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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. I used to get "wuts ^^?" and "~P~" (means peace out) and I see a lot of people trying to speak "l337", and I hope that they'll eventually grow out of it and try to type properly one day.. I went through that faze before. One big thing that I used to use was "w00t" XD


    100km is like 60 miles I think?


    Oh come on people. You all know that the occasional w00t rocks. =P

  2. I agree with all of you.. I mean, I get a/s/l question constantly when on IRC. An it all comes from mega newbies, who have been using their computer for like 3 days -_-


    Oh, and that thing, where they change letters with numbers and stuff like that (M4StR ov L4mRz and stuff :D)... I mean, come on :D You can see from 100km they have absolutely no idea what they're doing... It was fun to me in the begining, and made me laugh, but now... Now it's slowly starting to get on my nerves :D Swapping letters and numbers is kind of cool, but they are using it overly extensive. It's OK to change one or two letters, but swap them all around? I bet that after a week, they couldn't read at, let alone anyone else... :D


    But, as you said... I guess they'll just grow over it... Let's hope before I go nutts :D


    w00t 1337 h4x0r! 0mg! Pwnz3d.


    I have no idea how far 100km is, but I'm guessing it's far.

  3. it is pretty cool, but is it really worth more than a PS2?  i think not. and not using a mini-dvd, which renders all of the $20 movies you buy for it worthless...thats a crock.




    I agree with you about the UMD's. They seem pretty pointless. But I dunno about the PSP in general. Portability is a big thing for some people, and it has some other nifty features too.

  4. Favourite Games.... uhhhh  :D

    It's kinda difficult question for me because i have played a huge number of games for PC  :D


    And if you want to know what is the best from them for me: I'LL ANSWER YOU WITHOUT ANY DOUBT! Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries is the BEST!!!! Wooohoooo!


    Also about other kinds of games like shooters Half Life (Counter Strike 1.6 Mod) is the Best!

    About Life Simulators The Sims the Best!

    About Flight Simulators Microsoft Flight Simulator looks good.

    Also i can't forget game of my kidness  :D SimCity FOREVER and EVER and EVER  -_-  B)  :D

    And other platform which i had played is XBox :D

    And the best game for me is Mech Assault 2 Lone Wolf  :D

    (Don't rare at me I'M Battletech and Mechwarrior fun!)



    Keeper, Sons of the Dragon http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Meh. I have Mech 4 Mercs and Black Knight, but it just gets boring after a while...not "actiony" enough.


    Here are my favourite games:


    PS2 = Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake eater / Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

    PS1 = Final Fantasy VIII

    PC = Half-Life 2

    X-Box = Kung fu Chaos

    Sega Master System = Alex Kidd


    Good choices. I haven't played Alex Kidd though.


    Sony Playstation: Final Fantasy 7

    Sony Playstation 2: GTA:SA

    Sega: Sonic the hedgehog


    and thats all the consoles ive ever played, not much of a gamer really  B)


    It's the Sega "Genesis", not just Sega. Lots of people mess that up. =P

    Also good choices. How come you're not much of a gamer? Games and comics are like the best two things in the world...

  5. Wow, those are really nice, I really like them.  I was gonna ask if you made them with Photoshop, but I guess not.  And Cinema 4D, what exactly can you do with it? 


    I give the images probably a high nine or somewhere near there.


    Cinema 4d can do anything from the abstracts you see here, to full blown character models with clothing and everything. It's really easy to do lots of things with it, you just have to know how.


    nice renders.. but you could've done oodles better.. the best thing that goes along with a good design is the render.. even if your render is box object, the end result by using globals is that they end up looking gorgeus,, soothing to the eyes,, why not try something like better materials and some cool camera angles and close ups...

    keep up the good work



    Well, I try to do many different things with my renders, but like I've said, I just started a couple months ago, and I just started getting decent after about number 22, as you can probably notice, with new lighting, cameras, so on. I'm getting better and better every time I do one though, so yeah...


    Anyways, thanks again for your comments guys and girls.

  6. Wow you must have alot of spare time to produce all of those :D


    How long does it take you to do each one?


    These are all great maybe I should make some 3d stuff them compare them tou yours, I think I will loose by far. :D


    Great job and keep it up :D






    ~ Munchie ~


    Heh, yeah, lots of spare time.


    Each one takes me anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours. Creating the actual 3d takes anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour, and then rendering it (making the final image for the web) takes about the same.


    Hey, if you can get your hands on Cinema 4d (which has a retail price of $1900 -_- ) you should definitely go for it. I've only been doing this a couple months, and I've gotten pretty far...


    Thanks for the comments.

  7. Jesus, who comes up with these things? Why would anyone go to the bother of writing a virus, just to harm others computers? ANd how would you manage to get a virus into a powerpoint file anyway?


    There's things called joiners, which can integrate a virus with any type of file you like, even other viruses, and each file will run at the same time, in this case the powerpoint would run, and the virus would be silently attacking at the same time.

    I know this because I wanted to be a hacker a few years back, and so I learned A LOT of stuff about hacking. :lol:


    BTW, this isn't considered hacking, it's -phracking-, which is the use of hacking in detrimental ways. Pure hacking is simply to find holes in security, not to hurt computers in anyway.


    Anyways, I don't usually accept messages, let alone files, from people I don't know, and I don't have powerpoint installed on this machine, so meh, I'm cool.

  8. I played again and the problem isn't gone. I updated my audio driver and DirectX... played again... still have problem.


    The only other thing I could think of is if it's too hot. But since my fans are running normally, are clean, and the air they blow is not hot, I have doubts about that being it.


    What do you mean about checking my graphics card? I have ATI Radeon IGP 320M. OpenGL and Direct3D are both set to optimal proformance. Is there something else you mean about "check my graphics card?"


    I'm ready to just call this comp a piece of $%!*. That's okay, because it's not mine. I'm just using it temporarily.


    I meant checking the physical components, see if theres any blown transistors, shorted wires, etc.


    You also might want to see if you have the latest drivers, and that your DirectX is up to date.

  9. I only own about 10 games, and the only one I've found that I really liked is Super Mario World.  Of course, Super Mario Bros. 3 for NES is the best game ever made for any system.  New age consoles: PWNED.


    Nah, SMB3 was a good game, but SMWorld was tons better, and so are lots of other games.


    My fav:

    1. Final Fantasy VI

    2. Fire Emblem 4

    3. Seiken Densetsu 3 (AKA Secret of Mana 2)

    4. Chrono Trigger

    5. Fire Emblem 5


    Honourable Mention: Super Robot Wars 4

    Honourable Mention: Dragonball Z 2


    RPG fan huh? I still haven't finished Secret of Mana, and some of the other ones I've been wanting to play for a long time... (Earthbound...)

  10. To change gird size


    1. go to photoshop "Preferences"

    2. at the drop down menu, select "Guides, Grid & Slices"

    3. change the size of the Grids


    Actually, I'm pretty sure that's not what they wanted. I think what they wanted was a grid in the actual image, not the guideline grids though. Thanks for the comment though.
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