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Posts posted by tricky77puzzle

  1. sucide is just for losers. don't know how a person can go upto this extreme action like killing own self. well life is not so easy so it's doesn't mean if you are facing problem is life and you go for sucide because after night day comes after sunset. alwayz sun rises. after ever grief a happines comes so as being a human we should face our problems and fight with them cause if you read about the great people you will find that most of them faced a lot problems in their life.

    Don't condemn them blindly. Try to understand their situation first. If their situation is negligible enough, then you can condemn them. If they lost a husband or wife or something, you can try to redirect them to counseling. If they put a gun to their head if you suggest that, ask the police to use a sniper to shoot the gun out of the (wo)man's hand, and then take them to a mental hospital, or something.

  2. Eh, I dunno, I just use Ultimate Zip sine it handles just bout ALL compressed file formats, very handy! From what I've heard, WinRAR can handle ZIP files, but WinZIP can only handle ZIP, so I guess WinRAR is better. HOWEVER, I always use ZIP files, because WinZIP is a more common one than WinRAR because it comes with WinXP and above, so not everyone has WinRAR, that way EVERYONE can download my files, and not just someone with WinRAR. :lol:

    No, Winzip can handle RAR files.


    Let's do another comparison between ALZip and Ultimate Zip:


    UltimateZip handles 17 file formats, while ALZip handles 36.

    UltimateZip writes 12 file formats, while ALZip writes to 8.


    Both have virus scanner integration.

    Both have password protection and encryption.

    Both have backup capabilities (I think, I'm not sure.)

    Both are free.

    Both have command-line interfaces.

    Both have commenting.

    Both have "wizards", but ALZip's is just one dialog.

    Both can create SFX files.


    ALZip has its own format...


    Well, I guess they're pretty much equally matched. I'd recommend choosing one based on your preference.

  3. Well there's no telling, the Bible may have meant days in a less literal sense, but we won't know for sure until after we die, right? Either way, as an example, it doesn't address the fact that there are a lot of people who have literally gone all the way around the world, not just on "Government Controlled" airports, but in private jets. They've crossed the point at which there is supposedly according to this article, an "Ice Wall". What about people who travel from the US to Japan by going west? :lol:

    Well, what they mean by flat is, the Earth is a flat, round disc, with the south pole being the ice wall.

    They go west because it is physically possible. They can go "west" all they want, and they will keep going in counterclockwise circles around the North Pole.

  4. Well I would think you have to spend a lot more credits then that, but that would cool, but there is a problem though people post enough just to stay active for awhile then comeback and do some more posting. Although it would be an incentive to get people to post more and what not, but of course if Version 3 of the credit script is going to be something like though, I think it would be a good idea to create a topic for idea's and suggestions on what members would to do with these credits.

    Well, that's the point. Most people post just enough to stay over 14 credits. So, if you paid 50 credits for 20 MB of space, you'd have to be extra active to get that. Making it anything really more than that is kinda cheap. (And it's only available for hosted members - don't forget that.)

    I just came up with the idea because there isn't much else I can do with my 150 credits other than let them run down, or to build up 250 and get a free domain with them. I'm thinking, why not put it towards something useful?

  5. 14. How You claim that "America didn't go to Afghanistan to fight terrorism" ?. Why then they went. Did you hear on Taliban and AlQueeda Headed by Usama Ben Ladin.. Did you hear 11 September events and who was accused done it?Also the funny thing you say the opposite about Iraq and said ". They went to Iraq for that[i.e terrorism[". It is the last reason among 5 changing reason why America s in Iraq. After every reason it gave approved to be wrong. Did you hear the first excuse on which the President and Congress agreed is that Saddam of Iraq has Weapon of mass destruction" so they want prevent him using these weapon.. This matter is not depend what you believe but it is in history and events in the News

    Wait, that was Afghanistan? I was factually mistaken then. Sorry about that.

    Anyway, my input on the problem was a few pages ago. You might find it on page 2 or 3. This topic went off-topic for a while; let's bring it back.

