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Everything posted by zippy77

  1. I made a little title graphic for you if you like it. I think it may look better in a different color though. Let me know if you like it or want me to alter it somehow. Here it is.
  2. Microsoft's educational division makes 1/9 of their yearly profits. This is what my instructor told me one day after class. So 1/9 of millions and millions of dollars. I paid $10000 for a MCSE (MicrosoftCertifiedSystemsEngineer) course that did nothing for me really. The certification is not nearly as good as a bachelor degree, and most people don't even consider it college education! So now I wonder.... where was the $50000-$100000 job that I am supposedly qualified for? See there are far to many people taking these courses and the private colleges are packin them in there as fast as they can. This makes it nearly impossible to find employment in the windows network admin field because it is quickly saturated. Tech jobs are easy to find with this cert but they certainly do not pay the $50-$100K I was told I could expect! Heck they even told me not to accept any less than that because it would hurt "the industry". More like hurt microsoft's profits! Ha!Have you had similar experiences? Or hopefully better ones?
  3. Not bad! I like the 468x60 better than the other though. I think I am gunna use that on my banner rotator in my site! You been doing GFX for a while?
  4. zippy77

    Win Xp Shopping

    I have re-installed XP pro(OEM) lots of times and the direct activation online worked for me 3 times. After the third time I had to call Microsoft to activate but after I verified that I was the original person who registered this copy, they allowed me 3 more online activations for future use. I have called them and repeated this procedure a few times. Its no big deal. The only time they might ask you to purchase a new license for your windowsXP is if you have changed your hardware, and then tried to activate. I believe the installationID# that XP generates includes hardware ver. info so if your hardware has changed and the copy of XP has been activated before, the ID numbers will not match and you will not get XP activated because your OEM license is now void. OEM -- "Original Equipment Manufacturer" license means its only good on the original hardware.
  5. I like the idea of having quizzes but I don't think they should add to your hosting credits. The hosting credit system is good the way it is in my opinion. People that are here now and have a large amount of hosting credits have made this place great. If anything maybe it should be harder to get hosting credits so the servers don't get bogged down by creating and deleting new and expired accounts.For the quiz idea though, perhaps using a "Knowledge Point" system that works similar to the reputation points system would be good. You don't receive points from other members, but by doing quizzes you could gain "Knowledge Points". This would give everyone an idea of how knowledgeable you are.The quizzes could be submitted by the members subject to approval by admin just like the tutorial section. Having the members submit the quizzes helps to expand the feeling of being in a community here at Xisto.Of course this would likely need some serious coding to pull off. Perhaps it will take a while before it could be done but I think it would be unique in this type of community.
  6. It is some unknown error that NilsC is looking into right now. I had my hosting account deleted then re-activated cuz we thought it might fix the problem and at first it appeared to have done the trick, but not long after I began having disk quota exceeded errors while uploading a whole 1.9MB. I'm not in any particular hurry as my site has not been advertised yet, but it kinda put a damper on the idea of getting my site design finished today. Oh well there is always the army sys!(I hope )
  7. Who is that? I just found a website about them HERE. But how did you here about them GM? Maybe I just don't know anything about music.
  8. Have any of you tried the game Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 or 2? These games are made so well with such a good plot that I was actually glued to my monitor for weeks.The newest SWKOTOR was just released around Christmas and it no doubt is going to claim another Game of the Year award like they received for SWKOTOR 1 in 2003.If any of you have played it tell us what you thought of it.
  9. I have this in my /public_html: _fpclass 755 _private 755 _themes 755 _vti_bin 755 _vti_cnf 755 _vti_log 755 _vti_pvt 750 _vti_txt 755 cgi-bin 755 images 755 Create New File .htaccess 0 k 644 _vti_inf.html 1 k 644 index.html 1 k 755 postinfo.html 2 k 644Can I safely delete the stuff not listed in your post? At the moment I have nothing on my site. It is empty so I have no scripts installed that would be messed up or anything.
  10. Hey I got the same problem. I just removed an installation of geeklog and was about to install PHPnuke, but then I noticed the disk usage never went down after removing geeklog. I have checked in the cpanel disk usage and it shows nothing bigger than 0.8MB and that is my images folder. I also checked by ftp but nope the folder is gone and so is my disk space.
  11. I tried a version of Longhorn that was leaked online a while ago build 4074 I think. I didn't like it because it did not detect my harware properly and drivers for it are so far non-existant. You can't use XP drivers, but I had some success with win2k drivers. Funny thing is win2k and XP are supposed to use the same type of drivers. I think Longhorn will look like XP generaly but act more like win2k. I hate win2k by the way. I will not switch until longhorn is released and they get to sp2 or 3 then I'll try it again.
