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Posts posted by tricky77puzzle

  1. 2. As impossible as it may seem, I would say no, there would be no resolution loss. Which was one of my other points. The Bible is essentially God's Love letter to us, so surely (as He is all powerful), He would allow no errors. But again, this matter comes down to faith and trust.


    3. Time and time again, we see the word religion as defined as rituals, a set of beliefs, and practices. Now, as you will probably have noted in definition NO. 5 the "ritual observance of faith". So as you noted in point No. 3, religion includes faith. IMO, this is not always the case. Which is why as I stated previously faith can and often is intertwined with religion, but religion without faith is useless. My point was that Christianity as a religion without faith is no better than any other religion, but Christianity as a religion with faith far surpasses any belief out there.


    (Note: I desperately hope the purpose of this argument is to find truth... if it becomes something else... I may no longer participate)

    2. I don't think God would allow error either... but it does come down to who we're putting our faith and trust into. If the Bible was essentially written by men who were inspired by God, then we would be trusting that the men wrote God's word down correctly. We can put our faith and trust in God saying that his (I'm only writing "His" to satisfy the "proper" Christians out there) word is true. It's only the interpretation of men that leaves something to be desired.


    3. Of course religion without faith is useless. But then it's not really a religion anymore... if someone practices Christianity without faith, then you can hardly call them Christian... that's the point I'm trying to make. If you can claim that "religion" is just a set of rituals of which faith has no importance, then you could call Scientology a religion as much as Christianity or Judaism.

  2. First off I block your friend or send him a message of what is going on and stuff, because most likely your friend is completely infect, and in away a zip file can be opened automatically if the virus is programed to do that, however, in order to do that you need to download the file first. Of course you should have realized that something was up the moment your friend sent the file because really your friend would have just sent you an image, and not a zip file. Of course my googling came up zilch about that particular zip file, and I wouldn't doubt you got tagged by the Storm worm, but I haven't heard much about Storm Worm going after IM clients, but knowing your "friend" they might have got hit by Storm. So I would get in contact wit ha security team and let them know about these files, and when ask you might have to send it to them so they can analyze it and see what you have.


    As for your second question IM worms are rare these days, though they still exist everyone goes after emails just because it is easy and more efficient to spread.

    I did realize that something was up... 2 seconds after I started downloading the file. There was no way to cancel it. I never touched the file after it finished downloading, and I shredded it, along with all my free space, immediately. I also did an antivirus scan and it came up with nothing.


    Also, I just did a Google search about the message that they sent and it seems to have affected quite a few people. What I'm talking about is, if I never clicked on the zip file at all, would it open completely by itself?


    Another search result turned up the worm Backdoor.Win32.IRCBot.ayc/Image-005.JPEG_escudrinado-MSN.com. I think the virus was the one shown there. No, it wasn't. The file that I received wasn't a JPEG file at all.


    There's nothing in my root directory (C:) either. This is a common behaviour of most viruses.

  3. Never tried AlZIP, sounds useful... But I only really use ZIP for compressing my files, and I only usually need to unzip ZIPs and RARs, with the occasional TAR, and in rare instances, 7z. So anyway, I don't really see a need to get a new unzipper when the one I have does everything I need it to... Of course, one could say the same about IE to Firefox, is this case comparable to that? :lol:
    Hm, I didn't know WinZIP could do RAR files, is it different from the one built into Windows XP and Vista? :P

    Well, Yes. It's the one that only has a 90-day evaluation period, and you can get it off winzip.com.

  4. This post has 2 parts:

    Part 1 is a tech-support question.

    One of my IM friends sent me a suspicious message today, along with a zip file. I downloaded it, and 2 seconds after starting, I realized that it was a virus. I didn't open it, but instead shredded the file using a file shredder that overwrote it 7 times with random data. My question is, can a zip file open completely by itself, without the user clicking on it? Because if it can, then the virus is already on my computer. If it is, how do I get rid of it?

    Here are all the facts:

    The message sent was:

    take a look at this picture i took of my new hair color. What do you think? too dark?

    The file's name was g8997.zip. It was 172 KB in size.After the file finished downloading, I saw a command prompt pop up for about 0.3 seconds. I didn't get the chance to see what was on it.
    I never opened the file, and instead shredded it. I am now currently shredding my free space, so that no files can be recovered.

    The person sent it again, this time named g9002.zip. Same size.

    Part 2 is a general discussion question.

    What is your opinion in IM worms? How often do they happen to you, and what do you do to prevent them? How annoying are they, really?

