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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. To be perfectly honest, i dont really like any of them.... just not my style i guess.


    IMO they are too simplistic without enough effects.


    Well, this is just a battle, and I'm not trying to do anything too time-consuming. But you can see the rest of my stuff (well most of it) at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/9816-never-fear-johnnys-here-to-save-the-photoshop-forum/


    Excuse me for jumping into a battle that isnt mine i just wanted to throw my new sig around and possible give a few ideas to Johnny and Damann :D


    Here is my masterpiece:


    Posted Image


    Tell us what you think and if you were totally inspired by me :D





    Lol, masterpiece? -_-

    It looks pretty....simple. Some text with effects, and slight brushing in a corner. X.x

    And please, don't put your sigs where they don't belong. Only sigs from me and damann, and comments from people, should be here. Your post is technically spam.


    Probably would look better in a black b/g. Someone try it with a black b/g and tell me if you think it looks better please :D


    And yes, it looks a little better on a black bg, but not by much.

  2. ANYTHING by Chuck Palahniuk.  He's written "Fight Club," "Survivor" and countless other amazing books that should be read by anyone and everyone.


    "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski.  Its the most creative, abstract piece of literature I've come across to date.


    Those are good starts.  There are so many books out there that are just amazing though.


    OMGOMGOMG. Fight Club was great. I watched the movie, and then saw the book, so it was a little easier to picture all the things in the book, but it was basically the same thing, word for word. I absolutely loved Fight Club, and I really don't quite know why...

  3. Now, I didn't really want to post it, because I don't think it looks that good, but I don't like to leave sigs sitting around on my computer with nobody to see them, so here's another one. But I don't think I'll call this a battle sig...


    Posted Image


    Which brings me to a new idea. Instead of just randomly posting sigs and comparing them, why don't we make an actual battle by posting up polls for each round, and having people vote? I think it would make it more of a "battle" than a "compare and contrast". What do you say?

  4. Alrighty guys, it's time for one of my slick oh-so-inelligent replies to life situations. And hear me out. I'm not typing all this for nothing.When I was younger, I tried internet relationships. I "went out" with one girl, named Jessie, internetly known as foxfire. Anyways, we met on a Pokemon Yahoo group, (yes, that's right ladies and gents, Johnny was a dork, can you believe it?) Anyways, we met there, and we also hung out in this game called Graal (http://www.graalonline.com/) which is now totally lame. So we started chatting, doing the whole childish "I love you" "I love you too" "I love you more" game and basically all we did was talk about how cool Graal and Pokemon were, and how nice it was to do so with each other.Anyways, so a couple months go by, and eventually, she told me we had to "break up". So that happened, and we pretty much never talked again.Then my next 'net "girlfriend" was a girl named Scarlett. Oh dear Scarlett. (We're still friends btw) We met in Graal again, and Scarlett was a little different. She actually was my friend for a LONG time (4 years, maybe?) until we "got together" and basically, the ending remained the same, except that we recently got back in touch, and we've been chatting about how dumb we were, and we plan to go to an anime convention together this year, because I happened to move near where she lives.Next story, is my last girlfriend, who was actually my girlfriend in real life, we got together a couple years ago, just after I moved from New York to Houston. Everything was great (oh, btw, yes, real life relationships are SOOOO much better, and not just because of sex, kissing, whatever. I'll get to that later) anyways, everything was great until I had to move here. Then things got weird, and she basically told me she still wanted to be together long-distance until I came back (I'm planning to move back in a year or two), and so basically, it turned into a 'net relationship. We talked and such about when I'm visiting and all that good stuff for a month or two, until she broke it off, and said she thinks I'd be better off with someone close (which, I think, is a total lie, and she just didn't want to tell me that I was a total loser, which I was.) and so yeah, that ended.Basically, what I'm trying to say, is that internet relationships don't work, regardless of if you're going to or have met the person in real life. They simply don't work. It may -seem- like there's love, but there really isn't. You just want someone to talk to, someone to say they love you. A real relationship is totally different. You can literally feel one another's love, and express it in ways that actually show that feeling, even without kissing, hugging, or having sex. Just being with that person physically makes all the difference, and I'm not joking. I can just be out bowling or something with friends, and still be giving and recieving more love than I ever would on the 'net.And about cyber sex. Cyber sex is nothing. It's "ooh" "ahh". Nothing. Sex is nothing until you can actually feel the other person's love, which you can never get through the internet.That's my story(s), and I'm sticking to it. Take my advice. I've gone through this more times than just those three, and it always results the same. There is no real love through the 'net.(I better get some frickin sweet credits for this...)EDIT -- Oh, but there is an exception. If you KNOW, I mean KNOW, that the person is right, you might have a chance. But you still can't date solely on the 'net.

