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Posts posted by tricky77puzzle

  1. I know a lot of encrpytors out there....But, can someone post something about Decryptors???
    I got tons of stuff, that I'd like to decrpyt...
    Can anyone help?

    I don't think decrypting stuff you're not supposed to is legal.

    And with this code, someone could always use a script to try to re-encode the page. I'd say use PHP for this purpose. At least no one can see that other than you.

  2. I have an OEM copy of Vista, and my old compy had a disk version of XP. They're both legal, or at least the Vista version is. I'm not sure about the XP one, since I didn't buy it. (The computer or the operating system.)The reason there are so many illegal copies around is because it costs so much. If people actually paid $400 every time they bought a Windows operating system, then Microsoft would have a real monopoly and there'd probably be a lot less computer users in China right now, as well as probably North America. Then the rich-poor gap would widen even more until the poor people start dying off, and Microsoft would then have the whole world to provide for. And about 94% of computer users (not a valid statistic; can someone refer?) don't know Linux exists. What will they do then? Will they just have to drop their computers? Will computers become an invaluable asset of the rich, like they were back in 1970? I can see why Bill Gates is leaving.

  3. That internet is a great place for the Catholic faith to expand to. The main threat though would be spammers and inappropriate messages.


    I doubt the Catholic faith would agree to this. It's just lazy really. If you have a sin to confess to, go to the Church and confess. Simple.

    I doubt the Catholic Church would agree to this as well, but for other reasons.


    Instead of spammers, how about data-miners. They might get a juicy confession about a really huge mistake and post it on their website. What if you committed larceny to your best friend for $100,000? That's not the kind of thing you'd want to spread on the Internet. Once it's gone, it's gone.


    Also, the internet is definitely not a great place for the Catholic faith to expand. If it tries, it will be knocked over by all the opposition to trying to assimilate. I mean, you can have Catholic websites, sure, but don't try to influence others. You'll only fail.

  4. The problem with Microsoft is that they have a closed mind. They want to force everyone to buy their products (an "anti-push" factor, so to say) and use their endorsed hardware, as well as assimilating smaller companies (a "double-pull" factor, where one company pulls the company that pulls other customers), rather than trying to work with them. Why do you think they're so against the open-source movement?

  5. 1. You can host a wordpress site right here on Xisto. I think you can with Blogger too, but I'm not sure.2. Well, kind of. It depends on what you mean by "site building".3. Wordpress is also easy to maintain when it works. You have your own dashboard and everything.4. Increase what ranking? Please be more specific.5. I think you're allowed to put your own ads up on your site on Xisto. You don't need to have a wordpress.com account to use Wordpress.6. Um... not that I know of.7. (Um, okay...)Wordpress is supposed to be a PHP blog that you use on your own website. The wordpress.com accounts are only there in case you don't have hosting. If you get hosting at Xisto or somewhere else that suppors PHP, you can put your blog on there, instead of wordpress.com. Just be sure to copy the databases over while you're at it.

  6. Sadly, M$ will eventually make people migrate from XP to Vista, just as they did make people migrate from Win98 to XP in the past...

    I think MS (Yes, I don't use derogatory names, like Linsux, Fackintosh (<- swearword?) and Windoze), after they make people migrate from XP to Vista, will cut off compatibility in an update. This will ensure that people stay with Vista. It's sad how they go through things.

  7. (I've always wondered why...)

    ...Windows always employs a "you don't need to know what you're getting" attitude with its updates. By default, updates are set to be automatic, in the name of "protecting your computer from exploits" (I call this Level 3 automatic updates).


    With Level 3, everything is automatic. Windows automatically downloads and installs the updates, and then turns off your computer in 5 minutes if you don't postpone it. This is the most annyoing level, in my opinion.


