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Everything posted by Inhuman

  1. I think that could be a little harsh. I mean, this could easily be abused. Let's say a flame war or argument breaks out and one person gains the extreme hatred of 3 other people who then report him. And let's say, for this example, that they argued by the books. Though it could be considered flaming, they all brought up valuable points in the argument. Then they (the 3) report the one guy. He's now banned, and screwed out of a website over an argument and report abuse. Now I'm sure everything would be sorted out in the end, but that's way too much of a hassle to go through. I say we get more mods to patrol the nights / early mornings (this is by North American times...don't know what time it is over in Australia). The problem is that it probably won't happen. I mean, mods are people to and they can only stay awake so long. On the other forum I go to, we've gotten spammed heavily...I'm talking to the point of either 40 threads on a 50 thread per page on on part of the board, or someone making chat threads that consisted of literally "lol hey" "wassup lol". (that user literally had "lol" in all of their posts and had the worst grammar imaginable) I was relieved when a mod showed up and cleared all the BS out. But I'm no angel when it comes to spam. One night on that board we had literally filled the page with the same thread, and it said about how funny it would be if everyone made the same thread. I got perma banned on my main account after that. >_< But I learned since then, spam = bad....especially when there's no mods in sight.So to sum up my senseless wisdom cubing, mods at night early morning is a good idea. We need them....just in case....of spam.....and stuff. Yea.
  2. Well if your teacher knew what the hell happened and where you were coming from, then maybe they might cut you some slack this one time....if not, that's friggin retarded. As for the bus driver not being fined, they should be fired and bared from gaining any other type of transportation job in Australia just for that incident. That moron caused a lot of unneeded havoc, which made a lot of people late to their various destinations. Also, whoever is protecting the driver should be fired for protecting an incompetent fool.
  3. Yea, it really sucks to get a random IM every day or so. LoverLounge stopped it would seem (I haven't got one from them in a couple days, but I wouldn't put it past them to get me again). Now it's xpressringtones.com (Don't go there, I don't know how safe that site is). I've just been reporting Im spam and continued on.
  4. Like the article said, she had a fear of leaving the bathroom. And like I said, she's freaking crazy. So, of you add crazy fear and freaking crazy, then yes, you indeed can expect anything.
  5. How could one be scared of a death metal band whose guitarist died many years ago? (There's a band called Death )Ok, now to get serious. I've lost some great people in my life, and it sucked when they died. But since then, I've come to accept the loss and move on, just keeping them in my memories. When I think of death, I think of the end of life. The way I look at it, when you die, that's it. You're done. I could be wrong however. Though I do not believe in Heaven and Hell for the reason that all religions, except for Scientology, are based on astrological patterns (but that debate is for another day), I do not know if reincarnation is possible. If it is, then death is merely the end of one soul's lifetime, so that it may pass on to the next. Continuing that theory, if one becomes a ghost and hasn't "moved on" or "gone to the white light", then maybe they have unfinished business, whatever that may be, before they can move on to the next body. And maybe what I put in those quotes means is what happens before one passes into the next body, or the next life. But who knows? No one has proven it yet, so I'm sticking with what I had originally: death is the end. You end up in the dirt or you get cremated.
  6. Yea, I blocked 3 out of the 5 or 6 that IMed me. :| But I'll download the latest version and have that running with Trillian in case some jerk decides to do it again. And yea, I did see those faqs earlier....I tried searching for it on my AIM...didn't realize I was out of date. [hr=noshade] [/hr] Aw hell! I got more spam! I sent the spam report. I hope one of those lovelounge R-tards come after me again so I can report their moronic **rabble** as well. I guess I should come up with another clever SN for AIM, huh? [rabble "filter" brought to you by another forum that I regular. ]
  7. Gah....what the hell...I hate spammers like that. I liked the sn I had too...I hope it will stop though, or I'm gonna try to contact the website and tell them to stop IMing me....
  8. According to Forbez's link, it's 22 May 2009 in the USA. Which is like....over a year away. >_<
  9. Seriously, these are getting annoying. I don't know if you noticed, but I'm using Trillian and I constantly get these spam IMs at least once a day on my AIM account. I've answered remove me and they still keep coming. Someone help me, please!
