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all I can say is this PHPBB equals Spam. the board I used to run was a PHPBB, I would have to delete a good 10 to 15 spammers a day. I finally got smart and said no more to it. then I found AEF. http://www.anelectron.com/ once I installed it. Bam no more spammers. I think maybe your getting all your spam because PHPBB is a very popular board and all people really have to do is run a search for that kind of board and wa la. spam o rama I could be wrong but that's how I feel. But yes there are settings you can change to stop it all but if a spammer really wants in, he or she can find a way. that is everywhere you go. even here on Xisto. Its a way of life. damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Lousy Support? Funny I have never had any problems with it. Yes sometimes a ticket may be slow in a reply but that is understandable. but as for lousy? no way at all. in fact I would rate it a 4 out of a 5 in that department.
I have learned that google adsense is like a double edge sword in some cases. One being the type of ads you wish to have displayed. Myself I like weather ad's. but in the time that I have been using G.A. I have made less than a $1.00 Also before you even get to see your money that you have made by these ad's you have to make $10.00 which if you ask me is a Joke. what they should do is base the amounts on the type of ad's your running. If you use Ad's such as for really popular things such as gaming yes 10 is fine but if you use off ad's such as mine, cut it down to say maybe 5 USD.But as a whole G.A. is a great tool, I think, just as I said though, it has 2 sides, Good and bad. But thats with just about everything you get in the world today.
No More Free Fishing Free fishing no more
Echo_of_thunder replied to Echo_of_thunder's topic in The Vent
yea all breaks down to money for the state I guess. Money they will use to fill there pockets that the people of New Jersey will never get to see where it "Really Goes". They just will raise taxes so much I guess on everything from Fishing to food. Now I am waiting on the to put a higher price on some of our parks. Yes that I can see. X amount on a Car or SUV, to help keep the parks clean and stuff. But for Fishing? I still say that is Beep.I have talked with a lot of fishing buddy's and we all are in agreement that come 2011 we will all just go up to New York or down to Delaware, to fish. -
Well I am now really pissed off at the state of New Jersey. I read this morning that come 2011 there will be no more salt water fishing from Docks Piers or the shorelines, only from your own boat or a party boat. This really pisses me off being a fisherman who loves salt water fishing and being I do not own a boat, that means I would have to use a party boat at $35 to $45 USD or pay the $35.00 and another $16.95 for a trout stamp. Is this what it all has come too? MONEY! New Jersey is the only state in the nation that has a price to fish from even there shoreline. Yes it will bring in money for the state but it will also hurt the state as well. People will no longer go to places such as Sandyhook for fishing, or our other beaches, which in turn will take away money for the state. Bait shops will also feel this, being that most party boats buy there bait straight off the docks. How stupid is our Government here? Don't they understand you have to have some things free and you can still make money from it?
The Global Warming Scam The Global Warming Scam
Echo_of_thunder replied to sofiaweb's topic in Science and Technology
Seems the cat is out of the bag now with all this Global Warming, and I for one am as happy as a lark about it. I have said here in the forum for awhile now that it was a joke. Now it is all coming out of Fake E mails, and edited websites saying of how bad things are when in fact that are not. Yes Al Gore is making a pretty little penny on all of these lies and half truths. Now I am not saying there is not any problems, there is. But it is not totally due to this Climate Change. Some is due to the people of the world with there trash. but that is just a small percentage of what is happening. The world is changing it's state I feel. Places that are normally cold are getting warmer, warmer climates are getting cooler. Something is not right at all. I hate to say this or even think it but I feel as the North and South Poles are about to switch. I mean think of it this way. All the crazy weather, the earth quakes and all. But back to the topic at hand. Yes GW was a scam to get people to stop using so much energy. and it worked a little. More and more people and places went and are going green. It should have been stated and done in a better way than they did it though. Myself I hope that these people that are guilty of faking all this should be jailed for there lies to the world of Global Warming. Even though they may have thought that they was doing the right thing, they did it the wrong way. -
As a Animal lover and someone who has had to put there beloved pet down. I know it is a hard thing to do, but you have to think of it this way. Your not the owner of the pet, the pet is the owner of you. And if your pet loves you as much as you love them, Do you think they would want you to be in such pain that you could not walk, or control your movements such as bowels or urine? I know that may sound cruel to put a pet to sleep for that. But you have to realize that sometimes it is better for them in the long run. Pets are part of the family, at least in my house they are. So remember this, think not of yourself but of your pets. would you want to go through your life being in pain like they could be? As for unwanted pets or animals? that is a hard choice. The older a dog or cat is, it becomes harder for them to get adopted. So I would have to say yes, put them down. But Only after all options have been used to get them adopted by a loving home. But then again too. You have to think of where that animal may have come from too. It could very well be a puppy or kitten that came from the streets that may have health problems that could arise when they get older. or be eaten up so badly with fleas or mange that there is nothing that anyone can do for them. then yes put them down in a humane way.It is a really hard call for anyone to make. but you have to go back to what I said above. Do you want them to suffer.
