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Posts posted by tricky77puzzle

  1. First, a couple of things. People keep saying microsoft is so bad yet how come every time a new update to IE is released, they get over 500 million downloads in the first day?

    Ever heard of automatic updates? People don't download it as a standalone install.

    Microsoft has done nothing wrong bundling software into their OS.

    Nor did I say they were. They're wrong in trying to make their software incompatible with others. They're trying to keep their market share up, but pretty soon, it's all going down once users realize what Microsoft has done. Maybe not that much, but still. Enough for them to notice.

    Who cares if microsoft rules the entire market, go microsoft, i would do the same!

    I do. For one thing, they're probably going to jack up prices so high that people are going to be forced to pay $1000 for a Windows OS or not use one at all, plus remove all support. Their motif: "Why do we care? We control the whole market anyway. Everyone is dependent on computers nowadays. They've never known a world without it. They'll be forced to comply with us. Giving support only costs money, and money is what we care about." The "only" phone company in America did this before. Then they're going to install backdoors to the FBI, and let hackers who pay them go through their machines. Remember: Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Now, if they gained the whole market by playing fair, I'd be on your side. But the thing is, they didn't.

  2. I'm trying to make a simple password page for one of my PHP experiments. Every time I try to post a password, however, it returns an error that the connection was "closed by the server".

    The entire code is only 3 pages.


    if $_POST['user'] !== $rightuser
    { if $rightuser == ''
    ?>The username is incorrect. It should be blank.<?php ;
    ?>The username is incorrect. It should be .<?php ;
    { if $_POST['pass'] !== $rightpass
    { if $rightpass == ''
    ?>The password is incorrect. It should be blank.<?php ;
    ?>The password is incorrect. It should be<?php echo $rightpass;
    { ?>The password is correct.'; }<?php
    ?> linenums:0'><?php$rightuser = "";$rightpass = "";include ('getpassword.php');if $_POST['user'] !== $rightuser { if $rightuser == '' { ?>The username is incorrect. It should be blank.<?php ; }else { ?>The username is incorrect. It should be .<?php ; }}else{ if $_POST['pass'] !== $rightpass { if $rightpass == '' { ?>The password is incorrect. It should be blank.<?php ; }else { ?>The password is incorrect. It should be<?php echo $rightpass; }}else{ ?>The password is correct.'; }<?php}?>

    <?php $rightuser = "";$rightpass = "1234567890";?>


    <html><head></head><body><form action="password.php"><p>Username: <input type="text" name="user" /></p><p>Password: <input type="text" name="pass" /></p><p><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></p></form></body>

    What am I doing wrong? Help is greatly appreciated...

  3. I think this would be a good idea for hosted members only. When you're non-hosted, you can't apply for the 250 package.But then when you're hosted, if you start building up 250 credits, and you have enough, your credits get reset to -29.99 (yes, they actually get reset, so if you have 365 credits already, don't bother with the 250 hosting plan) and then freeze there for one year. You can post to get it back up, but the rate is 3x as slow as it would be normally, since your account doesn't get suspended (it can get "special" status as a "one-year hosting" plan). Then, when the year is up, the credits start going down again.

  4. I thought Microsoft was entirely self-sufficient. Why does it need to buy out Yahoo anyway? To eliminate 90% of the (small, anyway) competition?If Microsoft tries to assimilate Yahoo into Hotmail, their databases will crash because there are a lot of duplicate names. You can't just force half the Yahoo account people to change their names to add a "_2" at the end. That's both illegal and undemocratic. If Microsoft does that, a lot of Yahoo mail people will switch to Gmail... mainly because it's much less clogged and there is no such thing as incompatibility issues when it comes to email. Well, then again, maybe Microsoft will make its own protocol for sending email, thereby shuuting the non-Hotmail people out from Hotmail... maybe they'll call it MMTP (Microsoft Mail Transfer Protocol) or WLMTP (Windows Live Mail Transfer Protocol)... I wonder how unpopular it will be by then...

  5. Are you serious? The web is changing and we are seeing new technologies being implemented everyday, the browser on the other hand hasn't really changed at all. The browsers should now re-invent itself as as a platform for developing RIAs.
    For starters the functionality of Greasemonkey and Stylish should be built into the browser, ie. the ability to set a stylesheet and javascript for individual sites.

    Certain functions that are common among all sites should be built into the browser, for example why do we need to register for every site we go to by giving the same information over and over again. Why cant the browser do that for us? And I don't mean a form filler, but rather something more akin to CardSpace.

    Managing downloads also need work. We can have multithreaded downloads with pause-resume feature that actually works, as well as the possibility to automatically search for mirror (by matching filename/format/size). And lets not forget about support for torrents, etc.

    History and Bookmark could use a lot of work as well.

    ...and a back button that works on AJAX sites.

    RIA... surely you don't mean "recording industry association"? America has one of those already, and one is enough.

