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Everything posted by Inhuman

  1. Ya know, I was just thinkin, with the marquee tags, one could easily have a massive sig without it stretchin the boards. I mean, all they'd have to do is stick the image tag or what have you inside the marquee tags and that'd be it. Instant massive sig in a small space....or at least, maximum allowed sig space.
  2. HA! Totally misinterpreted that. I think I should pay more attention.
  3. Easy stuff for me:Ronnie James Dio, Christina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil), The singer from Into Eternity (seriously, this guy can switch between some high pitch clean vocals to some sort of growl...amazing stuff), King Diamond (King Diamond, Merciful Fate), Any singer in any power metal band (for the most part), Rob Halford, Bruce Dickinson, and George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher (Cannibal Corpse).Ok, now to criticize some people in this thread ^_^Corey Taylor was only good in Stone Sour. His vocals in Slipknot weren't guttural, they just s*cked.Phil Anselmo was decent in Pantera at best. I love Pantera, but I only listen cuz of Dime. If he weren't in it, I probably wouldn't like them. Phil is a weasel, and I hate the other bands he's in.Jonathan Davis of Korn? No....just no....he's rather horrid in any comparison to any actual singer, or any actual guttural vocalist.That's my opinion and I'm stickin to it.
  4. Try using this: <img src="IMAGE URL HERE" border="0"> I used that on my site and it works fine.
  5. That is amazing. I can't wait for the internet to be that fast...I can only wonder what it'd be like to torrent data? I mean an entire discography, depending on seeds, takes between 10 hours to a day...maybe even 2 days...so with this speed we're talkin a few seconds at most? Also, the line "social networking could become the main way we communicate." really scares me. As excited as I am about this, it also means more antisocialism among teens and possibly even adults. I mean, at some point you have to go outside and experience the world, rather than sit around on your comp with your "high speed" internet and look at pron or talk with people you can't even see....and havin said that, I should take my own advice. ^_^Back on topic though, this is a huge break through, and I think all those computer companies need to do some developing for this grid so that engineers can push to have the grid put in place through out the whole world.
  6. That tank is killer. (Not literally, of course. ) I really want to see that thing in action now, in a paint ball tournament. Oh the destruction it cause.....I actually wonder how bad it would hurt standing in front of the turret as it fired. I mean, are we talkin normal paintball hit, or is it a lot more painful than that?
  7. Awesome, now I'll actually have a decent sig here. ^_^As for the top to bottom marquee, how do you define the size of the visible area? Because I only see one line with a lot of area it's scrolling in.
  8. I have 103 GB free out of 147 GB...so what you're sayin is that I should have about 125-ish free or something?Also, how difficult is this task?
  9. My participation all depends on your intention. What are you trying to get at the top of the google search? I mean, if I like it and it's within Trap's TOS, then I'll consider it.
  10. I would kill to go to one of those. @Coolcat: Best you got on there is Killswitch. And they're just metalcore. (Try to keep it on topic please? (I'm a metal nerd, can't you tell? ))
  11. Yea, ALOT of those in your initial list aren't metal. But as for that fest, it's lookin pretty sweet. I'd love to go to that, but I got New England Metal Fest commin up. 3 days of awesomeness.....I just need to get the cash for a 3 day pass... http://metalandhardcorefestival.com/
  12. So I read, but I don't have a wii, and thus, brawl.....I'd like to get both someday. Have you heard the song, and if so, is it any good?
  13. Anybody ever listen to Crush 40 outside of the Sonic Adventure series? I mean, have you picked up either of their albums? They're pretty good. They're a band created by Sega to make songs for the Sonic games, but they've also been on some other games as well, such as NASCAR Arcade and Sega Rally 2. They've released to studio albums, Thrill of the Feel and Crush 40. On the self titled album, they have several songs from the series, such as Live and Learn, Open Your Heart, and It Doesn't Matter. Here's some links if you want to check them out: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://myspace.com/browser https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crush_40 [Mods, if you prefer this to be in the music folder, just move it. I don't mind.]
  14. I have 2 reactions to this:1. (As Luke Skywalker) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2. *shoots you*But as a first attempt, it ain't bad. Next time, don't have the laser fire or charging...it kinda looks messed up. Instead try working on the details of the death star a little more first.
  15. I think you might actually be gay. Yea, gay sex buttsecks could be revolting to you, but remember, gays do other things as well. I mean yea, you find chicks to be hot, but that's only recognizing someone's beauty. I think you would run and hide after being kissed from a dude because you might be scared to accept the fact that you might actually be gay. Like, you said it yourself, you find dudes more sexually attractive than chicks. Thus, you sir are gay. At least, that's what I'm getting out of your post.
  16. What I want to know is why people are trying to stop global warming? Are they trying to save their precious cities? I mean, c'mon, be realistic. The Earth has been in a constant state of change ever since it was forged in space. All global warming is just another change. Mankind are such a self centered bunch if you think about it....we (mankind) honestly believe that we are destroying an entire planet. All I have to say to that is "lolwut?" Seriously, the earth will warm up regardless of what we do. I mean, even if we are effecting it, it isn't by much in either direction. People are just scared by that video by the crack head known as Al Gore. It probably won't be as bad as he said. And if it is, guess what? You get screwed and that's just a few less humans on this planet....because lets face it, there's way too many of us....this place is way over populated. If only we could build housing on golf courses and deserts....that would really cut down over population....gah, getting side tracked (again). Basically this panet we call home will change regardless of what we do. All we need to do is learn how to adapt to it....and I'm sure that if we do get flooded, that we'll have a much more comfortable place to live in....and hey, maybe it'll be so warm that we could walk around naked....I mean, hey, that'd be cool.
