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Posts posted by tricky77puzzle

  1. North America.

    I didn't know North America was a country... o_O


    I live in Canada. I'll try to review it based on what I know:




    No death penalty (the most one can get is life without parole for 24 years.)


    Their customs are actually friendly

    No internet restrictions! (Their copyright laws aren't as strict, and the DMCA isn't applied here. The only reason I download music "illegally" is because I don't have a credit card and I can't bother to go to HMV where they probably won't have the music I want anyway.)

    We actually have a working health-care plan.

    Elections don't get as much hype as they do in the US.

    Our prime minister has been at least sometimes not an idiot since 1970. (Hey, I know Harper's one, but I said at least some of the time, right?)




    ISP prices are high. (Hey, they've got to find some way to pay all the "piracy" off...)

    Taxes are high. (Hey, they've got to find some way to pay all the health care off...)

    It's WAY too dependent on the American economy. (Hey, they've got to find some way to pay all their imports from China off...)


    Overall, I'd give it 9/10.


    EDIT: Gack... I spelled "parole" wrong.

  2. The analogy you presented does not fully consider what happens after the child is born, that is, out of the womb. The child after it is born still can't support itself—it is dependent on whoever is taking care of it. The analogy you presented implies that once the child is out, it is independent—this is not true; independence for the child comes years after the child is born. And according to your analogy, so long as the child is dependent on a "parent" (or as you put it, "body"), the child can be terminated. Why does it being inside or outside make a difference? Both are the same thing. Therefore, your analogy does not justify abortion.


    Does the mother require to take care of the child? No, the mother can give her child away to those that will.

    I mean "independent" as in it does not need the direct support of the mother. Things like taking it out for a walk and breastfeeding are indirect support, because the baby is not physically connected to the mother. It's a scientific definition.


    As well, if the mother does carry the baby to term and then realizes that she cannot support it (him/her), then she will have to try to look for an adoptive parent. Adoption of a human child can sometimes lower the self-esteem of the child, because his real parents shunned him.


    According to my analogy, the baby shouldn't be directly terminated (as in the case of partial-birth abortion), but its support can be cut off, which would be indirect termination. The mother has no obligation to support the child before it is born. After it is born, however, is a different story.


    (All my edits are red.)

  3. I think the most important milestone was the first one: 1 million.With 500 million, it just gets higher and higher...There'll be another announcement at 600 million, 700 million, etc. up to 1 billion. Then it will start going up at 2 billion, 3 billion, etc. until it reaches the 6 billion mark, which would be impossible, considering there aren't even that many users of the Internet, and most won't download Firefox originally more than once.

  4. And yet some people plan to have kids about 12 years after getting the abortion.


    Sometimes the mother cannot support the baby either. Sometimes whatever protection you use fails. (I know the "pill" has a 92% success rate, so about 1 in 12 of mothers who use it actually get a baby. Condoms also only work about 92% of the time.) If the mother had an accident, she is completely unprepared, and will only get an abortion because she loves the unborn baby and would rather let it "die" before birth than live a cruel life and die anyway.


    Have you ever heard of the violinist analogy, by Judith Thompson? Say one day you wake up in a hospital, strapped to a bed with a famous violinist on your back. He is unconscious. You then see a crowd of people around you, who explain your predicament. "The violinist you have strapped to your back currently has a fatal kidney ailment. We have looked through all records and you are the only person who has the right blood type to extract poisons from his blood. You must remain hooked up for 9 months, otherwise he will die."


    Then you say, "But I don't want to be hooked up to this guy for 9 months!"


    They pull out a long petition strip and reply, "And these 500,000 other people don't want the violinist to die. It's an army against one, so you either comply or we make you."


    In this scenario, you are the pregnant mother, and the 500,000 people plus the committee are anti-abortionists. The violinist is the unborn fetus.


    See, if you were to kill the baby when it is independent (as in, it doesn't require another body to support it directly), it would count as infanticide. But when the baby is in a womb, it is dependent on the mother. In essence, it is still part of her. You cannot force a mother to carry someone that is dependent on her. You can forbid her from killing someone who is independent (such as the old man in your example), but you cannot force her to act as a living dialysis for him just because she has the right blood type (such is the case with my violinist scenario).

  5. As an addition to my previous comment, dre, you can't put the blame 100% on the kids. They grew up in that environment, and those "idiotic parents" you talk about might not have taught him exactly how to get over the things that he can't have. Those parents don't teach them anything and they have nothing to go on.


    Now, if their parents are loving and actually dive a damn about their kids but the kids still go on like that, then that's a different story...