    I think Firefox supports multi-threaded downloads. You just have to tweak the about:config registry a little... huh...

    Opera's Wand does the CardSpace thing.

    History and bookmarks can have a search function, but I think that's as useful as it can get.

  6. Exactly what i would do to fight for my company, for my products, for my services, et cetera, bill gates has to do this tomake microsoft, that is why microsoft made bill gates the most rich person on the planet, and microsoft the most popular and a very solid company.


    People are just gelous of bill gates and microsoft, not me, i am superior to that feeling.

    I beg to differ.


    You can make a company that prospers even without anti-competitive measures. Take the car industry, for example. Or even the mobile phone industry. They have to follow an established standard, and all the comapnies are doing great.


    Microsoft only got this way because they had a head start and clung on to it too tightly. They started shutting everyone out because they wanted to make a computer entirely out of Windows. While this may be good, no one wants to buy it. So then they started including it in all the other computers, FORCING computer users to use the all-Microsoft computer. (emphasis on "forcing".)

  7. 20th place in terms of education in high school, last time I checked. Then again, it's really not fair because America has more retards (no, seriously).

    Sure it has more retards. The difference is, these retards were born that way. Their parents don't bring them up correctly, and you have a recipe for retardation. You can't really put the blame squarely on anyone. It doesn't fit. The government has to do with it, the kids themselves have to do with it, and so do their parents, the media, and all those things.

  8. Yeah, but culture is not everything. So many things are wrong in China, and some things are good. There are good and bad things in all countries, but... well, I do not really know what to say. I have never lived in China, but still I know a lot about the country. The people are amazing, yes. But the government... well I have not even got words to explain that part. I am terrified about some things that happen in China, and that people do not care much about. If any of that happened here or in many other countries then people would be terrified.
    Some things I do not like.
    - Some places there are horrible air. You can barely breath.
    - I do not like that child policy... Only one child? Ugh...

    But then again; many people are amazing. And the food? Wow, I love it. People are very kind and helpful. But the government... end of story.

    I guess I need to rate my own country too...
    I live in Norway. It lives about 4.6 million people in Norway, so it is a quite small country. Norway has been voted one of the best countries in the world to live in, and it is very wealthy. Most people have what they need and more. I believe to remember that Norway has been named the worlds best country to live in by the UN, several times. (2000-2001-2002-2003-2004-2005-2006. I do not know what happened in 2007, 2008 or previous years.) Norway is an oil nation, and export a lot of oil.

    Norway has/is...
    Low unemployment.
    Wealthy. (Norwegians earn 40 times more than the lowest rated country.)
    High education
    No death penalty. The longest time someone can stay in prison is 21 years.

    And Norway is a beautiful country. Cold, but beautiful. Fjords, waterfalls, mountains.

    And some bad things:
    - Many things are outdated. Libraries, schools. Good education, but the schools are old... simply old.
    - Norway is a expensive country. High taxes, and things just cost a lot of money. Cars, boats, houses, food, clothes.
    - It can take a lot of time before you can go to the hospital. Not if it is anything urgent, but... well, it takes some time.
    - The roads. Argh! The roads, specially on the countryside where I live are very old. It fits one car, if you know what I mean. But there are not more room for roads. Those mountains are all in the way... The roads are much better in the cities.

    I forgot the rate-thingy. I would give it 7-9/10. It is a good country to live in.

    Not to mention that Norwegian is a little hard to learn... well, maybe not as hard as Russian, but still... (I'm Chinese as well, but I live in Canada.)

  9. Come to think about it, there aren't so many features that differentiate it from other browsers anymore, except for the extensions.Opera has speed. IE has integration. Konqueror has dual functions. (Well, then again, so does IE...)The only thing that's keeping Firefox from plummeting and Opera from rising up is the extensions. People love them, and it's this that hooks Mozilla to the world. Otherwise, it's just like Animal Farm. Lead them away from oppression, only to oppress them yourself.

  10. Well, if this is near-flame i'm sorry, but i think it has to be said.
    Are you a *BLEEP*ing moron? School shootings and the like are the product of individuals, not society. How the hell do you link economic cycle and school shootings together.

    The only conclusion i can come to is that you didn't really read our posts, and just skimmed them. Please, at least read my whole post before accusing me of being the downfall of american power.
    FYI everyone, just because america drops to second or third place doesn't mean its *BLEEP*ed. Jesus christ, being second best isn't the worst thing to happen.

    So please, yours is the only "closed minded" thing i have seen on here.

    Read a *BLEEP*ing book, the world isn't as black and white as you seem to think.

    He isn't linking economic cycles and school shootings. He's linking the media to school shootings. America concentrates on the wrong liberties nowadays, which lets a lot of things go wrong.

    And yes, American power is beginning to downfall. It's inevitable. And it isn't just second and third anymore. The only thing it's first in now is pretty much purchasing power parity.

