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Everything posted by KainRacure

  1. I am actually looking locally first (note I live in the USA) However if I can not find anything I'll use your link. When I get mine set up I will keep you posted on its growth as well. I found this as well when looking for info: [quote name='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Cycle of the Venus Flytrap: Year 1: Tiny seedlings emerge, their first two leaves are very small green petioles that will push the plant out of the seed and into the growing medium. Next tiny trap leaves will appear, fully functional despite their size of 1-2mm. The entire plant will rarely get larger than a penny the first year. Year 2: After the first dormancy the tiny plants will perform pretty much just like their larger relatives. Traps will reach up to 3/8 of an inch, and the plant will grow to an inch or so across. Year 3: Getting larger still with traps up to 1/2", now capable of catching something larger than a soil gnat. Third year plants will get to be a couple inches tall, and some more robust plants may even flower. Year 4-5-6: Plants are now considered mature and will flower each season, and can self-pollinate to produce seed. These may also start to split beneath the soil level and can be seperated and repotted. Leaf cuttings may be taken to achieve more plants. Year 7-8, beyond: Venus Flytraps will live as long as they are kept in proper conditions. They will sometimes form monster bulbs the size of a golf ball or larger, producing traps well over 1" on larger leaves. Sometimes the plants will continue to split and divide, producing many larger sized bulbs each year. I think that based on this info (and my lack of patience) I may look for a year 2 or 3 plant.
  2. 6) Distilled water is different then still water. 7) If you are going for a swampy/steamy thing they yes, using a misting bottle with warm/hot water would be best Sorry I can't help with any other of your questions Here is some info for you: http://www.botany.org/bsa/misc/carn.html Also you have inspired me to get my own and try keeping it (I am fond of odd plants/animals)
  3. First off I question the Legality of strip searches in school. That is a VERY invasive ordeal and would most likely be covered by tons of laws and stuff if it were legal.Second I DO unfortunately have to agree with searching lockers. In today's society there are so many things that are messed up like drugs and guns getting into schools that it is a needed tool. HOWEVER I do not believe that they should be able to do ANY searches without probable cause or a warrant. (probable cause could include a note stating they have the stuff, an eye witness, a trained dog homing in on a locker)I believe strip searches should ONLY be conducted if the person is first taken into custody by a police officer, read their rights and taken to the police station. I also believe that a lawyer for the child or child's service rep should be IN THE ROOM during the search and the child's parents should be notified BEFORE the search.I also believe that strip searches SHOULD NOT be preformed unless there is evidence that the child is hiding something dangerous on them, for the most part patting the child down would do.I honestly do not believe strip searches should be preformed on a child for things like drugs. Guns and other potentially life threatening items MAYBE.
  4. I study Medieval history because it amuses me and I have always been interested in it. In the years past the 9/11 attack on the twin towers I have noticed a very scary trend in the USA. I have seen this trend mirrored in history before, namely in The Crusades. For those of you who do not know about The Crusades I will give you a short history lesson. In the late 11th century Byzantine Emperor Alexius I called for help to defend his Christian empire (which included Jerusalem, the Christian holy city) against invading Turks (who were Muslims). The Pope of that time, Pope Urban II, called for all Christians to rally and help reclaim the holy land from the Muslims, who were considered evil and godless. In return he told them all that if they died in the service of God their sins would be expunged and in short they would be honored and go straight to Heaven. That was the start of the First Crusade. (There were many others and it ended up with petty Crusades for pure political reasons) During the Crusades, Christians did many things in the name of God that you would not think should be done in the name of anything. They would besiege whole cities and force people to convert, if they refused the Crusaders would attack the city killing, torturing and raping all who were not Christian. There are accounts of streets literally running with blood. All this, remember, is in the name of God and to spread Christianity to the godless. Now, how do you ask is all of this relevant to today? Well ever since 9/11 our Christian ruler George W Bush has pushed for us