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Everything posted by Inhuman

  1. But that could easily drive down sales of iPhones, not to mention, up the cost of the phone. I mean, if they hire hackers to break the phone, so they can make a better product, it'll cost more due to salaries of the hackers and the cost of developing software that prevents these hacks. As for sales, some people would buy it knowing it's unhackable, but more people could be buying it just to hack the thing in the first place. I mean, if on has a hacked phone, that's roughly $100 less each month, which NO ONE wants to spend on a phone....and those that do want to are crazy.
  2. Exactly. As for you, well since you're now into him again, then go after him. Try calling him or something.
  3. Why doesn't it work on Vista? Anybody know about this? I mean, if it does, then I'd be all over it like...um....I can't think of a good analogy, but I'd be all over it.
  4. I used frog as my healer, but brute force against Lavos definitely worked.
  5. Neat. How long did it take and how much did it set you back?And did you plan on having it that size, or were you trying to make a bigger one?
  6. If I'm thinking correctly, you can finish the game without Crono OR Magus....but that would prove to be quite difficult....for me at least...I used them and Frog to beat the game.
  7. This sounds ****ing epic. In the end, how much did it all cost you?How is it through the bad weather?Does the sat ever fall?
  8. Overall, one of the best games was definitely Super Mario World. That game has so much replay value. Every level is just perfect...one of the best platformers ever.Best RPG and another one of the best games ever was Chrono Trigger. I recently downloaded, played, and beat it (and when I say recently, I mean within the last couple months) By far, it had one of the best storylines I had ever seen. Best SNES graphics goes straight to the Donkey Kong Country series. I mean, seriously, look at it. RARE knew what the hell they were doing with that game. The first one alone looks amazing, let alone 3. I mean, the water in some areas was almost realistic. And the layout of all 3 games was just incredible. Those 3 also get best series on SNES for me.Best puzzle game is definitely Wario's Woods. I will not lie to you, I am god at that game after a 15 minute warm up (just to get re-used to the controls). Add to that, there's a lot to do in that game. I mean, you can do time attack to try to get all gold medals. You can go through the 2-player-esque levels,, beating all the wild characters until you get to Wario and defeat him.....then um.....try it again on hard mode. Then there's the single player spot where you go through the levels....and the levels that are after 100 are freaking intense!2nd best series is Megaman X I've fully beaten X and X2, I just need to beat 3. I mean, there's barely any storyline, but it's better that way because it allows you to focus on the action....beating bosses, getting abilities, getting sub and heart tanks. The level layout is pretty awesome. Always unique, and rarely overused (one level in mmx2 was repeated partially....but you dropped down a hole for the Sigma fight. The MMX series also gets most difficult boss because X had the sigma head...and that was a pain in the everything. MMX2 had vector Sigma, and that was easier than *insert young female celebrity here*, but the first Sigma fight in that I believe that one was also quite difficult. The other bosses throughout 2 were hell though....especially those 3 that kept jumping from level to level. MMX also gets the best music. All those songs, though they were techno-ish and had no lyrics, you have to admit, they were catchy as hell. Even as I type this, I have Armored Armadillo's music in my head. There was one part in that that had a guitar solo feel to it. MMX was well rounded and a well made game.And a notable mention goes to the Super Game Boy, which allows you to play game boy games on the SNES. Some even had custom borders and color layouts. For those that didn't, you could choose different ones, or even make your own (yes, for both color and border).Another notable mention goes to Super Mario RPG. That was an epic game with a pretty good storyline.
  9. Daniela: Guys are dumb. Remember that. t3jem is right when he said we don't get subtle hints right away. Be more direct. If you want to "hit that" tell him.Giselle: Um...you moved on....big deal. Sometimes it just happens. Just keep on keeping on. Sometimes you just need to tell the dude to back off...sometimes they will, other times they'll try to go after you more....that's when a swift kick the to the groin works. >_< I mean if you need space, you dam well deserve it.
  10. Yea, sorry about the wait...I was at work. <_<I'll create my account in a few minutes, just gotta eat.But I object to closing this in case anyone in the future runs into the problem...like turn it into a "Hey admin, my website wont load/work!" thread. Just a thought, really.[hr=noshade] [/hr]alright, I got it working. Thanks a lot mods and admins.Now to lurk the boards to find the info I desire.
  11. Sweet. I'll get mine workin later tonight if I can. I need to get ready for work in an hour.
  12. I was PMing with BuffaloHELP. They said there could be a server issue...considering you and I both are still listed as members, as is flashy and someone else in this thread, rather than us all being listed as hosted.
  13. Haha, yea probably. But I don't see those symbols anywhere, so I think I'm good for meow. :(Thanks for the info.
  14. Aww....alright. If anything changes until the admins pop in, I'll let you folks know. Thanks for trying to sort it out. <_<Also, has this problem occurred before and if so, how did it get sorted out (If you happen to know)?
  15. My question is how does one find out if they have a Firewire port and how do I disable it if I do? I mean, I don't want my laptop hacked...especially since I'm on vista....
  16. Yea, I'm getting a similar thing to flashy for the processing screen. I haven't checked out the website, nor have I tried to recreate it....the only thing different between me and flashy is all the account info.....that and my desired sub domain wouldn't work. (it didn't accept a underscore (_), so I went for a hyphen (-)). What should I do? Keep waiting?
  17. I know it, Amiel!! And you had to blow the thing up as well!!! Gah! I wonder if Gamefaqs has it....I'd go look, but I don't have my PS2 hooked up, so it wouldn't matter anyways...(and I might have lost that memory card).
