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Posts posted by tricky77puzzle

  1. One note, though. You can only have four primary partitions on a hard disk. An extended partition is a special type of primary partition that can store multiple virtual partitions inside of it, but these partitions cannot have operating systems in them. So you can't dual-boot more than four operating systems, unless you want to use another hard drive, or a VM program.

  2. That sounds like a good idea, would add more to the driving difficulty. It's already a very hard game which requires a lot of time to improve yourself on the game.
    I don't get what you mean by 'batwing' though.

    A batwing is a type of roller-coaster loop that pretty much goes all over the place. I'm not sure exactly what it looks like, though...

    The Electronic Sports World cup has been running for a long time mate, it has a lot more games then TrackMania Nations, The Electronic Sports World Cup helped with the development of the TrackMania company and see it as a competitive eSports game.

    Yeah, I found that out kinda late, didn't I...

  3. It's always good to see governments acting to enforce corporate transparency...I just wish the US would do the same. I don't live there, but we're close neighbours, and their policies might spill over. The US already does this to their customers, all in the name of "stopping DRM circumvention". I mean, if you really want people to stop, then remove the DRM that shouldn't have been there in the first place that they're trying to circumvent, instead of trying futilely to strengthen it!If a sword is inside your suit of armour, then you're not going to try to strengthen your armour, you're going to want to remove the armour with the sword inside it.

  4. I'm hearing from a few sources that nuclear power is bad for the environment. I personally disagree, and think that we should try to convert as many coal-powered plants to nuclear plants in the future, although nuclear power is non-renewable. Until we find good sources for renewable power, however, nuclear power may be our best alternative.What is your opinion? If properly contained, is it bad for the environment? (Of course if properly contained. All nuclear power plants have proper containment measures in place.) If so, how?

  5. Huh, nice. I wonder if they have any elemental racetracks. (As in, any ice-themed or fire-themed, etc.)


    I'm thinking they could include a batwing, which would test their manoeuverability and ability to keep up speed. (If you fall on any part of the batwing, you're doomed.)


    Wow, they're pretty serious about gaming. They even have their own world cup.

  6. Faith in God can actually be a good thing. It gives you a sense of motivation, et cetera, that if you do something that's bad in someone else's eyes, "He" (there, I capitalized it once) will know that you meant well, and forgive you against that specific other person.


    It's only the organization of religion that's a problem. No religion today can possibly claim that they are the best religion to follow God with, simply because they have too many flaws for the perfect image of God to accept. For example, Catholicism holds an Index Librorum (?) Prohibitorum that acts as a "guideline" (since '54, it was the absolute law before then) to which books Catholics should not look at. And in Islam, if it's not good enough for you, too bad, you're already under Allah's control. With Judaism, you have to lose part of your skin near your "equipment" at 8 days of age, which is an extremely old tradition.


    All I'm saying is, follow what you want.

  7. Whats wrong with America's youth you ask? I'll tell you exactly what is causing this sh** storm. It is the fact that as the world's population is growing larger we, as a people, are becoming more isolated and easily offended by each other. Everyone thinks that they can sue anyone if they drink their coffee too fast and burn their f***ing throat! " I burnt my throat because you didn't put a warning on the lid!" Bulls**t. And you wonder what is wrong with us youth. It is because we live in a world where everyone is more concerned about why Britney Spears is shaving her head or that Lindsay Lohan is back in rehab when no one gives a s*** that our economy is trash, our president ran up the national debt to [1]over 5 TRILLION DOLLARS, people can barely afford health care, and our privacy rights as citizens are being slowly taken away! The crappy way kids speak, the fact they are dropping out of school or don't care about their high school education is nothing new. That isn't the problem.

    [1] I thought the US debt was up to 9 trillion dollars. Same point, anyway. The US is so far into the red that not even all the companies that Warren Buffett invests in, and Microsoft, combined, could save it.


    I guess people expect others to be robots while they exercise their "freedom". It's started to be this way since the seventies. Even Canada is starting to feel the effects of "nanniization" (Nanny-ify-ing. I don't have a better word.).