to go over to other countries and "liberate" them, or to find WMDs. (I still wonder how that just kinda dropped out of the whole equation) He has used his Christian background to publicly promote it as doing the right thing. Also MANY Christian groups are springing up with ideas to force others to believe in their way of thinking (like creationism in schools) and they are supporting this war in which we are targeting mainly Muslim nations. Also there is some form of mis information that makes people believe that Muslims are all terrorists and wish to kill all Americans (a mainly Christian Country). So much so that there are actually children's books that have been published that teach them not to fear everyone in a turban or robes. The way that SOME Christians are pushing for war looks to be headed down the same road that the Crusades went down. Then we look at things like the Abu Ghraib prison where American soldiers tortured prisoners and the recent issues of "waterboarding" prisoners of war. (Waterboarding is a practice where a person is strapped to a board and a cloth is placed over his face and water is poured over the cloth. This makes a person feel like he is drowning which is a VERY scary feeling.) This quote is from Ameen Saeed Al-Sheik, a prisoner in Abu Ghraib Torture and ordering him to convert to Christianity... So what happens when we are called to kill in the name of God? Is this what God wants? Is this what America wants? Is it right for us to go into another country and attack them, torture them and force our religion on them as was done in the Crusades? Is this America's Crusade?
  5. They only mention metal because its viewed as evil and violent, If the kid liked jazz music I am sure they would have said nothing about it. This is your typical case of the media projecting the stupidity of one kid on a whole group (metal fans)Seriously, If I listen to the same songs as Charles Manson will I create a group of people to kill someone? Or maybe if I listen to music that John Wayne Gacy did I will become a serial killer.Ya ever notice the opposite NEVER happens. If some kid goes and saves someone from drowning they never have a headline of "Punk Rocker saves 5yo from drowning"Its bull crap, there are more people who listen to metal AND DON'T kill or burn down churches then people who do. Its just that the media LOVE to perpetuate stereotypes and they also LOVE to look at the bad apples of ANY group. I would also be willing to bet that the fact that he targeted a church made it worse. Christians seem to get psychotically uppity when they get targeted as being a hate group. (But lets face it, any group that claims that they alone know the one true way to live instantly with that mindset creates a us against them thing which fosters hate, discrimination and other things. Tho I am not saying all Christians hate people or what not but once again a few people in a group with the correct mind set can become corrupt and evil no matter how good their goal is)Also, at the least he had the right idea, tho he went horribly wrong with his protesting unfairness.This reminds me of something I have been thinking about and I am going to post a thread about on here in a minute. If you are interested in religious debate I'll post a link here when its done.
  6. Some of my addictions:Computers (obvious)Mt Dew (not exactly caffeine bu Mt Dew itself, I do not do caffeine in other ways like I do dew)VideogamesWorld of WarcraftProgrammingReading Weird CrapLearningSword Fighting/Medieval Reenactment (I actually get all antsy and weird and jumpy and stuff around Ren Faire season)ReadingI like the fact that I am addicted to some of the stuff and actually have had odd symptoms when I have not done some of it for a while.
  7. Honestly the game sucked on the N64 and I have little hopes of it being better on a next gen console. No matter what any gaming mag or site says I think I will give this game a pass due to previous experiences with its predecessor.
  8. My game consoles that I have owned are: Atari 2600 Atari 4800 Comadore 64 NES GameBoy SNES GameBoy Color GameBoy Pocket Sega Genesis Sega 32x Sega CD Sega Saturn N64 Sega Dreamcast Playstation Playstation 2 GameCube GameBoy Advanced Nintendo DS Lite My first game was a bunch of games at once including Tanks, Pole Position, M*A*S*H, Astroids, Centipede, Space Invaders, Dig Dug, Pong, Pac Man and others all for the Atari 2600 The last console game I played was Star Ocean, Till the End of Time BTW I still own every one of those systems (and all the games I had for them) except the Comadore 64, Atari 2600 and 4800. And all of them still work and are set up in my living room (except the older game boys and the PS1s which DO work but are in storage due to them not being needed to play the games) I also have a couple extra consoles for parts as well in case one of mine breaks. Also I own a MAME machine, which is an arcade machine that I built that runs off of an old PIII computer.