  5. Well i for one think that alzip does good enough when it comes to opening everything you need opened... ofcourse if youre a programmer youll need something that can open as much as it does. but most ppl only need something like winrar. i would suggest alzip to anyone but lets face it , not everyone needs something like that.

    There's also the fact that it runs faster, and has a lot of different options.

  6. I agree on the fact that Christianity itself IS NOT a violent, mean, bad, hateful or whatever else religion. HOWEVER unfortunately as is such with anything that creates strict followers and deep ties to it there will be people who mis read the intention of the original idea. This is largely due to the fact that it creates ties to human emotion and human reasoning, both of which can be flawed and unstable.


    Also unfortunately bad stuff is seen more often then good stuff because it is glaring and obvious. If one person helps an old lady with her groceries and at the same time right next to them someone steals an old lady's groceries the guy who did good will be WAY overshadowed by the guy who did bad. And besides nobody seems to notice good things.


    Sadly all it takes is a few bad things to knock out a whole load of good and this is how Christians got where they are with people thinking they are either pedo priests, psychos (Westboro), murders (Crusaders), idiots (Bush Jr.) or racists (KKK (many churches have supported them over the years) and Obama's Pastor)


    I agree that God has said he prefers love over war. God does not like it when his greatest creation turns and harms their brothers (as we are all brothers in humanity)


    Also another problem is that people misread scripture that has been translated and is out of sync with today's society.


    Also most people (even "good Christians") have never fully read the bible. We hear snippets in sermons and on signs and in movies and in print but if you go and look at the full meaning it could be totally different. People also use this to their advantage to support their idea of what Christianity should be.

    True. All the sermons and passages that my pastor and Sunday-school teacher tell us about are either in Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, or somewhere in the New Testament. Hardly any sermons are taught about things elsewhere. Leviticus and Deuteronomy are especially avoided.


    Of course Christianity is not a bad religion in and of itself. It's the people who practice it that go to extremes, like you said.


    The KKK is known by many names now. They are not one consolidated group, but are all over the Internet (e.g. the Order of the White Knights) and spread out in small clumps in major U.S. cities.


    Sometimes I have questions about why God wants us to worship (H)im. I mean, first, he creates us and commands us not to do things without telling is what they're bad for. (Example: Adam and Eve - they were told not to eat of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. God only told them, "you will surely die", without telling them what was bad about eating of that tree. That seems kind of nonsensical, but, what the heck, it's Christianity.)

  7. dont know why but they moderator warned me for posting this stuff here don't know why . so can i know where i can post such things? like i've many things to post here but don't where to post.. :lol:

    I think they warned you because it might be offensive to certain women. We're supposed to be a "kind and caring" community here.

  8. Wow mine took about 50 minutes to install, but I assume you have a faster machine or rather a faster hard drive to get it done in less then 30 minutes. As for anything new to Vista hard to say but it sure does use up space tricky77puzzle check your winsxs folder in your hard drive because I am curious how much that got bigger after having SP1 installed since mine is at nearly 6 gigs now.

    Well... yeah, I guess it's my hard drive. It gets a "5.2" on the Vista Experience Index.

    My winsxs folder is now currently 6.03 GB. It contains 31,220 files, and 7,976 folders.

    How much was yours beforehand?

  9. How is the service pack? I have a copy of Windows Vista but I've not installed it yet. I'm quite happy with Windows XP Pro at the moment. If the service pack does enough to improve Vista I'm tempted to install it on a partition.

    No noticeable difference yet. I'm going to check things out in a while.

    Funny, when Windows updates something, it doesn't look like anything's been updated at all.

  10. Where I am, in Ontario, marijuana is "illegal" (more like extremely frowned upon), but the laws concerning it are very lax and possibly even nonexistent. Medicinal marijuana should definitely be legalized, or stay legalized, in North America. The only thing I don't like about marijuana is smoking it. That can produce very bad effects as well. You could use marijuana for other productive purposes as well, such as using it as hemp, to make paper and clothing, or to bake it in brownies.* (* That last one was a joke. Some people did that before and they ended up callign the police because they thought they were dying. [No emphasis. The red means it's an edit.])


    Of course, cannabis is not nearly as bad as tobacco (the LD-50 of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, according to Wikipedia, is 1.27 g/kg of body weight for men, and 0.73 g/kg of body weight for women, when consumed orally.) but it can have negative effects as well. If you start experiencing any of those effects, STOP! Marijuana is not nearly as addictive as tobacco, so it should be easier to stop.