  10. Arnold can't be prez...he wasn't born in the States. (No idea if anyone has already said it...I only read the OP)As for T4, I want to see it, knowing that it will come out. Although the terminator series isn't my favorite overall, I do think it's quite solid....though I think there could be a time frame / plot hole issue with it....not too sure though. <_<But anyways, I am definitely looking forward to it. I hope Arnold does play the Terminator again...I would be a bit disappointed if he wasn't there. I mean seriously, he made that movie what it was, not just the plot. When you think cyborgs about to take over the planet, you think 2 things: the Borg (Star Trek) and Arnold as the Terminator.
  11. Well I'm trying to get this to work on my website...I installed Templates Express and I don't think it is...but then again, I'm new to php...and I have no idea how it works. <_<Change to php? I'll try that.Edit: Sonesay, I love you with mouth. It worked. Thanks a lot man. :(Mods, do whatever it is you do with threads that have expired their purpose.
  12. /* This function is the one I've been using forever. It just goes and grabs an alphabetical array of files in the specified directory. */ function getlist_alpha(&$afiles, $listdir) { if (is_dir($listdir)) { if ($thisdir = opendir($listdir)) { while (($afile = readdir($thisdir)) !== false) { if (!is_dir($afile) && preg_match("/.*\.(gif|jp(e)?g|png)/i", $afile)) { $afiles[] = $afile; } } closedir($thisdir); return $afiles; } } } /* This function actually creates the strings to be put in the selection list. */ function printoptions($item1, $key, $listdir) { if (strpos($item1, ".")) { $item1 = explode(".", $item1); $item1 = $item1[0]; } $ffile = "$listdir/$item1"; if ($item1 == $_GET['id']) echo "\n<option selected>"; else echo "\n<option>"; echo "$item1</option>"; } /* This function sorts a collected array and then uses printoptions to make the list. */ function comiclist($listdir, $listid) { echo "<center><form name=\"comiclist\">\n<select name=\"id\" id=\"id\">"; $alisting = getlist_alpha($listcomics, $listdir); rsort($alisting); array_walk($alisting, 'printoptions', $listdir); echo "</select>\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Go\" action=\"selection.php\" method=\"get\">\n</form></center>"; } comiclist($listdir, $listid); ?></p> <div align="center"> <p><?php $cdir = 'comics'; $getc = $_GET['id']; $phpfile = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; function check_zeros($num) { $digits = 3; $pad = strval(0); $num = strval($num); if (strlen($num) != $digits) { $num = str_pad($num, $digits, $pad, STR_PAD_LEFT); } return $num; } function find_comic($idnum, $dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($cdir = opendir($dir)) { if ($idnum != 'all') $idnum = check_zeros($idnum); if ($idnum == 'all') $num = 0; while (($file = readdir($cdir)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if ($idnum != 'all') { if (preg_match("/$idnum\.(gif|jp(e?)g|png)/i", $file)) { $idnum = $file; } } else if (preg_match("/.*\.(gif|jp(e?)g|png)/i", $file)) { $num++; } } } } closedir($cdir); } if ($idnum == 'all') return $num; else return $idnum; } $max_comics = find_comic("all", $cdir); if ($getc < 1 || $getc == NULL || $getc > $max_comics) $getc = $max_comics; if ($getc > 1) $getp = $getc - 1; else $getp = NULL; $getn = $getc + 1; $cshow = find_comic($getc, $cdir); echo "<img src=\"$cdir/$cshow\" border=\"0\" /><br>"; echo "<br><br>"; if ($getc > 2) echo "<a href=\"$phpfile?id=1\"><img src=\"first.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>"; if ($getc > 1) echo "<a href=\"$phpfile?id=$getp\"><img src=\"back.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>"; echo "<a href=\"MAKETHISYOURHOMEPAGEURL\"><img src=\"home.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>"; if ($getc < $max_comics) echo "<a href=\"$phpfile?id=$getn\"><img src=\"next.