  9. I am sorry that I can not help you with your problems or give info but I would like to tell you good luck with your repairs, I own a 99 Escort and the thing SUCKS, I have had to do more work on that car then any other car I have ever had. Replaced the engine, alternator, fuel filter, had to pay to have the fuel pump replaced due to not having the tools to do it myself (nore the space) and the thing currently is sitting at my GF's college with what looks like more problems with the fuel line.So if my experience with Ford Escorts is any indication you are in for a long road ahead.
  10. I personally own MANY pets and my GF and I have a thing for taking pictures of them (They usually either look cool, funny or cute so its a no brainer that a camera appears) here are a few shots of my fish: I got rather excited the other day because my plecostomus (who is named Pelco) decided to strike a pose on the side of the tank so I quickly grabbed my GF's camera and started taking pictures. This is probably the best photo I have taken of him, he just sat there and allowed me to take it so I got really lucky. Here are more angles: Also here are a few pictures my GF shot a while ago that I found as well. This is his favorite place to hang out, just outside the pot on the right side but behind it so its hard to see him. These are pictures of a couple of other fish we own. Optimus Prime (Black Fin Tetra): Lemon Slice (the yellow one) and Orange Peal (the orange one) (Fancy Tailed guppies): Sadly Orange Peal died yesterday :cry: (I think he got beat up by one of the other tank mates but I am unsure who as of yet so I am watching them closely) I am really proud that I got such good pics, it is HARD! (especially seeing as Pelco hides a lot and the others tend to move A LOT) I will post some pics of my cat later. (most of them funny as heck) What do your animals look like?
  11. Sad news, one of my GF's guppies died yesterday, I believe one of the other fish beat it up but I am unsure which one so I am watching them closely. The one that died was Orange Peal. Lemon Slice seems kinda lost but I think the will be fine after a few days.
  12. Honestly, this type of thing should be decided on a case by case basis. A sweeping rule of rape = death will not get anyone anywhere.Plus did you know that in the USA (at least here) the only thing that they need to convict someone of a sexual assault case (of any magnitude) is someone saying it happened. No evidence or anything needed. I know a friend who is on the sex offender list because he baby sat for his cousin and the mother randomly said he molested the kid. (the child said NOTHING in court) No proof was given, heck they didn't even give an actual date, just said it was "sometime in the month of feb. around the kid's birthday" He served jail time and is now a sex offender for life and can't even get a job because of it.What if you were dating a girl (or guy) who you had a bad break with and then they charged you with raping them? Would you feel that you should instantly be put to death then?Also what if someone has mental issues and attempts a rape but has no idea of what he is doing? Should he not be treated different then someone who intentionally inflicts pain and abuse knowing that it is wrong?The laws are WAY too easy to mess with to allow death on one occasion. Sure if he is convicted, they have PROOF (tangible evidence), and/or if it was multiple times/people then yeah, skrew the sick freak.Another idea would be to create a prison specifically for this kind of people and keep them there indefinitely. It would be more humane and take care of the problem of them entering society. And in all honesty the only thing we need is for them not to be able to do this stuff again. Vengeance is not good for anyone, it is one of the worst things a person can live with and randomly projecting vengeful thoughts on others you do not know or understand is ignorant and useless, if we proceed in doing such things as that then we might as well be a mob with torches calling for the burning of a witch. (noting that most witch burnings were due to ignorance and the people burnt (or hung or drown or killed whatever way) were for the most part simply random people, not witches (not even in the sense of being a religion which uses magic and witchcraft or anything of the sort))In short before you call for EVERYONE who is a rapist to be murdered (and that IS what it is, wither justified or not) learn about the circumstances of each case and then make your decision.
