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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. arise is choppy other then that good job -_-


    O.o No it isn't...are you looking at it fullscreen? They're all 1024x768, so if you're looking at it in Firefox (or maybe other browsers) your browser'll resize it down...



    gonna use that in a sig :D


    Psh, thanks for asking first. :D

  2. This is a newest basketball game from EA. Has anybody played it yet?

    I think that this game is sweet. I've seen some screenshots, and some videos. The dunk contest looks like is really unreal (well the game is unreal too) like jumping 30 feet in the air from 3-point line an dunking after duing some insane stuff!!!!

    If anybody played it let me know what do you think!!!


    Haven't played V3 yet, but I played V2, and it was pretty good. Game was really short though.


    V3 looks to be even better, and the Gamecube addition of the Mario Gang is pretty cool. But Mario should have a du-rag and Luigi should have bling bling. Dunno about Peach. Corn Rows maybe?

  3. You still have to finaces it after you bought the domain, you have to paid for it every year, so what's the point of it? You're just wasting money...


    You mean what's the point of a 30,000 domain, or any domain in general?


    Cause if you mean any domain in general, I can explain that easily. A good domain = good traffic. 'Nuff said.

  4. Hi. I have two hard drives installed currently on my computer. I am using windows Xp, if this information is relevant. What i want to know is if it is possible for me to backup my files from my master onto my slave, then format my master. Afterwards, will i be able to recover my files from the slave or will i have to format it too due to it's drivers or whatever being erased. Please help because i need to format my computer soon, it's driving me nuts. Anyways, thanx in advance.


    Well, I also have two hard drives, and I reformat my primary one VERY frequently, but I don't normally back up the entire drive, just certain files, when I reformat it, so I'm not sure if I can help too much.


    I'd suggest looking up a program like Norton(Symantec) Ghost and backing up with that. It's quality software designed specifically for what you want. I've only used it once, but it did everything just fine...


    Only problem is that it's not free. It's priced at $70 right now.


    The link for it is http://us.norton.com/


    Hope that gives at least some insight.

  5. Hmm, after taking a look at Adobe's website, the new features seem interesting. But since Macromedia and Adobe mered, it wouldnt been nice to see a version of photoshop and dreamweaver combined into one nice application


    That would make for a GIGANTIC program, that would suck resources and kill your memory. X.x Two seperate programs for two entirely different things.


    well... im running on CS and i like it, my best friend told me that he got his new PS and it totally sucked, so well im not losing anything good, besides.. i don't like CS much, and he also told me that it REALLY slowed his computer


    Why don't you like CS?


    I have it too, it suddenly came out, no big launch and no news on yahoo or anything.  Adobe is a bit boring though, i like corel painter for now.  But hey, adobe will awlays be essential.  Like a side kick.  I aquired it but hey, im only a a kid.


    Hah, Adobe, a side kick. Never heard that one before. I know some people can live without Photoshop, but seriously, it's the king of graphics programs. And it's definitely not a side kick to Corel. Painter is pretty awesome, but have you SEEN Bryce? It's LAME.


    Yeah, that was weird about the underground releasing type thing though.


    One of my friends said that Photoshop C2 had something called a perspective point or something like that, where if I were to cut the background from an image that had a tilt (like a school behind me in the foreground) it would change the perspective of the school.  I know I sound confusing, but I can't remember what it is called, sorry.


    It's called Vanishing Point, and it's really not all it's cracked up to be. Wow, you can make a school taller. I don't really see too much use out of it. X.x


    I was talking with my friends, and they also said that it slows down the computer a lot. Probably not worth it to upgrade then for me -_-


    Depends on the system. Don't base your entire argument on what someone else's computer can do. I heard it was slow, but I figured I'd check it out. It was still slow on my compy too, but that's probably cause mine is a hunk of junk. :D

  6. oh no, i forgot where to put this post. didn't occur to me about the photoshop section.  -_-

    NEways, i'm adding some more comments on it.

    I haven't had any problem with Adobe Bridge opening. not like it's a feature i'll be using so much (don't think) because i never used the file browser either.

    the full and trial version are the same. when installing it asks if you want to install the full version, or just a 30 day trial. of course you need the serial for the full version.

    it can handle the 64-bit processors, and huge ram amounts, better than CS. so if u fall into that category, it's worth. otherwise i would stick with CS too. i mean, i like a lot of the new stuff in CS2, but the price isn't worth it yet. in a while it'll be cheaper. but maybe one reason why it worked slower for you is because it needs a much better computer to run properly than CS1. suppose it'll be the same with Longhorn--it's supposed to need this great system to run properly.

    yeah, opening time for me was also about the same as CS. but it does run faster for me, once opened.

    the keyboard shortcuts worked fine for me, no problem, and i could edit and change them.

    well, nothing so extremely awesome, but it does help me shave off precious minutes here and there when working.


    BTW--has anyone gotten the full Creative Suite CS2 yet?