    I guess the privacy rights are being taken away because of an Animal Farm-like scheme of events. Back in the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries, America was the symbol for Liberty and Peace, and countries could really look up to them. Now, America has a lot of internal conflict that it tries to hide, but shows through tiny, controlled outbursts. The government probably hides up most of the bad issues, like they do in China. (You know, the people running America's security systems are actually tracked more strictly than criminals under house arrest.) A lot of countries now look down on America as a hypocrite, that doesn't stand for what it used to support.


    The point of the quoted post is, stop concentrating on the problems with America's youth, while there are obviously more blaringly serious problems with the adults who actually run the (frigging) country.

  8. Actually, connecting cables have been made that can push fiber optic data down a microtube at 10 terabits per second already. (Yes, already. It's not just a concept. That's 10,995,116,277,760 bits, or 1,374,389,534,720 bytes; pretty much enough to transfer all that data you were talking about in less than 0.01 seconds, not just two.) Now the bottlenecks are the receiving and sending ends of the systems; the ends of the cables are the real problem now. The ends of the cables can only transmit so quickly (maybe 100 Mbps is the limit now? Possibly 8 to 9 Gbps.) So to actually make full use of the wire, you would have to connect about 100 to 200 plugs inside the computer, which is very hard to maintain.

  9. Destorying the net? Thats like the old cartoon of the guy that was on the net one day, and found the page. "You have now reached the end of the internet." It would be so hard to take down all the servers that hold the net. then you have to think of the old BBS systems. "back before the net, when we all used dialup to call one PC to another" They would not only have to take out the web but also the phone lines too.

    Well, that's easy. Just deploy a few satellites and give everyone 4200-MHz tinnitus (In other words, emit an inaudible signal that phone lines will pick up and mistake for messages). The phone lines will all be jammed. Of course, it would be a huge setback if all the servers were shut down, anyway... but like I said, that giant terrorism method I was talking about lasts for about 4 days. There's no possible way to shut down the Internet completely.

  10. Without the Internet, I'd probably be making paintings or sketches. I'm okay at sketching.


    Of course, if it were a question of whether the Internet was shut down suddenly and for good, I'd bet that a lot of people would be on the streets begging for cash, because the stock markets vaporized and there are no proven records of anything, so they can't claim stuff. Also, Bill Gates would be out of a job.

  11. Well you should set up your case in a bit smarter way that is in the more explanatory way. It depends who would like to destroy internet since many contries will gain by destroying or at least blocking something.


    The point I would like to explain here is somewhat connected to the basic theory of economy and it is actually economy problem studying the gain from certain action. So the thing is that government of certain country. I will take here to examples mainly United States and let's say Jordan. Since I assume Jordan has not so much influence from the internet and internet based companies and further on. And it is well known fact that they had some connections to the terrorist activities. (Please not that this is just example and do not discuss any further this as this topic oughts to be connected only to destruction of internet.)


    So let's say they weight their options out and figure out that they would be able to harm western world more in case of destroying or better to say disabling New York's Stock Trading Market (commonly known as Wall Street.) So Jordan decides to harm western world harm economy and so on and finances terrorist group to organize cells and works from underground to disable the Wall Street.


    Now we have target (United States of America) and we have financial source (some stash funds of Jordan) and we have people to do job some angry terrorists who would like to harm wester civilization and way of life (terrorist group) and we have also more specific target (Wall Stree). And I forgot to mention reason (harming western way of life). This fulfills all the reasons why would someone like to do this. Now let's continue and work some feasible plan that this group could do.


    Let's say New York and Wall Street dependencies. New York needs interruptible power supply at least Wall Street needs it. Then they need the same internet connection to the internet.


    One way to kill these two needs is to attack heavily secured systems. Which is problematic needs a lot more planning and furthermore it may be impossible after 9/11.


    On the other hand they could attack systems that are not defended however these are of the importance to the working of the other systems. So let's say they would kill several electrical (hhmmm, I have figured that I cannot remember this word in English so I will describe it: you have these electrical connections on the columns (polls) that are used for transferring electrical power from power plants. Hopefully it was clear enough.) The point is they would bomb several of these and hamper power supply. Then they would set several bomb all over the city. That would explode and they would send someone of them to go to certain location where he would certainly be caught and then when someone would question him he would give targets like some important buildings and one of them would be Wall Street. No one would risk that so they would have to close it. However since Wall Street is able to function remotely that is you can access all the information over the internet. They would have to hamper internet servers or something. So hampering power supply is already really good blow. Now there they could cut some cables this is really accessible system and can be done simulationusly.


    this would further traffic bandwidth rates and harm it.