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>"; if ($getc != $max_comics && $getc < $max_comics - 1) echo "<a href=\"$phpfile?id=$max_comics\"><img src=\"newest.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>"; ?> linenums:0'><?php$listdir = "comics"; // Customizeable$listid = $_GET['id']; // Leave this alone/* This function is the one I've been using forever. It just goes and grabs an alphabetical array of files in the specified directory. */function getlist_alpha(&$afiles, $listdir) { if (is_dir($listdir)) { if ($thisdir = opendir($listdir)) { while (($afile = readdir($thisdir)) !== false) { if (!is_dir($afile) && preg_match("/.*\.(gif|jp(e)?g|png)/i", $afile)) { $afiles[] = $afile; } } closedir($thisdir); return $afiles; } }}/* This function actually creates the strings to be put in the selection list. */function printoptions($item1, $key, $listdir) { if (strpos($item1, ".")) { $item1 = explode(".", $item1); $item1 = $item1[0]; } $ffile = "$listdir/$item1"; if ($item1 == $_GET['id']) echo "\n<option selected>"; else echo "\n<option>"; echo "$item1</option>";}/* This function sorts a collected array and then uses printoptions to make the list. */function comiclist($listdir, $listid) {echo "<center><form name=\"comiclist\">\n<select name=\"id\" id=\"id\">"; $alisting = getlist_alpha($listcomics, $listdir); rsort($alisting); array_walk($alisting, 'printoptions', $listdir);echo "</select>\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Go\" action=\"selection.php\" method=\"get\">\n</form></center>";}comiclist($listdir, $listid);?></p> <div align="center"> <p><?php$cdir = 'comics';$getc = $_GET['id']; $phpfile = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; function check_zeros($num) { $digits = 3; $pad = strval(0); $num = strval($num); if (strlen($num) != $digits) { $num = str_pad($num, $digits, $pad, STR_PAD_LEFT); } return $num;}function find_comic($idnum, $dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($cdir = opendir($dir)) { if ($idnum != 'all') $idnum = check_zeros($idnum); if ($idnum == 'all') $num = 0; while (($file = readdir($cdir)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if ($idnum != 'all') { if (preg_match("/$idnum\.(gif|jp(e?)g|png)/i", $file)) { $idnum = $file; } } else if (preg_match("/.*\.(gif|jp(e?)g|png)/i", $file)) { $num++; } } } } closedir($cdir); } if ($idnum == 'all') return $num; else return $idnum;}$max_comics = find_comic("all", $cdir);if ($getc < 1 || $getc == NULL || $getc > $max_comics)$getc = $max_comics;if ($getc > 1)$getp = $getc - 1;else$getp = NULL;$getn = $getc + 1;$cshow = find_comic($getc, $cdir);echo "<img src=\"$cdir/$cshow\" border=\"0\" /><br>";echo "<br><br>";if ($getc > 2)echo "<a href=\"$phpfile?id=1\"><img src=\"first.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>";if ($getc > 1)echo "<a href=\"$phpfile?id=$getp\"><img src=\"back.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>";echo "<a href=\"MAKETHISYOURHOMEPAGEURL\"><img src=\"home.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>";if ($getc < $max_comics)echo "<a href=\"$phpfile?id=$getn\"><img src=\"next.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>";if ($getc != $max_comics && $getc < $max_comics - 1)echo "<a href=\"$phpfile?id=$max_comics\"><img src=\"newest.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>";?> Ok, I got this code from here and it's not workin right. Screen cap...and yes, I do plan on changing the look of the site. Ok, so what's going on with this bad larry?
  13. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This is quite disturbing. you can hear the dog yelping on they way down....I hope this guy gets charged. And is this really what our troops are doing over there? Shouldn't they be holding down the fort and defending our country? Notice from truefusion: Merging topics.
