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Everything posted by Inhuman

  1. You're gonna die. But seriously, maybe depression or something? I dunno...hopefully someone who isn't being a jerk can help ya. But definitely eat something, even if it's just a bowl of cereal. And cheer up, will ya!
  2. It looks pretty neat, but I feel as if her face is way to close. What else have you done that's similar to this? I'd like to check it out.
  3. Yea, this doesn't sound right to me....you need to appeal this, and somehow prove that the dude was speeding.....but then again, that won't be hard to prove if it actually sent one of your friends out of the car.
  4. That looks pretty sweet. What is this Apophysis program you speak of and what does it do?
  5. Prophet, you first. I got my copy for the PC for $30 at Best Buy. You could also get it for 360 and PS3, but I don't know those prices off hand. And it is multiplayer, which is basically what the game is known for.Alex: I just need to get used to the game before I hit up multiplayer. I've already properly port forwarded, so when I do get around to multiplayer, I'll be all set.
  6. Just got it like 12 hours ago...played campaign a little bit....I need much improvement.
  7. Dude...that's brutal. I kinda wish I saw it when it happened....must have been nasty. (Yes, I'm a little twisted. )But um, you can walk on it, right? Has that stiffness gone down?
  8. Update it man, then we could play against each other! :lol:Seriously though, I've heard good things about it on the other message board I'm on, so I'm gonna try to pick it up today or something...if not, then sometime this week.
  9. I think I shall....have you played this version?And I've seen people on TV play this game on multiplayer (yea, I'm that lame. ), and it does seem like an intense game.
  10. I haven't beaten it, but I don know you can't use any of your skips.....other than that the farthest I remember making it was tot he nail clipping one....
  11. Could never get into soccer....but that wasn't the reason.Sounds like a brutal injury, can we get a pic of it? :lol:But yea, definitely see a doctor. Can't hurt to go, ya know? Besides, if it is bad, then you'll be glad you went.
  12. I was thinking 2 things while reading that: Planet of the Apes and Bigfoot / Yeti.Basically with Planet of the Apes, yea, it's only fiction, but if this were to go down, then we could be enslaved by apes, and that just isn't all that great if you think about it.....As for Bigfoot and / or Yeti, these are rumored to already exist....which makes me think some backwards hick had intercourse with a chimp or something....Yea, my mind is weird when I'm on little sleep.
  13. I've never played the series, nor have I played a first person shooter for an extended period of time. (My FPS experience is limited to playing Halo a couple times and Doom.) For a while I wasn't big on PC gaming, but after playing emulators, I'm getting used to it. I've heard all good things about it except for the story line....which I heard was dreadful. I ask because I've been getting bored as of late and figured I should get a PC game for my laptop. I saw a copy of it online at Game Stop for around $30-ish. So, should I pick it up this week?
  14. That was crazy....I mean, I've heard about it, but to actually see pics of what appeared to be that stuff working is absolutely phenomenal. Next thing you know, people who literally lose half their body in a tragic freak accident would be able to regrow it back.
  15. Ok, that is the best thing ever. Whoever did that is a jeenyus.
  16. Now, for those of you who don't know, TNA (Total Nonstop Action) is a wrestling organization and they recently had a Pay-Per-View event called Lockdown, which featured a card of all cage matches. I was at this PPV event and it was awesome. Also, the reason why it's so late is cuz I am getting desperate for hosting credits. :DAnyways, it's Sunday and I was waiting for my friends Ryan, Corey, and Jeremy to show up....they all live one state north of me. Anyways, it's starting to get late, like about 3 o'clock-ish, and I wanted them at my house earlier than that so we could get a pizza before going to Lowell, MA for TNA Lockdown. When they finally arrived, I ended up kinda mad. It wasn't because they got lost, but because Jeremy and Corey couldn't go. One had a paintball tournament, and the other's mother wouldn't let him go. Thankfully Dave, who stayed at Ryan's house that weekend, said he would go. So, out of the 5 tickets that I bought, 4 had holders: myself, my little brother, Dave, and Ryan. We then all worked out a plan on getting those 2 back home: My mom would drive Dave home, and I would drive up to NH to drop off Ryan. So once we settled on that, we went to Wendy's to eat. I hadn't eaten anything all day, so once I was eating their Baconator, it wasn't sitting to well. We then took the Lowell Connector into Lowell and I was surprised at the lack of traffic at the time...don't remember exactly what time, but it was around 4 or 5 o'clock. (The show started at 7:30). So we got there and we decided to chill in the parking garage for a bit. We stood around, chewing some Jack Links beef jerky (love that stuff) and listened to some King Diamond. Then I felt it...right in my throat, I could feel myself about to puke....I tried to keep it down, but I couldn't. I just spewed right there. Now