  13. Only one? Sorry can't say only one.However some series I like include: DragonlanceElric SagaForgotten RealmsHammer's Slammers Series
  14. I have many pets all of which are special in their own way.Fuzzy one of my cats and my oldest pet has an air about him like he is a king. He rules my parents? house (we can not have him at my place where I live right now so he lives with my parents still) He beats up on my dad's full grown boxer. HE also wakes my mother up each morning by meowing under her door. He also is one of my oldest pets, I got him when I was 9 and was going through chemo (I had cancer, Acute lymphoblastic leukemia to be exact) and he was there for me through that. He was found up a tree at a local store (the store was looking for a home for him after removing him from the tree) and then my mother wanted to bring him home but my dad said no (I was not told this till after the fact) and so they brought him to my grandma's house cuz she owned a farm.The next day he was stuck up a tree there and my mother took me to "help" (read as stand by and watch) my uncle get him down and then said something about taking him home and I jumped on it, Dad finally fell for the cuteness and then mom gave him a bath and tried to scrub the black spot off of the poor cat's nose only to find that it was part of his nose. (He didn?t like water AFTER that, b4 he liked it)He is ummm 16 now (I'm 25 in feb) and still as royal like as ever.I also have Demon who is my out doors cat who true to her name is psychotic and evil. She is a ruthless killer and has killed a whole litter of her nieces and nephews, including some that were old enough to fend for themselves. (She hates other cats) HOWEVER every time she sees a human she wants to love on them and sit on their lap and roll around. Also she has a small (1/2 inch) kinked tail (was born that way) and is missing an ear due to an infection she had a year or so ago.I also have Ziggy (the only animal that lives with me and my GF besides our fish) who is totally stupid/insane. She kicks herself in the head, attacks her tail, runs dead into walls, eats EVERYTHING she can, randomly attacks people (she is a very rough player) and generally causes chaos.We got her because my GF found her hanging off the drive through at Dairy Queen where she used to work (literally hanging off the window)She brought the cat home to me like an hour after she left for work (her boss didn't want to see it get hurt and we live a block from the dairy queen and I love animals,) and even though our apartment does not allow pets we kinda fell for her. (First day she spent actually watching X-Files with me, not just sitting there but looking interested and watching the screen)I also own a Bird named Buddy, he is a cockatiel and he just plain loves to be loud. He also loves people (especially males) and once chased my brother's friend around the house just to land on his shoulder. Buddy loves to sing the tune from the Andy Griffith show (though he never gets it right, he prefers his version) and any time he hears loud noises he will start singing. I also think the wants to be a dentist because he loves to pick at teeth. He will eat anything and prefers spicy foods. Oh yeah he likes the echo from singing in small places and prefers to sing with his head inside someone's mouth.I also own many fish, 2 guppies (well those r my GF's but yeah I take care of um) named lemon slice and orange peal (they are yellow and orange colored) who love to fight for certain areas of the tank, they cant seem to stop chasing each other out of the area they were in. My Plecostomus, named Pelco, is a recluse but loves to come to the front of the tank when I am near it. I have also had many other pets, a rabbit named blaze that was albino (he was the product of a wild rabbit and one of my Holland Dwarfs that had gotten loose. me and my cousins caught all of the bunnies cuz the neighbors were mad that their gardens were being torn up. After we caught blaze I kept him and he was the best rabbit ever, you could set him anywhere (even outside without a fence or anything) and I could make this little rubbing motion with my fingers near the ground and he would come to me.I used to have a gerbil (for a week) that would cling to the top of its cage and crawl around, sadly it fell on its bowl and broke it back.I had a hamster that was psycho, she would put whole chew sticks in her mouth and chew them by spinning them like a rotisserie and nibble them from the inside, she also made fuzzy afraid of rodents, he got up near her cage once and she opened her mouth and made the most god awful sounds ever. That scared the cat and I didn?t see him for a day, since then he hated rodents and ran from them.I had a water dog (slimy salamander/tadpole thing) named Elric that loved to wrestle worms (his food)I had a dog named Bear that we had to make an out door animal due to her destroying the house, she took down the Christmas tree 3 times and that bathroom we left her in when we left the house to this day has marks up the wall and on the door handle. She also learned how to open doors. She also was the best mother dog ever, she would allow me and my brother to play with the pups and do anything we wanted even when their eyes weren?t open. (I spent long hours outside in her dog house when she had pups)The best animal I ever had was Torey, he was my parent's dog that they had before I was born. That dog was the most loyal loving animal ever. I have pictures of him guarding me while I was on my blanket as a kid in our front yard. He also would not let anyone hurt me, if my dad had to spank me (yes I was spanked and honestly I'm better for it) he had to put Torey in the other room or the dog would grab his hand and gently but forcefully move it away from me. Torey lived to the age of 17 or so I believe, he died when I was in my mid teens.