  6. Ok what you could do:
    Create a php file that contains the layout of your page. make it look somewhat like this (call it layout.php)

    <?php//---------------------------------//Layout top section//---------------------------------$top = <<< html<!-- include HTML header code here --><body><table id="page" width="100%">	<tr><td>	<table id="top-bar" height="148px">	<tr><td width="172px"><img src="logo.png"></td><td><!-- title --></td></tr>	</table>	</td></tr>	<tr><td>	<table id="sidebar" width="256px"> <!-- does the "width" and "height" option go into CSS? I don't remember. -->	<tr style="background-image: sidebar-top.png;"><!-- link to home page --></tr>	<tr style="background-image: sidebar-middle.png; background-repeat: repeat;"><!-- other links --></tr>	<tr style="background-image: sidebar-bottom.png;"><!-- spotlight link: possibly to Xisto, maybe an ad or two --></tr>	</table>	</td><td>html;//---------------------------------//Layout bottom section//---------------------------------$bottom = <<< html</td></tr></table></body>html;?>

    Ok, so in this you have two variables. The first being the 'top' part of your layout. This would be everything before your 'pure content' areas. The second variable is the 'bottom' part of your layout. This would be everything after your 'purecontent' area. So in short it would look like this.


    Now here is where what you want comes into play. You can echo your entire layout around your content like this.

    <html><?php include ("layout.php");echo $top;?>Put your content here!!!<?phpecho $bottom;?></html>

    I think this should work... maybe jlhaslip or another member more expierienced than me could point out any flaws if any... and I hope this is what you were looking for....

    Yes, this is exactly what I wanted. Thanks, Kansuke!

  7. Okay, now for 16 to 30:


    16. Get your new computer up and running in no time.


    I believe Linux has this sort of a feature too, as well as CA Desktop Migrator. And it's not exactly hard to migrate your entire desktop. You might actually benefit from not doing so, because your desktop is less clutterred.


    17. It's like having your own personal anchorman.


    Ever heard of Google Sidebar? Or how about Desktop Sidebar, which does the same thing for Windows XP?


    18. Create your own personal archive.


    This is just the back up feature 15 again. Of course, it has a schedule, but you could easily do that with XP or Linux.


    19. Watch live TV on your PC


    Well, this is an original reason, but there was software to do that already; it was just that people didn't know about it. It's not exactly a breathtaking reason... (+0.5 reason)


    20. Set your home network up in a flash


    I don't think there is a home network in 95% of homes that have computers...


    OK, WTF. It doesn't display properly in Firefox or Opera.


    21. Put more playtime in family time.


    So now there's Chess, Mahjong, and Purble Place. Big whoop. Kids usually don't play those kinds of games anyway, unless they're over 8.


    22. See everything you're working on at a glance.


    Flip 3D might actually be a reason to be surprised at Vista. Maybe Microsoft does tell the truth sometimes after all. (+1 reason)

    Of course, there's always the already-implemented virtual desktop system of Ubuntu, which has a "Rotate 3d" enabled if Beryl is on.


    23. Because it's like a digital candy store.


    Note the word "store". That means everything comes at a price. Ubuntu, on the other hand, is like a school party the size of Tutti Fruitti.


    24. Because you don't want to worry about spyware.


    This, at a glance, has nothing to do with Vista itself. Now, if it said "you don't have to worry about spyware", then it would have some correlation.

    Of course, you always have to worry about spyware with any Windows product, regardless of how close it is to the HAL the Windows sets up.


    25. It works with the software, hardware, and services you want.


    Yeah, right. I don't even need to explain this one. About 85% of people who have Vista will know what I mean.

    It also says, "just look for the 'Certified for Windows Vista' logo." Well, I've got some news for you, Microhard. About 25% of all products sold worldwide have these on them. Much less than the 51% you'd need for a pseudomonopoly...


    26. Because you're a multitasker.


    Am I? It doesn't seem like it. Windows XP is also a multitasking OS. Why can't we just use that?

    As well, the Quick Tabs function in IE7 is also available in Firefox 2. Why can't we just use that?


    27. Because your computer can keep up with you while you're on the go.


    If you take your computer along with you, of course it'll keep up.


    28. Enjoy your memories, larger than life.


    Aren't all memories larger than life? Those big, beautiful photos don't have too much detail in them, do they...


    29. Take the handwritten approach


    Hmm. I seem to remember that Windows XP had a Tablet PC edition that was especially designed for this.


    30. Restore your PC in an instant


    Even Norton Ghost's backup takes about 1/5 of the total restored hard disk's space. I shudder to think what kind of algorithm Windows uses...


    I'll post 31-45 tomorrow. This is tiring...