  6. You can always use the REPORT button to request title change or other request.


    OpaQue is in the working phrase of Credit System v3. Although nothing is set in stone--not to spread false rumors--trading your hosting credits for other hosting related is already under way.


    Stay tuned but please do not nag OpaQue :lol:

    Don't worry. I won't nag him. It was just a suggestion. If you think the above system is a little too lenient or too cheap or too expensive, you can tweak the ratios as you like. Like maybe trade 50 credits for 20 MB of space and 120 credits for a whole gigabyte of bandwidth.


    As well, I thought the REPORT button was for reporting objectionable posts. If you had changed the title that way, I thought I would have gotten a 20% warning.

  7. sometimes he give you on time and sometimes he give you late.

    Doesn't God give everything he needs to on time? It only seems late from humans' perspectives because humans are impatient and God is the most patient, according to the Bible.

    As well, I think it's kind of annoying when you capitalize the entire word "GOD" in all of your posts. You could put it in small caps (like THIS); that's what most Bibles do. You can exalt him all you want... but I think you're overdoing the name-calling.

  8. winrar wins hands down... its biggest advantage... most things u download from a torrent or rapidshare are in .rar format.

    it has many features... like

    splitting a file into parts,

    password protecting,

    self extractor,

    creating silent install,

    it also opens .iso files,

    and many more....


    so still any doubts!!!

    Winzip opens .rar files too.


    I use a different program known as "ALZip".


    Let's do a relative comparison:


    ALZip supports a whopping 36 file formats (including its own and all the formats that WinRar works with), while WinRar only works with 14.

    ALZip is free, and has no Pro version, WinRar is shareware, for 40 days, and costs $29.99 to buy. (Remember that ALZip actually wins in this category, and that I consider a no-premium version to be better.)

    ALZip has no maximum file size, WinRar has a maximum of 2^63 bytes. No one wins here, since there are no archive files that are 2^63 (9,223,372,036,854,775,808) bytes in size.

    ALZip can create 8 file formats; WinRar can only create .rar files.

    Both have spanned-archive capabilities.

    Both have one tiny ad on the top-right corner. (Having an ad is BAD. It's a tie.)

    Both have password-protection capabilities.


    I guess there are no payoffs for ALZip either. So it wins, hands down as well.

  9. Download Damn Small Linux, which is only 50 mb, copy the ISO to a CD, boot with it and see if it find your hard drive. However, I think this may be a problem with your BIOS, either the hardware itself or bad settings, but still, try that first.

    Well, then again, the poor guy(girl?) doesn't have a computer to use. Unless there's an old one he(she)'s using. But yes, download a copy of Linux (either DSL or Ubuntu) and try to run that. If it works, stick with it. Windows costs $200 anyway. Return that copy to them and shove it in their faces with a look on your face that says, "I don't need this, retards*! I've got Linux!"


    *Just kidding. You might get sued for that. And by "retards" I mean "people behind on computer development".


    Okay, what... this topic is 4 years old! This reply is outdated.

  10. I have a question. If I receive board warning will I be able to get free domain? I have 20% board warning, so I cant upgrade my hosting account. Is it same for the free domain name too?

    I believe so.
    I also have a question (maybe slightly off-topic) about hosting in general. If you happen to receive a 20% warning level, does your hosting account get suspended until it reaches 0 again? (As well, one could implement a "warning dissipation" system where the warning level also decreases by 0.5% to 1% a day...)

  11. This is all very true. If you're going to pray to God, pray for others. Same goes for any other religion.If you're going to show repentance to God, show it sincerely. God judges blasphemers even lower than nonbelievers. (Well, I'm not sure about that last fact, but I believe it myself.)If you're going to pray to God for selfishness, maybe you should think about why you believe in God in the first place. Are you hoping that he will give you a better life? Well, that might happen, but don't expect to be able to not do any work and let God work his magic in everything you don't do.