    I set it to Level 2 (download, but don't install yet) myself. This level strikes a good balance, because I can review what I'm getting, and then install it. (I always install all the updates anyway; I just want to know what I'm installing.) Sometimes, an important update is marked with "Once installed, it cannot be removed". These updates, I actually check on the Microsoft KB to see what I'm getting myself into. Also, if the download is finished, it does not automatically turn off in 5 minutes, so if I have to go away for anything, I don't have to worry about losing my work, just getting a pop-up window that I can postpone for about 4 hours. I recommend people set their automatic updates to this level.


    If you set it to Level 1, the download will take time if you're accessing the Internet. I don't really like this, because at level 2, the downloading of the update is a background process, which means that it gets lower priority than most other processes that access the Internet. At level 1, the downloading is a foreground process.


    Level 0 (do not check, download, or install updates) is the least safe, and I would not recommend anyone set their updates to this level (nor would Microsoft).


    On Level 2, though, there are two options to install the upates: Express and Custom. For some reason, Express is always recommended. It seems that Microsoft would rather let you not know what they are doing. What if they're providing the FBI/NSA with backdoors to every computer? That would be an outrage.


    (Maybe this should have gone into The Vent, but I just decided to put it here.)


    I strongly recommend people put their Windows automatic updates to Level 2 and check what they're updating.

  8. You know you could have created a poll...


    Let's subject the two to a review:


    1. Minimum system requirements:


    XP: 64 Mb RAM, at least 233 MHz processor, about 4 GB of hard disk space, super VGA support

    Vista: 512 Mb RAM, at least 800 MHz processor, about 20 GB of hard disk space, super VGA support


    XP gets 1 point, Vista gets 0.00728125 points.


    2. Recommended system requirements:


    XP: 256 Mb RAM, 300 MHz processor, about 10 GB of hard disk space, 64 Mb graphics card, DX9

    Vista: 1 GB RAM, 1.0 GHz processor, about 40 GB of hard disk space, 128 Mb graphics card, DX9


    XP gets 1 point, Vista gets 0.009375 points.


    3. Flashiness


    XP: Luna theme: combination of blue and green. No special window transition effects. Smooth windows.

    Vista: Aero theme: shiny black and transparent glass. Windows fade in and out as they are opened and closed. Smooth windows. Window switcher. Icon displays can range from small to large.


    I'll add more later.

  9. Hmm. I never have that problem. In fact, it works the other way around. Whenever Messenger tries to open a link in IE, a Firefox window opens instead!


    I think you'll need to change the registry here.


    Go to Start\Default Programs and go to "Set your Default programs". Select "Firefox" and select "set program as Default". If that's what you did and it changed back, you're probably going to need to change the registry. (I don't exactly know how, but try going to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows and see if you can find anything.


    EDIT: AHH, what am I doing? sorry, it's "current", not "local".

  10. The "he said she said" game:Just because a million people say it's so doesn't mean it's so. Just because the government asserts it's so doesn't mean it's so. (et tu, 1984?) I mean, look at the concept of a flat earth! Back in the 1400's, it was common knowledge and the "he said she said" scenario was very common. Then Amerigo Vespucci and Christopher Columbus come along and disprove it. Same thing with a stationary Earth.The 180 personality:These people aren't worth your time, nor are they worth anyone else's. I don't think other people side with your friend... if they do, they're not really worth your time either. OF course, it might just be a stage... if it lasts more than two years, feel free to post it again.The innocent Madonna:These people are really self-centered. I don't get how they can create a "torhurriquake" around themselves (I assume you mean a cross between a tornado, hurricane, and earthquake)The grieving lost:These people are just depressed. They don't know how to move on. Instead of trying to tell them off and force them to pick their own feet up like it's none of your business, send them to a psychiatrist or something. Who knows, it might work.These personalities are all examples of a deformed reality that we live in. We need to change that.

  11. Also that Microsoft password strength checker is a joke. *8IiY^jK is a strong password but neigowpagjioeamdklbewiqoerweoqyirosyireopiytdringiwoeaniinvkdlvdsanioveahgieoaur

    eiowqyuqwetuip is not according to it.