  11. I don't dislike certain abortions due to the amount of time - only because of the method. No matter if partial-birth abortion is performed at 16 weeks or 34 - it's still the same horribility. But other methods of abortion are less harmful to the fetus itself, beside the fact that the fetus dies in all these cases.


    I am personally against partial-birth abortion and would love to see it illegalized, even though I am pro-choice. This is because partial-birth abortion actually involves directly harming the fetus, after it is outside the womb. (And to Joshua, you once said in another post that "the whole idea of abortion" is to cut the baby's head off or rip its brains out with a big hook. This is wrong. Partial-birth abortion counted for about 0.17% of total abortions in the US in 2003. So it's actually not that big of an issue.)

  12. Yes the limit is set at 500 and not 200 so you got 202 more posts get in order to change your member title. I think maybe the post count could be reduce or remove that post count altogether, since I never really see the reason why you owuld need a post count for a custom title anyway.

    True. But I think the custom-title thing is to reward loyal members, and give them some autonomy after the standard ranks run out. I think the limit should be reduced to 300 instead, because that's bigger than 200, which is the last standard rank, and because the limit shouldn't be reduced altogether.

  13. Today I checked windows Update because I had nothing better to do, and I found that Windows Vista Service Pack 1 was out.


    I'm going to install it and see what's so good about it. As I type this sentence, the update has finished downloading 8%.


    I'll also be keeping a time log of how long it takes, and how much time Vista takes to install the service pack.


    Okay, here's the log:


    Start install (00:00:00)

    -----Installing Windows update portion (00:00)... done (04:47)

    Restarting (00:04:47)

    Installing Service pack (00:06:09)

    -----Stage 1 of 3 (06:09)... done (20:00)

    -----Stage 2 of 3 (20:01)... done (20:32)

    Restarting... (00:21:40)

    Welcome Screen (00:22:48)

    Installing service pack... (00:23:10)

    -----Stage 3 of 3 (23:10)... done (26:48)

    Welcome (00:26:48)

    Install Finished (00:27:10)


    So, all in all, except for downloading, it took me 27 minutes and 10 seconds to install SP1. They said it would take at least an hour... I guess they were wrong.

  14. You get the ability to make a custom title at 200 posts, if I remember correctly. Go to the My Controls link at the top of any forum page, then click Edit Profile Information on the left hand side. The first field that appears should be a Custom member title field. Tap in the custom title you want, and hit the Confirm button at the bottom.

    Oh, at 200 posts? (i.e. once you become a "Super Member".)


    I thought the limit was 500 or something. Now all I need to do is to come up with a good title. (My post count is nearing 300 as I make this post.)


    No, it's not there. I don't see a "Custom member title" field. Maybe the limit is 300? If so, i'm 3 posts away.

  15. 1. tricky77puzzle, this out of the topic. My topic is "Christianity is the religion of peace". Nothing in Gospel call to fight, dispute or kill. Don't confuse Gospel with Tourat or old testament.


    2. The Christianity is not easy. it is against the human nature. Control anger, Control revenge, Give continuously, forgiveness etc etc.


    3. It is the last line. Each one try reach it as can. If you fail then there is a solution by going confessing and start again


    4. Don't despair what the others are doing. Concentrate on your effort and happiness.


    5. In Christianity you can think, criticize and convert You have to practice it like in sport.. But in Islam for example you can't criticize or think or convert to another religion. You under the death if you converted. If you are women, your status will be downgrade.

    read my posting in : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/54456-islam-and-peace/

    Women in Islam: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/55358-women-in-islam/


    6. No problem if you couldn't justify every thing. Try and go confess then your sins will be removed and start again with white page.


    7. You have to know that US is secular country and many European country too. Even their constitution based on the Christian value but there are many thing neither government or the people are doing as Christean teaching. So don't despair for that and look after yourself.


    8. Death penalty are demolished in European Union but it still in USA. It is not big problem. Even I am Christian trying to do what Christian have to do but I with death penalty. It is contradiction that if one in school or supermarket kill many Innocent people and in the same time he will live. Don't worry a lot about that. Think how many people your sold ires in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan or Iraq was killed by accidents. How many American soldiers was killed in Iraq [4000 so far] . How many were killed in car accidents.


    9. Do the right things. Be simple belever. Don't worry about what in old testament except the Ten commandment and the stories of Abraham, Josef, Moses[ I know them once and i rember them for years].


    10. The Copts that are Egyptian Christian [the native of Egypt] are survived under the Arab by paying high tax, obey the rules gives moslim family the key of the Churches [i saw that].