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ok, this guy comes home drunk (I don't where he was in the first place) and basically tries to get his kids to kill the cat. He then puts a knife in his daughter's hand, wraps his hand around hers, and stabs the cat. He's got a few charges against him that are listed in the article....yea...too lazy to type em out or copy / paste it. My thoughts: Ok, this guy seriously mess up his daughters mental development now, if he hadn't already before. Though the article hints that he's a jerk when he's drunk, there is nothing that states that he didn't beat his kids or something. I wouldn't put it past him, however. And what I mean by mental development, she won't grow up and be a normal chick...she will have some mental issues....she may need a psychiatrist or psychologist. (Yes, there is a difference...) Anyways I really want this guy convicted, mostly because he's a sadistic jerk who's weird enough to stab a cat. I mean, this poor girl is going to be having nightmares about this for years to come, AND she's going to be thinking she's the one who did it. This guy is pathetic. edit: sorry about cursing. >_<
  15. I was calling the assassins mentally handicapped....there were no actual handicapped people involved in this one....at least, I don't think there was.
  16. Awesome!I don't trust horoscopes. Especially from mags. I think they're just tryin to eff with you, or they're so vague, they could apply to anything for anyone.
  17. Link Ok, so a 43 year old pregnant woman was tortured to death at the hands of 6 people, including a 12 year old. She was shot with a BB gun and burned with hot liquid, among other things. The 6 people are being charged for My thoughts: What the hell is wrong with people these days? Honestly? Even if the dead woman was a *****, you don't hit a pregnant woman. These people must be mentally handicapped to do something so insane. This ordeal is just horrifying.
  18. I got a couple:"Nice shoes, wanna ****?"-"How much does a polar bear weigh?"-"I dunno"-"Enough to break the ice. I'm *insert name here*"
  19. My room is like a sauna...kinda hard to sleep in clothes. I don't like to sweat when I sleep.
  20. Well she is kinda crazy, in my opinion, so maybe she would have starved to death.....i mean, if her fear was THAT intense, maybe she really wouldn't come out for anything.
  21. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (They're the same article, only one lists the actual author) Ooh, hey, video: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ok, so this woman ended up locking herself in the bathroom for 2 years. Now one would think, "Ok, how could someone be THAT mad for THAT long?" Turns out, she had some strange fear of leaving the bathroom because of a bad upbringing. She ended up getting stuck on the toilet seat for a month and the paramedics had to break the seat off of her.....she could end up in a wheel chair. My thoughts: her boyfriend should have gotten help sooner, or he should have ditched her because she is freaking crazy. Then again, if he really loved her, he should have gotten her help.....like mental help before it was too late. I mean, c'mon, after at least a week in the bathroom, you should know something is wrong.
  22. W00t for Spring! Seriously, I hate this freaking snow....hell my Christmas decorations are frozen in ice, so I can't take them down. And I really hate shoveling snow. It could take me an hour to shovel my driveway by myself, depending on how much snow we get. I hate cold weather....I can't wait for spring to come.....summer is going to be hell though...knowing my luck, it will be at least.
  23. I sleep naked almost all the time...unless I'm sleeping in my trailer when I camp....then it's boxers....though on the past couple nights I had a tshirt on, but then again I was beat from work and I was extremely tired.
  24. As a metalhead, this topic did some naughty things to me.....and some that weren't nice either. I noticed some people had mentioned some non metal bands (slipknot, 30 sec to mars, bowling for soup)....what the hell? Can we stay on REAL metal, please?As for bands I'm into, the list is endless...but I'll try my best to give a top 5-10 per genre.Thrash:SlayerExodusOverkillMegadethMetallica (old)AnthraxVenomPower:DioDragonforceIron Fire3 Inches of BloodInto EternityHammerfallWolfLacuna CoilDeath:DeathCannibal CorpseArsisNecrophagistBehold...the ArctopusNileChildren of BodomBlack:Dimmu BorgirMayhemBurzumBehemothVaderNWOBHM / old school:Black Sabbath (Ozzy and Dio eras)Judas PriestIron MaidenMotorheadMetalcore:All That RemainsUnearthLamb of GodKillswitch EngageShadows FallBand whose genres I don't know, but still enjoy or I just haven't listed them yet:King Diamond / Merciful FateIn FlamesOpethPantera (Phil is a jerk, though...I hate him)HatebreedDream Theater
  25. Yea, all metalcore. I love KSE. I saw them live 2 1/2 times. (yes, a half!)As for Bullet and Norma....I can't stand them....their sound annoys me.Have you ever listened to Unearth or All That Remains? Both are awesome metalcore bands.
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