    No, the world isn't black and white. But America is starting to fall out of the "white" area and into the "gray".

  11. 1.35 billion dollars is not much of a fine, microsoft just made a bidd of 40 billion dollars to buy the yahoo company, bill gates makes a lot more money a month or in even less time.


    This fine is a joke, at least to me, a fine to bill gates or microsoft, as you want, would about 50 to 100 billion dollars, that would scare him a bit, but then, perhaps today he has a lot more then that, who knows in fact!


    But, besides the fact that this is true or not, monopolization or whatever, if you had a company, you would do almost anything to make it develop, to make it stronger, to make it solid and all over the world, and that is what bill gates made of microsoft till today, and obviously, when someone puts his company this strong, this big, without competition almost, or at least with not much competition, the small, angry with their situation, angry because they did not succeed with their business/company/product/service, does what almost anyone does, they say they are monopolizing the entire market, but that is just what they tried to do and did not succeed.

    Perhaps i did not explain like i should but think about it, microsoft has the entire market under control because they they succeeded with their business, with their products, with their services, so i ask you, if you had a company like microsoft would you do something bad to your company, for instance, to reduce the control of the market, would you reduce your sales, would you reduce your profits, would you do this kind of things to your company? I do not think so, you would keep fighting untill you conquered the really 100% of the market and succeded over all your competitors, like google and yahoo, which are the microsoft first hand competitors.


    I am in the side of microsoft, i would do the same thing to or for my company because besides it is my work, it is my life, what i love to do.

    Sure you'd want to make your company prosper. This is all good and Microsoft should keep doing that. The only problem people see with it is the methods that they're using. I mean, sure Microsoft wants people to keep using their products, but they shouldn't make it incompatible with everything esle once they have a portion of the market share. That's real monopolization., and that's what Microsoft is doing now. They refuse to follow standards because they want to be the standard. That's wrong, in my opinion.

  12. some people say that smoking is poison...but in my opinion., there are a lot of medicine in cigarette.,
    cause when i am a little bit stress, a cigarette can make me relax., :P

    That "medicine" is nicotine, a stimulant that is the main cause for addiction to cigarettes.
    If you stop smoking, you won't need the cigarette to relax. Instead, try eating a bar of chocolate or some green tea or something.

    Maybe you should try Nicorette. It's a gum that has about 2 or 3 mg of nicotine in it that can help curb your addiction.

  13. First ban guns, and then slowly educate people about the dangers and slowly give them the guns back. It won't degenerate as quickly in those cases.

    I think in your country its good that guns are only permitted to people in authority. You can keep it that way without too many getting upset about not having access to firearms but for countries like USA where guns have always been around you cant just take away whats normal for them. I am referring to the gun owners and lovers over there. The problem with guns is its so easy to kill with where as if they had to resort to other methods it would most often be more harder to inflict as much damage. This would hurt people who depend on defending themselves with guns also. They would need to think about other methods of defending them selves.

    Guns are only permitted to people in authority... what if the authority abuses it? I think it's better to have pepper spray and teargas instead. It hurts more and doesn't kill. As well, I don't see how mob control works sometimes. It's a few officers against 300 people (or sometimes more). I don't see why mob control is necessary. Just arrest the people planning it and be done with it.

  14. I think it's wrong when people try to control other people's lives.Here's a new concept that people need to accept; Mind your own damn business. If you think abortions are so damn wrong then I have a solution for you. Don't have one, it's that simple.

    I don't believe in abortions either, and thusly I will never be involved in one. But Miss Betty Sue down the street, she can do whatever the hell she wants with her body. It isn't my business, your business, or the government business. Why can't people accept that?

    Exactly what I'm thinking. If she wants an abortion, why not let her?

    And don't try to equate it to seeing someone planning to murder someone and not calling 911. It's her body, not someone else's, that she's controlling.

  15. I've noticed that on a lot of topics, The topic's title has been maimed a little, like in the case of "Guitar Hero Iii" or "Php And Mysql Question".The current world filter decapitalizes all but the first letter of the word, which is capitalized. This is a problem, and although the capitalization filter is good, I've proposed a few corrections:1. For words that begin with a capitalized letter, do not change the word.2. Notwithstanding item 3, for the words, "the", "and", "of", "in", and any other preposition or article that is 3 letters long or shorter, decapitalize it completely.3. To cope with number 2 and the fact that it sometimes decapitalizes the first letter, always capitalize the first letter of the title.What do you think?

  16. There's a difference between just opening an email attachment and opening one that you know is trusted. NEVER open oneby an unknown sender, just trash it, if you didn't subscribe for it you don't want it...Companies to send invoices through email, but with that you know the companies email and there branding when they send mail out. If you want to hear a joke don't open email attachments, go to lol.com or something.

    I was talking specifically about word documents, programs, and WMA files. Even a trusted email could have a virus.
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