    Well, yeah, ever since my old processor burned out, I've been running on a really crappy system. That's most likely the root of all evil. I dunno what the deal is with my keyboard shortc----


    YES! Prince of Persia's done! *runs off*

  7. I like Johnny's, it's got a much bolder look, and with the squares, and brushing has really made it stand out. The font is nice too, though perhaps not exactly blended with the sig, I don't see much that could have been done with it though, and it certainly doesn't look out of place. The face is just a bonus :D


    Damann, your best one yet though. Nice soft brushing and text feels good. Just try not to have bits hanging over the edge. I just felt the style was a bit overused (ie soft brushing over 3d render), and the green/grey soft colour is also overused for that style. However, it works, which is why it's used so much. -_-


    Thanks for the detailed comments. One of those means more to me than a thousand "Wow, awesome!" comments.


    it wasnt pre brushed the render i used was this

    Posted Image

    then i did all the other brushing....but ya i just make the sigs for fun too :D cuz im bored due to the fact not many people are on late at night


    Oh yeah? So you just HAPPENED to have the same exact brushing as this?

    Posted Image


    Lol, nice try damann.



    BTW, if anyone wants to know, here was "my" original image.

    Posted Image



  8. lol just take one off mine if maker votes dont count -_- hey rejected tell me what you consider "blended" please i want to make it so you like it too :D


    Pretty sure he meant it should flow better with the render. It still kinda looks like you took a pre-brushed render, and just added text to it (which, technically, you did. =P)


    I'll let you keep the extra vote. I don't mind if I win or lose, really. I make sigs for fun, so it doesn't really matter what the outcome is. I just thought it'd be interesting to see how people compare our sigs. :D

  9. lol theyre both good but i had to vote for mine (i made it -_-) alright by for now i goin back to TV if it was you vs prolly tat one guy that tried to bust into our battle id vote your graffiti over that single-brush-sig


    Lol, I just made a Null Vote...


    I vote Damann, but once again he's having trouble blending his font properly.

    Sorry Johnny! I really like that face though :D


    Np. Thanks.

  10. johnny you have to be kidding kids are the BEST with computers. when i was twelve me and most of my friends could program html easily


    No, they're not. Do you know how much I've learned over the past year? I've learned all about hacking, warez, gaming, programming, graphics, etc etc. tons of stuff I never knew before. You learn more as you get older. It's just that a lot of older people are ornery about computer technology, so most aren't too proficient.


    I could prog html easily too when I was twelve, but I think that's largely due to how simple the language is, not necessarily how good I was with a computer (although, I must admit, I was a wiz back then too.)

  11. well i didnt do the render but thanks to my handy friend google i found a huge one and cut a specific piece off thenr ecized it and edited it more...i wish i could get bryce 5 or something like that for free and id do the render but i cant -_- BUT i did everythin else....i had another font but it dosent show up..have any ideas why i cant see it?


    I see. Just make sure the render's one that someone won't miss. Copyright law can be very tough if the person's anal about their work.


    And I have Bryce 5. It takes FOREVER to render, and it's not that good at abstracts. Cinema 4d is best for that.


    Maybe you forgot to put it in your fonts folder, or it goes under a different name that the file does?

  12. well for the younger ones i meant sit :D and here is a new sig i worked on for a bit...J this is really just showing off our sigs lol not too much of a battle anymore without a judge Posted Image


    Hehe, it's all the same to me, but I might as well just post them in my Never Fear post...we should start a poll for round 1 and leave it on for a week or so. Want me to make it?


    And btw, that sig rocks, other than the Halo font. That one gets old. -_-


    I don't think you did the render yourself, did you?

  13. lol J have you looked at deviantart brushes? theyve gotta have one just for graffiti like that...my resolution is set to 72 i think and the text was antialiased-strong..btw i think that preditor sig is Shihit compared to my other sigs.... :/


    No, I haven't actually, and that's not brushing, it's actual graffiti in Houston TX, where I used to live. ^-^ And watch the language. You can modify it, but we still know what you meant.


    Where do yuo get your fonts guys?  Good job both!  -_-


    Thanks. I get mine from http://www.dafont.com/de/ and http://www.1001fonts.com/.

  14. lol johnny the same thing you said about his sig applys to your graffiti one and a few others includeing mine...change the wrods around a little..."It looks pretty....simple. Some text with effects, and slight brushing in a corner"

    "It looks pretty....simple. Some text with effects, and some brushing in the middle" lol that guy just triple posted and they were pretty much spam :D... Anyways i tried some new stuff in this new sig C&C's welcome, please i wanna improve this one in any way i can -_-

    Posted Image


    You kidding me? It took forever to do that graffiti one. It was all nasty colored, and a little blurry, and crooked, and the two sides of it were in two seperate images, and....yeah...


    Most of my sigs take at least an hour to fully complete. Some are easier than others, but most I have to do a lot of tweaking to get them to look good.


    I think the new sig is -okay- but it could use some work...the whole thing has bad resolution (do you have your quality settings really low or something?) and the predator is not nearly visible enough, the 3d render looks out of place with the predator, the colors don't fit very well (especially the text), the font could be a better one, and the text could use anti-aliasing.


    You said you wanted to improve any way you could, so I'm being critical. :D


    And btw, you're improving. Keep it up, and maybe in a few decades you'll be as cool as me, Lord Awesomepants. j/k :D

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