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Everything posted by Razor

  1. All it really did for my site is tell me things like"Marginwidth = 0"and would say thats wrong because i didnt need margin width in there at all......still wouldnt make a difference..just really cleared up exess ..uneeded html if you ask me ...and gave me into trouble for not having a # before my colour numbers ..but at least i finally found out what this validated stuff was all about...
  2. Ive had that message a few times..before i got my internet security. thing is i just ended the program form the task manager and it went away..then my resoloution setting got mucked up...and buy any chance...if you guys have expeirienced this..does this virus by any chance delete a config file in system32 ? im just curious cus i had a few problems with my pc a few years ago..i just wanna know what it was all about.
  3. Wow .....just 38..Im not a wrestling fan ..but i used to be and i do remeber when i watched WCW and he was on there ..then on WWE..well R.I.P. Latino Heat
  4. Are you sure its not a joke....i mean you expect a website like that to not have...well kinda informal images..theres a blog post , with a dog..with a fishing hook through its nose...its abit unrelivent to the topic ..unless the guy is just trying to get some humour to its site...wow thats quite funny
  5. Personally i like the way the layout is..the Blue and Green go together well...im not trying to contradict any of the above replys...but i feel as if blue and green give a nice calming effect.it is really well done...they only thing bad about i would say is its current header thing that says..Phenoptic Design, i really dont think it goes well with the rest of the layout..i would probably try and match the header similar to the bit below it..with all the bubbly rings..but dude the rest of the layout is awsome man congradulations and good luck on finihsing the rest of the site !!
  6. I actually like it..its enjoyable, until you get used to all the skills, etc like when u get up to around lvl 50 on somthing it becomes boring...i just play it when im bored...but i do like it alot.
  7. Doesnt mod chips , muck up the laser that reads the disc ?i was told that and i also presumed that , after a few years ago in the Playstation One days, i had one and in under 6 months , my discs ended up with huge circular marks on them......anyway im not into mod chips, even if it is to beable to play pirated games .... i like to be official about things
  8. Metal Gear solid definatly.....the story lines are so awsome, snake is just teh PWNAGE....and i just love the whole concept of MGS better than splinter cell ,.... MGS GIVES YOU LOVE :)
  9. Hmmm i didnt really like metroid huntrs considering the fact i have to smash my screen to peices with my stylus , Nintendogs ...has already put scratches on my screen ,i dont know if im parnoid about the screen or not .
  10. I persoanlly think it depends on the type of website your doing..liek this site..with the white / light colours, is nice , and .well awsome :Pbut dark colours, yeh i would say they are atmospheric, i preffer them to a certain extent.....i perosnally think its easier on the eyes if you have just woke up in the morning
  11. I think its all good..the colours are awsome etc..but the one thing i would change..would be to highlight the pixel font ..like add a stroke or drop shadow to it..other than that, i think its pretty much awsome..good job
  12. WOW ..im not a fan of games like..age of empires, but think about that portable......it may be a game i will get...infact im gona add that to my MUST GET list ..dude thatnks for telling me about that.
  13. lol actually that does seem to make me wonder..remeber on the GC promotionalls...with all the square screenshots of games, and m sure one of them is DK riding on a bird thing...i cant remeber what their called.....you would have at least thought they would ave finsihed it..
  14. You have got to remeber, th emillions of users that do not have firefox yet...and when they do get to use it....if they like it and use it..theres still gona be more people becoming part of the internet world.
  15. lol that game is fun....i was playing it in my freinds house, and i think it would be a good thing to play to waste song free time......i just need a bigger HD so i can play the *darn* game .I heard there are some star wars mods or somthing that are pretty fun....
  16. Hey guys im needing help with a php Shoutbox called Floodbox 2.0...i have it installed and everything , on my site..i know how to get into the admin panel..but i do not know how to post as an admin , as in the admin panel you add admin accounts etc, and i cannot find anywhere to post as an admin in the admincp....so if you could help me..Thanks in advance.
  17. I have only played THPS2 & 3 ....To tell you the truth i preffer #2 out of both of them...but in general i just hate the way you go wizzing around, and you fly off a halfpipe and then you end up in the air with no halfpipe below you ..and even though you can even it out and land if ur fast enough ...but most of the time you cant do that..and thats what i hate.......but i guess Underground 1 & 2 are good because you can actually walk around , and actually line yourself up perfectly without going in at an angle unprepered and u fly out to no were really and snap your neck
  18. When you talk about combustion types being stronger than pneumatic..it would actually depend on the mass of gas being prdouced from the mass of feul, and also the tight air seal would effect how far it would be fired out at....llol im just referring back to old school lessons about combustion ,
  19. Ive only started listening to them around 3 months ago and i must say they are quite awsome , and the guitar is pretty cool aswell, my favorite song is "When Darkness Falls"...teh pwnage .Hey if ya wouldnt mind...could you tell me what you think are some of their best songs, because i cant be bothered downloading them all then deletting them to find that some of them i dont like...just so i know exactly what not to download...that would be awsome if u will man ....typ.s. lol Before i heard who they were i thought , "KILLSWITCH ENGAGE"..was an expansion pack for that game called killswitch
  20. lol yah if it is ur first then *darn* congradulations dude its pretty awsome..next i would probably start researching tutorials on blending your renders and text effects.. awsome job
  21. I just really find the high pitch rings really annoying..ear bursting , lol, thats why i dont own a phone...well at least they arnt all the monotone ones anymore,, now they wereliterrally ear penitrating
  22. Im not actually a great fan of the Super smash bros games, although they are good to play in moderation, but #3 shud be awsome, cus the new style link will be added ..If there already talking about this game the now being produced do you think it could be a possability it could be a launch title for the Nintendo Revoloution ??
  23. Nintendo all the way !!! lol,it may be the last of the three to be relaeased, but man is it gona own ..hell yeah !!personally i do think the 360 is the most powerfull machine, and the ps3 just looks like a george forman - lean mean fat reducing grilling machine,and hes so proud of it he put his name on it ....thats a compliments btw the george forma is awosme peice of work..I do think the PS3 will do a better job than 360 tho...eve though 360 is more powerfull....but im gona be rooting for nintendo revoloution !!!!sorry if i have offended anyone with my PS3 comparison, but i dont mean it that badly, seriously kewl
  24. I would have to say Ganondof / Ganon , he is a real evil *bottom* ^_^i mean hes like the master of darkness , realy evil madman , that nobody likes....in a lway that you like em...you always have to like video game villans
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