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Everything posted by ckcomputerstallahassee

  1. I believe that short high intensity exercises are better than just flat cardio, even if the cardio is for like 45mins. I have done some interval trainings that kicked my butt which involved short 15 sec bursts of 75% my body weight (190lbs), then baseline of like 35%. I find that exercise much more fulfilling than a plain cardio or even a hill interval. Pretty soon your body is going to get used to the resistance, so it's important to always push it. I find that the short interval "bursts" are a great way to push yourself and stay fit. Also like mentioned above, you don't need to necessarily work out as long either. I saw a study on tv once where they proved that just short bursts of exercise was more beneficial than long mediocore pace. This supports the burst interval theory talked about in this thread.
  2. That is pretty incredible. I am still using my 1gb drive I am pretty excited to see some solid state storage drives. Those are supposed to be the new thing in the future. With portable drives that large, pretty soon you can just have baseline computers with networking, vga, etc. and people can insert their thumbdrives and boot up their respective OS with files, settings and all. You can take your computer almost anywhere. Im sure they already do that stuff in asia haha.
  3. Most of the newer processors these days are coming 64-bit. If you are talking about os's though, you really need to consider some things, because there is a lot of software that does not support a 64-bit OS.
  4. I used to have a sony ericsson, which was a cool phone. Then i got a motorola v360, which had great reception and clear calls. I now use a HTC tornado (SDA). It has videos, music, wifi, email, everything I need. Anything that runs windows mobile these days with wifi is sure to be a solid phone.
  5. I have a Tmobile SDA (HTC Tornado) that I got for 100 bucks off ebay a little over a year ago. It is a smartphone that runs windows mobile 5.0. I put a 2gb miniSD in there and it has wifi. It has everything I need. Movies, music, wifi, camera, gets my email. All for $100 bucks. And the kicker is I tell tmobile I have my old motorola and pay $2.99 a month for email vs. the $19.99 they want to charge me if i have a blackberry type phone.
  6. I have heard of problems with maxtor and I had a diamondmax 40gb back in the day and it crapped out on me. I only use seagate now (they are quiet, fast and have 300G shock protection (?)!!) It is ashame that the maxtor name is now associated with seagate since they bought them a few years ago. Hopefully seagate will fix the quality of those maxtor drives.
  7. I second acronis and seagate disktools if you have a seagate (which are the best hdd's X:) Disktools is based on acronis though anyways...
  8. yeah, I would update the firmware in this situation. Your wireless really has nothing to do with your router and wired pc connection. If a firmware doesn't help, your router may be the culprit.
  9. What about something like this? Its called synctoy officially from microsoft and supports xp and vista. Synctoy v1.4 Link
  10. There is also another really good eraser that i use called BCWIPE. I have used it for years and it features the standard DOD standards. It also integrates into the shell menu on right-click.
  11. sounds like a couple of bad relationships in this thread. I feel for you guys. I have to say love is the ultimate weakness. When you are in love you will do anything and sometimes too much. The saying "blinded by love" is spot-on. I had been blinded by love when i was about 16 or 17. It wasn't the love that i have now with my current gf, but it was young love. I made some mistakes and i have grown from them. The problem I see with most young people (especially girls) is that they are always attracted to the same type of guy. They end up going from one unstable relationship to the next. It is a never ending cycle. If you always date high-risk druggie guys for example, you are going to have unstable relationships because his attitudes and personality will evolve around drugs more than you. It is just a factor of psychological dependency to substances. I always cringe when I hear these nice girls get involved with loser guys. I would tell all the girls that have had unstable relationships in the past to lay out a few qualities that you would like in a guy. Look at them and give someone a chance that you normally wouldn't. I gave my gf a chance and we were total opposites. Everything worked out though. You never know where you will find that person. If you never take chances, you will never reap rewards. Ok, im stepping down off my soapbox now.....
