad-Aware? and an anti-virus program to help secure your computer.
  17. Maybe the ports aren't forwarded properly. Go to your router settings and forward them (2077 and 2078) and see if that changes anything. Or maybe there's a firewall blocking it, like it says in the error message ;p
  18. Use an interval, e.g. (changes every second i.e. 1000 milliseconds)intID = setInterval ( "nextPicture()", 1000 );To clear, useclearInterval(intID)
  19. Are there any estimates as to when the old system is going to be terminated and the new system will fully take over? (fairly sure this hasn't yet been asked, but I could be wrong =.=)
  20. I think there's a 'Report Phishing' button on gMail, which you can press if you feel like reporting them
  21. Also known as the advance fee fraud (or the Nigerian 419 scam). I get tonnes of them every day, but they mostly get delivered to my spambox. If you want to try something fun, reply asking for proof of your winning, see if you can get any fake legal documents
  22. Not for an MMO, no.But you can use Hamachi for games that allow you to play over LAN, as that's what Hamachi is, a virtual LAN.. (e.g. CS, Diablo, Warcraft, ...)
  23. Well the fact that it's only been open a few weeks could have an impact - i.e. it hasn't had the time to get a high search engine ranking, no reviews, no one knows about it, etc. The post limit is quite low though, so while that might be good for a user wanting hosting, the company might suffer due to lack of activity I don't think they can boast that you can get free domains though,
  24. Did you tick the 'always open this file with this program' box (or whatever it's called)?
  25. I believe I read somewhere that the [HOSTED] user group will be removed in the new system. As far as I know, you can use any of cpanel.domain.ext, domain.ext:2082, and domain.ext/cpanel.
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