  5. Yeah really I do not know what happened to that.  b ut the users at one time were able to edit there own posts and were also able to delete there own posts.  I think that I might just ask opaque myself.


    Here's a short explanation.


    No it wouldn't... the reason the forum disallows editing their posts is because you can post something like



    and then edit it to say "I like to use photoshop because it is awsome, and nice tutorial!" Only the FIRST instance of posting adds to the credits. No matter how you edit it, it still doesn't change. (Unless you delete it of course)


    Straight from the Dooga's mouth. Hope that clears it up. ^-^

  6. How many people today think that what the companies like playboy are doing to get business is very sick.  I mean if they have to resort to some form of entertainment that little kids are going to play then I think that it is wrong.  I think that they should find better ways of advertising rather than using a gaming system.


    Good point. Using a medium that is mainly directed towards younger audiences is quite appalling, really. I mean, sure, what guy hasn't checked out porn (I have), but it's not meant for younger children, and that's where the line is drawn.

  7. Okay guys, guess who got Photoshop CS2 yesterday (and forgot to post about it.) Yup, I did! Don't ask how though.Anyways, CS2 is pretty cool, it has a couple new features, but nothing too "WOWAWESOMEMGOMGOMG"-ish. The smart objects and such aren't really anything too special... They did, however, make the history and layer box into one, which gets annoying, switching back and forth, but I think you can change that...What I did notice right away, however, is that CS2 still takes just as long to load as CS did, only now it takes even more memory. Every time a dialog box loads it takes about a minute, which is a LONG time for a simple box to load up. It's almost sickening how long it takes to load up the filter gallery. Seriously.So, my advice to anyone looking to upgrade from 7 or CS, don't. If you already have those, you're fine, and you're not missing out on anything much. All you're going to do is spend more money on a slower, very very slightly modified Photoshop.***Oh, and also, for some REALLY stupid reason that I don't know, my keyboard shortcuts no longer work. That means everything from copy/paste to creating new layers to deselecting. I'm probably gonna get totally irritated and move back down to CS sometime soon.And this is all coming from a guy who, 72 hours ago, couldn't wait to get his hands on it.EDIT -- Hurgh, I accidentally started a new topic about this, because this wasn't in the Photoshop forum, and therefore, I didn't see it. I wouldn't have thought to look in Software...EDIT2 -- My Adobe "Bridge" also doesn't load at all, it just gives an error and closes. I'm sure it doesn't do this in the "store-bought" version, but still...it sucks.

  8. (cant you make our posts editable by us? itd stop half of my excessive posts) hey i didnt remake it i used diffrent grunge brushes diffrent color and a diffrent pic!well i used one grunge brush i used before...


    Sorry, it's not up to me, and if it were, I still wouldn't do it. Hosting security issues. (thought to self - hm, I bet snlildude will be here in a jiffy with an explanation) Yeah, someone else will probably go into detail about that later. =P


    And about the sig, sure you may have used different brushes, a render, and color, but it's the same positioning, same text, and generally the same look. You gotta be original man, that's what makes it fun. Anyways, I'm off to work on a new one now. Laters. ^-^

  9. My favorite games are:


    XBox - Halo 2 | Very cool weapons and fast action.


    PSP - Splinter Cell | People always like espionage games.  -_-


    PS2 - Prince of Persia 3 | I like the fighting in this game.