    11. Don't be extreme in faith or blind.


    12. Notice the miracles in your body out everything around. ever thing in your body.

    1. Sorry for being off topic. But it seems that every religion out there claims to be the "religion of peace". Why should Christianity be treated any differently?


    2. I don't get angry easily. I forgive people as well. It's not that I don't uphold the principles of Christianity, it's that I'm having troubles with faith.


    3. I don't get the grammatical structure of this sentence at all. I'm trying to interpret it, but I'm drawing blanks.


    4. "Don't despair on what others are doing..." so I shouldn't care if my best friend starts doing drugs?


    5. I thought Christianity was incriticizable as well. I've never read the Qu'ran (not sure where the apostrophe should go), so I wouldn't know what you're talking about.


    6. Ahh... that's probably what I've been missing... Problem is, though, I can't think of any things that I've done that would warrant that... although there definitely are a few,


    7. I guess so.


    8. I don't live in America.


    9. "Don't worry about what the old testament says except for the 10 commandments"... yeah, Leviticus has been a little problem for me over the past few years... I'm trying out the Gideons' experiment and reading through the whole Bible in a year. I'll get to you about that later.


    10. I don't remember anything about that.


    11. Define "extreme". I'm trying not to be blind, but being not-blind means that I have to maintain some degree of skepticism, and keep a salt shaker with me at all times in case I have to read something contradictory.


    12. The "miracles" in my body... you mean "life", right?

  16. I watched that youTupe clip and nothing in it new except it is video instead of writen or electronic pages.


    That can't prove anything. It can't prove claim to something happened 7 billion years ago by making video or film. If something can't be approved exprimently or mathematically, then it is theory and even not scientific theory.


    see the scientific theory requirment at http://www.sedrak.ws/Scientific_Theory.htm


    Do anyone can apply this theory to produce one tiny cell?


    Moreover the DNA shows more than before the need to a creator-designer who put all the information in the DNA to instruct the various cells to do its functions.


    Do you know that the information in the DNA can fill a sheet from here to planet Marc?

    I think the scientific quest to prove evolution can also be explained philosophically (I know... I'm trying to act as a philosopher even though I don't have such a degree...) I think scientists are followers of the human quest for knowledge. This quest has led them to believe (notice I do not say "erroneously believe".) that a complex problem such as life cannot have such a simple answer (i.e. a deity.) Scientists are people who challenge a norm and then find ways to prove it. For example, back in the 1600's, it was common knowledge that the Sun revolved around the Earth. It was up to scientists to disprove this.


    Back in the 1800's, it was also common knowledge that the Earth and everything in it was created by someone. Now scientists are trying to challenge this theory and disprove it. To them it is nothing more than a great challenge that they feel compelled to take. While creationists simply flick their hands and say, "No, there's no need to do that; God did it all," scientists are actually trying to prove them wrong.


    Of course, some scientists are trying to prove the creationists right, but it's the creationists themselves, not the creation scientists, who are ignorant.

  17. I still find it interesting that Microsoft is still trying to keep this browser going. People who do not understand different browser rendering engines are very confused when they see "this page is best viewed in firefox" etc... Some do not even understand that there are other browsers out there. The only solution I can see is for Microsoft to go with the GECKO layout engine. At least then all of the browsers would have somewhat of a standard and web developers wouldn't have to jump through hoops just to make their website compliant with all the different types of browsers. If Microsoft were to do this (which I doubt they ever will because they just love being in their own little fancy land world where everyone uses poor software and lives with it because they are not aware of better software), this would fix all of the problems. Getting people who are new to the internet to install firefox (or another browser) may be difficult because they do not understand what a browser is, but if IE were to have an update with the gecko browser layout engine or whatever you would call it, most of the people on the internet (except those who like living in the dark and never update their system or software) will be using a standard form of html. This would also eliminate bias of which browser displays pages the best. Rather people would use browsers that have the most features and render the fastest.

    Although this is theoretically a good idea, there is one problem: Microsoft doesn't want to use "open" engines because it wants to own everything it uses. If Microsoft were to acquire Gecko, Firefox would be dragged along helplessly and become a part of Microsoft. Also, the whole point of Firefox is to be an open-source continuation of Netscape Navigator, which was a competing product back in the days before the Browser wars. (Netscape actually held 90% of the market share before IE came around. So there were heydays for Firefox.)

    Getting the masses to change is the whole point of Firefox. Get rid of that, and... well... Microsoft will pretty much have a monopoly on everything. And we don't want that...