    Now then I have one problem how would they kill satellite uplink this would be really hard if you have considered that Wall Street is highly protected.


    So the point is that it can be done via third grade systems and it would certainly bring havoc in the business world.


    Furthermore, this can be done on the larger scale with cutting out continents since bandwidth between continents and many countries is still highly dependent on the optical cables. And if one would cut optical cables between continents bandwidth rates would be cutted down really fast. Disabling the processing and passing of the informations.


    One more please don't discuss terrorist this was just example that it can be done on small scale. And in the end I have provided idea about larger scale.

    You know, it actually would be possible to storm the Internet by creating an AI worm that could find its way through anything; even heavily secured systems. It would just change its digital signature while hacking other people's computers and changing its source address every time. Most residential computers are quite vulnerable to highly advanced attacks, so if the worm developed itself into a (Okay, I admit it; I'm getting my ideas from the "Rockman.EXE" series) massive system of servers, where all the computers it infects are out of the user's control, then the Internet really would be shut down for... about 4 days.


    Here would be the requirements for such a massive attack:


    A completely unique operating system that is not derived from Windows. (You can't use Linux or anything because those operating systems are not customized, and you can't use Windows because it's uncustomizable.) You could derive it from UNIX because it's open source...


    A very good AI system would be needed, for sure. The current capacities for computers today would not be able to fit the requirement for this AI, because the management system would have to be decentralized. The worm would have to be self-executing, and it would have to be able to make copies of itself, all while transmitting data to the original servers wherever the terrorist group is hosted (Argh. I mean, "is situated"...) Of course, there would have to be more than one type of worm. Also, to be able to communicate with other worms that it works with (Remember that this terrorist attack doesn't shut down the servers immediately.) to work on cracking encryption for the main servers would take a helluva long time as well. Remember, that a small percentage (perhaps 10 to 20%) of all the computers are working on brute-forcing the highly-secured systems.

  12. Yup, I'll say it again... let people enjoy whatever they want to... unless its rap music :lol:

    That's a "negative" opposition mentality. Basically, you're saying everything is okay except for one certain type of thing. (I realize that it's a joke, but I'm just analyzing it.)

    Then again, why not let them continue in their Naruto-built fantasy? Watch them writhe in suspense when the series ends. (If it ever does... I hear that it's an infinite plot line like Dragonball Z.)

  13. Here, I'm going to teach you how to do an effect that changes a voice so that it sounds like it has two different pitches. (I call this the "Double-Voice Effect", or DVE.) You may have seen this effect in use before, in a movie or two. I first saw it on a Japanese TV show that I happened to find on Youtube, part of the "Rockman.EXE" series. This effect may not be desired in some cases.


    Step 1: Get an audio editor


    And an advanced one, not one of the crappy ones like T-Player. I mean one like Audacity or Rezound. Adobe Audition may be overkill, but you can do some extras with it.


    Step 2: Record a voice


    You need a voice to do the effect on. It should work with any type of voice. You'll need a microphone for this. If you have a prerecorded file that you would like to try it on, skip this step.


    Step 3: Import the WAV file


    Usually prerecorded voices come in MP3's. Don't worry, the steps are the same. Import it into Channel 1 (Track 1), and cut out all the background noise. You don't want that to be two-voiced as well.


    Step 4: Modify a second voice.


    Copy the first channel (track)'s sound into a second channel (track). Now there is no need to modify the first one, unless you want to synchronize both of them in some other way. Now comes the fun part. Go to "Change Pitch", or "Pitch Shift", and pitch-shift the note to "x1.25 Hz" (up about 4 semitones). You can change this value as you please, but keep it above x1.1 Hz. Otherwise there is no distinct difference between the two "voices", or the difference sounds so horrible that you want to rip your teeth out. You could also pitch-shift it down, but keep the ratio that you pitch-shift it at above x1.1 Hz, either way.


    The pitch ratio can be anywhere between x1.1 Hz and x1.85 Hz. Anything above that and the voices sound so different that it doesn't sound like a similar voice anymore.