  12. I saw a study once that a biology grad did with splenda sweetener and lab rats. She didn't have official funding but wanted to test her hypothesis. After a few months about 27-30 rats had some sort of tumor. Most of them were the stomach or near the face. They progressed and soon they were unable to walk or move. The scary thing is a listed side effect of splenda is stiffness in back/soreness in stomach or something like that. I don't remember the website but she had all her logistics and setup and tons of pictures to prove her study which took about a year or so to complete.If you think about it, how can something "artificial" be good for our bodies. We are just animals down to the core and injecting fake things into our bodies isn't natural. I won't drink diet ever again. I will suck it up and take some sugar and calories. I also don't believe you can get rid of the calories and sugar and not replace it with something else. There has to be something else in there that they don't tell you. Those companies are all about profits and marketing. I know they know that it is unhealthy for america, but all they see is advertising and $$sales$$. Everyone do themselves a favor and not drink soda anyways. Stick to water and natural organic foods
  13. I would agree with abit and asus being solid. Evga mostly is known for video cards and their boards *look* really cool, but stability is questionable. Stay with what works.
  14. thanks for that junk food info...I never have liked junk food, but its interesting to know this stuff.
  15. wow...thanks for this good piece of information. I was not really aware of all the benefits of these things. I do eat them often cause I know they are good for me. Now I will know exactly what they target. Great article!
  16. Ive always had a stocky build, but have helped friends gain weight at the gym. The above tips about protein shakes and squats are all very good. Also try eating just high protein foods in general. Steak, eggs, chicken, fish..those will all get you some good nutrients to grow a good frame.
  17. hmm..you should have some options in the realtek sound properties. I assume you have checked to make sure you have the latest driver from realtek or motherboard manufacturer. Make sure you have vista SP1. I have intel IDT audio suite and I have a plethora of 7.1 options. If you can't find any, the realtek driver for vista might just be written badly. See if there is a whql driver available for vista? If all else, I would contact realtek about their vista compatibility. good luck
  18. I had trouble setting up these two as well. If your xp machine doesn't have a password, it can create problems as well. In vista you can uncheck "require password for sharing" in the network section. Also like said above, disable any firewalls at first and make sure your workgroups are the exact same. It might take 10 mins or so for your other system to show up in the network browser after changes are made so be patient. Check the system event viewer on both machines as well to zero in on what is holding you up. My computer --> managegood luck!
  19. I had a similar problem with my sandisk drive. I went to my computer --> manage-->then go to disk managementIt should see the drive there, where you can manually reformat it.
  20. I haven't had any problems with my wrt54g, but i flashed to the wrt-54g firmware which is incredible. Good luck with the d-link. The one i had a few years ago crapped out on me
  21. lol..that doesn't work. It is just a tweak that will display a high connection speed. The physical limitations of an analog phone line are only so much and the government standards limit it to 56k. There is no "setting" in windows or otherwise that will speed up your connection to that extent. There are some other "tweaks" that you can try on broadband connections, but baseband 56k is pretty much....56k
  22. The downside to having subnets is that they can't communicate with other subnets as far as i know. I know that a switch won't let you communicate with different subnets, but I think a router would let you do that. Getting all those routers isn't really feasible however. I would maybe look into running a VLAN. Then use one router to handle the VLANS. You can run one VLAN off of a switch, but if you have more (and diff subnets) you need to have a router.
  23. you are probably just a lil big boned it sounds. I have poor genetics as well that aren't very forgiving. For me, I have to just RUN. By running and getting your cardio in at least 2 times a week for ~30mins a time, you will notice a big change. Increased cardio will also shrink your stomach and you will not be craving as much. Lay off the "gym" lifting and just do cardio for 4-6 weeks hard. I promise you will notice a difference. Cardio is where it's at. I laugh at all the people in the gym doing situps when they are aren't skinny as a rail. If you don't run to get the fat off your stomach, no matter how strong your abs are, they will never show.
  24. how about the ultraslim macbook with a digitized screen? That would be incredible. You could have a stylus to fix the fingerprint problem. I think apple is very good at innovation as well and wouldn't be surprised if this was in the works or in the lap of some tester at apple already. When you have the ultrathin macbooks with touchscreens, long battery life, etc. what else can you ask for in a portable laptop?
  25. wow...one year old already. I can't afford one, but i would sure like that bluray player in there! Heck, im still using my old ps2 with component hookups and a 120gb hdd...works ok for me right now, but im looking to move up to a better system soon.
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