  8. Come to think about it, Gimp and Photoshop don't really have too much that isn't in common, other than GUI and general layout of functions. I think Inkscape and Illustrator can do the same things as well, so the two are also interoperable.


    And if Photoshop really is the de facto standard, it sure is an expensive one.


    EDIT: Anyway, the title is misleading. Who is to say which program is "the real thing"?

  9. Now let's just hope that I'm not one of those "retards"...I think that dre makes a point. Of course, it comes out a bit too strongly. You might get a warning for that.I think skipping school and dropping out is worse for the poor than it is for the rich, who have no incentive to drop out anyway. It's basically a vicious cycle. The poor people need to drop out to make ends meet, which results in less education, which means that their kids will drop out as well. I think dre is telling people to reject the idea that anyone will support them, and that they have to go completely by themselves against all the vices of the world.But I also think the peer pressure point is a bit too harsh. If you want to try fighting peer pressure all by yourself, you might accidentally shut everything out and not see some of the positive pressure that friends give you.The "Fight The Man" mentality doesn't work for physical things, although a lot of advancements in technology were made this way. I'm presuming that it is a natural human impulse to fight "the man", but comform to authority. ("The man" being the one who puts you under that authority in the first place.)

  10. I believe I understand what you are saying... If I understand correctly: you want to have a basic template seperated from the the rest of your content, and then just parse the content into the template, or the template around the content right? If this is the case I would recommend using this.

    After you create the above index.php file, create all your content on seperate .html files. For your links, simply use "<a href="index.php?cont=page">" Without the .html extension, as it will be placed in after the file name.

    That's exactly what I don't want to do. I don't want the page file to be an argument on index.php; I just want it to be a file by itself. Is that possible?

  11. The people who are against abortion are usually also against animal euthanasia and this kind of stuff in general. However, in the case of euthanasia, there is another argument involved: intention. The people who are considering euthanasia are generally very nervous about the subject, even if the patient does try to persuade them. If the procedure goes on, it goes on out of love, and not hate.If a person goes ahead and does an abortion because it will cost her a little money that she can afford, I'd say not to let her. But if the woman has a genuine reason, such as if that little money is only just affordable, and they need it to make ends meet, then I'd say let her, because she's doing it out of love for her unborn fetus and doesn't want it to live a harsh, cruel life when it becomes a baby. I don't think the child can be made a ward of the state, or adopted, that easily.

  12. Are you basically saying you want a "header", a "footer" and a "content" file to be included all in one page as to act as a template to use as your main structure for your site? I'm having a bit of trouble understanding you, too.

    Well, sort of. I want to be able to include the frame in one file, and reference it as a "header" file in the page content.

    To [John], I don't want to use iframes, because that would defeat the purpose of using PHP for it.

    I want to be able to include a top bar and a sidebar inside the include frame. Currently, the page layout I want looks like this:

    <html><!-- include HTML header code here --><body><table id="page" width="100%">	<tr><td>	<table id="top-bar" height="148px">	<tr><td width="172px"><img src="logo.png"></td><td><!-- title --></td></tr>	</table>	</td></tr>	<tr><td>	<table id="sidebar" width="256px"> <!-- does the "width" and "height" option go into CSS? I don't remember. -->	<tr style="background-image: sidebar-top.png;"><!-- link to home page --></tr>	<tr style="background-image: sidebar-middle.png; background-repeat: repeat;"><!-- other links --></tr>	<tr style="background-image: sidebar-bottom.png;"><!-- spotlight link: possibly to Xisto, maybe an ad or two --></tr>	</table>	</td><td>	<!-- insert pure page content here -->	</td></tr></table></body></html>

    As you can see, it's quite a simple page layout. Now what I want to do is to cut out everything except for the pure page content and the includes that I want to add. How would I go about doing that?

  13. Last night (well, if you live outside of Canada or the US then it was probably the afternoon, but I live in Canada, so I'm saying this from my point of view), the moon became blocked by the Earth for an event that happens about once every three years.That night, I went to my friend (name undetermined)'s house to look through his telescope at the moon. We noticed that it was quite bright red and that we could see the redness with the naked eye.Did anyone else see it? What did you think?

  14. I'll try to review them 1 by 1. If the post is too long, I apologize.


    While I review them, I'll keep a record of how many reasons are valid or plausible. If a reason is valid but nothing to really be speechless about, I'll count it as "plausible", or "half a reason".


    1. It makes using the PC a breeze.


    Define "breeze". You get about 40 interruptions a minute from UAC. (I know the problem exists on Linux too, but at least you only need to do it once!)


    2. Because all of your music is just a remote control click away.


    I never knew remote controls could be used on computers. Also, notice how they say "compatible" in the reason. I don't think 99% of non-universal remotes are compatible.


