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Posts posted by tricky77puzzle

  1. I dont mind noobs, I actually dont even hate them as some do. So what if they are new, everyone is new to a site at some point in time. But anyways onto the topics subject.
    Somethings I can not stand or tolerate.
    -Grammar; I do not like people who can not type words out, it gets very annoying and also I dont like people who use "txt tlk".
    -People who hate noobs; so what, they are noobs. Everyone was once a noob! Give it a break!
    -Rippers; I hate people who will try and steal stuff from your website or copy your content.

    I believe "plagiarists" is a better term for "rippers". Sometimes "rippers" will just mirror your site with the proper accreditation and everything, but it's still bad... sort of.

    1. i hate church, and almost all the priests!2. i hate somebody wake me up when i'm deep dreaming
    3. i hate common hip hop and his poor mind singers
    4. i hate people who speaks of other people and speaks bulls**t
    5. i hate my x-neighbor, he is a really bad guy, now he is in jail
    6. i hate britney, j-lo, christina, shakira, and poor singers with nice butt
    7. i hate the news of my country, pure blood, and jet set bulls**t
    8. i really hate new tendences and all that neo precedes like neo-metal, neo punk, and all that neo-s**t
    9. i hate when everything goes bad
    10. and i hate you!

    Should we warn this person?

    I hate "text talk" as well, but sometimes it's essential to realtime online gameplay (Like FPS games such as Team Fortress 2 or War Rock. I know if I were part of Derbaran, I'd be manoeuvring [or however you spell it] for my life and whatever text I typed would contain spelling errors galore...). The only time it's actually proper to hate it is when you're not playing an online RPG and you actually have the time to type out a proper sentence. Then it's a definite no-no.

  2. This doesn't hold. I'll show you why: "Theism is a lack of belief in no God or supernatural deity of any sort. Therefore theism isn't a religion." A lack of a certain belief proves nothing. And atheism does make up one's way of life. Who can they follow but a human (normally themselves)?

    What I mean by "it doesn't make up their entire lifestyle", is that not every single nitpick of your life is defined by "the nonexistence of a deity" if you are one, while if you really want to be a Christian, every single nitpick of your life should be determined by God. (Yes, every single nitpick. I remember the Bible saying somewhere, give yourself up entirely to God. I'll find a quote for you sometime.)


    I also made the point that it could be called a "belief" by other people, to describe those steadfast atheists who actually have a firm implantation in their minds, not unlike that of extremely devout Christians, that there is no God. That would actually count as a belief, and those people are "religious" atheists.

  3. Atheism is, by definition and etymology, "lack of belief in a god or a supernatural deity of any sort". Religion is, by definition, "a set of beliefs that makes up the entirety or a significant part of one's daily life". The two are not mutually exclusive.However, notice that atheism is "lack of a belief" while religion is "a belief". Although atheism could be called a "belief" by some standards, it hardly maeks up one's way of life. So I'd say, in the words of 20Q.net, "doubtful".

  4. A batwing is a type of roller-coaster loop that pretty much goes all over the place. I'm not sure exactly what it looks like, though...

    Oh, I see.


    I see that there's a custom track editor. I'll make one called "the Batwing" and post it on Filefront. Look for my account name.


    Okay, you know what? Screw that. The custom editor doesn't allow for that kind of thing.


    But I can see why you posted. I LOVE THIS GAME.

  5. You know, I might start playing MMO's because of this.


    Traditionally, I am 180? inclined against MMO's, because they're boring and have no real goal. (Not that they have no real purpose; regular video games have a goal but no purpose, and I still play them.) With this one, you can actually play and beat tracks, which is what I really like. Games like MapleStory have no real goal, because the only "goal" you have is to keep leveling up and climbing the leaderboard. That's what I used to hate about MMO's.

  6. I have a "spam address" as well as a "regular address" as well. I only use my regular address for message boards or websites that I absolutely trust. Everything else pretty much goes to the dump.


    Anyway, what I'm mad about now, is that even radio stations are starting to advertise web scams. I mean, come on, really! Who does these kinds of things?