you folks here on this site don't know this, but I'm a dude with long hair, so I was lucky enough not to get any in my hair, as it was untied and I wasn't wearing my hat. Anyways, we finished off the jerky and walked towards the Tsongas Arena, which was close to empty, aside from about 50 fans who were there early. They all went to the bathroom as I went to see if I could sell back my ticket, which I couldn't. Once we all met up again, I tried to figure out what I could do with my ticket...I tried callin all my friends who were near the area, but none wanted to go (they weren't wrestling fans any ways). So I tried to scalp it, which was unsuccessful. During our stay outside the lobby, we tried to get in contact with our friend Chad (who is a huge wrestling and MMA fan), to see what was up with him....and he didn't have much time to talk.....the jerk. At one point we were in the lobby, and a couple of the wrestlers were coming our to sign some autographs. Jay Lethal was about to walk right by me, so I stuck out my hand for a high five...and HE MISSED! Like he went for it and totally caught the edge of my hand. We finally decided to go in once there was a bunch of people showing up (around 6:30 - 7-ish). We went and grabbed our seats which ended up being a great view. Staring straight ahead, we could see the entrance, and only a slight turn, and we could see into the cage. Now for those unfamiliar with TNA, they have a 6 sided ring (as opposed to the normal 4 sided ring) and our seats were perfect for seeing into it, where as if it were a 4 sided ring, we'd end up at a corner with an obstructed view. About a half an hour before things got started up, Chad finally shows up with a friend of his and we talked for a while. He ended up going to 4 wrestling promotions in that whole weekend: TNA, Ring of Honor, and a couple others that I don't remember. Then they went and grabbed their seats, which were away from ours....they couldn't see the entrance ramp too well. Anyways, 7:30, finally rolled around, and they announcers started getting the crowd hyped up. I lost my voice for the most part before the thing even started The first match was Curry Man (Chrisopther Daniels), Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Johnny Devine, Shark Boy, and Consequences Creed in an escape match for the TNA X-Division title. Now the rules are a little different in TNA. Usually, only 2 people are in the ring, with the rest on an apron, but it works sorta like a tag team match, but they could tag anyone....least, I'm pretty sure that's how it worked. Anyways, it's pin/submit elimination and once it's down to 2 people, they try to escape the cage to win the match. Jay Lethal ended up escaping for the win. Following that was the Queen of the Cage match, where a bunch of the female wrestlers had to fight their way in to the cage, then it was pin / submit for the win. Roxxie Laveaux ended up pinning Angelina Love and won a title shot for the women's belt. The next match started off boring, so me, my brother, and Dave decided to get some food. (the match was B.G. James (formerly known as Road Dogg Jesse James) vs. Kip James (Formerly known as Billy Gunn)) Once we were in line, we ran into Chad again and talked for a little bit. The match ended while we were still in line, but I didn't care either way. Following that was an insane match. There were 6 tag teams in the ring and in they had to handcuff each other to the cage. Eric Young (as Super Eric) and Kaz won the match, though it was sometimes hard to pick up what the hell was going on....I mean 12 people in a small 6 sided ring, and some of them were just standing around....then you realize they're handcuffed. It was quite bizarre. Following that was the tag match from hell. Why do I say that? Well, allow me to explain the situation. It was a women's tag match, and one of the participants was 6 foot, 11 inches and about 250 lbs. (On a guess....don't feel like lookin up her stats.) Anyways, her fat rear end was blocking most of the match...she didn't stand by a turnbuckle, she was in the middle of the apron, blocking the whole section from the action. Thankfully, Gail Kim and ODB won, instead of her (Awesome Kong) and her lackey.....I don't feel like even trying to spell her name. Following that match was one that my little brother made fun. It was Booker T and his wife vs. Robert Roode and Payton Banks. What my brother did was start a chant calling Roode a racist [censored]. I need to find a vid of the match to see if it can be heard or not. Anyways, Booker and his wife won with the classic heel (bad guy) screw up. After that was the 5 on 5 cage match....basically 2 teams of people enter 1 person at a time. It starts with 2 people, and someone doesn't enter until 5 mins later, then someone else at 2 min intervals. Nobody can be pinned or submitted until everyone is in. Once everybody is in, they lower a roof for the cage, which has weapons attached to it.....there was blood and carnage everywhere. Christian Cage's team (Christian, Rhino, Kevin Nash, Sting, and Matt Morgan) won, beating out Tyson Tomko's team (Tyson Tomko, D-Von and Bubba Ray Dudley, James Storm, and AJ Styles). It happened when Rhino Gored (speared / tackled...whatever you want to call it) Storm. The last match could have been better than what it was. It was Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle for the TNA