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Everything posted by zippy77

  1. I have tried the Windows Longhorn Build 4074 that leaked on the internet a few weeks ago. I installed it played with it for 20 mins or so and went back to XP Pro. Longhorn seems to have an entirely new driver design so XP drivers do not work. Longhorn also had some nice graphical improvements with new interface for windows explorer. Unfortunately I don't see the practical use in some of the new design.(Many menus and things that seem totally useless.) Overall I can't give my judgement of the OS yet but in its early stages it seems pretty buggy. Hopefully it will be more stable in the full release. (ya right) zippy77
  2. Who here would like to start thier own massivley multiplayer online game? I would love to start one myself but sadly I am not yet skilled enough to code it myself. Does anyone else here want to start thier own online game? Post your ideas here and maybe if we put our heads together we could make something great! Any suggestions on open source scripts for a game or other useful info please share! I hope we can come up with a great game!zippy77
  3. I have just installed IGaming CMS. It is designed specificly for gaming sites. It is open source and free to download. You can check it out IGaming.comhere. I am still pretty new to PHP but it installed smoothly for me and I have had no errors in any of the admin sections. Visual customization is a bit of a problem for people like me who don't know much about PHP. Lots of options in this one though. zippy77
  4. I don't think anybody realy cares that she is having a baby, but you can be sure we are all going to be hearing about her new baby all over the TV and internet for the next year or so. I think her being preggo just adds somthing else to gossip about for the real fans.zippy77
  5. I think who ever bought that painting is out of thier mind! Why pay millions upon millions for a painting when a print of the same painting would look just as good sitting on your wall?(and cost a fortune less) Anybody who has that kind of money to throw away on a painting just because they can have bragging rights should be donating a few of million bucks my way. For that kind of money I could make something alot nicer than a painting to put on thier wall! LOL zippy77
  6. I found Xisto on google. I tried searching for "free webhosting with free cpanel". I found lots of results but the first 3 pages of results led me to free web host directory sites. After I got throught the first three pages or so I saw the link to Xisto. I visited the forum and read about 20 or so posts, then I decided to join the forum and put in a hosting request. I have been here in the forum almost every day since. You guys are great!zippy77
  7. Well the page does load very fast, but I have to agree with the majority on this one. You need some classy graphics. Don't go nuts but add a site logo and maybe some kind of tiled background and that might just spice it up enough. Don't make your logo grapphic much larger that 10kb though and use a gif optimizer to keep quality looking decent. That should help to make your page still load fast.If your tiled background picture is larger in file size it shouldn't matter too much because the text should load before the background anyway meaning you could start browsing your site even if the background picture hasen't loaded yet. (I think)zippy77
  8. I have a broadband cable connection. I'm not sure on speed limits but I have had speeds of 780+KB download from Cnet! I am guessing that means it is a good speed. zippy77
  9. If you wanted to host your web page on your own computer you could also install Apache like mentioned in the tutorial, then sign up for a dynamic DNS service online. The dynamic DNS service is great for people who use a dial-up or DSL connection because your IP changes every time you log on to the internet(usually). The dynamic DNS service will update with your new IP every time you go online. This makes sure your website is always available online(when logged online) even if your IP changes. You will need a domain name to use a dynamic DNS service. I have used free ones in the past like.uni.cc or .co.uk. If you want to find a dynamic DNS service you can just google for it. I like DynDNS. zippy77
  10. Hi ljiljana. I am not an expert in site design, but I have used Cpanel quite a bit. I might be able to help you understand the general functionality of most of the Cpanel interface. The File Manager is the most used area of the Cpanel for new users just learning how to create a web site. This is where I would start. If you need some help just PM me and I'll see if I might be able to help you out. Zippy77
  11. I started playing guitar when I was 14. I played for about 5 or 6 years. Couldn't pay my rent one month and sold the guitar. Sadly I went without a guitar for about 7 years. Now all I had known 7 years ago has become alot harder to re-master than it was to master in the first place. But I suppose after 5 or so more years I'll be back to that level again.zippy77
  12. Hey just a thought. Here is another quote I thought might go good with your others in your signature.In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.--Douglas AdamsLOL
  13. Great! Thanks! I'll check those out right away.Do you have alot of experience with PHP? If so maybe I'll have some more questions for you again later.Thanks again.zippy77
  14. Are you aware of any free or open source PHP scripts available for this purpose. Or maybe agood place to start looking for free PHP scripts? It would be nice to use a database to allow the users to login and leave feedback about games as well as the voting.I don't expect my site will be huge but I am hoping for a large turnout. A members area would be nice too. Thanks for the info I'll see what goodies I can find at the sites you mentioned in the mean time. I'm beginning to think this website is going to take me forever to build. lolzippy77
  15. I was realy into the paid email and paid click sites for about 6 months. I joined about 30 sites and clicked paid emails almost all day from the 30 sites. In the end I was paid a total of about $160 for my 6 months of effort. I referred lots of people and made good refferal earnings, but you will never get rich doing it, and half of the sites you join won't ever pay you a dime. Trust me I know from experience. Out of the 30 or so sites I joined only 6 ever paid me! I rarely use them anymore. Some of them can be a good source of free advertising however. Take your earned credit and purchase advertising on the site. Most of them offer this.Zippy77
  16. zippy77