By now we all know of the Earth Quake in Haiti and the over 100 Million people lost. Countries all over the world have come to there aid, from The US to Japan even Cuba. This got me to thinking what if?What if the 7.0 or even bigger had it somewhere here in America. Would other countries come to our aid? Remembering back to Sept 11th when GW Bush said no thanks we will handle it, when other countries wish to give us support. If a disaster like that happened now, would they even bother to ask if we even needed help? Myself I feel as very very few would. Maybe Great Britain would, Maybe France but that's it. The US has become the "helpers" of the world, but if we needed the help do you think that they would help? What are your thoughts about this and why?
thanks Baniboy, will give filezilla a try. And who knows just what is what. Could very well be on my end. My weather radar program uploads images to the site, and sometimes they get big in size. over 100K sometimes depending on the radar site and how much rain or what the radar see's or the type radar being used.
Okay all here it is. Over the last few weeks there has been a lot of talk of Fake E mails and edited Wikipedia pages all concerning the Global Warming thing. Now I want you to think of this Global Cooling. Yes I said Cooling. Temperatures world wide have have been down this year. Hence the cold temps in the US UK and even in South America as well. Even snow in Spain. yes some of this does have to do with El Nino and the 10 to 15 year with patterns, that I will not go into here, do to it would take so long, and rather dull reading anyways. But with this pattern the temps have gotten colder each time. MYSELF I feel as we could be heading to another mini ice age as we had back in the late 1600's. Also too Sun spots have been in the decreasing side as well. this too will cause cooling of the earth. Less Solor Flars hitting the earth with there radiation will cool the earth surface too. Could it be too the Sun is about to die? is this all part of the 2012 thing?Its all guess work at this point and time. All these Fake E mails and Edited Wikipedia pages have made such a stir in the weather world we really are not sure any more of what is fact or a pack of edited to someone's liking or wish casting. Here is how I feel though. 1 we really do not know just how old The Earth really is. only a close guess. Same way with the Sun. 2 These lies that someone had cooked up of Global Warming Could have been true at the beginning but now have been changed to fit how other's may or may not see things.What it all really boils down to is this my friends. Believe what you want on Global Warming Or Global Cooling. Until all this is settled, and who knows when or if it ever will be. Nobody knows just for sure what is what. I myself had been a believer that it was only a phase that the earth was going through. I still do believe in that but it also has me thinking too. what if. I mean yea Global warming could very well lead to Global Cooling as well. But then again there is the lack of sunspots too. I have to take that into account as well. So you be the judge hereGlobal Warming or Global Cooling? Either way Mother Earth could be in a lot of Trouble as well as Man Kind
Video Camcorder Advice wanted, please
Echo_of_thunder replied to rpgsearcherz's topic in Photography
very informative reading here. Been looking for a cam camcorder for my website. Looked into Sony and JVC and was not happy with there prices at all. I like some that have posted know little of camcorders right now and there formats they record in. My advice is this and simple. Google is your friend when it comes to finding out the best of the best. The cams that I have looked at Sony, JVC,DXG, along with many others all can be found on the web along with all there specs and even reviews which I really liked before spending the bucks.Good Luck -
Well The USA is in the mist of the worst cold spell in the last 25 years now. Freezing temps all the way into Florida, Even Cozumel Mexico has reported below normal Temperatures this week. Snow in places that have not seen any in quite a while. Dallas Texas even reported a white Christmas this year Tulsa Oklahoma even had 14.1 inches of snow in one day. So much for Global Warming huh?Even much colder temps have been reported around the world too, not just here in the USA. Snow in the UK as well. This got me to thinking of everyone here. How are you all dealing with this winter? Myself here in New Jersey USA it really has not been as bad as in the middle of our country or in the south where they are not used to it. Back in Dec we had one big snow storm of over 2 feet. Dec 21st 2009 and been cold every since. Just staying inside as much as we can here. So what about you all? How are you staying warm and doing to keep busy?
well you can go into your setting and have the friends you dont want to see the posts, a pain but you can do that, also the other user can have his settings to only show the post or posts he or she wants to see.
