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Everything posted by Inhuman

  1. Personally, I felt it would be a better choice for me and I didn't want to go to the local high school. I ended up in the electrical shop and it was kinda fun. I mean, I didn't get along with most of the people there, but that didn't matter much. I learned a lot in my school and I'm now continuing my education into electrical engineering. As for the environment, I only had academic classes every other week and most of them weren't that hard. Now, I didn't dive right into the electrical shop. In my freshman year, I went to 16 out of the 20 vocations my school had. I then chose what I wanted out of them. Looking back, I almost miss it..but then I remember some of my class mates....and I'm happy where I am now. (eff them )Anybody else go to a vocational high school? What chop were you in? What was the experience like?
  2. Yea, the SATs weren't that bad looking back on it (I think I got a 1620...might be wrong on that though...). I mean, the only part I didn't like was the essay. I hate not being prepared for one. And I wasn't. And it was like 7 or 8 in the morning. And it was my worst score on the test. :| But overall, the rest of the test wasn't that bad. As for the ACTs, I didn't bother. I didn't need them to get into my college.
  3. That makes absolutely no sense and it's freakin ridiculous. What you're sayin is, If I lived in the area that had this thing, I could murder a whole house hold, steal their stuff, burn it down and end up with BETTER living conditions than before? I swear this world just gets dumber and dumber by the second. Next thing ya know, they'll let them out of prison for being good.....oh wait. I think they do. :|
  4. Wait, were the maps flipped in the Wii version? I mean, I knew they flipped link for the Wii so it would e user friendly, but i never heard that they did that with the map as well....
  5. I think this whole thing is a terrible idea. I definitely wouldn't do this because the risk is greater than the reward. I mean, what if they can't wake you up? What if you somehow die in your sleep? What if your brain no longer functions normally? And if that happened, would the cancer or aids cure really be beneficial to you? That and accompanied with the stuff in Salamangkero's post, is any of it worth it? Let's say everything worked out perfectly, on your end, are you ready for that kind of a culture shock? It would be Back to the Future or the second Austin Powers movie only crazier. I mean, c'mon. What's the point of ending up in that era of time if there's no flying cars?
  6. I go to college, but I'm taking this semester off because I messed up my scheduling. I now work at UPS....and it's hell. Not because of the starting pay of $8.50 an hour, just the actual labor: Boxes get jammed up in the chute or they don't go all the way down the rollers. Sometimes they fall off....and that can happen so frequently that you can't even get out of the trailer! lifting up tp 50 lbs for 5 hours isn't exactly fun, but it is one hell of a workout. By the end of the first week I could feel that my arm muscles were bigger. I dunno if I'd recommend working there, though....it isn't exactly for everyone.
  7. It works kinda sorta. If you feel like spending up to $50 (I think it was) a shipment for a mediocre product, then go for it. I've been using it for about a year or 2 now. I was actually using it so much that I was getting shipments 3 times every 2 months. I still get shipments, but not that frequently. The only reason why I used it so much was because my face got so oily after school and before I went to bed. I still have acne, though it isn't as bad. You might be better off seeing a dermatologist. I want it noted that I might be retarded and have been using it improperly...because I can screw stuff up easily. I truly believe, though, that there might be better stuff out there. Sorry to disappoint, but to me it's just another company that wants your money.
  8. Well hello folks at Xisto. Though my SN is Inhuman, I tried to register as Inhumanrampager (the SN I use EVERYWHERE!), but the email provider I used was made of phail, so to speak....at least for registering on Invision. Anyways, I come from the [adult swim] message boards...they're like my internet home. For those that are fans, that's how you get on for the viewer bumps on Sunday. I started making web comics earlier this week with users from those boards in them (Only got 3 finished thus far)....and now I want a free host....and found this place.....why this didn't pop up at the top of my google search is beyond me, but oh well. As for the stuff I do outside of the internet (There's more to life than internet? ), I go to college for Electrical Engineering, but I currently am taking this semester off because I effed up my scheduling (tried to do it waay too late.). So now I'm working at UPS, which is HELL! And no, I'm not driving/racing the truck. :(I camp one state north of where I live every summer....which takes away my internet time.....As for music, I listen to metal almost 80% of the time, with the rest being rock, 80's hair metal, classic rock, and nerd core. I'm a huge concert junkie, but I haven't been to a concert since May and I need my fix BAD. At the last concert I went to, I caught 2 guitar picks: Dave Mustaine of Megadeth and Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath / Heaven & Hell.I would say that's me in a nutshell, but I don't have a pic of me in a nutshell to provide you folks with.
  9. I cosign the w3schools for learning HTML. It's where I learned HTML for my sig at the Adult Swim message boards. Also, once you get deep into it, you should know that filters work for IE and blink works in FireFox. You'll see what I mean eventually.
  10. I'm a normal user at the Adult Swim message boards. I've fallen asleep in front of my laptop several times...and on some occasions I've had dreams posting on those boards. Hell I remember one dream where I was psychic posting. Like I saw a post by the admin and I replied without typing...I just thought about it. I remember reading stuff, but as to what they were, I have no clue.
  11. Ugh, and I thought IE7 was horrible. I downloaded it on my desktop and it got messed up so bad that you had to close it with the task manager. Avant is a good shell program for IE, but even then it's still pretty...um...lame. The folks that do Firefox know what the hell they're doing. At least I know it's gonna work, where as Microsoft tends to leave me disappointed. (Case and point: Vista. Not user friendly) Normally beta testing would seem fun (or even reporting board update glitches) but IE8 seems like a hassle. I think I'll stick with FF and use IE7 as back up when necessary.
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