    The "lol" Phrase

    I am another one of those people who uses lol alot. I don't even mean to do it. It sort just becomes a habit. It is the same as people who say "like" in almost every sentence. They don't notice they are doing it at all anymore before long.I cant help myself. :)LOL!zippy77
  17. I have seen windows longhorn build 4074. A friend of mine downloaded it from somplace online. I fooled around with it for a little while and was actually somewhat impressed with what I saw. I tested it with GRC's Shields Up. It had only the windows internet firwall enabled and the results came back that the computer was in stealth mode. Not only that but the new version of internet explorer that is integrated has a blurb in the "about" section of help that says it has 256 bit encription! It also mentions something about Nasa engineering!?! I personally can't wait for it to come out! It looks like its going to have some neat toys. :)zippy77
  18. My computer is starting to ag slightly. I built it a year ago and for the first time recently I bought a game that this computer choked on! Here's whats in it:ASROCK K7VLM2 Motherboard 133Mhz BusAMD AthlonXP 2400+ (1.8Ghz)256 Mb DDR RAM40 GB Maxtor Hard Drive128 MB AGP Nvidia GeForce 3Integrated Gigabit LanIntegrated AC97 Audio4 USB 2.0 PortsLG 48X32X12 CDRWSamsung 16X DVD DriveIBM 17" CRT Flat MonitorAltec Lansing 5.1 Surround speakers w/suband of course keboard and mouse.zippy77
  19. You should check this one out. I have only just started there but it seems pretty good. Here is the link: ASDF Hoverboard The game is free for life or you can get paid upgraded accounts. I prefer to play free though at least until I get the hang of it. Hope you like it. zippy77
  20. I hate watching golf or bowling! If I wanna take a nap put either one of the things on my TV and 30 seconds later I'll be out!Hockey on the other hand. I LOVE Hockey! I miss the NHL sooooooo much! This winter was no winter at all for me.Please come back hockey zippy77
  21. Hi. I have been working on a gaming review web site and I would like to give my visitors the option of voting for a game that they like. I am not sure if I will be needing some sort of script or if it can be done simply enough in HTML. If you have any suggestions please let me know.Thnx.zippy77
  22. I'm all the way up here in Canada and us Canadians (or at least this one) like to play Diablo 2 LOD. I still love it. I still see some of the same people I saw years ago playing it. That game is great around the globe!
  23. Alright Davor! You have some great taste! I started playing Pirates! back in the late 80s or early 90s.I owned the original PC version on 5.25" floppy. I used to run it on my PC XT!Wow the good old days when 640K memory was "All anybody would ever need!"ROFLMAO!Even now 20 years later I still find myself sitting in front of my computer amassing gold and ships until 4 in the morning. I guess the classics never die. :)Gaming Forever....zippy77
  24. I have tried Norton (Your right BIG resource hog) and I have also tried Avast. Avast was better for cleaning the viruses I caught, but Norton was better at catching them as they infected my system. In my opinion though, both Norton and Avast are too sluggish and somewhat annoying. I like AVG now. I have been using it for about two months now and it seems to be working smoothly. Since I have used AVG I have had about 50 or so virus infections and all (so far) were fixed promptly by AVG. (only one had to be quarantined) AVG is great FREE antivirus software. Why pay for Norton when you can get AVG for free?
  25. Hey Guys/Gals.I am a big fan of the PC version of the game GTA Vice City. The game is great for those of us who get a kick out of stealing cars, beating people up and getting chased by the cops! LOLAs many of you might know, Vice City is a single player game. (ACK!)What I am after though is a stable multiplayer patch for the game. Lots of people online are working on various "unofficial" multiplayer patches but (just my luck) none of them have worked well for me. (Crashes, blue screens, and corrupted game files) If anybody out there knows of a working multiplayer patch for GTA Vice city I would love to hear about it!Rockstar games was working on a patch a few months ago, and was posting news on their site but suddenly anything related to that project dissapeared from their site. (perhaps it was more work than it was worth what with GTA San Andreas just released)Anyhoo, if anybody has found a working multriplayer patch for GTA Vice City please post a reply here and let me know where to find it! And afterwards join me in a game!:)Gaming forever.....Zippy77.
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