  12. In my opinion there is alot of money to be made online. Most people just don't take the time and patience necessary to do it. Most people will join some get rich quick sceme online that hypes you up telling you that you make $10000 in a month or some thing like that. In my experience this is very unlikley if not a down right lie. If you really want to make money online you need to invest study more than money. If you spend 3 months(5 or so hours a day) learning the (legal)tricks of online marketing and such you could make a full time salary online selling almost anything. But it really depends on your level of comitment to it. I would start a website for a hobby and learn a little bit, then try to make a few bucks selling something there. Anything will do, even artwork you have drawn or whatever. Making money online is just like the real world in alot of ways. You need to learn your trade in the real world before you can make good money right? The same applies online.I am still learning, but I have made more online now(after 3 months) than I have invested, and that was without a website. This proves it can be done.
  13. My hero is Terry Fox. He was a Canadian man who developed bone cancer as a young man. But instead of giving up on his future like most people do, he decided to do something to help not just himself but all canser victims. He began running, and running(5373 KM to be exact) and raised millions of dollars for cancer research helping thousands of people. He had to have real heart to do that. You can learn more about him Here.
  14. I also installed the new version right overtop of 1.0.2 but I did have problems. The installer told me to restart my computer, but when I did the browser wouldn't open. It kept telling me that I needed to restart the computer before I could use it. The problem obviously was that I had already restarted the computer. I tried restarting again 2 more times and still got the same result. I had unfortunately done some registry edits I found online to disable my IE so I was stuck with no browser at all to even re-download firefox. I ended up getting firefox on another computer, burned it to CD, then uninstalled the messed up firefox, then re-installed v1.0.3. Now all is good. What a pain!
  15. Go into your cpanel and click on "Manage Redirects".Choose the type of redirect you want, temp or perm.Leave the first text box empty meaning the main /WWW dir of your site, then type the url you want to pop up in the next text box.(hompage/homepage.html)Its that simple.
  16. If you are talking about a PC DVD drive, then you could download DVDxPlayerDVDxPlayer. It has automatic DVD region change so it will automaticaly detect what region the DVD is and switch to that region for you. Also if you don't want to buy any software you could do a search for a program called DVD-Region-Free I believe the trial is 30 days, but hey at least you can try it out for a while.
  17. Hello and welcome Sebastian. You found the right place for hosting thats for sure. Xisto has a great community too. I find that since I joined, I spend way too much time in this forum. Be careful it gets addictive. Especially if you get into the Army System. :oWelcome and hope you like it here as much as the rest of us!
  18. No problem daman! I like doing stuff like that. If you need anything else like that let me know and I'll see what I can do to help out. BTW- Thanks for the rep points.
  19. Ok of all the brand name computer companies out there which one do you think is the best. I know myself that building your own custom system is the most economic and likely the best way to buy a computer, but if you were offered the choice of all the top brand names which one would you choose and what makes it better than all the others.I have owned Dell, Compaq, IBM and an EMachine. In my opinion the Dell was the best. The Dell was inexpensive to buy and was a quite stable system. The Dell also had very little upgadability though, but man did it look sweet! The Compaq was nice looking, ran decent, but was 100% impossible to upgrade.(Other than HDD & Ram. No PCI, ISA, or AGP slots.) The Compaq was also quite expensive. The IBM well it was ok I guess but sluggish and dull looking. The Emachine was the best price at only $399 including 17" monitor but performance was more like non-performance. Hardware conflicts plagued that system and every time I installed windows I had to go in and manually set almost all the device resources. Needless to say that system hit the classified ads for sale in a hurry! So what do you think?
  20. I love SpikeTV! No it is not a TV show it s a channel. I love SpikeTV because they play all kinds of cool shows like Fear Factor, and all the best action movies from 80's to now. I could sit in front of the brain sucker all day watching SpikeTV.It is also the only channel that plays MXC. (Most Extreme elimination Challenge)
  21. Hey snlildude, I made a vertical Xisto banner for someone else use it if you want to. It is on this topic http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho=Xisto++banner
  22. My question is....If the finger was never linked to any of the employees, and it was never linked to the factory, and the person who got the finger in their food wasn't missing any fingers, where did the finger come from? Can't they trace it using finger prints? I find it kinda funny that somebody out there is missing their finger and never told anybody? Maybe this goes alot deeper than just "Finger Food". I think the police should investigate the person who complained about the finger. It seems obvious that they set all this up. So where did the finger come from? Perhaps the finger came from a murder victim and that is why nobody knows the source of the finger.
  23. I think the Autoexec.bat is an old reminant of DOS in winXP. If you want to change startup settings and such try START>>RUN then type msconfig.That will give you all the windows start up options I know about.WARNING! Be careful what you change here it could cause you some serious grief!If you don't know what it is then don't change it!
  24. I also say PaintShop Pro is the best!(other than PhotoShop) I was using it on an old pentium 100 with 128MB Ram & it ran pretty decent.
  25. It looks good! The only thing I think I might change is the text. Perhaps a different font or different color with better contrast. The text is too hard to read and inda blurry.For your first banner it looks great tho!
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