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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. I have Red Hat Linux and Windows XP on my system, with two hard drives, and I don't use my Red Hat, but it works fine. I'd suggest going to some linux/mac/"whatever os you're trying to install" forums and asking around for some tips on setting up your dual-boot.My advice is just, DON'T TRY IT YOURSELF if you don't know what you're doing first, It will make life very very difficult for you.EDIT - Oh yeah, like zippy said, PartitionMagic is your friend. ^-^

  2. I used to get really embarrassed about that kinda thing when a movie I was watching with my mom had nudity in it.Now, I'm 16, and mature, and so it's just, whatever, you know? It's just a movie, and it doesn't really matter. Sex is sex. Same with swear words. Although, when me and my buddies watch a movie that has sex in it, we crack jokes here and there.My mom tries too hard be cool, so she usually makes really lame comments on stuff like that...it's kinda annoying, but I've learned to ignore my mom...she's weird.I remember though, when I was little, I was such a dork about that kind of stuff. I remember the first time I saw Ninja Scroll, I was like 10, and I was told to close my eyes for those parts, but I would still peek. =P

  3. Wellup, I joined from http://www.freewebhosts.com/ and believe me, I've had my share of webhosts, but this looks to be by far the most reliable and active. Plan to stay for quite a while. :D ^-^

    Oh, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a mod here. I have the opportunity to be admin at another webhost, but I've refused, because I like it here much better. :o

  4. Okay, here goes:I think that yes, the PC hardware required to play the top-of-the-line games is getting quite ridiculous. To play the big hits, you're going to have to drop a good 300 and up every year. But, let's compare PCs with ConsolesProperty -- Console -- PCPrice -- 200 once -- 300 a yearGames -- limited -- unlimited (with better upgrades and such too)Life -- 5 years, max -- unlimited, but needs upgradesReliability -- very -- notWhat else am I missing? Either way, it depends on what you as an individual want. If you want a game system that will last forever, and you have money to spare, do PC games. If you want something that's reliable and relatively cheap, grab a console. Or if you have extra money and want both, get both.I don't think PC gaming will ever die, but I believe that it will eventually stall to a halt, because people aren't going to want to spend a thousand bucks a year for the latest 5gajillionMB gfx card, or the 5gajillionGhZ processor, and so PC games will get fewer and fewer enhancements, because nobody will buy the hardware they need for better enhancements. Then is when console gaming will rise, as it's cheaper and you need to upgrade a lot less.I'll always have both though, regardless of how little I get to upgrade my compy. Believe me, you do NOT want to see the results of a Run>Dxdiag on this.

  5. I don't really care all that much for the extra space. It's nice and all that Google has decided to keep adding on like that, but there's no way in heck I'm going to have 1gb of emails in my account at once, let alone the 2097 that's available at the moment. And I don't care too much for the "gmail hard drive" either, because I already have two 20gb HD's in my compy, and regardless of the 5 or so gigs I download a day in torrents, I'm still doing fine.

  6. Hi there. I'm Johnny. (My real name is Brooks, but I like my middle better, so I use that)Meera is an unusual name. Where do you live? I'm guessing primary school means you don't live in the US?I like art as well, mostly 3d digital abstract, because that's just...what I do.I'm not into photog and writing all that much. I'm more of a gamer/comic/trading card game guy.I'm not too into religious stuff all that much either. I'm Deist, which doesn't have as much to talk about as some other religions. :o Why Mac though? :D Ick.

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