  17. I only support legalization of weed in medicinal purposes only. I mean if the scientists can prove that it can aid in the treatment of something like cancer or glaucoma, then I'm all for it. Put full on legalization I'm against because my best friend got into it....and well.....about 5 or 6 years later and we barely hang out now. Though he did quit, he definitely changed. He was one of those who felt peer pressure to be cool and what not...I was never like that; my will is too strong to dive into that BS for recreational purposes. I mean, if I was given that as an option for treatment if I had some debilitating disease, then I'd consider it as if it were just another option.....but yea, gettin a little side tracked here. Medicinal legalization I'm for, full on legalization I'm against.
  18. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You may not understand the humor in the webcomics, but yea, here you go. I basically grabbed a template and almost totally customized it. I took the background image, widened it and changed the color. I made my own header. AND I have two style sheets. I basically copied the one I was given and made a couple changes for the webcomic part of the site. I hope my site inspires you to do something great.
  19. Mike Portnoy of Dream ThaterJohn Bonham of Led ZepplinDave Lombardo of SlayerGene Hoglan of Dethklok, Death, Dark Angel, Strapping Young Lad (Did I get em all? *checks wikipedia* Nope.), Unearth (filled in on a tour or 2.), Zimmer's Hole, The Devin Townsend Band, War God (Didn't get famous), Testament (one album), Tenet, Opeth (filled in on a couple tours), Old Man's Child, Daemon, Forbidden, and Pitch Black Forecast (nothing out yet). Yea, that's all of it. O_o
  20. Dagoth, I fully agree. With everything....all these movies are just cheap jokes...and not Family Guy style cheap jokes either.....I mean cheap jokes that aren't funny.
  21. I used to like that style of comedy, but now it's gotten old. All these people do is parody pop culture until you're tired of it. I will admit to laughing at the 300 references on the commercials, but all in all, getting a movie from them every 6 months to a year gets kind of annoying. I mean, scary movie 1 and 2 were good, 3 was meh, and I never saw 4. I didn't see epic movie...and um....I just noticed this: they all have lame movie titles, and they tell you what the parody is supposed to be as if you're an idiot. Yea, lame. Ok, here's what they need to step up if they plan on making another parody film: First, the writing. Scary Movie 1-3 were decent at best, but the writing was lame, like they were going for a cheap joke. It seemed like they were writing the story around the jokes rather than the jokes around the story. Second: Movie title. Ever see Loaded Weapon, Hot Shots, or Spaceballs? Those had some great titles (not to mention even better writing) that not only reflected the concept of the movie, but they were also unique, not lame like Epic Movie. Third: Quit overusing the same dam actors. It seems like that's all people know some of these actors for is for these movies, which aren't all that great in the first place.
  22. Not to mention the fact that they're using one's weight as something that doesn't fluctuate. One person's weight could change daily, if you really think about it. And someone isn't going to drink just water to lose weight, they need food, so whatever fat the water got rid of, could just as easily be replaced by the days meals. Some of it isn't science, some of it is just common sense.
  23. SOAD is on hiatus. Doesn't really matter to me much.As for bands I wish never broke up, hmmm......this is a toughy.Anthrax....The Joey Belladonna line up, that is. Not technically the original line up, but the best one. Now don't get me wrong, John Bush is a great singer, but Belladonna does Anthrax tunes much better than him and I think it s*cks that he left after they toured a little bit (one of those tours was with Judas Priest and I went...twas amazing). And yea, that's all I can think of right now.
  24. But seriously, maybe it's all in your head? Then again, on my local rock station's website, I answered correctly the name of the Metallica song that was played for "Demandatory Metallica" with out even listening....and it wasn't multiple choice. And I did that 3 times in a row. And I also noticed that when I was at work before the shift started, that whenever I looked at my phone to check the time it was 5:52 on the dot...but then that stopped after a little while. Basically what I'm getting at is that it's either a strange coincidence or it's all in your head.
  25. Well for starters, all pop music these days seem to focus on the look of things rather than the actual music. So long as they make something LOOK good for MUSIC that you LISTEN to, they are happy. It absolutely makes no sense. That is basically why both Spears and Whats-her-face-from-the-Disney-channel are famous. I mean, sure their singing skills are mediocre at best, but someone thought they were pretty and gave them a MUSIC contract for LOOKING pretty. (See what I'm getting at?) And even then, when their on stage, they just play the recording that's been messed with to sound just "perfect". Then they dance on stage and make it look like they're singing, basically screwing the fans out of their parents' hard earned money. MTV actually has the nerve to push these talentless hopefuls down our throats like it's the next awesome thing. I mean, why should a band or artist have talent to have a contract? Oh I dunno, since that's the reason why people get signed in the first place? I mean, when it comes to music, you should know how to write a song....and these pop stars don't....hell most don't even know how to play a guitar....or play it well. They probably only know like 3 chords or something at best. If they don't it's all recycled techno beats with crappy singing that's been audio corrected by %1000 and lyrics that weren't written by the artist that are meaningless. This is why pop music as a genre phails in my eyes. Britney can [sexual phrase removed]. Hannah Montana should [death phrase removed]. </spleen venting>PS: If you want real music, listen to some power metal. Bands like Nightwish, Dio, Hammerfall, Lacuna Coil, and Wolf all have amazing vocals that put this pop BS to shame.
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