  15. I own a DS, I think that the psp is loaded with stuff that is not needed, plus the DS has the whole touch screen thing which rawks. It also has some better games.I also believe it is better supported.
  16. Firefox beats IE Explorer in EVERY WAY. It has better security(compaired to the swiss cheese that is explorer's security) It has more options (with addons the options are limitless) The addons rawk (where would I be without my adblock) The tabs work better (and once again you can get an addon to enhance that even more as well) There is a built in popup blocker. A LOT of sites are built around Firefox. (I know sites I build are as are most of the sites I use) It runs smoother and faster. The logo is kewl too :-P
  17. I jsut got bored and went to offgamers.com and went to talk to one of their customer service reps to ask them if their service was actually against the TOS and EULA for some of the games they offer their services for. If you read the TOS and EULA for games like World of Warcraft, Gaia Online, FinalFantasy XI, Everquest 2 (All of these are offered by them) and other popular online games it is strictly aginst the rules to sell in game items, gold or other things for real life money. The following is the unedited conversation: (my name is John Smith)
  18. A neighbor called 911 when they looked across at Urbandale High School and saw a huge "Rocket" on top of the building. The rocket is actually a machine that keeps paint and drywall protected during construction. Some people who worked for the contractor who was working on the school had noticed its resemblance to a rocket as well and furthered the rocket joke by adding fins and a NASA sign to the rocket. The flames from the heater made an orange glow which could be seen from the north and which was the reason for the 911 call. Read the original story here. (with pictures of the "rocket") I love funny news stories and I keep thinking how funny it would be to look up at the top of a school and see a NASA rocket hanging out there looking like it had either just fell from the sky or was about to take off.
  19. Like I said in my post, this family is wacked, The mother of the kid skipped town, his dad apparently committed a federal crime and then decided to escape from federal prison, the kid poisons what family he has left all over some trip he missed and then the 24yo reletive punches him (apparently doing less then what he wanted to do) and the grandmother both throws the kid in a crap covered dog crate AND calls the mental ward saying she will bury the kid alive.The whole lot need serious help. Grandma needs some psych work as does the kid, the 24yo needs anger management, the mom is apparently jsut a low life and needs to get her act together and the dad needs to be found, put BACK in prison, punished and most likely needs a shrink as well.