Is Facebook A Threat To A New Social Community Today?
Echo_of_thunder replied to africa's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Key word is just that Word of mouth. 1st was myspace then twitter facebook, what's next? they come and they go. all do to word of mouth. if you start your own networking site, you will have to keep that in mind. will your members spreed the word? what will you have on the site to keep them there? and lastly and most important. How Secure will your site be? I mean come on, Myspace? Hacked Twitter? Hacked also FB Hacked. but then again too. thats the chance we all take. -
Okay I have calmed down enough to be able to vent this out without blowing my top. Last night I was told by a few friends of mind on facebook that the Apps there are all viruses and all but ordered not to use them. That if I did that there so called friends would delete my name. I do not want them to do that, and I do not want to stop using what my 3 A/V programs are telling me are safe and clean. AVG Avast and Spybot SD. I like playing some of these games as a way to relax and to unwind from a crazy day yet they tell me they are nothing but trouble for me and my computer. I made another name just for these games so I could keep playing, yet they are still complaining of these apps. I did not even add them onto my friends list on the new name. It really pisses me off that these people I call my friends are saying this. It makes me feel as well a 10yr not someone that is almost 50. I am smart enough to know if I get something saying "This app could be a problem for your PC" not to install it or even run it. Also I have never heard of a problem with the Apps from Facebook being a problem for there users. and I would think if they was a problem FB would never allow them in the 1st place.
Aww you all should not ever hate the winter, Yes it can be cold and nasty as to where you can not get out and do anything but it also can be so beautiful. I mean think of this. A beautiful crisp morning, the sun just coming up over a snow covered field. there no tracks on it at all. the sun hitting the snow crystals making so many different colors of the rainbow. You put on your heavy clothes and step outside into your own little winter wonderland. so quiet. not a sound to be heard for miles. So you see, winter can be something not to hate my friends but something to enjoy. A good snow of the winter can bring out the kid in us all.
Well with any luck this weekend they say I may get some of the white stuff Sunday. I will try and catch a few stills of it but I know I will if it happens be doing some live streaming of it. Now watch us get rain or sun lol.
ty, thought of something like that but the one's I found are much more than $60.00, however I did find a camcorder that I can shoot whatever then upload it to my sever or Youtube then to USTREAM, Will not be Live as I would like to have had, but can always do the Cam out the window for that until I can set something up mobile. Have some Chaser friends of mine that are now looking into getting me up and running.
I really could use some good advice form you all here. The other afternoon there was some snow in my forecast so I thought that it would be cool to stream it live over ustream. Right now I have a old logitech eyeball cam that is about 10yrs old. works fine almost like knew. Question is. and I have googled it and all that. But is there any handheld webcams on the market that I that I could use like that and not have to hold the cam, "shakes" or have it sit on the window frame? As I said I have Googled it, without much luck. I had thought of a camcorder but ChChing and I don't know if that would even work or not. a real noob here sorry. Thanks
Other than the above, on the Thunder meter I would give it an 8.2, errors or not. Looked at it in Bother Fire Fox and IE, Loads fine. just a tad slow in IE however, but keep in mind of peoples connections speeds for each browser. Yes I have found out not ever browser will open at the same speed, Due to the add ons you may use, but back to this site. Very nice layout and I do like the Clocks. May just have to use one myself.
Climategate Can we say Its all lies?
Echo_of_thunder replied to Echo_of_thunder's topic in General Discussion
who knows what he will do. As of now all this is the big talk in the weather world from what I have been seeing. Myself I feel as "some of what has been said all along is partly true. We are not helping any with our trash and stuff. But this is more of a word cooked up by the powers that was at that time, to try and get people to do what we now call going green. But yea, "Climategate" is going to come back and hurt some people just like watergate back in the 70's. If anyone is interested in this more. Monday night Nov 30'th at 8:00PM Easter Standard time a friend of mine, Barometer Bob may touch base on this topic during his Year in Hurricane season radio talk show heard on WRNB.NET He may also do a follow up on his normal Thursday night show as well. Same Time and Station.