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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. That's so true. "I am Sam" is one of the best movies that I have seen.
  2. Well Good and bad news on on HD problems. 1 it was not a virus as thought. Thats the good news. Bad news is it is something in the motherboard. I tried what Saint_Michael had suggested and still got the error message No Operating System. So I went to a buddy of mine that owns a PC repair shop, and asked him if he had a old 286 mother board for a HP laying around. Sure enough he did. 5 bucks which I turned around and give him 20. When I got home I slapped that puppy in, put back a HD that I knew had 98 in it and low and behold she fired right up. Then Downloaded a copy of AVG and found a couple of bugs. cleaned it up and then updated it to Windows ME. A little slower but works good for the games that I put into it. Also I had a little faster graphics card laying around so dropped it in as well, along with a better modem. Needless to say when I took the compter from hell over to my friend with the young son. the kid went NUTS! Jumping up and down and such a smile. to me it was worth seeing that smile for all the trouble I went through.
  3. Thought about changing my E mail too, but All my Family and friends would have to be told. Right now I just get 2 or 3 Spam mail a day, which is not really that bad I guess. Just happy that most of the mail that I got that day had a remove me link on them. I would have to also suggest that anyone getting mail they do not want, take a little time and look for that link. Could stop you from getting a full mail box.
  4. after reading all above I just have to add, AA and NA is a good idea. It helped me.I have been clean and sobber now for 20 yrs. Yes there have been times that I would love a drink or a toke, but then I think. Do I really want to end up like I was? Dependent on Booze and drugs? Letting then run my life? Heck no.
  5. NASCAR for one. then would have to be a good old Baseball game. Live not on TV
  6. I would have to say Golf myself too, along with watching paint dry. Never could figure out the point to hitting a ball into a little whole.
  7. Agreed. I have had that same problem with a laptop and desktop. Could also be a bios problem too. May want to check them both out.
  8. LOL Thats funny. Talk about a new meaning of having a woody
  9. okay here is my vent and I am very steamed over it. While I was doing some work around the house and listening to the radio, they played a sales ad for a free laptop. You would think the station being one of the bigger ones in the NY area that they would not sell ad's to anything "funny"Well I went to the site today, and read all of the page. and then started to fill out the form. Mistake!that's when things really got going. in about 3 mins I had a good 30 E mails wanting me to Buy Buy Buy. So I stoped filling out the form, and then spent 3 hours going through my new mail looking for any links in them to stop the spam. I even blocked a lot that I could not find a remove me, yet they still keep comming. I guess that is how they can give away free laptops, get you to buy all the stuff, then they must get a kickback or something.Well they saw me comming I guess. Nothing is what it seems to be. I just wish that they would pass a law or something to make ad's like that unlawful, so others will not fall into a spamtrap like I did today.
  10. myself I like #2. I have always liked bright and or crazy effects. only thing I don't care for is where you have the tempts posted. I hate any pop ups
  11. Okay everyone, I have read all the postes on the revies of my site. Echo Of Thunder I really do thank you all for the last review, It helped alot. Maybe this one will be a little more to everyone liking. Not as many Maps as I would have liked, but was throwing the template off, and I no very very little of CSS but learning. ty
  12. Hilary or Obama? These two remind me of childern fighting over there toys. I have been a Dem ever since I 1st started to vote. For the 1st time I think I will vote for a Rep, due to the way that Hilary and Obama have acted during the race. I have not seen as much mud slinging since I went to a monster truck race and it rained.
  13. LOL I know it makes your PC run slow. I am working on a better page. Just taking some time.
  14. Well thank you all, Some good things and some bad, which I don't really mind. that much. In time the site will get better I know. And yes Java is required. As for the background, just something that I had been playing with in PSP. Really don't care for the raindrops and lightening myself, but really dont care for a soild BG too, so kinda stuck with it for now. and Yes I know things would run and look faster using CSS but my skills in CSS are like the football player with 2 left feet in on roller skates. And also yes it is set up for hurricane season now, which starts here on May1st 2008. During the winter months it is set up for storms all over the USA. Some pretty wicked ones this winter came in on the westh cost I might add. TY all again
  15. Life is like baseball,Sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, and sometimes the Met's can win a game.

  16. Oh I know all too well how it is growing up with a handicap. "Spina Bifida" Back then kids had home school.Don't even go there with the name calling from the other kids. Maybe it's just me or I have gotten older but seems as now it's a normal thing seeing someone who is blind, deaf, or in a wheelchair in a school. We don't even think twice about it now. But back in the 70's and even before that it was unheard of for any child like that to be in public or even to play with other kids. I have read all these post and I think of these posts here and I am reminded of just one thing.How happy we all are to be alive. Back in the day childern born with any kind of defect where just given up for dead.So many defects can be found and fixed before birth. Such as Spina Bifida. Some heart defects and others.So in closing I just sayKeep the faith and if anyone says to you, You can't. You look them dead in the eyes and say. I CAN!
  17. 3 things that really get me mad? 1. Stuid people that when your online and message you asking for your ASL. If there smart enough to know what ASL, you would think that they would also know to read a profile.2. The Iraq war. Can we say Enough is ENOUGH!3. that ad on TV for Head on. Besides making me mad, its just down right annoying.
  18. As someone that is in a wheelchair, it does upset me seeing people that are getting a check, be it SS or SSI for something that can not be "seen" but then I have to think about it. Yes there are a lot that get these checks. but you also have to blame the doctor's that gave the okay. I feel as they the goverment should also look not only at the people but the doctors who okay all this. I have had my handicap all my life, and a week does not go by that I don't see someone parking in a handicap zone, get out of there car and walk into the store. True there handicap my be unseen but then again. they may not even be handicapped.. This post may fit bettern in vent than here who knows. but I must state this. Seen or unseen. you never really know. Only that person or persons and there doctor know for sure
  19. I also happen to link dream weaver. when I started out doing pages, I was using coffeecup, but was limited with what I could do. then a good friend bought me a copy of DW as a christmas gift. Between that and paint shop, fireworks. I have really enjoyed.
  20. as I stated on page 2. I feel as it is just a phase that the earth is having. and from the looks of the other posts. I may not be the only one's that think this.
  21. Hello. I am new here to Xisto.com and would really like some input on my site. Echo Of Thunder Made using Dream Weaver and note pad. Planning on a better forum and chat page as time goes by. This is just a little hobby that I have. "weather" and I hope that you all here at Xisto will take a look see, and tell me what you all think.
  22. Myself I too use Dreamweaver, notepad PSP. but I find myself using note pad more and more. Just wish that some of the Flash programs and PHP programs was as simple.
  23. My bad. yes it was a vius in the BIOS. made a few calls on having it removed. just cheeper to use the old PC as a paper weight. But I have to say this one last time. I sure do thank all of you for your help in this and the ideas.
  24. No net? for us older people, we would just watch TV or spend time with the family and friends. As for the younger? I would hope that they would do something that I was tought to do when bored. Pick up a book and read. True you can get books and even movies in the net. but nothing can beat just sitting back and reading and relaxing.
  25. Destorying the net? Thats like the old cartoon of the guy that was on the net one day, and found the page. "You have now reached the end of the internet." It would be so hard to take down all the servers that hold the net. then you have to think of the old BBS systems. "back before the net, when we all used dialup to call one PC to another" They would not only have to take out the web but also the phone lines too.
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