  20. I definitely use Firefox almost exclusively. It has the best security (unlike the swiss cheese like defenses that IE has) it is free, it is fast, it is customizable (where would I be without my adblock?), It has a default pop up blocker, its tabs work really good, plus there is addons that can make the tabs even better.I just plain love it.Plus a lot of sites are built specifically for Firefox.And the sites I build are ALL built specially for Firefox. (not that people with IE can't use it but some features will not work as well)
  21. There are LOADS of RPGs out there and LOADS of good ones, We have all heard about the Final Fantasy Series, Chrono Trigger, Xenosaga, Golden Sun and all of those popular RPGs and series but what about the ones that the world missed out on? With all of the top notch games out there so many good games have fallen through the cracks and left us wondering why they was not a huge thing like they deserve to be. BTW please do not include MMORPGs, they are a whole different class of their own, I am talking just about simple RPGs that you play by yourself. So tell me a few of your favorite RPGs that the world has missed. My top pick has to be Bahamut Lagoon, It was a 32bit RPG released in Japan for the Super Nintendo Famicom (Japan's version of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)) This game works like Final Fantasy Tactics. It is based around a squad of dragon riders. Officially it was only released in Japan but there is a ROM of it that was translated into english by a group called DeJap Translations. (tho the english version has some very crude language but it MAY be because of the translation of the words were odd) This game is fun to play and has a great story line. Plus it is made by Square who are known for their great RPGs. Also I want to say this, the SNES was the BEST platform for RPGs ever (tho the PS2 comes in a close 2nd)
  22. On January 26th 2 police officers responded to a home and found a 10 year old boy locked in a dog crate that had dog feces inside it. According to the 51 year old grandmother (who was his guardian because his father (her son) is an escaped federal prisoner and his mother 's whereabouts are unknown) the boy had been poisoning the family with household chemicals for some time after being left behind on a family trip. So a 24 year old relative who lived in the house punched him in the face giving the child a black eye and then the grandmother locked him in the 3 foot by 4 foot cage for about 90 minutes before police showed up. According the the 24 year old the black eye "was minor compared to what he wanted to do to him." Also the grandmother had called Washington County's Mental Health/Mental Retardation department threatening to "bury him alive in the backyard" if they did not send someone to get the child. The boy was handed off to the county Children and Youth Services and the grandmother and reletave are being charged with endangering the welfare of a child and terroristic threats and simple assault and harassment respectively. Read the original story here. This is one of the more crazy news stories I have read lately. Honestly, I don't know what I would do with a 10 year old who was poisoning my family but obviously not throw him in a dog cage. This kid needs some serious mental help (and maybe that need runs in the family...) I am unsure wither to feel bad for the kid, however, yeah, he had a hard live but at 10 years old you should know not to poison someone.
  23. Yeah, computer equipment would be easier to off load then a painting or something. Plus if you read the story there is a picture of the hole and it might have been hard to get stuff through the hole, especially if it is a huge painting.
  24. The Galapagos Art Space had a break in and almost lost items valued at about $300,000. However this theft was not what you would expect. It was not some famous painting, or a sculpture or anything else most thieves would steal, it was the security equipment that was supposed to stop them. The building was undergoing renovations to make it eco-friendly when the theives entered through a hole under the door sometime after 6pm on Jan 15. The next morning workers found the surveillance system, worth about $270,000 missing along with some high-end computer equipment that costs $32,000. Read the original article here. Lol, now ya need to buy a security system for your security system. I wonder if it was luck that they ended up with it or if they somehow knew that they could get it (I am assuming that the system was also going to be installed with the renovations but the story I read said nothing about that)
  25. I use all of the stats part, they are useful to see how good your site is doing and to check to see if maybe you have out grown your current hosting plan (if it is using up too much bandwidth or your site is too big)I also use phpmyadmin, this is hands down the most important tool for mysql databases I have EVER seen. You can do just about everything with this tool and most of it is automated (fill in a box and hit go)Also the file manager is great if you just want to work on one file and don't feel like doing it through FTP. (for the most part i use FTP only for uploading and downloading, not downloading to work on something)I honestly think Fantastico is overrated and is there for those with either too little knowledge (which in that case you probably shouldn't be doing it anyways) or who are too lazy to install things manually. And with it having outdated software its usefulness is extremely limited anyways.Also setting up cronjobs (like backing up my forum's database every few days) is useful.
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