  18. I liked all 3 Grand Theft Autos that I've played for different reasons (3, Vice city, and San Andreas).GTA 3: Awesome storyline. For GTA stories, it sets the bar pretty high. Even though the others were great, I don't think their overall stories could get as high as this one. My only complaint is the lack of rock stations.GTA VC: I liked the map, even though it was only 2 islands. The music was THE BEST. Vrock was one hell of a station. Slayer, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Ozzy, Anthrax....barely gets better than that, though I saw the playlist for VC stories. It wasn't too bad....I mean, it had freaking Dio, which is always a win. Back on VC, though, I found the storyline was very similar to Scarface (as 3 was to the Godfather (which I STILL have yet to see)). I mean, there's even a cool little easter egg on one of the islands. If you've seen Scarface and remember the opening, you'd know about the whole chainsaw incident. Well if you see apartments similar tot he ones in that scene, keep an eye out. One of them has an open door and you can see the gory mess for yourself....it even has a chainsaw. GTA SA: I LOVE LONG ****ING GAMES!!! (such as Final Fantasy.) Though I'm not a big fan of the whole content of the story, the length of it kept me very happy. The stations were pretty decent, switching between Kdst and Radio X (or whatever the "modern" (1992) rock station name was). But the best part about the game was the gameplay. If I were to base a game solely on gameplay and replay value, this is #1. There was so much to do...hell even driving around on this game for hours is fun and relaxing. It definitely had the best gameplay in a GTA game (dunno about GTA 4). The maps were just epic. You had deserts (desserts? I get confused on the proper spelling, but you know what I mean. ), forest, suburbs, cities with tall towers...all of it was just amazing. My only complaint is the Rhino. I hated how the camera followed the turret. In the other games, I'd spawn or steal a tank, reverse the turret, and use it to propel myself while blasting whatever was behind me....I couldn't do that in this game....oh well, ya win some and ya lose some.And I'd like to state for the record that I beat all GTA story lines and completed most of the car lists....I just can't find the Mr. Whoopie in 3 (If anyone has help with that, please PM me).
  19. I haven't read the rest of the thread, only the OP, so if I repeat anything, sorry about that. Also, keep all sharp objects away from yourself right now.1. Music can help with the pain. Personally I'd go for some metal to get the adrenaline pumping, but that's me. Really, listen to whatever you want that won't really remind you of her.2. I'd say wait until Sunday night (the 9th...I dunno your local time.) to call her back and try to talk to her. For all you know, she could be equally, if not more upset than you.3. Nope. You should probably tell her that you miss her (which you do).4. It wouldn't hurt...I mean, you'll never know unless you ask.5. Maybe you were in shock. That's really not one of the key issues right now. <_<6. Food....hmm....um, maybe some breakfast type food (pancakes, waffles, french toast, back, sausage, eggs....).7. Yea, you're screwed on that one. Sorry to say it, but since you're living there, you will be reminded of her. You need to hang out with your fiends ASAP.8. Exactly that...and there's a glimmer of hope for you yet. If she still loves you, maybe she will listen to reason and come back. This can also mean she's upset about the break up as well.9. Tell a few trustworthy friends now and wait for the family....then again, that clashes with the whole talking to her on Sunday...so um, if that doesn't work, tell a few friends and see if they want to hang out and get your mind off of her for a while. Tell your family like next week or so, so long as talkin with her doesn't work out.10. It will help. If you're close with them, you'll be able to rely on them to pull you out of this funk. True friends are cool like that.
  20. That was pretty killer. I'm likin the Death Note theme you have for it as well. Maybe if you downsized it, you could sig it.
  21. Either you posted a bad URL or you took it down before we could see it. Ya might want to fix that.
  22. Nice tutorial. Here's a gif I made in GIMP. I don't remember everything I did, but I do remember making 2 seperate animations and manually pasting one over the other....not fun.
  23. Ok, there are many things I feel are wrong with this thread. Don't call me a flamer or a troll if I happen to bash ya, they're just my own views.Hell raiser: Um, you're claiming one of the reasons Metallica went downhill was because they sobered up and cut their hair. I'm sorry, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Although I do agree that reload - st. anger were terrible, those aren't the reasons. It was because of the melodies they tried to use...that and the trash can in St. Anger. Ace: Good stuff.Vince: I love Dime and I love Pantera, but dude, Dime's skill were far from the best. Case and Point: Chuck Schuldiner. Also, SOAD is not metal...moreso rock or Nu MetalKitiara: Ever listen to Lacuna Coil? Ya might like them.Oh Murderer: Mostly metalcore, but good stuff....BDM ain't my cup o tea though, but I will say they have a nasty pit.Hateheals: An old schooler! Ever listen to Overkill? I might see them live in about a month or two.
  24. I thought it was ok, but the remake of A Tout Le Monde was bad. I love the song, and I love Lacuna Coil (Christina's voice is so amazing...she's like a goddess) but her in that song was terrible. I mean she sung it well, but just the fact she was in it kinda took away from it, I thought. If Megadeth is gonna try to get back to it's older days, they need to listen to the stuff they were into way back when. Maybe they'll be able to pull out something like Peace Sells or something again, who knows?
  25. Either I'm having a moment of ADD or that comic was slightly hard to follow. I mean I got the first 2 panels, but what was that whole business at the middle and bottom? It got rather confusing. And rather than having free air text with line pointing to the person, why not try speech bubbles? I think it would make things look a little more professional. (that is in response to the latest one, by the way)I do enjoy the stick figure feel with the crumple-ness. It's kinda cool lookin, sorta makes it unique. The thing is though, some of the panels do seem kinda bad....like you're trying to squeeze it all in. If you can't fit all the speech into the panel you want, I say don't worry about it and move on to the next panel. It would add some length to your comic....and let's face it, the longer, the better.....(that's what she said )Once I get my site from here up and running, I'm linking your site...mostly for my own laziness. I kinda want to keep up to date with this one. So um...good luck and keep with it man.
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