title. Basically if Joe lost, he'd "quit wrestling", which meant he was winning the belt. The problem with the match was that they turned it into a sorta MMA fight, rather than wrestle. I mean, they had a cage and it barely got used for the match. But the crowd reaction for the match was intense. Half the side was for Joe and the other half for Kurt. What's great about TNA is that they don't put emphasis on who you should be a fan of, like WWE seems to do; TNA basically allows you to decide for yourself who the heel and face are, even though sometimes it's usually obvious what side some of them are on. In this case, it was evenly split. Once Joe beat Kurt the event was over. My group stuck around until Joe was behind the curtain. We went back to the parking lot, chewed some more jerky and waited for traffic to die down before we left. It was closer to midnight before we ended up leaving. Once we were at my house, we chilled out for a bit before I drove Ryan home. Think my story is done? Not by a long shot. We were probably no more than 10 - 15 minutes away from Ryan's house when I got pulled over....for my first time. It was 1 am. Random profanities were running through my mind as I thought I got caught for speeding. As it turns out, the light for the license plate was out. What a relief it was knowing I wouldn't be getting a ticket....I mean, I already blew $36.50 on am unused ticket for the event. >_< Once I finally dropped Ryan off at his house, I turned around to go back home....problem was I got lost!!! I had a bit of trouble finding Route 3 South. I turned around once I got close to my uncle's town....I thought," [town name] wtf? That aint right...time to turn around!" So I turned around and finally found where I needed to go. I had a nice drive back home....no cops, no energy (I was exhausted), and I needed some sleep! I didn't get home until about 2-2:30 am. When I did, I went right to sleep. And that was my day at TNA Lockdown, my first wrestling event.
  17. Yea, I was already planning on getting am external hard drive this summer, so I can put all my music and software on it. Is there any specific reason why MS decided to do this other than to screw over the consumer?
  18. I think somebody needs an update.....^_^But seriously, why haven't you updated? Can't afford it?
  19. Yea.....because I have no idea if Photoshop 7 is the latest version....as far as I know CS3 Extended was the latest....
  20. Ya know, I have the perfect response to this thread, but the problem is I'd probably get banned for the punchline....well at least the part of it that will get you laughin. I'll start it at least, but I warn you, these aren't my words: You might be able to figure it out, but meh. Mods, if ya don't like the post, delete please.
  21. Thanks for sharing this. I think I may use something like this.....if I ever decide not to be lazy.
  22. That looks neat. What program did you use, and how did you make it?
  23. I know it! The [adult swim] message boards have taken my soul. (For those outside the US that don't know, [adult swim] is a cartoon programming television block.) Seriously, I'm on there all the time. I even mess with one of the admins....then he pwns me right back. Good times had by all.
  24. Aaannd I disagree. Hatebreed isn't metal...far from it actually. Hatebreed is a hardcore band, with lyrics that are meant to hit close to home, rather than be about gore, hate upon organized religion, pure violence (instead of just stating it), and ya know...any other kind of lyrics that could be associated with metal. Hatebreed also makes use of breakdowns, which is a staple in the hardcore genre. This allows for a brutal more pit (trust me, they were my first pit and it was intense, but I've been in worse), and for the dreaded pit ninjas...ya know, those lame arses who like to practice their ninja kicks and stuff. Really the drumming and style of guitar is what makes one want to do that, where as in a metal pit, people just push and shove (and eventually punch) each other for fun, rather than want to intentionally hurt someone like in a hardcore pit. When it comes to the vocals, hardcore vocals are more throat based, and metal vocals are more diaphragm based. What I mean by that is, in hardcore, all they're doing for the vocals is a raspy yell/scream. As for metal, in power, it's actual singing and it might be coming from the diaphragm (not sure though...). In Thrash metal, it's more of just yelling usually...occasionally made raspy, but it could also go ear splittingly high pitched. In Death, black, and grind, it's all in the diaphragm. They use the vocal chords, tongue, and mouth to manipulate the sound from what's being pushed out of their lungs with the diaphragm. I've also noticed a rather big gangster rap influence in hardcore. I mean, you look at some of these hardcore bands and they look like they actually want to do gangster rap, rather than real metal.....though they also have metal influences, Hatebreed and other hardcore bands fall somewhere between the two. You'll also notice a brotherhood within both hardcore and metal, but with hardcore, they make seem almost like it's a new family, where as in metal, it's more like a kinship of something that runs through their veins...may sound like the same thing to a normal person, but if you think about it, it isn't....
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