    PC - Lineage 2 | Really hot mmorpg.


    GC - I don't really like any games from GC.


    Halo 2 - All around good choice


    Splinter Cell - Aw yeah, totally. I haven't played it on PSP though.


    Prince of Persia 3 - Haven't played 3, but I've played one and two. R0xx0r. :D


    Lineage 2 - Haven't played it. Decided to go with City of Heroes instead.


    Don't really like GC games - WIZZY WHAT!? You haven't played more than 3 games for Gamecube, have you? Gamecube has awesome games...it's just that it also has a lot of sorry games to blur it out...

  10. Wow yeah, you must not be keeping up with PS2 or Square releases :D


    KH's definitely a good game to play, and just because it has Disney in it, it doesn't mean it's dead easy. KH definitely requires a bit of time and skill, well worth a go if you're a fan of the FF's  -_-


    Yeah, listen to Freaker. He's cool an' stuff. If you like FF, you'll like Kingdom Hearts. It's basically that simple.

  11. K, guess this battle is another good idea from the magical world of Johnny. Lots of response. If anyone else wants to battle as well, feel free to pm me, as I have way too much spare time anyway. Anyways, here goes...


    Damann, apart from your current sig, the text on all the rest are absolutely terrible.


    Remember, use anti aliasing, and if the text doesn't stand out enough try a shadow or glow. You could also try getting a larger range of fonts at http://www.dafont.com/de/


    Johnny, love the first one. The Gundam one could do with a border, and somehow it just seems proportionately weird... maybe the colours and text don't quite work..

    The Bond (?) one is just stylish :D


    Anti-aliasing. Magic word. And thanks for the compliments and suggestions, I kinda realized after I put up the Gundam one that it does look sorta odd, but I didn't really bother. I'm thinking of adding a border and changing the text's inside color to red, before I add it to my sig gallery.


    Nice work on the bond one (especially if you made the bond render yourself) but the gundam one needs some work.....btw the part near the top of his left cheek has a glowing edge so does the top part of the gun barrel..ok ill spend some more time on this one but what you did isnt much diffrent from mine you slap some text AND a pic on a background :D *clap*..ok ill spend more time on this one


    Heh, no, I definitely didn't do that myself. I only did the subtle 3d in the back (yes, it -is- 3d.) and thanks for pointing the edges out. That's another thing I'll have to fix later on. And yeah, I did slap some text and a pic on, but it's all about making it look good. ^-^


    Hell ya u 2 u got great siggies but Damann u got it going on with urs


    Thanks for rooting for daman. My competition needs some fans too, right? :D


    thanks nate heres my next one (scince everyone has been saying they like my sig) heres another halo render blend grunge sig...not as good as the one in my sig i think its missing something :/...here it is


    Posted Image


    hey johnny what is the font you used in your bond sig called ive got to get it x.x


    Lol, you can't just remake your sigs, that's like...lame. -_-



    Damann, I'd appreciate it if you don't triple post. Adding your comments after your sigs are good enough...you don't have to post the sig, and make another post for the comments. Now, if you wait a day or so and no one has answered, then it's okay to double post, but in your case, the time frame was around 5 minutes. :D


    Back to the subject now. The sig above this one looks better, but it's not original like Johnny's sigs, so Johnny wins again. :D


    Yupyup. Make sure you've said everything before you post, since you guys can't go back and edit your posts, like us cool kids. B)


    Nice sigs everyone :D



  12. Daman, don't just slap text on a background, and pray it'll look good. You have to -make- it look good, which doesn't seem to be the case in almost all of yours, excluding your actual siggy.


    That said, I'm not quite done with this, but here's round 2:

    Posted Image


    I'll post round 3 in a bit, or maybe tomorrow. In the meantime, slow down. Spend more time making one sig look good, instead of making a bunch of sloppy ones. I'm guessing you use Photoshop, right damann? Check good-tutorials.com if you want some cool stuff. I find some neat tricks every time I visit, no lie.

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