    Now play the voice clip. It should sound like there are two similar voices talking.


    Step 5: Add other effects, if you want.


    You can add different effects, such as a "rumble" or a distortion. However, be sure not to include any time-bends or speed-shifts, because this will ruin the double-voice effect, making it an "echo" instead of an overlapping voice. As well, if you're going to modify the second voice a little more, be sure not to distort it too much, as this will also ruin the effect.


    Have fun with this!

  14. I agree that the Americanized versions of Japanese anime have been touched up quite a lot. If you were to look at the original Japanese versions of the comics, you'd see that there's a lot more violence, and the the manga looks a lot worsely ("more badly", I couldn't come up with a better word) drawn. (According to our perception, that is. I might be wrong.)


    When I think of anime, I think of things like Akira, Neon Genesis, Tenchi, Ranma 1/2, you know, good things.

    Wow, I've been living under an "Anime Rock". I've only ever heard of Ranma 1/2 out of all of those.

  15. Make them serve in the military for at least 1.5 times their jail sentence; that would be fair. As well, they should probably be treated about 1.5 times as bad as the other people, since they are involuntarily there. Maybe allow the officers to actually hit them... then they'd be wishing they had chosen jail.


    I'm just kidding, of course. Just treat them as regular militia-men. Who knows, they might even get promoted to "corporal".

  16. I do not like how stealing flash is so easy. I mean people do not even ask for permission anymore. It is so easy! I mean Cmon! I mean all you need to is get Firefox and boom steal anyone hard work! I some people like the people who made Ebaumsworld, just steal all of there content. I have tried to ask the creators if I could use there animations but they do not answer me so I take it. But it is the thought that counts right? I have heard something that protects it your site content from people like that is this true? Well I do not like how all sites are the same, with the same content and everything. People need to get original content.

    Just out of interest, how exactly do they "steal" these files? Is it just a simple right-click and view source, looking for "embed" tags? If that is the case, you could put up a lot of phony embed tags so that if they try to do a simple view source, they'll see about 250 embed tags. To make this method really work, though, you need to put all of them in different places, and "encrypt" the file names. (That is, rename them so that they looke like "s0fjf2o8yd.swf" or something.)

    Sure, stealing is wrong, but nothing is deprived. It's not even copyright infringement unless you plagiarize it.

  17. You right click on your desktop > click on properties > click the appearance tab and your font options then, and you can click on the advance tab to get even more options. So that is the windows method of changing the font size.

    I did that, but the general font size still didn't change. (That is, the window contents themselves.) When I try to select "Window", the font size is disabled.

  18. Actually, while it may not be possible to remove the internet, it is possible to create a way to stop people from using it.
    Have you heard of, "Digital Doomsday"? This is a theory that, what with all the internet hackers getting smarter every day, soon someone will have figured out a way to send a powerful virus to everyone connected to the internet, with the ability to permanently jam the connections. This basically will make the internet useless, which is just as bad as destroying it, really.

    This actually happened once, in 2001, I think. But all systems were back up in about three days. So, it's not possible to destroy the Internet. People will just find ways to put it back up again, after the hackers destroy it. You can't shoot down the Internet and expect it to stay down. It's immortal, basically.

  19. Last I remember it was a little over two gigs, but a couple of programs where installed but regardless they wouldn't have taken that much anyway. Interesting that you brought up the righting I believe mine was at a 3.9 when I did it, but course when I build my computer I build for cost effectiveness, although $1000 isn't cost effective, but to run vista I had to buy parts that were compatible with Vista which was like the Monitor and I think the motherboard and that was it. Of course I bet if I dropped in a graphics card I could boost that rating just a bit. Of course I am not to worried about that computer blowing up anytime soon since my parents mostly use it :lol:.
    EDIT: For my Winsxs folder I have 31,046 files and 8,012 folders, I bet it would be a lot more if I moved everything my laptop to the desktop which would be about 10gb of software and files related to that software I bet I could push the Winsxs folder to at least 7-8GB. However, I won't be using my PC much until next semester when I install linux on it.

    Mine was a 5.2 and I got the whole thing, including the monitor, for the low price of $800, including tax. Well, then again, it was refurbished...
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