  12. I'm thinking of setting up a system of "buying" more webspace for your site, just like the domain name feature.


    Say, if you pay 20 credits, you get another 100 MB of bandwidth for your site. Or, if you pay 40 credits, you get 10 MB more space.


    What do you think?


    Sorry, could you change the "buy" in the title into "buying"? It seems like I'm trying to promote a paid hosting site.

  13. Obviously it was just a ploy to downgrade users, using an almost seemingly legit reason. Hah.THe thing that was probably playing through their minds was. We've offered a good service, what if all these
    free accounts, would be to changed to Paid hosting? Splendid! Not... Changes like that would probably only
    convice 20% to change to paid hosting. Maybe even less, maybe they even took that in account.

    All in all, i can understand why they did it (for t3h bucks). But whatever. A free host is a free host and what you
    pay is what you get (were talking about long terms, in which most hosts only last 3-4 years max). Lets hope
    there are companies Arhem* that can show us a different light.

    What you pay is what you get... so you get nothing on Xisto for being a good member of the community... I understand what you mean.

    Most hosts only last about 3 to 4 years because they grow too quickly... Xisto has only been here for about 3 years... we'll see what happens in 2 more.

  14. Sure, suicide is bad. But just trying to brute-force prevent it doesn't help. (They'll do it before you can reach them.) You need to find out why they have this urge to commit suicide. Usually it's because they feel bad about themselves, but you need to understand their complete mental situation.The reason you'd want to do this is because you want to prevent them from trying again. If you understand the situation, you can work towards a solution.I've seen a few police videos where a sniper shoots a gun out of a suicidal man's hand, and then the police tackle him down and arrest him. That's not a good way to go. Putting him in jail for attempting suicide will only make things worse, and make him think there's no purpose in life. I'd suggest placing him in a mental hospital instead.

  15. Everyone and anyone can sumbit anything onto Wiki. Wiki itself is not responsible for how accurate it's data is. The person who submitted is to blame.
    Wikipedia is a community site which needs people like you and I to submit the correct terms and meanings for words, phrases and events. Wikipedia needs people like you and I to inform them of incorrect data. The concept of creating a site like Wikipedia is a brillant idea.

    How accurate is Wikipedia? You have a huge range of accuracy, from information submitted by Professors and Doctors to information submitted by teenagers who thoguht it'd be a laugh to.

    Usually if someone finds an anomaly on a "major" page containing information related to science, the error correction time is at least 30 seconds, to about a maximum of 4 minutes, because a lot of people view these pages, and they can find factual errors. Of course one has a huge range of accuracy, but I don't see why the pages related to science can't be considered "credible".

    Usually pages like "Petals Around The Rose" and "Abortion" are the most edited: one because people don't like the solution to be shown, and the other because people think abortion is wrong and that Wikipedia should reflect that.

  16. HAHAHA! I hope the site is a joke, there is SOOOOO much they've left out in their little theory, not to say it's completely impossible, but seriously, the chances... And they say the motive is probably money, okay fine, who's paying them? The guy who's paying everyone needs a motive too right? Ah, sorry, I didn't read much into it, mostly 'cause I don't think it's really worth reading into. I plan to work for NASA someday, so I'll probably find out at some point if it's true, but I'm 99.999999999 (And so on) % sure it's not. :lol:

    And creationists are 99.99999999% sure that the world was created by God. :P


    EDIT: Arrrgh, I meant, created by God in 6 literal days, 6,000 years ago.

  17. There is a credits bank system you can use. If you go to the Xisto Process Page you can add credits to the bank. If you add a few credits there every week or so they will eventually add up. Then when you go on vacation, take them out of the bank and use them. That way you will keep your normal credits separate from your vacation credits.

    So you can actually withdraw your credit bank credits?


    I want to save mine up so that I can get 250 credits for a domain name. I already have 140, but I wasn't sure if the bank was only to be used as a bank for awarding credits to other people.