    3. It's the safest version of Windows ever.


    Define "safe". If "safe" means that Windows bugs you for every security risk 0.1% and higher that you take, then yes, it is very safe.


    4. See your world in a whole new light.


    Windows Aero is not "a whole new light". Why would we need to see behind our application window's titlebar?


    5. It can find your stuff.


    So can Google Desktop search. Sorry, Microsoft, you fail there.


    6. Because you're always on the run.


    From what? The police? The Sync center was present in Windows XP as well, and I think Linux and Mac have them too.


    7. Because you can freeze time.


    This is an overexaggerated claim. (Okay, how is "overexaggerate" not a word? Firefox's spell-check returns it as one.) Sure, the Photo gallery is useful, but nothing Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition couldn't handle.


    8. Your PC can take care of itself


    The diagnosing one is just a polished-up version of Dr. Watson. The self-tuning stuff, I've never experienced with my Vista. I'll have to check later on this. (+0.5 reason, because it's plausible)


    9. Unchain your mobile PC


    I thought the Network and Sharing center existed in Windows 98 as well. Microsoft must really be good at recycling.


    10. Surf more Safely.


    Internet Explorer 7 includes anti-phishing and malware checks. Although these might be useful, they're not as useful as professional security systems like Norton or CA. But, it might be useful for some people, so I'll count it as plausible. (+0.5 reason)


    11. Help protect your kids online.


    The parental controls pretty much control everything that they could want, as well as giving the parent access to what the child really has been doing. It's kind of like Big Brother, so I'd say the controls are pretty efficient. However, software could do this already, so it's no reason go get off your seats. (+0.5 reason)


    12. Schedule showtime on your time


    You know, I think Joost does this better. But since Windows has it anyway, I'll give something to them. (+0.5 reason)


    13. Because you need to know who the bad guys are.


    This is the anti-phishing feature in IE7. I thought Windows XP already supported this. Sorry Microsoft, no half-cookies here.


    14. Make any room a Media room


    This feature needs and Xbox 360, which costs about $1 for every degree it advertises (roughly $360). So you need to spend $760 to make every room a media room. The price tag alone makes me go "wow", and not in a good way.


    15. Because your PC remembers to back up for you.


    And it did as well with XP's System Restore. No reason for your eyes to pop out, folks.


    Okay, I'll stop here for now, since I'm lazy and also want to get all the credits for the huge post I'm in the progress of making (I believe the maximum is 10). So far, Microsoft has 2 "reasons".

  15. If you want a 'common' snippet of php code added into all of your site pages, the system needs to know that the php is in there and that it needs to send the file to the php parser.
    Two ways to do that:

    1. rename the files with a php extension. ( you don't want to do that)
    2. Add the above to your htaccess file. (you will need to do this)

    Without the file extension, or the application/type redirect in your .Htaccess file, the php code will be treated as text and display on your page as raw code, possibly displaying stuff you don't want public, like Database Information.

    You need to do one or the other.

    Well, actually I do want to rename the files. I just want to know how I can build the site AROUND the pure code that exists as my HTML page. I just don't want to have to put the "table" stuff in every page, and would rather have all the table containers and stuff in one php file that I can put a <?php include "frame.php" ?> for in the page. That's my only problem.

  16. In order to have your 'html' pages parsed as PHP, you will need to create an .htaccess file and change the list of file extensions which should be parsed as php.This is done by adding the htm and html file extensions to the php application handler.

    There have been several Tutorials about how to do this. Here is one of them that is quite well explained.


    Sorry, I misphrased myself. I meant, I want my HTML files to stay the way they were, except for being renamed to PHP and having the sidebar added in as a "header".

    I don't really feel like editing the .htaccess file.

  17. I'm trying to make a layout for my website for the areas that aren't occupied by Wordpress, and I want to use PHP includes to do it.

    So far, I know how to use <?php include ... ?> tags, like this:

    <table><?php include "sidebar.php" ?></table>

    This is okay, but I want to be able to include everything in one "container" file. Kind of like this:

    For every HTML file that I include:
    <html><head><?php include "frame.php" ?><title></title></head><body><!-- Include pure page content here --></body></html>

    This is so that the HTML files I originally made stay HTML files except for the PHP sidebar I add, and I won't need any permalinks.

    How would I go about doing this?

  18. The loophole is quite simple, actually...I wonder if the admins will make a rule against the loophole, saying: "If you post something on the Xisto forums, and then move it to your website, you must add quotes around the content that you post on the website. Failure to do this within 3 days of posting the content onto your website will result in the entire post being deleted and the warning level raised by 10%."

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