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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. Maybe 4 or 5 times a day, checking replies ang replying to some topics. I don't stay online too long. I'm just using a pay in advance ISP. (it's a card) so I try to economize my time. Now I really wish I had a DSL connection, or even better connections. It's a bit expensive here, considering there's only one DSL company in the Philippines. The one the runs the Major Phone Company. *does a tantrum*
  2. Whee! My ad is somewhere on the heat map! That's rather nice to know. Well, at least they give out the info which could be easily understood, unlike those "said" Adsense Optimization sites that only care about your money for some e-book with not so useful information.I just have to wait for visitors. My site's not in the search engines yet.
  3. To be honest, it's been a looong time since I've heard Netscape being talked about. I hardly see people using Netscape anymore. I used to have it when I was younger, and it was slow for us. So I went to IE, but I was unsatisfied, and I landed where I am today. A Firefox user.
  4. Yeah, but I already have Gallery installed. The problem lies in logging in: The Gallery. When I try to log-in from there... what happens is the problem in the first post. Notice from Johnny: Link changed per owner request.
  5. When I log in, it just reloads, but doesn't do anything. I tried both my browsers, Firefox and IE, and the results were the same. When I tired a none existing username and password, it says it's invalid. So I guess my original UN and passwords were right. Is there a problem with my account?
  6. Impressive! But don't you think Google will find out sooner or later, and sue them? Or what if Google has this free storage, and rivals Streamload.com some day? *please oh please oh please!*I'd love to use it as a storage drive, but I have a dial-up connection, so I'd rather stick to my CDs. What'll happen if Google does a search and deletes all the storage files? Then, it's better to take matters into your hands.
  7. I would like to edit my post. Yeah. It was a bit slow... But I needed those frames though. The animation itself is long. I'm not really a graphics whiz. sleep.gif I might fix that GIF someday, though. EDIT: I already removed most of the frames. You can find the revised GIF in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Notice from snlildude87: Edited for user request
  8. Did you say pepper? I want to try it out! I like spicy/minty stuff, and I usually eat a can of mints in a day. (It's candy to me) Where do you live? I bet it tastes good! Is it good, huh? I want an exotic ice cream right now.
  9. Here's a link to the gif I made using the tutorial. I really enjoyed making the gif! I didn't know it was so easy! Animated GIF using tutorial I made the image smaller using ImageReady, so it won't be taking up so much space. How to make the image smaller: It's best to use ImageReady for this, as the quality is better. Go to Image->Image Size...-> and then adjust as you see fit. Don't worry about just adjusting the width or just the height. ImageReady will make it proportional for you.
  10. I was hospitalized last when I was 6 or 7. My dad caught dengue fever. (His case wasn't serious) and I caught his high fever. (Just the fever, not dengue) I was just a visitor too! So I wasn't officially hospitalized, but I stayed there.The official one was when I had really high fever and some sort of infection. They had to put dextrose. I could hardly walk, and it was tough. I was 6.
  11. I had VirtualDub sitting in my computer the whole time, and I didn't know it could do this! Thanks for the tip Raptrex! It's a good thing I had those programs ready even before looking at the tutorial. I always wanted to make a cool animated gif with my show. Thanks a lot!
  12. Mint Chocolate Chip, Cheese, Vanilla and Strawberry.But I hardly ever get to eat ice cream anymore. I usually get those popsicles... I miss Ice Cream.
  13. You know what guys? I'm a girl and I agree! What ever happened to those baby dolls? At least those are nice for creativity! They make the child know how it's like to be caring and loving. (OK, most of the time)But those teen dolls. Those are just trends. They do nothing useful but make the girls more vain. Plus, they're giving the wrong impression. What matters is not the outside appearance, but the inside! Yeah, you may look pretty, but you're a brat, a mean girl. No one likes mean people that are vain.Some people may like people like that, but they just use them to their advantage, it doesn't exactly mean they like them for who they are. They just like them to take advantage of them.The dolls these days make the children fantasize about becoming an adult. What about having fun as they are? Children!(OK, I'm 14, but I understand what's happening. Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I accept every "girl stuff" as right!)
