While I disagree with your first statement Janissary
While Atheists have a belief, our belief is that a convincing case for God has not been made we do not have faith. You cannot have faith that something does not exist, you do not have faith that fairies don't exist. We do not need to disprove God because for one thing it is logically impossible to do so, but for another the burden of proof lies with the person making the claim, we make no claim so have no burden, obviously if presented with evidence of God then it would be our burden to show that it isn't convincing else change our position, since no such satifactory evidence exists we have no burden. We do not have faith. For the rest I agree with you, I would rather my family or children be christian or muslim because they came to it by thinking about it rather than being an atheist just because I am. I think that to call them 'evil' is going too far, Evil doesn't exist in my opinion but it is certainly a shame, to see so many minds calling themselves Christian or another religion (or even atheist) having never considered the issue. As for Mr "Tricked By Satan" I have not been tricked by Satan, for one thing he doesn't exist and for another I would believe in God if there was evidence of him, No such good evidence has been presented, instead we have scientific discoveries backed up by a *BLEEP*ton of physical evidence which tell us exactly how things came to be in naturalistic terms. Every arguement that there has ever been for God has been shown to either be false or require 'faith'. Faith is an unjustified position, it isn't even a justified belief, it is an unjustified one. It is irrational to the extreme to assume without evidence the existance of an impossible being, whose very being philosophically contradicts itself "can God create an object so heavy he can't lift it?" in terms of Christianity, the bible is the most hideous work of fiction ever written because it calls itself fact, where the supposed Benevent God is more horrible than any of the people he supposedly sends to hell. It is clearly written by Humans, men. It is sexist homophobic, supports slavery, contradicts itself in numerous places and is incoherant with itself and the external world as we understand it.