  7. I wonder when Canada will be affected by the same thing...People seem perfectly okay to trade privacy and other rights for security. Well, the only thing you can really have "security" in is your rights and privacy. Everything else, like surveillance cameras inside your home for use by you and yourself only is pretty much bull****. How do you know that they're not secretly watching you or some other guy look at child porn? (if you do at all... not everyone does, including me. I would never look at porn anyway.)Don't ban violent video games! They may serve no moral purpose, but you don't know if they serve no purpose at all. For one thing, these games, if controlled properly, don't have any violent effect on children at all.Don't ban guns either... people kill people.

  8. either way it's exciting to think about such a concept ^_^
    i heard it takes a while to get used to 'thinking' the cursor on a screen into motion

    what i'd really like to see though is a dream recording device...

    I believe that's already being made.

    Actually, what would be cool is a device that records your conscious thoughts as well as your dreams. (say you were thinking of a 13-digit number, and the computer could actually "read" your mind.)

  9. Everything else is [reply]absolutely[/reply] illegal.

    Reply: I wouldn't say "absolutely"... it actually isn't "absolutely" illegal in some countries. (I mean, of course it is in the US, but I'm talking about other countries.)


    But if you upload it for the purpose of making money, then yes, it is pretty much illegal in every country. Copyright is only there so that credit can be given where due. Companies are only exploiting this for the sake of money. (Of course, if you were to steal a DVD or something, then yes, it would also be illegal. But "copying" is not the same thing as "stealing". If you downloaded a copy from the Internet and then ripped the original copy off the person, then that would be "theft" by any North American definition.)

  10. To be Borg-like, one essential facet is that you do not maintain individuality. The whole idea of the Borg is that you are assimilated into the larger mind. The Borg is one whole organism that becomes the minds of others. It does not merely control them; they feel no resistance. The Borg completely swallows your mind; the individual mind no longer exists, at all.


    A more accurate name for what you're talking about is "cybernetically connected minds". Our minds will be "connected" in some way, as in the fact that we can communicate with each other through thoughts. However, there can be a "public" and "private" sector of our minds. More powerfully willed people do not really have any more advantage in these situations than they would have in the real world.

  11. I think it's possible to control your own actions in your dreams... I mean, you actually feel like you're inside another real world. While it's not actually possible to control your dreams (e.g. what environment you're in), it seems possible to "control" your actions.


    For some reason, right before I wake up, my dream always starts getting to the point where something really bad happens.

  12. Abortion of a fetus is one thing, but when you are talking about partial birth abortion, your talking about a baby that is ready to come into this old crazy world and survive as a normal infant. Sucking out it's brains with a tube as it comes out is not my idea of abortion. I think it is pretty disgusting. And I am quite liberal about abortion otherwise. We have enough humans in the world. Stupid humans at that. So stupid it takes them 9 months to decide to have an abortion??????

    Usually it's about 6 to 7 months. But I agree. If you're going to put off the decision that long, then you might as well have the baby. I mean, really, the baby should be noticeable at 4 months. (No, kasm, 8 weeks is not enough. Anyway, it's too fuzzy a line to enforce very strongly. Between conception and implantation, the embryo does not develop inside the mother, and can be miscarried if any serious genetic problems arise.)

    Pretty much partial-birth abortion is the only method I have any beef against.

  13. Of course, if people want to kill each other, it's a belief so it should be alright, right? Once a 'right' infringes upon the rights of others, there should be boundaries placed of course.
    And no, I'm not a conservative by the way. I don't believe in voting conservative or liberal but in thinking for myself on the issues. As a result I oppose abortion, gay marriage, and embryonic stem cell research but also the Iraq War, free trade pacts like NAFTA, and I'd like to see illegal immigrants given a path to citizenship.

    You want to make this a conservative vs. liberal issue. With me, that's not an option because I'm neither ^_^ I voted for neither Bush or Kerry in 2004, but for a third-party candidate.

    You oppose embryonic stem-cell research? You're not "conservative", you're a "conservatist" - one who upholds conservative values. No one is calling you conservative.

    Anyway, I'll move my debate to a stem-cell research thread.

  14. Hmm... I hear the idea coming from some people that religion is a problem in America's youth... Once I'd have jumped at this to say 'No, it isn't', but now... I almost tend to agree... in a way.
    I'd say the real problem isn't Christianity, but the pseudo-Christianity that teaches what the Bible clearly teaches the opposite of, that it's alright to harm others. Roman Catholicism taught this a milennia ago and used it to kill off all the 'heretics' (who I think were the real Christians). The Puritans taught this centuries ago and killed off 'witches'. And today? Perhaps the most dangerous form of Christianity is the warmongering George-Bush version that says it's alright to go on crusades against other peoples and God supports it.