    Well, actually, I think it uses a simplified version of the KDE algorithm that I posted on page 3. From what I see it works like this:


    The base strength rating is 0.


    1. If the password contains at least 8 letters, regardless of case, add 1 to the strength rating.

    2. If the password contains at least 1 number, add 1 to the strength rating.

    3. If the password contains at least 1 special character, add 1 to the strength rating.

    4. If the password is longer than 14 characters, add 1 to the strength rating.


    5. If the password contains less than 8 of any type of character, subtract 5 from the strength rating.

    6. If the password contains only 1 type of character, subtract 5 from the strength rating.


    The rating is considered as follows:


    < 1: Weak

    1: Medium

    2: Strong

    > 2: Best


    A pretty stupid system, if you ask me.

  12. I'm for abortion if, and only if, it's the sole decision of the pregnant girl. If other people coaxed her into aborting the baby, like parents or a husband for example, then I'd say, "You know what, screw them. If you want the baby, I'll point you to a few people who can help you through caring for your new baby." This is the same viewpoint of one of the only people who run an abortion clinic in one of the states in the US. (It was on an issue of Time, I forget who it was.) "If the mom still wants the baby, screw everyone else, she's keeping it."


    I don't like abortions myself, but I'm still pro-choice, because I think other people should have that right. If I ever impregnate anyone outside my will (Yes, my will, not theirs. I wouldn't rape anyone) when I'm an adult, then I would advise them to have an abortion, unless they want to keep the baby.


    Also, it's a concept of human reactions to rights. If you have a right, you're actually less likely to exercise it (in the case of some rights) than if you didn't have it.

  13. If you want to improve your body, definitely running should be included. It improves your heart's capabilities, and will help it pump all the blood you need to all those big muscles you want.First, if you're not so good, go easy on yourself and just walk about 2 miles a day. (2 miles = 3.2 km, or about 40 minutes of walking.)Then, you can do jogging (about 3 km at a time, or about 30 minutes) and then running (3 km at a time, about 20 minutes if you're pretty good, 15 if you're excellent).(I can only really do the first step continuously. I need a bit of practice myself!)

  14. My mom tells me that at her workplace, they use Unix root passwords (or something called that, I only remember the word "Unix".)


    These passwords have to be exactly 8 characters long, and must contain one of each of the following:


    1. an uppercase letter

    2. a lowercase letter

    3. a number

    4. a special character


    So a password like "E==m*c^2" (Einstein's forumla in C++) would be valid, but a password like "abcdefgh" wouldn't.


    Here's a very simple rating system that KDE uses to determine password strength:


    1. Count how many uppercase letters there are (up to 4 are counted)

    2. Count how many lowercase letters there are (up to 4 are counted)

    3. Count how many numbers there are (up to 3 are counted)

    4. Count how many special characters there are (up to 5 are counted)


    5. Add these numbers up, and take a score out of 16. A score of 7 or 8 would take about 7 days to guess if the program cracking it tried at 40MHz (40,000,000 attempts per second).


    Here's my own:


    0. The score for any category is calculated with the following formula:


    (<priority>) - (<priority>) / (<number of characters in category> + 1)


    1. Count how many uppercase letters there are. The priority for category 1 is 5. (26 chars total)

    2. Count how many lowercase letters there are. The priority for category 2 is 5. (26 chars total)

    3. Count how many numbers there are. The priority for category 3 is 3. (10 chars total)

    4. Count how many keyboard-accessible special characters there are. The priority for category 4 is 7. (32 chars total)

    5. Count how many other special characters there are. The priority for category 5 is 15. (129 chars total)


    The password "E==m*c^2" would get a base score of 12.933333333.


    EDIT (2008-02-12 21:53:30): After this, the score is converted into a score out of 100. (I decided to do this to incorporate length into the score.)


    The formula looks like this:


    100 - 100 * (0.90 ^ <length>) * (0.90 ^ <base score> - 0.025)


    So the final score for "E==m*c^2" would be 90.057142284048211935767242789242.

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