    EDIT: No, they actually can't be stored and withdrawn. I checked the process page, and the bank is deposit-only. This is to "ensure that there are always credits to award inside the bank".

  18. Wikipedia is generally fairly accurate, but because anyone can edit it, it's usually best too look at some other sites for more info on the subject before you write an essay or report on something, just to be safe. :lol:

    Of course that's true. But, my science teacher doesn't allow Wikipedia for a source either, and Wikipedia cites a LOT of reliable sources for the information that it provides. Sure, anyone could just go up there and type anything, but what's the incentive? I know for a few more controversial topics, like abortion, the page is frequently edited to say that "Abortion is a cruel, heartless process that kills babies" where the whole page is deleted and this text is inserted.

  19. I did not vote as I did not find the option I wanted :P


    My honest opinion is that religion is not the villain but the human is the reason for all the destruction that has been caused.


    We tend to forget that when religion was born, it was born to help not be the reason for war or terrorism. The people who make religion the scapegoat are not fighting for the religion but are merely fussing because their ego does not agree with some thing another person does.


    If we look at all of the religions in the world, none of them "actually" encourage murder or so on. Yes, there are some religions that have sickening beliefs but we cannot judge them as the beliefs were written centuries ago when people were still raw in their thinking :D


    If Religion is treated like a coin with 2 faces "black" and "white". One face clearly tells you that the world would be really beautiful and peaceful without it but the other face would remind you how uncultured , ignorant, lost and mainly individualistic we would be without it.


    But if Religion is treated like a weapon then you are already seeing the result, people who proclaim that "their" race is better are already letting us know that they are ignorant about their religion for all religions ask us to be "humble"


    The time when Religion started turning ugly was when people started thinking that religion was for their disposal.


    I mean come on.. Same caste marriages, my race is better than yours, God Demands we do it, We'll get virgins if we die as martyrs.. Who will disagree that they were designed for a particular period or was being done for man's own selfish reasons..... Not aimed at any one as this is only my opinion.


    But if people focused on helping each other rather blowing up the brains of a supposedly "retard" I think we could do better...


    When I say retard, I mean the expression we use so loosely to describe people who are supposed to be dumber than the smart jock :D...


    Hopefully I made some sense in this topic :lol:

    Yes, you made a lot of sense. Religion is not there to have war with. It is there to guids people in peaceful ways. You could say that it promotes peace, actually.


    When people decide to go on crusades and mortal wars they completely undermine their own religion. However, there are atheists out there who do not like the idea of bowing down to a god. They are not being arrogant; they respect each other and don't make anyone bow down to them either. However, some Christians lord over others , saying "we're better than you because we're Christians". That is NOT good.

  20. The general logic of the example still applies.

    Wait, whose side are you on, again...


    Anyway, I guess so, but it doesn't mean that there is a one true religion. Well, at least the ones we see today aren't... there might be a one "true" religion that we haven't discovered yet, and won't until it's too late. (Hmm. this seems to be following Christianity a lot...)


    On another point I would like to add something. Christianity (as most people view it), is just another religion. However, faith in Christ is on a whole new level.

    Aren't the two mutually inclusive?


    These statements are useless. First of all, people have never changed the Bible. Would you like to know why people have never changed the Bible? Well, No. 1: God didn't send it down from heaven as you stated. The entire Bible has been compiled and written by human beings. So really, God never sent down a book for us to change in the first place.


    No. 2: there is a difference between translation/clarifying (clarifying would include adding those brackets), and changing the actual text.


    No. 3: it would be majorly wrong if an all powerfull God allowed humans to make changes to the text. Surely, He would not allow that to happen... after all He sustains everything in this world.


    Thats all I have time for... bye bye....

    Which confuses me. You seem to be on 2 sides here. First of all, you're calling God "He", which is exalting behaviour that is mostly attributed to Christians. Secondly, you're saying that the Bible wasn't inspired by God, which is what Christians "are supposed to" believe. Are you a Christian? I'd just like to know.
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