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Everything posted by ckcomputerstallahassee

  1. I eat organic wherever i can even though it costs more. That is stupid b/c they don't have to process it as much, why does it cost more. Not to mention, pesticides in food will drag your body down after prolonged intake. Also, real organic foods fill you up more, so your portions don't have to be as big. Thats why america is so fat. The processed food keeps you grabbing for more.
  2. I have to agree with starluv; a good food should have lots of fiber if you can help it. Whole grains and flax do this well. Fiber lessens your chance for colon cancer and also keeps your digestive system moving, thus your body constantly clean.
  3. like others have said above, there is nothing wrong with protein shakes. Its like 2 chicken breasts in a class and a lot more convenient. I do a lot of cardio and weight lifting and protein is the most important thing to get into your body immediately after the workout. It helps build the torn muscles. Also, many come with essential bcaas (branched chain amino acids) that are crucil to a person working out or just trying to be healthy. The last pro is they have many flavors that taste great. I love chocolate, it is to die for. When you shop for protein powder check out how much sugar and sodium is in each serving as well as grams of protein. You should look for something between 20-35g a serving. Keep in mind the body can only take-in about 40g of protein at one time so anymore that that is useless.
  4. Im not incredibly well versed on ICS under XP, but I know you can set it up for dialup devices. If you were using dialup, I suppose he could set his modem to dial into your number to share a connection somehow, but im really not sure. You having broadband and him not really makes things a little tougher.
  5. I would also suggest doing what saint michael said. Check out the settings on your router. To manually release or renew ip, of course you could always just cmd>ipconfig /release (renew). Also make sure there aren't any updated drivers from Virgin's website for your model. And by the way a blinking green light is usually indicative of normal activity on most networking devices. Also double check your tcp/ip settings to ensure you have dhcp set up and the appropriate gateway if your using a static ip.
  6. thank you very much for this tutorial. I have had some problems getting rdp to work between my xp/win2k laptop and vista ultimate. I am sitting behind a router and a software firewall (router sp1 firewall is disabled). I think this might give me something to go on as far as changing the default port instead of 3389.
  7. ive used xp, win2k, 95/98/me, vista,server 2k3, sabyon/backtrack/phlax,kubuntu,ubuntu etc. and I would have to say that i like linux because im a techhead. It runs smooth and the opensource development is incredible. Xp runs almost flawless at this point of its life and is a stable system which supports many games assoc. with windows. I however actually run vista ultimate on my desktop and I can't complain. Never has given me any trouble and the aero and eyecandy is great. Software support is finally catching up as well.
  8. I am another person that has to actually say that vista has treated me pretty well. I was working as a pc tech and did the intel retail edge program which gave me a e6300, intel board and vista ultimate for a steal. I just decided to run that system and vista ultimate has been great for me, besides some initial software incompatibility issues. I run win2000/xp pro on my touchscreen laptop, so vista on my desktop doesn't bother me. Games play just fine.
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