  18. They should stop calling them self "a free host" if the users need to pay for such things listed on first page. I always gets pissed if I register to a host, and then I have to pay for things... I believe that has happened with 110mb too. How annoying.

    Very trye. But, their basic service is "free", so they aren't technically lying. It's not that they're not a free host anymore - just that they're a really crappyone.

  19. Haha... I guess I'm not explaining my opinion clearly enough... sorry.


    1. I am a Christian.

    2. What I said was that God didn't send the Bible directly down from heaven. Now what I should have added/replaced to that statement was "He didn't send it down from heaven for us in a nice neat pre-formated book". I definately believe that all the texts Bible are God inspired, otherwise my faith would be worthless to me. But, IMO, "God Inpsired" does not mean God literally wrote it, and gave it to us. And further on what I was saying, even if God did not directly write it, I believe He certainly would have decided what was in the "Bible" that we have to day. I am certain He would not give us the Word with lies in it.

    3. As far as I know, religion is the act of rituals and practices. However, faith is the belief in something. Therefore, faith can be included in religion, but I could definately keep my faith if I did not have any religious practices to go with it. So the essence of my argument was that: "Christianity, if considered purely as a religion, is certainly no more than any other religion. However, faith with/without these religious practices is much more than any religion could ever offer."


    Unfortuneately, I was not being clear enough. Hopefully you understand me now. If not... well.... I'll try again :lol:

    1. Well, that certainly clears things up.

    2. Well, if God inspired these writings, as you say, wouldn't there be resolution loss? Wouldn't the error of humans be considered? I'm just thinking, maybe his (His? I keep getting confused.) original and pure message got noised up a little.

    3. Doesn't religion necessarily include some sort of faith? "Religions" like Shinto or Taoism aren't really "religions" in the strict sense... they're more like "lifestyle practices".



    [1]You say that all of the religions are not the true religion. By what means have you come to that conclusion? Therefore, if anybody follows a religion, they must think it's the true religion, which in turn, basically makes them...stupid? I don't think I'm following what you're saying.


    [2]Wouldn't quantum mechanics be a gray area in the midst of all other math?

    1. I say that no religion can truthfully (no emphasis, it's just my edit colour) claim that they are the "one true" religion. It doesn't mean that there isn't one, but it doesn't seem like we've discovered it yet. If someone follows a religion, they can follow it because it was created by "the one true God", but it is not necessarily the "one true religion". I mean, every religion claims that it's the "one true religion". If it really was that one true religion, then it wouldn't need to be claimed: it would already have been proven.

    2. You're pretty much right.

  20. Although I am Christian myself, my arguments on this forum are based completely on human logic because I'm currently experiencing a period of backsliding and am trying to reconcile my beliefs.

    I also see a lot of Christians who don't believe in a lot of the good things that the Bible has to teach. Like people who propose the death penalty, for example. When you kill someone, you usually don't do it out of love unless it's a case of euthanasia or pre-term abortion. Why is it therefore just to kill someone just because they committed a crime? In one chapter of Proverbs (I believe it's 25:21), the scripture reads,

    If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. By doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you.

    This basically means that we should care for our enemies. My pastor once gave a great sermon on this. He said, "By doing that, you'll make them feel really stupid. You'll make them think, man, I was wrong to do all that stuff to him or her."
    I also see a lot of Christians trying to pull me into a complete blind-faith belief in Jesus' power. Although their intentions are without doubt good, I don't sense that I'm ready for it. They keep telling me to drop my skepticism completely. I don't sense that it's something that I'm ready to do. But hey, it's God's choice. If he (He?) wants me to become ready, he'll call on me. If he (should I really start changing this into "He"?) exists (and I have no doubt that he could), then I will be able to sense it.

  21. For 99% or reasons, suicide is a terrible idea, yes, if you're being tortured, and will probably die any day soon anyway, I can understand how suicide might be the best option, I'm not completely unreasonable, but it IS a bad idea in almost ALL cases. That's m take on it anyway.

    More like 99.9976%. If you're being tortured (like biologically, for instance), and you're terminally disabled, then that is called suicidal euthanasia. IF someone helps you to do it, then it's just called euthanasia. What do you think about that practice?

  22. Check your read/write permsions make sure you have at least 755Maybe Filezila is upload in binary when is should be in ascii mode

    Or perhaps it needs to fallback on Active mode. I did that and now everything works fine. It shouldn't have to do that, though.

    It's not a problem with binary format. Some PHP files make it, but others don't. It's only a random few files that have zero file-length.
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