    And Islam? It's not just some of the people that believe it, but the scriptures themselves that support it, the harming of other people. Jihad is an idea clearly presented and the terrorists the ones simply understanding the Koran best.

    I don't think religion itself is the problem. People will use anything, religion, politics, even sports as an excuse for their wrong actions, a prop for their evil motives. Religion is just an easy resort since so many people look to it as authoritative so it's nice to make it look like it's on your side.

    The problem with saying religion is the problem is that everyone has religion in the sense of just beliefs about whether or not God exists and personal convictions. Atheists are religious in some sense. You look at the communist nations of the world like China and the U.S.S.R. who actively banned religion, were they the most moral of countries? Obviously it's not just religion that's the problem.

    The problem is people who think anything gives them the right to infringe upon the rights of others. The problem is people who want to take vengeance and live in hatred, because then they just become what they hate. Martin Luther King Jr. was religious but pointed this out, would people say he's part of the problem because he's religious?

    A problem with religion is it's just one of many factors that can be used by people to consider themselves different from other people. God didn't make everyone the same so people have a tendency to consider others different and alienated from them. Good religion is that which tells us to love our neighbors and do good for them in ways that matter, not with words but actions. We need to put ourselves in the shoes of others and see where they're coming from, only then can we love one another like God tells us to.

    Of course religion isn't the problem. Religion is never the problem for anything. It's the people doing it that are bad. Just like guns don't kill people, but people with guns kill people.

    China bans religion? Not anymore, I don't think, as long as it's private and no one publicly knows about it.

    Every religion has something wrong to it. Even Christianity isn't perfect. (Yes, that's right. Even the religion of God and Jesus isn't perfect, because humans are the one to carry it out.) For some reason, I need to keep asserting that every religion has its flaws. But, although every religion has its flaws, it is not directly the problem for anything. Just like, if a mentally disabled person makes a huge mistake while practising surgery on a dummy alongside you, it's not his fault that you hired him.

    It seems, that with all the anti-(insert controversial topic here) propaganda going around now, that some of the people who advocate relationism (putting yourself in another's shoes; yes, I made the term up on the spot) are anything but relationists. They're willing to stop the killing of a few cells at any cost, but have no idea what trouble the mother is going through. Instead of focusing on terrorists, why not try looking at people close to home? (Yes, I realize that we're going off topic. But let's try to relate this to youth.) The youth are influenced by these people. They're actually learning from their elders not to put themselves in the other person's shoes when things like this happen.

    Is there sone soft of "cutoff" to how dangerous the situation is, after which you stop thinking about the other person and just do whatever it takes to achieve your end?

  15. What could be worse than the current concentration of wealth and power?
    There can never be a better system as long as an actual system is there. Whenever there is a system, it will be abused, whenever there is power, it will be abused.

    Then the new leaders would have to be eliminated, since they will come either from the families of the rich or from other boards and positions of power. Representative governments will always fail, turns out the Greeks got the message many years ago. If every single person is not participating in government, then it's a failure bound to happen. The government will begin to exist solely for its own purpose and bidding. Alas, the problem is beyond government.

    Wow, someone is an anarchist.

    But I think you're essentially right. The current concentration of wealth and power has created a two-tier society - the "evil guys" and the "poor guys".

    Instead of just voting and sitting back to let the debates run, why not have the US and Canada hold referenda for every major law that is passed? (They do this in some European countries already.) That way, the people's voice can really be heard.

  16. Not necessarily. The topic is about babies who are considered life separate from the parents.

    Well, finally conversation is getting some logical answers... if the baby is still alive after the operatin, then by all means, let it live! After it parts the womb, after it takes its first breath, it's considered life! Wake up, people. Don't go down the slippery slope after legalizing abortion up to the moment of birth. Prove that America can hold on after shifting. Be strong!

    President? The elections are over? I don't keep track of the elections, so i really wouldn't know. ^_^

    Well, potential-President-to-be, whatever you want to call it.

    So if non-conservatives were to bash him, it would then be acceptable?

    It's acceptable both ways. It's just that the guy is sick about conservatists bashing him on this one point alone.
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