  14. You shouldn't upload forums using FTP and nothing else. You do need to edit your database. There's supposed to be a forum in the cpanel which will make your forum on the spot without having to upload anything. You could go to Control Panel and under Pre-installed scripts, there's phpBB. Click it and it'll install your forum for you, and you don't need to do a thing. I highly recommend that. But unless you don't want phpBB, it's your choice.
  15. I remember when I used ISP Bonanza and went to Google. I ended up with Google Australia even though I lived in the Philippines!But then again, maybe you DO have Australian visitors. I'm saying that about your number of Australian visitors because it's highly possible, considering how many people use ISP Bonanza, leiaah.
  16. If you're from the Philippines, have you heard about ISP Bonanza? For some reason, the IP address when you use that ISP is from Australia. Most of your visitors must be using ISP Bonanza. That must answer your question.
  17. Wait a second. Christians? I think you meant Catholics. Most sects of Christianity don't have anything to do with the Pope. Pope is simply for the Vatican or the Catholics. Always bear that in mind. Sorry about that I care about little details. --- You know even if he's German, we shouldn't consider him a Nazi. That's prejudice. If some silly guy in your country did what Hitler did, and you were prejudiced because of you Nationality, how would you feel? But then again, I don't care about the New Pope. I'm not a Catholic.
  18. Goggle.com (Hehehe)Ahem, yeah I know about those scams. Especially the Whitehouse one. I don't usually type google.com anymore. I use Firefox's built-in search bar. Firefox saves me lots of time. But I'd say that's pretty much an evil way of doing it. Buying domains just for that? Tsk Tsk...
  19. Maybe you have a pop-up blocker.It's spelled internet exploRer by the way. Oddly enough, it works the exact opposite for me. IE works slow for me, but Firefox makes pages load FASTER. Then again, maybe it's the connection.I'm using Firefox right now, and I have to say, I like it. It's one of the best out there, but definately not perfect. I see problems in clicksor.com's FAQ page.
  20. Ghost. I'm not a he. I'm a she. (Hi again!)I think your account got accepted in the other host already, but they haven't set-up your account yet. Are you going to stick with Xisto, or are you going back to Sferahost? That's a hard thing to ponder on...
  21. I agree. Who needs all that space for just mail? But then, I think they could be helpful in a way. For those people who use a lot of space and used to pay for it, they must be dancing now. That news isn't that new. I often check my Yahoo! Mail for my newsletters and I think that they're nuts as well. With such a towering competition, they simply won't stand a chance. I mean, Gmail invitations are not rare any longer. I wonder what Hotmail's doing now. Hotmail's my least used account.
  22. Yes, it's true. I did put several scripts of that for each image. I know nothing about Javascript, like I mentioned before, I'm afraid to tamper with it. So here I am waiting for someone to show me how to create a script that I can use for the entire page. (Or is it all I need? If I delete all but one of those head tag scripts, will it work?)
  23. I see. I changed my script. It isn't DHTML anymore. It takes a second for the rollover to work in IE. (1 sec. of cursor over the image) But it doesn't work at all in Firefox. (For me) But it works in all browsers offline. Strange. I PMed you about this too. You haven't seemed to reply yet. I guess you're busy, but you should check out what I changed before you make scripts for me. Once again, Thank you for your time!
  24. Good thing I don't think much of updating my anti-virus programs. It updates itself when updates are available. However, I don't usually scan. it alerts me if I downloaded a trojan/virus, so I feel safe. Imagine how many people use their P2P Programs!?*gasp* This is terrible. Notice from NilsC: Edited per user request
  25. What's your OS? (Man that's a lot to go through...) Anyway, as stated above, it's an independent application, meaning you don't need to have it plugged in to a browser for it to work. You see it in the taskbar and it's a letter (for mail) icon.
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